Taxonomy of meanings for 與:  

  • yú (OC: k-la MC: jiɔ) 以諸切 平 廣韻:【同歟本又餘佇切 】
  • current: =yu2 歟>MODAL PARTICLES
        • ppostadS=歟(works like 也乎): question particle ending verbal questions.CH
        • ppostadN{PRED}=歟(works like 也乎) 夫子聖者與?marker of a question sentence with a nominal predicateCH
        • ppostadSjudgmental(works like 也乎)
        • ppostadN{PRED}rhetorical=歟(works like 也乎) rhetorical question marker; particle indicating the tentativeness of a statement
        • ppostadSrhetoricalmarking a verbal rhetorical sentenceCH
        • ppostadNpr{PRED}=歟(works like 也乎) question particle in sentence with proper-name nominal predicateCH
        • ppostadStentativesentence final particle indicating a tentative modality: perhaps?
      • interrogative>INTERROGATORY PARTICLES
        • grammaticalised>EXCLAMATORY PARTICLE
          • ppostadS=歟(也 乎)marks lively assertion, perhaps to be literally construed as a rhetorical question???LZ
      • nil (OC: la MC: jiɔ) 余吕切 上 廣韻:【与古文 】
      • yǔ (OC: k-laʔ MC: jiɔ) 余吕切 上 廣韻:【同與 】
      • yǔ (OC: k-laʔ MC: jiɔ) 余吕切 上 廣韻:【善也待也説文曰黨與也余吕切又余譽二音七 】
      • INTERACT
        • vtoNdeal with; interact with; interfere with, meddle with; get involved in; be implicated in; participate in
        • vtoNpassivebe dealt with, be handled
        • vt prep Nbe concerned with and interact withCH
        • vt(oN.)adVwhen interacting with the contextually determinate NCH
        • abstract>RELATION
          • vtoNstativerelate to [sometimes nominalised with preposed 之]CH
        • inchoative: enter into relation>JOIN
          • v[adN]persons who are present (at a meeting etc)
          • vt(oN)participate in; join (a contextually determinate occasion)
          • vt+prep+Nattend (e.g. meetings); join (e.g. people)
          • vtoNjoin, associate with, get together with
          • vtoNabjoin (an activity, a meeting, etc), participate in
          • in battle>FIGHT
            • vtoNtake on (as an opponent), engage in conflict with (an opponent)
          • in alliance>CONTRACT
            • vtoNenter into an association or alliance with
          • in walking/travelling>ACCOMPANY
            • vtoNbe in the company of, keep company with, come along together with; be part of (a company)
            • metaphorical: along the same lines (though not together)>ALSO
              • vt(+N.)adValongside, alike, also
              • vt+prep+Nbe also in/among the NBH
          • in opinion>ASSENT
            • vtoNside with, agree with; give aid to
          • in apprearance>RESEMBLE
            • VPadNcolloquialsuch a; this kind of [
            • VPadVcolloquialin such a way, like this, in this manner
            • VPicolloquialto be so, to be like this, to be such (stands for verbal predicate)
            • VPpostS1.adS2conditionalif it is like this (as defined in S1) (then) S2
          • in behaviour>CONFORM
            • vtoN.adVin conformity with (like 以)
          • in common effort>COOPERATE
            • vadNcooperating, allied, associated
            • vt[oN]be affably cooperative
            • vt+prep+Nbe complicit with; have connections with; be implicated in; be on good practical terms with
            • vt+V[0]be a participant in V-ing
            • vtoNbe on the side of; associate with, cooperate with, have dealings with; join in with
            • vtoNmutualcooperate (with each other)
            • vt(oN)join; cooperate with; join as a supporter
            • vtoNpassivebe cooperated with, be associated with
            • cooperating human>FRIEND
              • nnonreferentialpolitical associates
              • npluralallies, allied states; political associate, member of the same faction; accomplice
            • in an effort undertaken by another>HELP
                • grammaticalised>FOR
                  • vt(oN.)adVfour you; for me
                  • DELETEfor N to V
                  • vtoN.adVfor; addressed to 
                • through transfer>GIVE
                  • vttoN1.+N2hand over (something N2) to (someone N1), typically as demanded; give (as appropriate under the circumstances, but without having to
                  • nabactthe act of giving away things, contributing things, or conferring presents
                  • vtt(oN1.)+N2omgive the contextually determinate thing N1 to someone N2
                  • vtt(oN1.)(+N2)hand the contextually determinate thing over to a contextually determinate person
                  • vtt[oN1.+N2]make gifts, give out presents, confer presents on people; specifically: give out rewards
                  • vtoNN=beneficiarygive presents to N, confer presents on N
                  • the determinate object to (a beneficiary)
                  • vttoN1:postvtoN2give something N2 to a beneficiary N1
                  • vtt(oN1.)+N2N1=recipientgive (something N2) to a contextually determinate recipient N1
                  • vtt(oN1.)+N2reflexive.自confer something contextually determinate upon (oneself)
                  • vtoN1.postN2:adN3the N3 given to N1 by N2
                  • vttoN1.+N2N1=gift.N2=recipientgive
                  • vttoN1.+N2figurativeadminister N2 to N1
                  • vtoNN=giftgive away N to someone
                  • vtt(oN1).+N2:-V[0]give N1 to N2 to V
                  • vttoN1.+N2:-Vgive N1 to N2 for N2 to V it
                  • vtt(oN1.)+N2give N2 to the contextually determinate N1
                  • vtt+N1.oN2imperativegive N2 to N1!
                  • vttoN1(.+N2)give N1 to the contextually determinate N2
                  • vtt[N1.] N2give things to somebody; make gifts to somebodyDS
                  • vttoN1.postN2N2 was given to N1DS
                  • vtt[oN1.+prep+N2]give things to peopleCH
                  • vttoN1.+prep+N2hand over (something N1) to (someone N2), typically as demandedTW
                  • vtoN.postadVsecond morpheme of some verbs of giving, cf. modern 嫁給DS
                  • of N to othersLZ
              • of money, pay up>PAY
                • vtoNpay
              • of rights, powers or authority>YIELD
                • vtt(oN1.)+N2GIVE THE REINS OF GOVERNMENT TO> give precedence to???
                • vtoNhand over to, i.e. hand over power to (someone)
              • permission>PERMIT
                • vtt(oN.)+V[0]permit/allow a contextually determinate person to V; go along with 
                • vtoNab[S]not permit (the occurence of) SCH
            • causative>COMPARE
              • vtoN1.postN2:+VN1 and N2 > N1 compared to N2 (in constructions were N1 is compared to a N2)
              • vttoN1:postvtoN2compare with
              • vttoN1.postN2compare N2 to N1CH
            • grammaticalised: in interaction with and thus “by”>PASSIVE MARKER
              • vtoN.adVN=agentthis is a rare usage of 與 marking the agent in passive construction
          • jointly and equally>ALL
            • vadVquantifier= ju3 舉: allLZ
          • collaborating with>WITH
            • vt(oN.)adVomwith him, with them, etc. 與戰fought a battle with him, 與知: Greek suneidein "be co-aware of"
            • vtoN.adVhostile與秦戰 with, against
            • vtoN.adVhostilewith
            • vtoN.adVinteractin interaction with; in association with; with; in collusion with, in cooperation with
            • vtoN.adV1:adV2jointlywith
            • vtoN.adV1:adV2N=listjointly with (a list of N)
            • vtoN.adVrelational(compared/related etc) with
            • vtoN1(.postN2):adVinteractwith (subject omitted immediately in front of yǔ 與)
            • vtoN1(.postN2):adVjointlyjointly, together
            • vtoNpro.adVinteract與之盟/戰
            • vtoNpro.adVjointlywith 相與食
            • vtoNpro.adVrelationalwith
            • vtpostSUO.adVwith whom 所與備人
            • vtpostN.adVwithCH
            • vt[postSUO].adVsomebody with whom one VsDS
            • vtonpro.adVhostilee.g. 與之爭名 with, againstLZ
            • adverbial: jointly>TOGETHER
              • vtoNparticipate in, shareCH
              • vt(oN.)adVtogether with the contextually determinate NCH
              • vtoN.adVtogether withCH
              • vt+prep+Nbe one among the N, be one of them; belong to the group of N, be together in the group of NCH
              • vtt(oN1.+prep+N2)bring the contextually determinate N1 together with the contextually determinate N2CH
            • between nominals: as a pair>AND
              • vtoN.postNpro:postVtand also, and in addition
              • vtoN1.postN2:+Vand 吾與汝俱不如也
              • vtoN1.postN2:+Stopicand 父與夫孰親
              • vtoN1.postN2:+Vmultipleas well as, and in addition
              • vtoN1.postN2:adN3adnominaland 非我與吾子之罪
              • vtoN1.postN2:postVtN=multipleand (conjoining objects) 。
              • vtoN1.postN2:postVtobjectand 衛侯逐公叔戍與其黨,
              • vtoN1.postN2:postVtN=abstractand (conjoining abstract N) 禮與信
              • vtoN1.postN2:postVt:.+Vpivotand (conjoining pivots) 使公子燮與子儀守
              • vt+V1.postV2like 而: V2 and V1DS
              • as another alternative>OR
                • vt+V1.postadV2or (between verbals:claimed disjunctions!)
                • vtoN1.postN2or (between nominals)
        • yù (OC: k-las MC: jiɔ) 羊洳切 去 廣韻:【參與也 】
        • IF
          • ppostadS1.adS2question particle functioning as a marker of what is in effect a subordinate sentence
        • CAUSE TO
          • vtoN. V[0]N=pivotcause N to V; send down V to NDS

        Additional information about 與


        • GIVE

          1. The most general word for to give is probably yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take away from").

          2. Wèi 遺 and wěi 委 refer to any act of giving something to someone in permanence and for keeping.

          3. Cì 賜 can refer to an act of charity or to any giving of anything, typically from a person in authority to inferiors.

          4. Zèng 贈 refers to formal presents to an inferior from a person in high authority.

          5. Yí 貽 is an archaic colourless word for giving something away to someone of one's own volition, and the recipient may be of higher status than oneself.

          6. Zhì 致 is to hand over something or to pass something on to someone.

          7. Kuì 饋 typicall refers quite specifically to the conferring of a gift of food.

          8. Fù 賦 refers to giving something as reward or recompensation to somebody, typically to a person of lower status.

          9. Shòu 授 refers to the physical act of handing something over to a recipient.

        • ACCOMPANY






          1. The general word for accompanying someone of superior status is probably shì 侍 refers to polite attendance upon a master or leader, typically while in residence, but occasionally also on journeys. See SERVE.


          2. Péi 陪 typically refers to accompanying someone who is moving, and it adds to the literal meaning of accompaniment of a superior that of general support.

          [ASCENDING], [MOVING]

          3. Jù 俱 and xié 偕 refer to a symmetric relation of togetherness rather than the transitive action of accompaniment of a superior. See TOGETHER.


          4. Yǔ 與 adds to the notion of accompaniment that of tactical association, the siding with someone, and occasionally the latter nuance is stronger than the meaning "to accompany" so that the word comes to mean purely "to side with".


          5. Ba4n 伴 is to keep company as a friend.

          6. Co2ng 從 is to keep company as a follower.

          7. So4ng 送 is to keep company with someone who is leaving.

        • RECEIVE

          1. The current general word is shòu 受 (ant. jù 拒 "refuse to accept"; ant.* yǔ 與 "give"), which can refer to any concrete or abstract form of receiving or being exposed to.

          2. Chéng 承 (ant.* zèng 贈 "present formally") refers to the polite act of receiving something as a gift.

          3. Fèng 奉 and bǐng 稟 (ant.* cì 賜 "present formally to inferiors") refers to the polite act of receiving any concrete or abstract thing (including orders and the like) from a superior.

          4. Měng 蒙 is to be on the receiving end of a process, and the word hardly ever takes concrete objects.

          5. Nà 納 focusses concretely on the receiving something from the outside into some inside.

          6. Shōu 收 refers specifically to receiving what is due to one.

        • ASSENT








          1. The general word expressing approval of what has been said is rán 然 (ant. fǒu 否 "deny") which is neutral and colourless.

          [FACTUAL!]; [[COMMON]]

          2. Kě 可 refers to overt linguistic or covert linguistic approval of something as acceptable, and what is assented to may be an action or an opinion.

          [GENERAL+]; [[CURRENT]]

          3. Xǔ 許 focusses on a superior's autonomous decision to side with or admit the truth of a statement that has been made.


          4. Yǔn 允 refers to an emperor or very senior person agreeing or acceding to a view.


          5. Shì 是 signifies purely intellecual assent with the content of what has been said.

          [ABSTRACT], [FACTUAL]; [[CURRENT]]

          6. Tóng 同 occasionally refers to assent coupled with intended practical support.

          [IMPLICIT!], [SPECIALISED]; [[RARE]]

          7. Yǔ 與 "side with" focusses on the social aspect of assent which involves moral and sometimes even practical support for the person with whom one agrees.


          8. Shàn 善 (ant. fǒu 否 "disapprove of a judgment") typically refers to moral as well as intellectual approval with what has been said.

          [MORAL!]; [[MARGINAL]], [[RARE]]

        • COOPERATE

          1. The current general word for cooperation is yǔ 與 (ant. jué 絕 "cut off relations with").

          2. Shàn 善 refers to cooperation on the basis of excellent personal relations. (NB: ant. wù 惡 refers more to antipathy than lack of cooperation.) See INTERACT

          3. Jié 結 refers to close cooperative ties leading to lasting coperation.

          4. Fú còu 輻湊 refers to bureaucratic cooperation with the leadership. See HELP

        • OR

          1. There is no word for "or" linking declarative sentences. The current paraphrase is fēi 非...zé 則 "if not..., then".

          2. The current general word between alternative questions is yì 抑.

          3. Qí 其 "or should one" is idiomatic in deliberating questions.

          4. Between NPs ruò 若 and yǔ 與 are very occasionally used to mean "or".

          NB: Jiāng 將 "or else, otherwise" is marginal in this group because it does not involve the logical connective "or".

        • AND



          1. Yǔ 與 "and" is the general all-purpose coordinating particle between NPs which, in ZUO, is equally common in subject and object position, and which coordinates both with concrete and abstract items, often topics, sometimes even pivots.


          2. Jí 及 "and" is between NPs, and at least in ZUO the conjunction is predominantly between concrete (also multiple) objects and occasionally between non-abstract subjects.


          3. E@r 而 is between VPs or sentences (and can occasionally occur between subject/topic nouns and the predicate in subordinate sentences, but in usage it does not belong into the present synonym group).


          4. Yǐ 以 is normally between a non-main and a main VP but may occasionally be purely coordinating and equivalent to ér 而.


          5. Jì 既... ér 而 is between coordinates and equally weighted VPs.


          6. Qiě 且 is between coordinate VPs, but the word also functions as a sentence connective.


        • FACTION

          1. The current general word for a faction is dǎng 黨.

          2. Bǐ zhōu 比周 refers to political factions at royal courts.

          3. Péng dǎng 朋黨 refers to political "gangs" and friendship associations with clear political ambitions.

          4. Dǎng yǔ 黨與 refers to a group of political supporters, and the word has somewhat milder negative overtones.

        • REGRET

          1. The current general word for regret of one's actions is huǐ 悔, whereas the current general word for regretting past experience is hèn 恨. LH: 鳥與人異,謂之能悔。

          2. Jiù 疚 refers to specifically moral regret.

          3. Xí 惜 refers to emotional and sentimental regret.

        • ENJOY

          1. The current general word for active enjoyment and delighting in something is lè 樂 (ant. bēi 悲 "be saddened by"), as in 與民同樂 "share one's enjoyings/enjoyments with the people".

          2. Xiǎng 享 refers to enjoying material benefits or - when applied to gods and spirits - to the enjoyment of sacrifices.

          3. Lì 利 refers to the use and enjoyment of what one regards as profitable.

          4. NB: Hān 酣 refers to enjoying (prototypically alcohol) with gusto and enthusiasm, or in a transferred sense enjoying anything else in the way one might enjoy alcohol. The word is marginal to the group.

        • WITH

          The current word is yǔ 與.

        • PAY

          1. Probably the commonest word for payment of what is due is cháng 償 (ant. qiàn 欠 "continue to owe money").

          2. Yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take") sometimes refers to payment (e.g. of interest).

          3. Chū 出 (ant. rù 入 "have as income") refers to the use of necessary resources in money in order to obtain something.

          4. Nà 內 "pay in" and the rarer rù 入 (ant. shōu 收 "receive money") are technical economic terms to paying something one owes something.

          5. Fù 負 occasionally comes to mean "pay out".

          6. Jué 決 refers specifically of paying taxes or fees that are due.

          Word relations
        • Conv: (GIVE)求/SEEK The current general word for trying to find or get something is qiú 求.
        • Ant: (GIVE)取/TAKE The current general word for to take is qǔ 取.
        • Ant: (FRIEND)敵/ENEMY The general word for an enemy or opponent of any kind is dí 敵 (ant. yǒu 友 "friend") which can also often refer to mere competitors or adversaries.
        • Contrast: (GIVE)授 / 受/GIVE Shòu 授 refers to the physical act of handing something over to a recipient.
        • Contrast: (GIVE)歸/GIVE
        • Contrast: (COOPERATE)有/GOVERN Wéi 為, yǒu 有, yòng 用, lín 臨, lì 蒞, lǐ 理 are polite ways of referring to the government by a legitimate ruler.
        • Contrast: (WITH)為/FOR
        • Assoc: (GIVE)賂/GIVE
        • Assoc: (GIVE)賜/GIVE Cì 賜 can refer to an act of charity or to any giving of anything, typically from a person in authority to inferiors.
        • Assoc: (COOPERATE)黨/FACTION The current general word for a faction is dǎng 黨.
        • Assoc: (WITH)俱/TOGETHER