Syntactic Functions / Show tree
Formula | Definition | Remarks |
npro[.adN] |
pronoun modifying a lexically determinate omitted head noun. |
vto.npro=S |
transitive verb followed by its object which consists of a pronoun followed by an S which is in apposition with that pronoun |
NP |
composite nominal complex nominal expression. Our concept of NP differs, for systematic theoretical reasons, from that current in general linguistics because the concept of a word as distinct from an idiomatic syntactic collocation is not well-defined for classical Chinese. The question of the wordhood of a given NP does not arise until a testable criterion or definition of the notion of the word for classical Chinese is forthcoming. It is not clear that the notion of a word, as it is currently employed for many languages, usefully applies to an ancient language like classical Chinese where intonational features of wordhood cannot normally be tested. There are binomes like 葡萄 and 蝴蝶 which are bisyllabic but not semantically compound because their parts have no independent meaning. These belong to the category nn "semantically unanalysable binome", in analogy with the much commoner category series of vv "unanalysable verbal binomes". And any definition of the notion of a word for classical Chinese would have to classify these as words rather than as syntactic compounds, one would have thought. Reduplicated "NPs" are listed under |
NP(adN) |
NP modifying a contextually determinate N)<br><br>denominal adjective modifying which is reconstructed as a deleted noun<br> NP modifying a contextually determinate N) denominal adjevtive modifying which is reconstructed as a deleted noun Such constructions are called "exocentric" by many linguists. |
NP(adS) |
a noun phrase modifying a contextually determinate omitted sentence. |
NP(adV) |
NP modifying a contextually determinate V denominal adverb modifying and "followed by" an omitted contextually determinate main verb. |
NP(post-N) |
NP modified by a contextually determinate omitted N complex nominal expression modified by a contextually determinate other nominal expression. transitive noun phrase the related item is contextually determinate and omitted. This is an experimental category which, if developed, might come to be widely used. |
NP(post-N.)=Npr |
NP(post-N) in apposition with an Npr that follows it. transitive nominal expression modified by an omitted contextually determinate nominal expression, and that whole phrase preceding a proper name with which it is in apposition. Many more need to be identified and put in here. CH |
NP(post-N.)adV |
transitive complex nominal expression modified by a contextually determinate other nominal, that whole construction preceding and modifying a verbal expression. |
NP(post-N.)adV |
NP(post-N) preceding and modifying a V noun phrase modified by an omitted contextually determinate nominal expression, that whole construction modifying a verbal expression. |
NP(post-Npr) |
NP(post-N) where the N is a proper name. a complex nominal being preceded and modified by an omitted and contextually determinate proper name. |
NP+V |
NP in construction with a V which it precedes. complex noun phrase in construction with and preceding a verbal expression. |
NP-S |
an NP followed and modified by a sentence S |
NP-V(.postN{SUBJ}) |
NP-V(.postN{SUBJ) |
NP-V.postN{SUBJ} |
NP-V[0] |
NP1-NP2 |
noun phrase followed and modified by another noun phrase |
NP=Npr |
complex nominal preceding and in apposition with a proper name We may need to introduce a syntactic relation "app" to designate apposition in this and many other cases where we write the generic "+" = "in construction with" but where the reference is specifically to apposition. |
NP[=NPpr] |
NP followed by a lexically determiante proper name NP with which it is in apposition. |
NP[=Npr] |
NP[adN.][post=npro_1] |
NP[adN] in apposition with a lexically determinate first person pronoun npro_1. |
NP[adN.][post=npro_2] |
NP modifying a lexically determined N, preceded - in apposition - by a second person pronoun npro_2. |
NP[adN.]postVt |
NP[adN.]pr |
Proper name NP preceding and modifying a nominal expression. |
NP[adN1.]adN2 |
NP[adN] |
NP modifying a lexically determinate omitted N. Exocentric construction in the form of a complex nominal expression modifying a lexically determinate omitted main nominal expression. |
NP[post-N.][post=npro1] |
NP[post-N] in apposition with a lexically determinate omitted first pronoun npro1. |
NP[post-N] |
complex nominal expression being modified by an omitted lexically determinate nominal expression. |
NP[post-Npr] |
NP preceded by and modified by an omitted lexically determinate proper name. |
NP[post-Npro2] |
NP preceded and modified by an understood lexically determinate second person pronoun. |
NP[post-npro1.][post=npro2:]adN |
NP preceded and modified by a lexically determinate first person pronoun, this whole construction being in apposition with an understood lexically determinate second person pronoun, and the complete preceding construction modifying a nominal expression. |
NP[post-npro1.][post=npro2:]postVt |
NP preceded and modified by a lexically determinate first person pronoun, this whole construction being in apposition with an understood lexically determinate second person pronoun, and the complete preceding construction serving as the object of a preceding transitive verb. |
NP[post-npro1.][post=npro2] |
NP preceded and modified by a lexically determinate first person pronoun, this whole construction being in apposition with an understood lexically determinate second person pronoun |
NP[post-npro1.]adN |
NP modified by a lexically determinate understood preceding first person pronoun, that whole expression preceding and modifying a nominal expression. |
NP[post-npro1.]postVt |
NP modified by a a lexically determinate understood preceding first person pronoun, that whole expression serving as the object of a transitive verb. |
NP[post-npro1] |
NP modified by a a lexically determinate understood preceding first person pronoun. |
NP[post-npro2.][post=npro1:]adN |
NP preceded and modified by a lexically determinate second person pronoun, this whole construction being in apposition with an understood lexically determinate first person pronoun, and the complete preceding construction modifying a nominal expression. |
NP[post-npro2.][post=npro1] |
NP preceded and modified by a lexically determinate second person pronoun, this whole construction being in apposition with an understood lexically determinate first person pronoun. |
NP[post-npro2.][post=npro1]:adN |
An NP modified by a second person pronoun, that construction being in apposition to a first person pronoun, and that whole construction in turn modifying a nominal head. |
NP[post-npro_1.][post=npro_2] |
Complex nominal expression modified by an omitted precing first person pronoun, this whole expression being in apposition with a preceding omitted second person pronoun. |
NP[post=npro1.]adN |
NP preceded and modified by a lexically determinate understood first person pronoun, that whole expression preceding and modifying a nominal expression. |
NP[post=npro1.]postVt |
NP preceded and modified by a lexically determinate understood first person pronoun, that whole expression |
NP[post=npro1] |
NP[post=npro2.][adN] |
noun phrase in apposition with an omitted preceding second person pronoun, this whole construction preceding and modifying a lexically retrievable omitted main nominal expression. |
NP[post=npro2.]adN |
noun phrase in apposition with an omitted preceding second person pronoun, this whole construction preceding and modifying a main nominal expression. |
NP[post=npro2.]postVt |
noun phrase in apposition with an omitted preceding second person pronoun, this whole construction serving as an object for a preceding transitive verb. |
NP[post=npro2] |
NP in apposition with an implicit second person pronoun. |
NP[post=npro_2] |
nominal expression in apposition to a preceding second person pronoun |
NPab |
Complex abstract nominal expression. Criteria one can try to use to determine whether a given noun is abstract: 1. cannot be counted with classifiers and are counted - if at all - not by physical items (see nab.c "counted abstract nouns") 2. cannot be quantified by universal, existential or graded quantifiers 3. cannot be specified with respect to amounts of any concrete stuff 4. the object designated by the n cannot be said to move in space Criteria for some basic related subclassifications of nouns Nouns that can be counted and quantified by items or concrete things are called count nouns nc. Nouns that cannot be counted or quantified by concrete items but can be quantified by amounts or kinds rather than items are regarded as mass nouns and these are called nm. When nm are preceded by a demonstrative pronoun, the interpretation is "this kind of nm". The identification and the semantic subclassification of abstract nouns poses insurmountable problems because abstraction clearly is a matter of degrees on the one hand, and abstraction is a heterogeneous phenomenon. The vague and necessarily overlapping semantic subcategories introduced so far are no more than a first aid towards a resolution of these severe and unresolved analytical problems. Perhaps one should have opted for no subcategorisation at all, but we have decided to make a preliminary attempt to sort the material into major groups, even at the risk of having to make many arbitrary decisions in this process of preliminary sorting. It is obvious that this general category requires detailed subclassification.
NPab(.post-N) |
abstract NP preceded and modified by a nominal expression. |
NPab(.post-N):adV |
NPab.adN |
abstract complex nominal (construction type: conjunction of synonymous nominals) preceding and modifying a head noun If we decide to fully implement this, a large number of NPadN will have to be moved into this category. However, the application of criteria of abstractness are going to pose severe problems if this is to be done. The standard criteria we may have for the application of syntactic categories are often only marginally applicable when these syntactic categories are embedded into larger structures. Thus even in the case of 聖人 it is not at all evident whether 聖 should be labeled "v" or "n", i.e. whether the construction type is "vadN" or "nadN", or indeed "n/vadN", or "n/vadN". |
NPab.adS |
abstract complex nominal expression preceding and modifying a sentence. |
NPab.adV |
complex nominal expression preceding and modifying a verbal expression. |
NPab.c |
abstract complex noun that is counted. Abstract nouns are not counted by individual item but by kind. |
| |
abstract complex nominal expression modified by a preceding nominal expression. (See also NPpost-N) In general, NPs are not yet subcategorised when they enter more complex constructions, because the criteria of abstractness of nominal expressions are so hard to apply in these syntactic contexts. One would be reduced to purely semantic intuitions in applying such a subcategorisation across the board. |
| |
abstract NP being preceded and modified by a proper name nominal. |
NPab.postVt |
NPab.postVt |
| |
personified complex abstraction Note that personification always remains a matter of degree. |
NPab.t |
(often deverbal) abstract complex noun which is transitive (e.g. the arrestation OF SOMEONE) The fact that deverbal abstract nouns often retain their transitivity in limited ways needs to be studied in much greater detail than has been done so far. The establishment of this syntactic category is a first step towards this. |
NPab.t:post-N |
transitive complex abstract nominal modified by a preceding other nominal |
NPab1[.adNab2] |
NPab[.adN] |
NP preceding and modifying an understood lexically determinate nominal expression. |
NPab[.adNab{ACT}] |
abstract NP preceding and modifying an abstract NP designating an action. Formations like this are not uncommon, and their range should be explored carefully. This will first be done when TLS moves into binome registration on a larger scale. |
NPab[.post-N:]postVt |
NPab[.post-N:postVt |
NPab[.post-N] |
abstract complex nominal expression modified by an omitted lexically determinate nominal expression. |
NPab[adN] |
MOVE TO NPab[.adN] |
NPab[post-N] |
abstract complex nominal expression being modified by an omitted lexically determinate nominal expression. |
NPab[post-N].adV |
abstract complex nominal expression being modified by an omitted lexically determinate nominal expression, this whole construction preceding and modifying a verbal expression. |
NPab{N1&N2} |
abstract nominal compound, construction type: conjunction of two nouns [THE BRACKET NEEDS TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE FIELD "CONSTRUCTION TYPE"] Abstract antonym compounds are NPab(N1antN2). |
NPab{N1=N2} |
abstract complex noun; construction type: N1 is conjoined with N2 which is taken as synonymous in the context [THE BRACKET NEEDS TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE FIELD "CONSTRUCTION TYPE"] It is often excruciatingly difficult to decide whether N1 or N2 do or do not contribute significantly different nuances in a given compound. Nor would it be correct to assume that there would always be unanimity among native speakers of classical Chinese on this matter. On the other hand, it seems important to distinguish between compounds in which a broader meaning is indicated by two contrasting nouns on the one hand, and the cases where a new more explicitly general noun is formed by two nouns that are taken to be synonymous. For example, in 死亡 "death" the reference is NOT to any kind of ceasing to exist, so that whereas there is a difference between the consituent words here, this difference is not operative in the word formation here (according to our present analysis which is - of course - very much open to discussion). Finally, one should remember that all these bracketed syntactic specifications can and must now be moved into the newly established field of "construction type". |
NPab{N1adN2} |
abstract complex nominal expression; construction type: N1 precedes and modifies N2 [THE BRACKET NEEDS TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE FIELD "CONSTRUCTION TYPE"] It is puzzling that so few abstract NPs have been registered so far. One would have thought that this is a very large class. One needs to record more lexicalised cases. Non-lexicalised cases of NPs of this kind are, of course, very easy to find. For the problematic criteria of lexicalisation see the Grammar. |
NPab{Nab1&Nab2} |
abstract complex noun; construction type: a conjunction of two abstract nominals [THE BRACKET NEEDS TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE FIELD "CONSTRUCTION TYPE"] Through this category I am trying to capture the difference between antonym compounds like 大小 indicating a dimension and additive compounds like 短長 "strong points and weak points". Probably, a fair number of what have been preliminarily classified as [N1antN2] should be considered for reclassification as [N1&N2]. Compare [Nab1antNab2] This has to be sorted out. 待考 |
NPab{PRED} |
abstract complex nominal expression used predicatively. |
NPab{V} |
NPab{} |
abstract noun; construction type: reduplicated noun [THE BRACKET NEEDS TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE FIELD "CONSTRUCTION TYPE"] For reduplicated words see WANG WEIMAO 1999.
NPab{nab1=nab2} |
abstract noun; consists of a series of two epexegetic abstract nominals [THE BRACKET NEEDS TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE FIELD "CONSTRUCTION TYPE"] |
NPab{nab1ant.nab2} |
complex abstract noun; construction type: juxtaposition of two antonymic abstract nominals [THE BRACKET NEEDS TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE FIELD "CONSTRUCTION TYPE"]
NPad.VadN |
NPad.VadN |
NPadN |
a complex noun preceding and modifying a nominal expression. Adnominal noun phrases are common, but the recurrent question is to what extent their adnominal fucntion should be regarded as "lexicalised". In "the emperor's new concubine" "emperor" is not in our lexicalised sense adnominal, but if one were to call a concubine "imperial concubine", in Chinese, then the word for "imperial" (probably the same as that for "emperor" would count as adnominal, and in particular as a denominal adjective "nadN". Note that whenever an binome can function both as VP and as NP, the distinction between NPadN and VPadN becomes not only problematic but in many cases quite uninteresting. |
NPadN[.post=npro1] |
NP modifying a nominal expression, that whole construction being in apposition with a first person pronoun. |
NPadNab{ACT} |
complex nominal preceding and modifying an abstract action nominal. This is an experimental category. One might simply have subsumed this under NPadN, but it will be interested to see how many cases there are of such NPs being lexicalised as modifying an action abstraction. |
NPadS |
a complex nominal preceding and modifying a sentence. The notion of "modification" is here taken to include that of "being the time or place topic of". In "Yesterday, it was raining" we take "yesterday" to modify "it was raining" by indicating when it was raining. The words in this group are supposed to be lexically specialised on their adsentential funtion. Thus in "This idiot, he was overtaking me on the left" the expression "this idiot" is not taken to be lexicalised on the topicalised/exposed function and would therefore not qualify for our category. |
NPadS1.adS2 |
noun phrase preceding and modifying a sentence S1, and this whole construction preceding and modifying another sentence S2. |
NPadS1.postS2 |
complex nominal preceding and modifying a sentence, this phrase being in construction with a preceding other sentence. |
NPadSS |
a complex nominal expression preceding and modifying a sequence of sentences (compare also NPadS) This is an experimental category which tries to capture the distinction between sentence modifiers the scope of which is one and only one sentence, and those sentence-modifiers the scope of which ranges over a whole sequence of sentences. The reduplicated ad hoc mnemonic symbol "SS" is to indicate that the scope of this NP is not just one sentence but a whole paragraph. The unattractive messiness of this notation is helpful because it reminds us that in principle the analytic system in TLS does not provide means to specify units larger than a sentence. Thus in principle whatever has a paragraph as its grammatical scope comes to look as if it had a sentence as its scope. The deviant notation "SS" would solve this problem. |
NPadV |
complex nominal preceding and modifying a verbal |
NPadV.postN:postS |
nominal phrase preceding and modifying a verbal expression, that phrase following a nominal expression; the whole construction following and being in construction with a sentence |
NPadV.postN{SUBJ} |
complex nominal preceding and modifying a verbal expression, that phrase in construction with a preceding nominal subject. |
NPadV.postN{SUBJ}+之 |
NPadV.postS |
complex noun preceding and modifying a verb, this whole phrase being in construction with a preceding sentence. |
NPadV1.postadV2 |
a complex nominal preceding and modifying a verb, the whole construction following and modifying a preceding verb This is a syntactic teaser that needs more analytic attention. |
NPadV{PASS}.postN{SUBJ}之 |
NPadV{PASS}.postN{SUBJ}之 |
NPc |
complex counted noun Here we might want to collect the actually counted NPs. This is an experimental category. |
|{NUM} |
NP counted by a preceding number verb. |
|{NUM}:=Npr |
NPm |
complex mass noun, NP that is a mass noun. There seems to be a process of complex word formation where complex nouns convert count nouns into mass nouns. This needs to be investigated. |
NPm.adN |
complex mass nominal preceding and modifying a nominal. Given the large number of nmadN, it is interesting how comparatively rare the NPmadN have so far turned out to be. There must be many more. |
NPm[.adN] |
complex mass nominal referring to items made of the material NPm |
NPm[adN] |
NPpost-N |
Complex noun, preceded and modified by a nominal expression. |
NPpost-N.=Npr |
transitive nominal expression modified by a nominal expression, and that whole phrase preceding a proper name with which it is in apposition. |
NPpost-N.adS |
NP preceded and modified by a nominal expression, that whole expression preceding and modifying a sentence. |
NPpost-Npr |
complex nominal expression typically modified by preceding proper name. |
NPpost-Npro |
complex nominal expression in construction with a preceding pronominal expression. |
NPpost-N{PLACE} |
complex nominal expression modified by a preceding place nominal. |
NPpost-N{PRED} |
NPpost-N{PRED} |
NPpost-V{NUM} |
NP preceded and modified by a number verb. |
NPpost=Npr |
complex nominal in appositive construction with a preceding proper name |
NPpost=npro |
CHANGE ENTRY TO 兒子 instead of 你兒子 |
NPpostN |
comnplex nominal expression in construction with a preceding nominal expression |
NPpostV |
complex nominal following after and being in construction with a verbal expression This is an analytic teaser. 待考 |
NPpostVt |
complex nominal expression following after and serving as object of a transitive verbal expression We do not normally note object-occurrence of words, but the cases of words with the semantic feature "pro" are exceptions. |
NPpostVtt.+V[0] |
NP used as a pivot. The point of this elusive category is that it allows us to collect those NPs that seem especially disposed to function as pivots. One might well decide, in the end, to do without such a category. |
NPpostadN |
a nominal expression which modifies the preceding noun by specifying the range of things expressed by that noun [DS] It is curious that so few expressions have been subsumed so far under this category. |
NPpostadS |
complex nominal expression modifying a preceding sentence. |
NPpostadV |
complex nominal modifying a preceding verbal Postposed adverbials are not rare, and this group could be greatly expanded if one allowed non-lexicalised phrases. |
NPpr |
complex proper name, including names of persons, places and even periods of time CRITERIA 1. cannot be counted, except in what traditional rhetoric calls the Vossian style. ( 十堯 does not mean "ten copies of Ya2o", but "ten people of the general kind defined by Ya2o as a typical example".) 2. cannot be quantified with words for "all", "some", or "many" 3. take non-restrictive adjectival modification There are borderline cases where one is not certain whether an NP deserves to be called NPpr. In "even ten Yaos cannot govern such a state", Yao is not really a proper name, or is it? Perhaps we should simply treat the words like "Yao" in this sentence as a plain count noun. That is the logically attractive solution - which flies in the face of etymology and "Sprachgefuehl".
| |
proper name NP preceded and modified by a nominal expression. |
|{NUM} |
proper name NP. counted by a preceding number verb. |
NPpr[.post=npro2] |
NPpro |
complex pronoun Most complex personal pronouns are in fact NPs with the semantic feature "pronominal": NP - pro. The one exception is this one. |
NPpro(.adN) |
NPpro(.adN) |
NPpro+V:postN |
a complex pronoun preceding and in construction with a verbal, this whole phrase being in construction with a nominal |
NPpro+V{PRED} |
pronominal subject of a verbal predicate. |
NPpro-V |
pronominal phrase followed and modified by a verbal expression. |
NPpro-V.postN{SUBJ} |
NPpro.+V |
complex pronoun followed by a verbal expression. |
NPpro.+V{IMP} |
complex pronoun followed by a verbal expression in an imperative mood. |
NPpro.adN |
pronomical phrase preceding and modifying a nominal expression |
NPpro.adS1:postS2 |
NPpro.adV |
complex pronoun preceding and modifying a verbal expression This needs to be subdivided into the adverbials on the one hand, which are NPpro.adV, and the non-adverbials which are generally NPpro.+V! |
| |
NPpro.postN |
predicative complex pronominal NPpro |
NPpro.postVt |
complex pronominal phrase in construction with a preceding transitive verbal expression. |
NPpro.postVt:adV |
complex nominal in construction with a preceding transitive verbal expression, that whole phrase preceding and modifying a main verbal expression. |
NPpro0.adV |
non-referential adverbial pronoun. The formula NPpro0 is an experimental way of expressing the non-referential character of the pronominal expression concerned. 待考 |
NPpro=N |
pronominal followed by a nominal expression in apposition with it. We might want to write NPpro.appN |
NPpro=N1.adN2 |
Complex personal pronoun followed by an apposition N1, the construction modifying a N2 This records a special case of syntactic complexity, but one would not want to say that 汝等 is in any sense lexically subcategorised for this function. The reason why one hesitates to delete this category is that by means of which we capture an interesting syntactic constellation which is indeed rare in pre-Buddhist literature, as far as one can see. |
NPpro=Npr |
complex pronoun preceding and in apposition with a proper name. |
NPpro[.adN:]postVt |
complex pronoun preceding and modifying an understood lexically determinate nominal expression, that whole expression serving as the object of a preceding transitive verb. |
NPpro[.adN] |
complex pronoun preceding and modifying an understood lexically determinate nominal expression. |
NPpro{OBJ}+Vt |
complex pronoun preceding and in construction with a complex verbal expression. |
NPpro{OBJ}.+N+Vt |
complex object pronoun preceding the subject and the transitive verb of which it is the object 待考 |
NPpro{PRED} |
complex pronoun used predicatively |
complex pronominal predicate followed by its subject. |
NPt |
NPt(post-N)=Npr |
transitive noun defined by the contextually determinate N in apposition with Npr |
NPtpost-N=Npr |
transitive NP defined by N in apposition with Npr |
NP{N1&N2} |
additive complex nominal expression N1+N2 with the meaning "N1 and N2, N1 in addition to N2" [THE BRACKET NEEDS TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE FIELD "CONSTRUCTION TYPE"] It is by no means trivial to decide when a meaning is additive, as the case of 國家 shows: etymologically, there is no doubt that we have a conjunction of "state" plus "major clans", but the idiomatic meaning of the phrase does NOT seem to retain this additive etymological nuance. Needless to say, the structural description in brackets [N1&N2] logically belongs into the field of "construction types", and the problem is that construction types can be etymological only, and they can be of current direct semantic relevance. |
NP{N1=N2} |
nominal compound consisting of a conjunction of N1 and N2 taken as synonymous [THE BRACKET NEEDS TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE FIELD "CONSTRUCTION TYPE"] The words in this category are paraphrasable as "N1 id est N2", where the semantic difference between N1 and N2 is neutralised in the context. It is by no means a trivial question when this neutralisation has taken place and when it has not. A great deal of research remains to be done on exactly what distinguishes these NPs from their monosyllabic constitutents when the latter are used in the broader sense that Duan Yucai called 涽言 "the diffuse meaning". |
NP{N1adN2} |
complex nominal phrase consisting of a noun preceding and modifying a head noun [THE BRACKET NEEDS TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE FIELD "CONSTRUCTION TYPE"] |
NP{NUM}(+N) |
complex verbal modifying a contextually determinate omitted nominal expression. Exocentric construction. |
NP{OBJ}-Vt |
a complex pronoun functioning as the object of, and being modified by a transitive verbal expression |
NP{PL} |
complex place nominal One could expand this to a geographical dictionary. So far, no serious attempt has been made in this direction. |
NP{PRED.}post-N |
predicative NP preceded and modified by a nominal expression. |
predicative complex nominal expression. |
NP{PadN} |
noun phrase; construction type: a particle preceding and modifying a noun [THE BRACKET NEEDS TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE FIELD "CONSTRUCTION TYPE"] |
NP{S} |
NP{n1-n2} |
complex nominal; construction type: nominal followed by a suffix "npostadN" which comes out as "-N2" in this formula [THE BRACKET NEEDS TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE FIELD "CONSTRUCTION TYPE"] Nominal suffixation in classical Chinese is relatively rare, the only productive suffix being 子 . And in a case like 豎子 the problem whether 子 is or is not a suffix remains undecidable. Both views can be supported by arguments, and very importantly: the question which of these analyses is correct is alien to Chinese commentatorial thinking. |
NP{pro} |
an NP that functions like a pronoun |
NP{vtoN1[.adN2]} |
NP|VPadN |
A bisyllabic construction that may be taken as a VP or as an NP and precedes and modifies an N. |
P |
Grammaticalised particle, simplex or complex. Defined as not constituting a predicate which is open to being negated by either 不 or 非 (except in the trivial case of autonymous use where the particle is used to refer to the particle itself, in which case the particle is used as a nominal expression). |
PP |
a combination of more than one particle This is a lame and tame preliminary collection of forms. A great deal of work needs to be done on complex particles. In general, grammatical particles are the last elements that are to be entered into the system. The idea is to start out from non-empty words, rather than empty words. Good dictionaries of complex particles exist. However, none of these concentrate on structural analysis. |
PP+N.postS |
binome particle in construction with and preceding a nominal, this phrase being in construction with a preceding sentence |
PP+N1.postN2 |
binome particle preceding and in construction with a nominal, that phrase in construction with a preceding nominal |
PP+N1{PRED}.postN2{SUBJ} |
bipartite particle preceding and in construction with a nominal predicate, that whole phrase following and being in construction with another nominal expression which serves as subject. |
PP+Nab{PRED}.postS |
a bipartite pronominal construction preceding an abstract predicative nominal, this whole phrase being in construction with and preceded by a S. |
PP+Npr |
Sequence of grammaticalised particles followed by a proper name nominal expression. |
PP+S |
bipartite particle (or VP?) preceding and in construction with a sentence. |
PP+V |
sequence of grammaticalised particle followed by a verbal expression. |
PP+Vt |
complex particle preceding a transitive verb. |
PP+V{PRED}(.postN{SUBJ}) |
complex particle followed by and in construction with a verbal predicate, this whole predicate characteristically having a contextually determinate omitted subject. The point of this category is to register the characteristic idiomatically almost obligatory absence of the subject. This kind of case must be carefully distinguished from the case where the V in question is subjectless, i.e. v0 in our current system. In fact, v0 cannot occur in the position V in this formula. |
PP+V{PRED}.postN{SUBJ} |
bipartate particle construction followed by a predicative V, that whole phrase being in construction with a preceding nominal subject. |
PP[adN.]adS |
Complex particle modifying a lexically determinate N, that whole expression modifying a sentence S. |
PP[adN] |
dissylabic particle determining an underlying noun |
PP[post=npro2] |
sequence of grammaticalied particles following and in construction with an understood lexically determinate second person pronoun. |
PPadN |
adnominal complex particle |
PPadN.adV |
a complex particle preceding and modifying a nominal expression, that whole phrase preceding and modifying a verbal expression. There must be more of these combinations. But so far complex LEXEME ENTRIES have not been much focussed in TLS, and in fact grammatical particles in general have not been given priority in TLS so far. |
PPadN.postS |
complex particle which precedes and modifies a nominal, this phrase being in construction with a preceding sentence. |
PPadS |
particle binome preceding and modifying a sentence Cases like 或者 are subsumed here, and the reason is that the use of 者 here does not seem to be a straightforward npro head. |
PPadS1.adS2 |
complex particle preceding and modifying a sentence 1, and this construction preceding and modifying another sentence 2. |
PPadS1.adS2 |
binomial sentence connective: particle binome preceding and modifying a sentence, that phrase in turn preceding and modifying another sentence |
PPadS1.postS2 |
a combination of two particles preceding and modifying a sentence, and this phrase being in construction with a preceding sentence Combinations of particles may contain clearly deverbal and denominal "grammaticalised" elements, as in the case of 然後 . A closer analysis might try to distinguish the complex particles involving grammaticalised elements from those complex particles that do not. |
PPadSS |
complex particle preceding and modifying a sequence of sentences It is not clear that this current form really is a constituent. The analysis surely is jin1 今 modifying the whole sentence which is then introduced by fu2 夫 . For convenience I retain David Sehnal's attribution. It is unclear how one should deal with non-constituent combinations/constructions. |
PPadV |
binome particle preceding and modifying a verbal expression The repertoire of construction types of this category is particularly resistant to systematic analysis. The reason for this is that syntactic relations between particles are sui generis and cannot be carried over from those relations that obtain between nominals and verbals. As a result, the specification of construction types will contain many cases of unspecified concatenation "+". |
PPadV.+HU1 |
bipartite particle preceding and modifying a verbal expression, that whole phrase being followed by the particle 乎 . |
| |
disyllabic particle preceding and modifying a verbal expression, that phrase following and being modified by sentence |
PPadV.postN:adS |
complex particle preceding and modifying a verbal expression, that whole phrase being in construction with a preceding nominal expression, that whole phrase in turn preceding and modifying a sentence. |
PPadV.postN:postS |
complex particle preceding and modifying a verbal expression, this phrase being in construction with a preceding nominal expression, and that whole construction being in construction with a preceding sentence |
PPadV.postN{SUBJ} |
PPadV.postN{SUBJ}:adS |
PPadV.postN{SUBJ}:postS |
complex particle preceding and modifying a verb, that whole phrase in construction with a preceding nominal expression, that whole phrase in turn being in construction with a preceding sentence. |
PPadV.postS |
a complex particle preceding and modifying a verbal, that whole phrase being in construction with a preceding sentence |
PPadV1.postV2 |
PPadV{PRED}.postN{SUBJ} |
bipartite particle preceding and in construction with a verbal predicate, that whole construction following after and in construction with a preceding subject |
PPpost-N |
complex particle preceded and modified by an N. Note that the complexity of particles often presents unsurmountable difficulties. One definitely would like to treat 也者 as a lexical entry, but at the same time one has to recognise that strictly speaking this |
PPpost-N1.adN2 |
the relation between N1 and N2, the relation of N1 to N2 |
PPpost-N1.adN2 |
PPpost-Npr |
PPpostN |
complex particle in construction with a preceding nominal |
particle binome in construction with a preceding abstract topic This experimental category is just a reminder of systematic analysis that needs to be done. |
PPpostNpr |
complex partile in construction with a preceding proper name |
PPpostN{SUBJ}.adV:adS |
PPpostS |
complex particle in construction with a preceding sentence |
PPpostS1.adS2 |
complex grammaticalised particle phrase following after and in construction with one sentence, and that whole consstruction preceding and modifying another sentence. |
PPpostV |
complex particle following after and being in construction with a verbal expression. |
PPpostadNP{S}.+N{PRED} |
PPpostadS |
complex particle modifying a preceding sentence |
| |
PPpostadV.adS |
PPpostadV{PRED}+N{SUBJ} |
discontinuous expression consisting of two particles. Our way of handling discontinuous constructions has not so far been properly systematised. 待考 |
discontinuous particle phrase preceding and modifying a sentence. Our way of handling discontinuous constructions has not so far been properly systematised. 待考 |
discontinuous construction with two particles in construction with a preceding sentence. Our way of handling discontinuous constructions has not so far been properly systematised. 待考 |
S |
A verbal or nominal or grammaticalised expression that functions as a complete sentence. In classical Chinese grammar embedded S are nearly always specifically V{S}. It will be important to collect counterexamples to this generalisation. S refers to a constrution headed by or identical with a predicative phrase, i.e. headed by what in a general way one might write as V{PRED} or N{PRED}. |
V |
Verbal expression, simplex or complex. Defined as expressing a predicate in principle negatable in principle by 不 . |
V>Nab |
deverbal nominalised Nab |
VP |
VP(0)adV[0] |
verb phrase with contextually determinate omitted subject preceding and modifying a verbal expression with the same subject as the first VP |
VP(adN) |
VP(adN.)=Npr |
VP+N |
verbal construction followed by a noun This characterisation disregards the evident vt+prep+N nature of 況 , which is a matter of the internal structure of the phrase. Anyway: our system is clearly not built for this sort of lexical entry. |
VP+NPab{S} |
complex verbal preceding and in construction with a nominalised sentence |
VP+S |
complex verbal expression preceding and being in construction with a sentence. |
VP+Vt |
complex verbal expression followed by a transitive verbal expression. |
VP+prep+N |
VP-V1.adV2 |
complex verbal preceding a verbal suffix, this phrase preceding and modifying another verbal expression This rhyming binome deserves a detailed phonological gloss. |
VP.postNPab{S} |
complex verbal in construction with a preceding nominalised sentence |
VP0adS |
complex verbal preceding and modifying a sentence; construction type: transitive subjectless verb with its nominal object One might insist that 間 is the logical subject here, in which case one might even have to think in terms of a category S1adS2. But there is no need for this at this stage. |
VP0adS1.postS2 |
| |
subjectless complex verbal expression which functions adverbially, that whole expression being modified by a preceding nominal expression |
VP0oS |
VP0postadV |
VP[0] |
VP[adN.=npro1] |
VP modifying a lexically understood (human) N, this whole construction being in apposition with a first person pronoun, |
VP[adN.][post=npro1:]postVt |
VP[adN.][post=npro1] |
VP[adN.][post=npro2] |
VP[adN.]adS |
VP[adN.]postVt |
VP[adN1.](post-N2) |
VP[adNPm] |
VP[adN] |
Complex verbal expression modifying a lexically determinate omitted exocentric main nominal expression. Note that these square brackets are right and should not be replaced by curly brackets. |
VP[adNab] |
VPad.VtoN |
verb phrase preceding and modifying a transitive verb with an object |
VPadN |
complex verbal preceding and modifying a nominal expression As has been noticed by many, the modification by these VP of the N is always marked by 之 . |
VPadNPab{V} |
VPadNab |
VPadNab |
verbal expression preceding and modifying a nominal predicate |
VPadN{TOP}.+S |
deverbal construction preceding and modifying a topic nominal, this whole phrase being in construction with and preceding a sentence Technically, one might say that this is not a construction at all, the 其 with the topic nominal it governs functioning as the object of 若 . Our system has a very systematic general problem with idioms that do not constitute constituents. |
VPadS |
a complex verbal expression preceding and modifying a sentence Compare also VPt+S. |
| |
VPadS1.adS2 |
complex verb preceding and modifying sentence 1, and preceding and being in construction with a sentence 2. |
| |
VPadS1.postS2 |
complex verbal preceding and modifying a sentence S1, this phrase being in construction with a preceding sentence S2 |
VPadV |
compound verbal expression which precedes and modifies a main verb At times, as in the casse of 從而 the distinction between VP and P2 is arbitrary in the present system. |
VPadV.postN |
verbal phrase preceding and modifying a verbal expression, that phrase being postposed to a noun |
VPadV.postN{SUBJ} |
complex verbal expression preceding and modifying a verbal expression, this whole construction coming after a nominal subject. |
VPadV1.adV2 |
complex verbal preceding and modifying a verbal expression, that whole construction in turn preceding and modifying a second verbal expression. |
VPadV{PRED}.postN{SUBJ}:postS |
complex verb preceding and modifying a verb, this construction following after a nominal subject, that whole construction in turn being in construction with a preceding sentence. |
VPadV{PRED}.postN{SUBJ}:postS |
complex verbal preceding and modifying a verbal predicate, this phrase being in construction with a preceding nominal subject |
VPi |
complex intransitive verbal, complex verbal unit (For the often problematic but still important distinction with the category vvi "intransitive verbal binome the constituents of which have no independent meaning" see Kennedy, "Butterfly". As for reduplicated verbs, they have been classified, preliminarily, as Complex intransitive verbs may or may not be semantically transitive, and when they are, they are labelled as VPi - tr. In principle, a verbal expression counts as complex only if its constituent syllables have independent meaning. This is often difficult to ascertain. A word may always cooccur with a certain other word and still have its independent meaning. In doubtful cases we assume independent meaning. A bisyllabic intranstive verbal where the constituent syllables are taken not to have independent meaning is categorised as vvi. |
VPi(0) |
complex verbal expression with a contextually determinate idiomatically omitted subject |
VPi(0)adS1.postS2 |
a sentence S1 modifying another sentence S2, that whole construction being in construction with a preceding S3. |
VPi(0)postN{PRED} |
subjectless complex verbal expression with an obligatorily omitted contextually determinate subject, in construction with a preceding predicate nominal |
VPi(adV) |
intransitive complex verbal expression followed by and in construction with a place noun. |
intransitive complex verbal expression followed by and in construction with its nominal subject |
VPi+V |
intransitive complex verbal expression followed by and in construction with a verbal expression. |
VPi-V |
intransitive complex verbal expression followed and modified by another verbal expression. |
| |
VPi.postN{PRED} |
VPi.postV |
intransitive complex verbal in construction with a preceding verbal |
| |
reduplicated intransitive complex verbal
VPi0 |
subjectless intransitive complex verbal expression |
VPi0adS |
VPi0adV |
subjectless complex verb phrase preceding and modifying a main verbal expression. |
VPi0postadV |
subjectless complex verb phrase following after and modifying a main verbal expression. |
VPi0{S} |
VPi2 |
complex intransitive verbal with two verbal subjects This is just to remind one of the difference between "X is different from Y" and "X and Y are different" |
VPi[0] |
comples verbal with a lexically determinate idiomatically omitted subject |
VPi[0]ad.VtoN |
VPi[0]adS1.postS2 |
VPi[0]postadN{PRED}.postadS |
VPi[0]postadS |
complex verbal with an obligatorily omitted but always contextually determinate subject, this whole phrase modifying a preceding sentence This is a most entertaining case of a sentence that has been grammaticalised into something that figures in dictionaries of particles. |
VPi[0]postadV |
VPipostN{SUBJ} |
VPipostadS |
VPpost-.Vt+N |
VPpost-S |
verbal phrase following and being modified by S |
VPpost-V |
complex verb being modified by a preceding verbal expression probably a superfluous category. |
VPpostN |
complex verbal(?) phrase in construction with a preceding nominal expression |
VPpostN.adS |
complex verbal expression in construction with a preceding nominal, this whole phrase preceding and modifying a sentence. |
VPpostNab{ACT} |
complex verbal expression in construction with a preceding abstract action nominalisation |
VPpostN{SUBJ} |
verbal predicate to the subject N |
VPpostS1.adS2 |
verbal phrase postposed to a sentence, preceding and in construction with another sentence |
VPpostV |
complex verbal expression following after and in construction with a verbal expression |
VPpostV.postN{SUBJ} |
complex verb following after a verbal expression, that whole phrase following after and in construction with a nominal subject |
VPpostadN |
complex verbal modifying a preceding nominal expression |
VPpostadN{PRED} |
verbal phrase following and modifying a nominal expression which functions as predicate |
VPpostadS |
a complex verbal modifying a preceding sentence |
VPpostadS |
verbal phrase postposed to and modifying a sentence |
VPpostadV |
complex verbal modifying a preceding verbal expression |
VPpostadV.adN |
complex verbal expression following and modifying a verb, this whole expression preceding and modifying a nominal expression. |
VPt prep Nab |
VPt( N) |
VP containing a pronoun with an omitted contextually determinate object |
VPt(+N) |
VPt(+N.)-V |
complex transitive verbal expression with an omitted contextually determinate object, preceding and being modified by a verbal expression. |
VPt(+N.)adV |
complex verb with a contextually determinate omitted object, this phrase preceding and modifying a verbal expression. |
VPt(+V[0]) |
complex transitive verb with a contextually determinate verbal object The verbal versus nab - act status of the object is indeterminate. One is inclined to introduce a category V/N for cases of this. Such an underdetermined category is desirable in quite a number of categories. But |
VPt(+prep+N) |
VPt(0)oN |
VPt(0)oS |
complex verbal with an idiomatically omitted contextually determinate subject and followed by a sentential object. |
VPt(0)oSS |
complex transitive verbal expression with an idiomatically omitted contextually determinate subject, and this construction being followed by a sentence or a series of sentences. |
VPt(oN) |
complex transitive verb with a contextually determinate omitted object |
VPt(oN.) V[0] |
Ditransitive verb with an understood direct object, that construction being followed by a verbal expression the subject of which is the omitted N |
VPt(oN.)+S |
complex transitive verbal expression with it's omitted contextually determinate object, this whole construction being followed by and being in construction with a sentence. |
VPt(oN.)+VtoS |
complex verbal with a contextually determinate omitted object, this phrase being followed by and being in construction with a transitive verb with a sentential object. |
VPt(oN1.)+N2 |
complex transitive ver with an omitted direct object, this phrase followed by and in construction with a nominal expression. |
VPt(oS) |
complex verbal with an omitted contextually determinate sentential object |
VPt+.Vt[0]oS |
VPt+.VtoS |
complex transitive verb followed by its object in the form of a transitive verbal expression with its sentential object. |
VPt+.vtoN{OBJ} |
VPt+N |
complex transitive verbal expression followed by its nominal object |
VPt+N.+S |
transitive complex verb with its nominal object, this construction being followed by a sentence. |
VPt+N.+V |
VPt+N.-V |
complex transitive verb with its nominal object, that phrase being followed and modified by a verbal expression. |
VPt+N.adS |
complex transitive verbal expression preceding and modifying a sentence. |
VPt+N.adV |
transitive complex verb followed by its nominal object, this whole phrase preceding and mofifying a main verbal expression. This is properly categorised under vt+prep+N.adV. |
VPt+N.postS |
transitive complex verbal expression followed by its object, that whole phrase being in construction with a preceding verbal expression |
VPt+N.postadV |
complex transitive verb followed by its object, this construction modifying a preceding verbal expression. |
VPt+N1.postN2 |
complex transitive verb followed by its nominal object, this phrase being in construction with a preceding nominal expression. |
VPt+N1.postadN2 |
complex transitive verb with its object, modifying a preceding nominal expression |
VPt+NPab{S} |
transitive complex verbal with its nominalised sentential object |
VPt+Nab.adV |
transitive complex verbal with an abstract nominal object, this phrase preceding and modifying a main verbal |
VPt+N{TOP}.+S |
complex transitive verbal followed by its (topic) nominal object, this phrase preceding and being in construction with a main sentence |
VPt+S |
complex transitive verb followed by a sentential object (which is not pronominalisable). |
VPt+S.+V{NEG} |
transitive complex verb with sentential object, preceding a negative. |
VPt+S1.adS2 |
| |
transitive verbal phrase with sentential object, following and being modified by another sentence |
VPt+V(.postN{SUBJ}) |
complex transitive verb preceding and in construction with a verbal predicate, the subject of this phrase being omitted This should probably simply become a straightforward VPt+V. The problem is that when it does, the subcategorisation achieved by this more detailed analysis will be lost. |
VPt+V(0) |
| |
complex transitive verbal expression followed by its verbal object, this phrase being modified by a preceding sentence. |
VPt+V.postN{SUBJ} |
complex transitive verb followed by its verbal object, that whole phrase following after and being in construction with a nominal subject |
VPt+V.postS |
transitive verbal phrase followed by a verbal object, that phrase being postposed to a sentence |
VPt+V1.postV2 |
complex transitive verb followed by a verb, this construction being in construction with a preceding verbal expression. |
VPt+V[0] |
complex transitive verbal with a verbal object the omitted subject of which is lexically determinate, i.e. predictable from the VPt. The expressions subsumed under this category involve many widely different construction types. It will be interesting to see the range of construction types that allow transitivity with a verbal object. The construction types need to be elaborated systematically for all NPs as well as VPs according to a consistent and systematic pattern. For the resultative VPt+V the question arises whether the verbal object only goes with the second verb indicating the result, or whether the construction is as suggested by the present analysis. Without evidence from prosody this will be difficult to decide. |
VPt+V[0].postadV |
VPt+V[0]postadV |
VPt+V[0]{PASS} |
transiitive complex verbal followed by its passive verbal object There is a constant doubt towhat extent the VPt in this group are word-like collocations. And our classification of a construction as VP does not imply any judgment concerning the wordhood of that construction. However, there is a claim of an idiomatic link between the elements of the VP. |
VPt+prep+N |
transitive complex verbal expression in construction with its prepositional object |
VPt+prep+N.+VtoS |
transitive complex verbal follwed by its nominal object introduced by a preposition, that whole expression preceding and being in construction with a verb with its sentential object. |
VPt+prep+N.adV |
transitive complex verb followed by a preposition and the object, this whole phrase preceding and modifying a verbal expression. |
VPt+prep+NPab{V} |
VPt prep NPab{V} |
VPt+prep+Nab |
complex transitive verb preceding a preposition with its object. |
VPt+prep+N{PLACE} |
complex transitive verbal expression followed by its place-noun object introduced by a preposition. |
VPt.postVtoN{OBJ} |
VPt.postvt(oN) |
complex transitive verb preceded by and in construction with a transitive verb with its omitted and contextually determinate object. |
VPt0+V(0) |
verb phrase with a lexically predictable omitted subject followed by a verbal object with a syntactically predictable omitted subject |
VPt0+V1.postV2 |
subjectless transitive verb phrase with a verbal object V1 and in construction with a preceding verbal expression V2 |
VPt0+V[0] |
| |
| |
subjectless verb phrase with prepositional object N1 in construction with preceding transitive verb with an object N2 |
VPt0[oN] |
VPt0oN.+S |
transitive complex verb with its nominal object, being followed by and in construction with a sentence. |
VPt0oN.adS |
| |
VPt0oN1.postN2 |
subjectless verb phrase with an object and following another noun with which it is in construction |
VPt0oN1:post-.Vt0oN2:.adS |
subjectless transitive verb phrase with its object, following another subjectless transitive verb phrase with its object that whole phrase preceding and modifying a sentence |
VPt0oN1pro.postN1{SUBJ} |
VPt0oN{SUBJ} |
grammatically subjectless transitive verbal expression followed by a nominal which one is tempted to take as the logical subject. This category is profoundly problematic, and there is even serious doubt that it is homogeneous. |
VPt0oN{TOP}.+S |
complex subjectless verbal followed by its nominal topic object, this construction preceding and being in construction with a sentence. |
VPt0oS |
subjectless verb phrase with a sentential object |
VPt0oS1.adS2 |
subjectless transitive complex verbal with its sentential object, this whole phrase preceding and modifying another sentence |
VPt0oS1.postS2 |
complex transitive verbal expression with its sentential object S1, this construction preceded by and in construction with another sentence S2. |
VPt:post-.vt(oN) |
transitive complex verb in construction with a preceding transitive (co)verb with its contextually determinate omitted nominal object |
VPt[+V[0]] |
transitive complex verbal expression with an omitted contextually determinate verbal object. |
VPt[+prep+N] |
VPt[0](+V[0]) |
complex transitive verb with a lexically determinate subject and with a contextually determinate omitted verbal object. |
VPt[0](+prep+N) |
VPt[0](oN) |
complex verbal expression with a lexically determinate obligatorily omitted subject and a contextually determinate object. |
VPt[0](oV) |
VPt[0]+N |
transitive verb phrase with contextually determinate obligatorily omitted subject This category raises a host of problems. The subject who does the comparing can definitely never be explicit. 諸 stands for something like 之於 and would appear to make this into a VPt0+prep+N, although one suspects a more appropriate way of analysing the idiom could be to take 譬 as vtt0+N1.+prep+N2 and to refuse to treat this as a compound at all. But for lexicographic purposes we do want to record this compound as an important idiom one has to learn. |
VPt[0]+N.adS |
VPt[0]+S |
VPt[0]+V[0'] |
VPt[0]+V[0] |
complex verbal with a lexically determinate idiomatically omitted subject and a verbal object the subject of which is lexically determinate on the basis of the main VP. |
VPt[0]oN |
transitive complex verbal expression with a lexically determinate subject |
VPt[0]oN.postadV |
transitive complex verbal expression, with a lexically determinate idiomatically omitted subject, followed by its object, that whole phrase being modified by a preceding verbal expression |
VPt[0]oNab |
VPt[0]oNab{S} |
complex verbal expression with an idiomatically omitted lexically determinate subject preceding its nominal object which is a nominalised sentence |
VPt[0]oS |
complex verbal expression with an idiomatically omitted lexically determinate subject, followed by a sentential object. |
complex transitive verbal expression with a lexically determinate omitted reflexive pronoun object. |
VPt[oN] |
transitive complex verbal expression with a lexically determined or predictable omitted object. For example in the English "he drinks" we have a verb of which the object is understood lexically to be "alcohol". In "he is eating" the object that is lexically understood is "some kind of food". We must try identify the Chinese VPs that work like this and try to distinguish them carefully from intransitive verbs. |
VPtoN |
transitive commpound verbal expression It is not at all clear when these VPt are construed as two verbs as in "I despise and detest racists", i.e. as a zeugma series vt(+N).+vt+N, and when they really constitute one complex transitive complex verb VPt+N. The question is to what extent this distinction is actually operative in and practically relevant to classical Chinese grammar. In order to investigate this question we do need a rich collection of cases to consider. This category supplies such a list. |
VPtoN.+VtoS |
complex transitive verb with nominal object, preceding a transitive verb with a sentential object. |
VPtoN.-然 |
VPtoN.-然 |
VPtoN.adS |
VPtoN1.adN2 |
complex transitive verbal expression with its nominal object, this whole expression preceding and modifying a nominal expression. |
VPtoN1.postN2{SUBJECT} |
transititive VP with an object pronoun (v is vtt!) followed by the indirect object, that phrase preceded by N2 as the subject of that VP. |
VPtoN1.postN2{SUBJ}+V{PRED} |
VPtoN1.postN2{SUBJ} V{PRED} |
VPtoN1pro.postN1[SUBJ] |
VPtoNPab{S} |
complex transitive verb with its abstract nominalised object. |
VPtoNPab{V} |
VPtoNPab{V} |
VPtoNab1.postVtoNab2 |
transitive complex verbal with an abstract nominal object, in construction with a preceding transitive verb and its own abstract nominal object We could, of course, simply write VPt+N1.postVt+N2. |
VPtoNab{S} |
complex transitive verbal expression followed by its object which is an abstract nominal expression dervived from a sentence S by nominalisation |
VPtoNab{VP} |
VPtoNab{VP} |
transitive verb governing nominal predicate |
VPtoS |
complex verbal followed by its sentential object |
VPtoS1.adS2 |
transitive complex verbal expression with its sentential object, this construction modifying another sentence that follows. |
VPtoS1.postS2 |
complex transitive verbal with its sentential object, this whole phrase being in construction with a preceding other sentence. |
VPtoSS |
VPtoSS |
VPtoV |
VPtoV |
VPtoV(0) |
Transitive verb phrase with it's verbal object the subject of which is contextually determinate and omitted |
VPtoV1.adV2 |
VPtoV[0] |
transitive complex verbal expression with its verbal object. Complex transitive verb followed by a verbal object |
VPtpost-.vt+N{OBJ} |
transitive complex verbal expression being preceded and modified by a transitive verb with its nominal object. |
VPtpost.vt(oN) |
complex transitive verb preceded by and in construction with a transitive verb with an omitted contextually determinate object (which is the object of the complex transitive verb) |
VPtpost.vt+N |
transitive complex verbal in construction with a preceding (co)verb with its object (this object identifying the object of the main VPt. |
verb phrase containing an object pronoun, preceded by an NP that serves as its indirect object |
VPtpostN{OBJ} |
transitive complex verb with a preceding nominal object |
transitive VP preceded by its sentential indirect object |
VPtpostadS |
complex transitive verbal expression modifying a preceding sentence. |
VPtpostadV |
complex transitive verbal expression modifying a preceding verbal expression. |
VPtt(+N)oS |
ditransitive verb with a contextually determinate understood indirect object N and a sentential direct object. |
VPtt(+prep+N1.)+N2 |
ditransitive complex verbal expression with a contextually determinate omitted subject introduced by a preposition, this being followed by and in construction with a second nominal object. |
VPtt(oN.)+NPab{PRED} |
VPtt(oN.) NP{PRED} |
VPtt(oN.)+S |
ditransitive complex verb with omitted first object, this construction being in construction with and followed by a sentence. |
VPtt(oN.)+V[0] |
ditransitive complex verb with a contextually determinate omitted pivotal object, this phrase preceding and being in construction with a verbal expression |
VPtt(oN.+prep+N2) |
VPtt(oN1).+N2 |
VPtt(oN1). N2 |
VPtt(oN1.) N2 |
VPtt(oN1.)(+N2) |
ditransitive verbal phrase with to contextually determinate omitted objects |
VPtt(oN1.)+N2 |
complex transitive verb with a contextually determinate indirect object N1 and followed by a direct object N2 |
VPtt(oN1.)+N2 |
VPtt(oN1.)+N2{PRED} |
VPtt(oN1.)+prep+N2 |
ditransitive complex verbal expression with a contextually retrievable omitted direct object followed by a prepositional phrase. |
VPtt+.S1+S2 |
ditransitive verbal expression followed by and in construction with a sentence, this phrase being followed by and in construction with another sentence. |
VPtt+N1(.+N2) |
complex ditransitive verbal expression followed by a nominal object, this phrase being in construciton with a contextually determinate omitted object. |
VPtt+prep+N.oS |
VPtt+prep+N1.postVtoN2 |
VPtt[0](oN).+V |
VPtt[0](oN). V |
VPtt[oN1.]+N2 |
verbal expression with an omitted lexically determinate reflexive direct object and followed by a nominal complement |
VPtt[oN1.]oN2 |
VPttoN.+S |
ditransitive complex verbal followed by a nominal object, that phrase being followed by a sentential object. |
VPttoN.+V[0] |
complex ditransitive verb with a nominal object, this phrase being in construction with and preceding a verbal expression |
VPttoN1(.+prep+N) |
ditransitive complex verbal expression followed by a nominal object, this whole expression being "followed" by an omitted prepositional phrase. |
VPttoN1(.+prep+N2) |
ditransitive complex verbal with its nominal object, with contextually determinate omitted second object omitted |
VPttoN1.+N2 |
ditransitive complex verb in construction followed by its two objects, both irreplacable by the object pronoun zhi1 之 . |
VPttoN1.+prep+N2 |
complex ditransitive verb followed by its direct object, that phrase being followed by the indirect object preceded by a preposition. |
VPttoN1.postVtoN2 |
ditransitive complex verbal expression with an object, that whole construction being preceded by a prepositional phrase which is in construction with it. |
VPttoN1.postvt(oN2) |
VPttoN1[.+N2] |
VPttpostNpro.+N{PRED} |
a complex ditransitive verb following after and in construction with a pronoun, that whole phrase followed by a predicative nominal expression. It seems worth recording, in one way or another, that this kind of construction admits of nominal predicates. |
discontinuous verbal idiom. |
VP{PASS}[adN.][post=npro2] |
VP{PASS}[adN][.post=npro1] |
V{S} |
A verbal expression that functions as a complete sentence. {nominal or verbal constituent that can function pragmatically as a self-contained utterance or sentence} Strictly speaking, from a syntactic point of view, verbal sentences are verb phrases and nominal sentences are noun phrases, because they have verbal and nominal heads respectively. It may seem extraordinary that sentences can be lexicalised, but that, I think, is what sometimes happens. In any case, under this category we collect cases of whole sentences that it seems desirable to enter as lexical entry. One might say that 如之何 is a verb phrase functioning as a sentence. We retain this category as a polite concession to many traditional linguists who standardly (but mistakenly) have long treated the pragmatic notion of a sentence as a syntactic notion. |
V{S}adV |
It is hard to see how one can avoid the notion of a sentence here |
V{S}pro.adS |
a pro-sentential particle preceding and modifying a main sentence |
n |
count noun. Noun that can be counted without necessarily being found counted in our sources. These should be renamed nc. 1. N is negatable, if at all, only by fēi 非 "is not" and not by the verbal negation bù 不 "not". 2. N, if a count noun Nc (for count nouns see below), may be counted without classifiers. 3. N, if a count noun Nc, may be counted with postposed classifiers (mass nouns Nm may be countable with preposed classifiers/measure words) 4. N can be conjoined with words of the same category by the yǔ 與 "and" or jí 及 "and" and not by ér 而 "and", which links verbal expressions or (verbal) sentences (which - incidentally - should strictly speaking be classified syntactically as Vs). 5. N can function as subject, object, or topic without change of meaning. By calling count nouns simply "n" our notation recognises that this is the default category of nouns with the largest number of members. Countability is a complex matter to judge in all those cases where things seem countable but are not in fact counted. Instances where n are actually counted might be entered as "nc" to make them retrievable. Such a classification would be purely heuristic, enabling one to trace counting practice, and would not involve a categorial judgment on the word as such. |
n(0){PRED}.adV |
subjectless predicative noun with a contextually determinate omitted subject preceding and modifying a verbal expression There are many nouns that can be used in this way, as nouns with a lexically predictable subject being identical with that of the main verb which follows. |
n(ad.N1post-N2) |
n(adN) |
n(post-N) |
noun postposed to modifying a nominal expression |
n(post-N).adV |
as a son of the contextually determinate N |
n(post-N.)adS |
n(post-N.)adV |
n(post-N1.)(adN2) |
n(post-N1.)=N2 |
n with an ommited nominal attribute in apposition with N2 |
n(post-N1.)[adN2] |
n(post=Npr) |
noun in apposition with an understood (prededing) proper name |
n+HU1.adV |
noun followed by the particle 乎 , that phrase preceding and modifying a main verbal expression The use of 乎 as an postnominal adverbial suffix seems limited to certain nouns only. We would like to identify these. |
n+Npr |
a noun preceding and in construction with a proper name nominal expression In "Thief Zhi" one feels that the correct grammatical paraphrase is "Zhi, who happens to be of the thief-kind", so that one might read this as "nadNpr". The problem is that many of the words in this category might well have to be taken as being in apposition to the proper name that follows. The formula n+Npr seems therefore appropriately non-committal on how exactly the construction is to be taken. |
n+V{PRED} |
n+pr |
noun preceding and in construction with a proper noun expression |
n-N |
noun preceding and being modified by a nominal expression. I suggest this category because some nouns seem typically and idiomatically specialised on this post-nominal modified position. |
n-Nm |
n-N{SIZE} |
noun preceding and modified by an N |
n-V |
n-V.adS |
| |
reduplicated noun NOTE Reduplicated nouns have become very common in colloquial varieties of Chinese. Dictionaries of reduplication make it possible to study the history of these forms very conveniently. |
|{PRED} |
reduplicated noun (which serves as subject/topic) followed by a verbal expression which functions as predicate |
| |
reduplicated nominal that functions as an abstract noun.
| |
reduplicated nominal expression preceding and modifying another nominal expression. |
| |
reduplicated noun preceding and in construction with a sentence. Reduplicated denominal sentential adverbs are common, and many more need to be registered. |
| |
adverbial reduplicated noun These denominal reduplicated adverbials are often hard to distinguish from what - bowing to convention - we call, where of course the "S" when designating a verbal sentence really should always have counted as a VP in the first place. |
n=Npr |
n[adN1.][post=npro1:]adN2 |
n[adN1.]adN2 |
n[adN] |
Exocentric expression consisting of a monosyllabic noun modifying a lexically determinate omitted nominal expression. |
n[adNab] |
n[adNab] |
n[adNm.]adN |
n[adNm] |
n[post-N.+Npr] |
n[post-N.]+Npr |
n[post-N1.]adN2 |
noun modified by a lexically determinate N1, that whole construction preceding and modifying N2 |
n[post-N1.adN2] |
n[post-N1.adN2] |
n[post-N] |
noun with an understood lexically determinate omitted nominal expression which modifies it. |
n[post-N]{PRED} |
n[post-N{OBJ}] |
n[post-V{NUM}].+Nm |
The idiomatic omission of the number one seems limited to few words which one would like to see together. The construction has become very common in many modern dialects. |
n[post-npro1.][post=npro2] |
n[] |
n[post-npro1] |
n[post-npro2.][post=npro1:]=Npr |
n[post-npro2.][post=npro1:]adN |
n[post-npro2.][post=npro1:]postVt |
n[post-npro2.][post=npro1] |
n[post-npro_1.][post=npro_2:]adN |
n[post=npro1] |
n[post=npro2] |
n[post=npro] |
nab |
abstract noun (of which there is a wide semantic variety with a variety of syntactic properties) Criteria one can try to use to determine whether a given noun is abstract: 1. cannot be counted with classifiers and are counted - if at all - not by physical items (see nab.c "counted abstract nouns") 2. cannot be quantified by universal, existential or graded quantifiers 3. cannot be specified with respect to amounts of any concrete stuff 4. the object designated by the n cannot be said to move in space Criteria for some basic related subclassifications of nouns Nouns that can be counted and quantified by items or concrete things are called count nouns nc. Nouns that cannot be counted or quantified by concrete items but can be quantified by amounts or kinds rather than items are regarded as mass nouns and these are called nm. When nm are preceded by a demonstrative pronoun, the interpretation is "this kind of nm". The identification and the semantic subclassification of abstract nouns poses insurmountable problems because abstraction clearly is a matter of degrees on the one hand, and abstraction is a heterogeneous phenomenon. The vague and necessarily overlapping semantic subcategories introduced so far are no more than a first aid towards a resolution of these severe and unresolved analytical problems. Perhaps one should have opted for no subcategorisation at all, but we have decided to make a preliminary attempt to sort the material into major groups, even at the risk of having to make many arbitrary decisions in this process of preliminary sorting.
nab(.-V) |
nab(.adN) |
nab(.post-N) |
abstract nominal modified by a contextually determinate N |
nab(.post-N)X |
nab(.post-N1:)(post-N2) |
nab(.post-N1:)(post-N2) |
nab(post-N) |
nab(post-N.)adV |
nab(post-N{OBJ}) |
nab+HU1.adV |
nab-VtoS |
abstract noun followed and modified by a transltive verbal expression with a sentential object. Postmodification of abstract nouns by VPs of this sort is limited to a small set words. We need to identify these. |
nab. prep N |
nab.+prep+N |
nab.-N |
nab.-V |
nab.adN |
abstract noun preceding and modifying a nominal expression It will be found that a considerable number of what remains nadN in the present TLS should perhaps be recategorised as nab.adN, as Christoph Anderl has done in this category for a few words. But this will involve a major readjustment of the categorial system. |
nab.adS |
abstract noun preceding and modifying a sentence. Sentential adverbs deriving from abstract nouns are fairly common. We have so far only assembled a few. The distinction between nab.adS and nab.adV is obviously not only problematic but possibly insubstantial when S is a verbal sentence and therefore syntactically and essentially a VP. |
nab.adV |
transitive noun preceding and modifying a verbal expression The distinction between nab.adS and nab.adV is obviously not only problematic but possibly insubstantial when S is a verbal sentence and therefore syntactically and essentially a VP. |
nab.adV:+Npro{SUBJ} |
abstract adverbial noun in a inalianable relation with the following Npro |
nab.c:post-N |
nab.c:post-N |
| |
abstract noun modified by a preceding nominal expression. One needs to investigate which of the npost-N in our system should really be recategorised as The more general point is that the subcategorisation of nouns has not so far been implemented systematically when these enter complex constructions. |
| |
abstract noun following after and modified by a nominal expression |
| |
nab.ostt-N1:adN2 |
| |
| | |
abstract noun modified by a preceding place noun that construction being followed by a nominal predicate. |
| |
abstract noun in construction with a preceding (often subjectless) sentence Some nouns of this sort have to be subcategorised, perhaps, for functioning as predicative |
| |
abstract noun modified by a preceding verbal expression. It is an interesting question why one should not be able to take these expressions to be In posing this structure, is one just imposing English structural sensibilities on the Chinese? What is going on in the analysis of constructions of this sort? |
| |
abstract noun modified by a preceding VP. |
|{NUM} |
The counting of such abstract nouns is always by type or kind, never by concrete items, of course, since these nouns do not have concrete referential physical meanings. Moreover, none of the abstract nouns are counted with classifiers. |
| | |
| |
personified abstraction Note that personification always remains a matter of degree. |
| |
abstract noun, reduplicated There is a great need to identify more examples of this interesting category. |
|{NUM} |
One notes that these reduplicated countable abstract nouns do not seem current in object position. This needs to be investigated. |
| |
reduplicated abstract noun preceding and modifying a verbal expression. |
nab.t |
transitive abstract noun, i.e. an abstract, typically deverbal, noun the concept of which involves an action directed at an object Action nouns are often semantically as transitive as the verbs they derive from. The transitive verb "to murder Caesar" seems exactly as transitive as the corresponding noun "the murder of Caesar". (For "Caesar's murderer" see the category of transitive agent nouns "nt - ag". Note that "murder" can be considered as such, without any focus on who gets murdered. But even in that case, murder remains something that is construed as murder of someone. This is a preliminary collection of some nouns that would need to be considered in connection with transitivity of abstract nouns. One is tempted to subsume them under the straightforward nab category, but it seems useful to keep them separate for a while as a point of departure for a proper study of the phenomeon of transitivity in nouns. |
nab.t:(+prep+N) |
transitive abstract noun with an omitted contextually determinate prepositional phrase. |
nab.t:+prep+N |
transitive abstract nominal followed by a preposition with its object As often in English, the transitivity of the transitive-verb source of deverbal nab does occasionally carry over into nominal uses. Compare the English "His question about X", "His question to N". |
nab.t:c |
transitive abstract count noun The pheonomena of transitivity of abstract nouns is underexplored as yet in TLS. Many more cases need to be registered and subclassified. |
nab.t:post-N |
an abstract transitive noun in construction with a preceding nominal expression One could evidently treat these cases as plain npost-N. But this category is a reminder that the transitivity of deverbal abstract nouns needs a more systematic exploration than it has received so far in TLS. Abstract transitive action nouns with specified subject are common and need to be collected systematically. |
nab.t:post-V |
nab.t:post.-N+zhi |
transitive abstract noun preceded and modified by a noun, that modification being marked by the particle 之 One might simply try to call this a subset of the more general npost-N, but the 之 is distinctive, as is the abstract nature of the nab. |
| |
ditransitive abstract noun. This refers to words like "sum" in "the sum of X and Y" or "difference" in "the difference between X and Y". One notes on the occasion of the second example that the obligatory two subjects of a vi2 like "differ from one another" do create an in the nominalised form. (For the double subject verbs see the SYNTACTIC CATEGORY vi2.) |
nab2 |
nab:post-N{OBJ} |
nab[.post-N] |
abstract noun with an understood lexically determinate omitted nominal expression which modifies it. |
nab[.post-N]:adV |
nab[adN] |
nab[post-N] |
nabpost-N |
nabpost-S1.adS2 |
abstract noun in construction with a preceding sentence, that construction preceding and modifying another sentence. |
| |
nab{PRED} |
predicative abstract noun These have not so far been properly registered but deserve recording. |
nab{PRED}+S{SUBJ} |
nab-乎.adV |
nad.VtoN |
adnominal adverb preceding and modifying a transitive verb with an explicit nominal object Note that the reference of the initial n here often is to the object (as in the English "nourish your guest like your own child") but can in principle also refer to the subject ("experience things like a child"). |
nad.vadN |
noun modifying a phrase consisting of a verb modifying a nominal expression. This tentative category is set up to register the cases where nominal modification is of nominals that are themselves already modified. Cases of this sort are so freely used in Latin and English, that they do not warrant registering, but in classical Chinese the cases are so few that they seem to warrant detailed attention of the existing cases in order to see what the conditions are that licence this double modification. |
nadN |
denominal adjective: noun preceding and modifying a nominal expression The distinction between vadN and nadN is often unclear. But note that 聖 as nadN means "characteristic of or belonging to a sage" whereas as vadN 聖 is more properly simply glossed as "sagely, wise". The distinction is fairly clear. The category nadN tries to register the cases where the adnominal use of a noun seems lexicalised and pregnant, as in the case of jia3 che1 甲車 "armoured vehicle" (which cannot be expanded to 甲之車 , and it tries to disregard the subtly but deeply indifferent unlexicalised cases of modification by a noun as in 王後 "behind the king", which is short for 王之後 and which is not the same as a royal (nadN) backside would be. 王冠 would then be ambiguous between one reading like 王之冠 "His Majesty's hat; the King's hat" on the one hand, in which the relationship between a certain king and a hat is one of yo3u 有 "ownership" grammaticalised as zhi1 之 , and "royal hat, royal heddress", where the relationship is not the extrinsic one of ownership but concerns the very nature of the hat concerned, and not just a lexically purely contingent matter of a X happening to belong to Y. This category clearly presents many serious open problems. Does it make sense, in classical Chinese to ask whether wa2ng da4o 王道 is "the royal Way", or is it "the Way of the Kings"? A referential noun modifying another noun would seem to qualify as a real nadN: 故臣罪莫重於弒君 "Therefore there is no greater crime for a minister than to assassinate his ruler" does not involve any notion of a "ministerial crime", and che2n 臣 does not characterise the zui4 罪 . Consequently, such a usage would not qualify for the introduction of a LEXICAL ENTRY for 臣 as an nadN. None the less, it remains striking that while guo2 國 "state" forms such current compounds as guo2 ju1n 國君 "ruler over a state", the NP guo2 jia1 國家 does not seem to form such compounds, and *** 國家君主 "??ruler of a nation??"***, though semantically seemingly impeccable is not current classical Chinese. Thus it is important to know which nouns can serve as modifiers and which cannot, just as it is important to record which can be modified and which cannot. |
nadN.adV |
noun preceding and modifying a nominal expression, that whole expression preceding and modifying a verbal expression Compare the common and similar but not idential vadN.adV as in 白日 "in broad daylight". |
|{NUM} |
nadN.postadV |
noun preceding a nominal expression, that whole construction following after and modifying a verbal expression |
nadNab |
noun preceding and modifying an abstract nominal |
nadN{OBJ} |
nadN{PRED.S1}.post-S2 |
nadN{PRED.S1}.post-S2 |
nadN{PRED} |
An n modifying an N that is predicative. |
nadS |
denominal sentential adverb: a noun which precedes and modifies a sentence The distinction between nadS and nadV is not always clear, since there are so many subjectless sentences in classical Chinese. Thus it can become arbitrary whether the verb that follows a noun is a subjectless sentence or just a verb. N.B. At this point, as at many other points one develops a serious doubt whether S should be treated as a syntactic category at all, or whether for a language like Chinese it might not be more congenial to regard sentencehood as a pragmatic function mainlyof verb phrases, where objects and subjects etc. can be understood or specified. I have often considered this problem, but I have never ventured into any systematic attempt at implementation of this insight. |
nadS1.adS2 |
noun preceding and modifying a sentence, this whole phrase modifying a second sentence |
| |
nadS1.postS2 |
noun modifying a sentence, this phrase being in construction with a preceding other sentence. |
nadSS |
noun preceding and modifying a sentence or sequence of sentences "SS" is an ad hoc notation fora sequence of sentences. One might, evidently, always ask whether an S in our notation allows for or does not allow for the kind of complexity denoted by our formula SS. There are adsentential nouns which have as their scope a whole paragraph rather than a single sentence. These are preliminarily collected in the present category. One could many more if one decides to cultivate this subcategory. |
nadV |
noun which precedes and modifies a main verb, traditionally: denominal adverb The denominal nature of these nadV is problematic in all those cases where both nominal and verbal uses of the character in question are well attested and equally common. For many cases one is tempted to introduce a category n/vadN. The distinction between nadV and nadS is by no means always clear, even in context, wherever S is a verbal sentence and thus syntactically speaking and strictly speaking a VP. See also NPadV, NPad.Vt+N, nad.Vt+N, and n(0)[PRED].adV |
nadV.[adN] |
lexically retrievable N modified by a nadV construction |
nadV.adN |
noun modifying a verb, that phrase modifying a noun. |
nadV.adS |
noun preceding and modifying a verbal expression, and that whole expression in turn preceding and modifying a sentence |
nadV.postN{SUBJ} |
noun preceding and modifying a verbal expression, this phrase being in construction with a preceding nominal subject. The position of the denominal adverb after the subject is not very common, and needs to be carefully recorded. The general rule seems to be that the preposed subject in such cases typically serves as the subject of a whole series of sentences. |
nadV.postN{SUBJ}:postS |
noun preceding and modifying a verbal expression, this whole construction being preceed by nominal subject, and this whole construction in turn following after and being in construction with a sentence. |
| |
a noun preceding and modifying a verbal, that whole construction being preceded and modified by another verbal expression |
nadV{NEG} |
nominal preceding and modifying a negative verb. Negated verbal expression V[NEG] is a tentative notation that is useful to describe phrases involving so-called negative polarity items like English "in the least" which only comes in "not in the least". |
nadV{PASS} |
noun preceding and modifying a passive verbal expression. |
nadV{PASS}.adN |
noun modifying a passive verbal expression, that whole phrase modifying a noun. One might conceivably call this a straightforward nadV[PASS] and make a separate note that nadV[PASS] can be used adnominally. But the present approach integrates this into the syntactic classification of the nouns capable of entering this complex construction. |
nc |
nc-N |
nc-V{NUM} |
countable noun followed and modified by a numeral |
nc1ad:V{NUM}+.nc2+N |
count noun modifyng a construction consisting of a number verb followed by another count noun and a nominal expression. Very curious double classifier construction to keep track of by means of this bizarre entry. |
nc[post-V{YI}] N |
nc[post-V{YI}] N |
ncadN |
count noun preceding and modifying a nominal |
ncc |
count noun, noun that can be counted by individual items and are actually found counted. One might have left all these words as simply n. As it stands this group is just a preliminary and partial list of nouns that are actually counted. This category should perhaps be subdivided into ncpost-v(NU), ncpost-ncl etc. in order to enable one to study the culture and natural history of counting as accessible in Chinese texts. As it stands this categorisation remains quite unsystematic and haphazard since most countable nouns are classified simply as n. One might consider calling nc only nouns where these are actually counted. One might also simply abandon the category and incorporate its examples into the straightforward category n. The problem with that is that after it is done one will not be able to retrieve these interesting cases … |
ncc(post-V{NUM}.)+N |
ncc(post-npro.)+N |
counted noun modified by a omitted contextually determinate pronoun, that whole expression being followed by and in construction with a nominal expression. |
ncpost-V1{NUM}.adV2 |
ncpost-V1{NUM}.postV2 |
construction with measure word for verbs. cf: 去一趟 |
ncpost-V1{NUM}:postadV2 |
noun preceded by a number verb, that whole construction following after and modifying a verbal expression. 擊之三下
ncpost-V{NUM} |
counted noun determined by a numeral |
ncpost-V{NUM}(.+N) |
ncpost-V{NUM}(.postN) |
ncpost-V{NUM}.+N |
NOTE: This is one of the later typical positions for 'nominal classifiers'.
ncpost-V{NUM}.+N:-V |
ncpost-V{NUM}.adN |
ncpost-V{NUM}.adV |
ncpost-V{NUM}.post-N |
The borderline between containers and volume classifiers can be problematic at times. Also, for classical Chinese there is a rather interesting tendency for classifiers to be used in (long or short) lists. In general, the structural analysis of "classifier phrases" in Old Chinese remains highly controversial, of course.
ncpost-npro(.+N) |
count noun preceded and modified by a pronoun, and in construction with a main nominal expression that is omitted by contextually deterinate. |
ncpost-npro.+N |
count noun preceded and modified by a pronoun, that whole construction preceding and in construction with a nominal expression. Traditionally, one would be inclined to take this as ncpost-npro.adN, but the construction is probably not one of modification but of apposition, as Göran Malmqvist has pointed out to me a long time ago. |
nc{PRED}post-V{NUM} |
The predicative use of classifier phrases is not common in classical Chinese. Examples must be carefully assembled and compared. |
nm |
mass noun, a noun that does not refer to countable concrete items and is not plausibly considered as abstract 1. cannot be counted by concrete individual items ( 三民 cannot mean "three peoples") 2. can be counted by amount-of-stuff classifiers 3. when immediately preceded and modified by a number, mass nouns are counted by kinds ( 三酒 "three kinds of wine") 4. when immediately preceded and modified by a demonstrative pronoun, the reference is typically to a kind of nm, not to a certain concrete amount of it It is crucial to remember that one and the same word can be used both as a mass noun and as a count noun, an obvious example of this being 毛 1. nm hair; 2. nc a hair
nm(post-N) |
mass noun modified by an omitted contextually determinate nominal expression. |
nm(post-N.)+V |
nm(post-N1.)[adN2] |
nm+Vt |
nm+V{PRED} |
mass noun preceding a predicative verb phrase. This category allows one in special cases to assemble the uses as a grammatical subject of certain nouns. In the cases like that of 民 this is of considerable historical interest. But in the case of most nouns there is no need to list and study their uses as objects versus subjects. Syntactic categories like these illustrate very well the way in which our analytical categories quite often do reflect our more general cognitive interest in addition to our grammatical interest. Our categories are analytic tools which we create for our varied intellectual uses. |
nm.ab |
nm.ab |
nm.c |
counted mass noun. |
|{NUM} |
nm.postVt |
mass noun in construction with a preceding transitive verbal expression. This category allows one in special cases to assemble the uses as an object of certain nouns. In the cases like that of 民 this is of considerable historical interest. But in the case of most nouns there is no need to list and study their uses as objects versus subjects. Syntactic categories like these illustrate very well the way in which our analytical categories quite often do reflect our more general cognitive interest in addition to our grammatical interest. Our categories are analytic tools which we create for our varied intellectual uses. |
nm[.post-N] |
nm[adN] |
nm[post-N] |
mass noun modified by an omitted lexically determinate nominal expression. |
nmadN |
mass noun preceding and modifying a main noun A great many nadN need to be moved into this category. |
nmadN1.adN2 |
mass noun modifying a noun, this whole construction modifying a second nominal expression. |
nmadV |
adverbially used mass noun |
nmpost-N |
nmpost-N |
nmpost-Nm |
nmpost-Npr |
mass noun preceded and modified by a proper name, typically a place name |
nmpost-N{PLACE} |
nmpost-V{NUM} |
Mass nouns are counted by kinds and not by items. |
nm{PRED} |
nm{PRED} |
nn |
complex nominal consisting of two syllables not current with independent meaning It is by no means always a simple matter to decide whether a word does have independent meaning or not. One isolated single poetic usage of a word does not, it seems, justify the atttribution of an independent meaning to a word. |
nn[adN] |
nn[adN] |
nnab |
abstract noun consisting of two elements that have no current separate meaning. One may in the end decide that there is no need for this category. Meanwhile one can assemble here the cases where an nn is in fact an abstract nominal expression. |
nnadN |
binomial noun preceding and modifying a nominal expression. One notes that it is by no means easy to decide when an nn which modifies another nominal expression deserves to be assigned to this category. Note that 王 is taken as nadN only when it has the general meaning of "royal", and not - for example - when it is possessive and mean's "the king's". |
nnm |
nominal mass binome, the constituents of which have no independent meaning. |
nnmadN |
nominal mass binome, the constituents of which have no independent meaning preceding and modifying a nominal expression. |
npo .Vt N |
reflexive pronoun preceding a construction constising of a transitive verb followed by its unpronominalisable object |
npost-.N+ZHI |
noun preceded and modified by a phrase consisting of a nominal expression followed by 之 . |
npost-.N+ZHI:+S |
noun preceded and modified by a nominal expression with 之 , that whole phrase followed by and in construction with a sentence. |
npost-.N+ZHI:adS |
npost-.N1+N2 |
noun preceded by a construction consisting of two nouns in construction with each other. |
npost-N |
a noun following, and being modified by, a nominal expression This category collects nouns lexically specialised in functioning after other nouns and being modified by them. There is something transitive about these words, and one might be tempted to label them ntpost-N. |
npost-N.+Npr |
transitive noun preceded and modified by a nominal expression, this whole phrase followed by and in construction with a proper name |
npost-N.=Npr |
n modified by N and in apposition with Npr |
npost-N.adS |
noun modified by a preceding nominal expression, this phrase preceding and modifying a sentence. |
npost-N1.adN2 |
noun being modified by a preceding other nominal expression, that whole phrase preceding yet another nominal expression. |
npost-N1[.adN2] |
npost-Nab |
noun modified by a preceding abstract nominal expression. |
npost-Npr |
npost-N{PLACE} |
noun modified by a preceding place name. |
npost-N{PLACE}.+Npr |
noun being modified by a preceding place noun, this construction being followed by a proper name. |
npost-N{PLACE}.postVt |
noun modified by a preceding place noun, this constuction being the object of a transitive verb. It appears useful to consider to what extent these special nouns do come to function as objects. This category will provide a place to make such cases retrievable. For example it makes good sense to ask whether 宋人 currently serves as an object or not. Thus this category illustrates the way in which some our grammatical categories will result from subjective research interest, cognitive interest rather than purely "objective" analytic need. |
npost-S |
noun modified by a preceding sentence or minor sentence |
npost-S.adN |
noun modified by a sentence in attributive function |
npost-S1.adS2 |
noun in construction with preceding sentence, that whole phrase preceding and modifying another sentence |
npost-V |
noun following after and being modified by a verbal expression. |
npost-V.adS |
noun following after a verbal expression, that whole construction preceding and modifying a sentence. |
npost-V{INDEF-ARTICLE}.adN |
npost-V{NUM} |
npost-V{NUM}.adN |
npost-V{NUM}.adV |
npost-V{NUM}.postYOU:post-N |
npost-V{NUM}.postadN |
npost-V{NUM}.postadV |
npost-npro |
npost-npro.+Npr |
noun modified by a preceding pronoun, this construstion preceding a proper name. A marginal category that is introduced simply in order to have a place in which to record the ability of words to fill this complex syntactic slot. This category may turn out expendable, but it does draw attention to a significant grammatical pattern. |
npost-npro.adS |
noun preceded and modified by a pronoun, that whole construction preceding and modifying a sentence. |
npost.N1+N2 |
a noun in construction with a preceding collocation of two nominals |
npost=N |
An n preceded by an N that is in apposition with it. |
npost=Npr |
a noun idiomatically in construction with a preceding proper name which modifies it I have long hesitated whether in 平王 the head is 王 which is qualified by way of assigning a name to it, by 平 . A standard way of reading this, however, is to take it as a case of apposition. However one decides to take these words, they do seem to belong to one category which will need a coherent and homogeneous treatment. |
npost=Npr |
npostN |
noun in construction with a preceding noun. |
npostN1{SUBJ}.+N2{PRED}:post-S |
npostNpr |
noun preceded by a proper name. Because of the appositon "app" involved, on may want to rebaptise this syntactic category as npostappNpr. |
npostNpr.adN |
N exemplified by Npr |
npostNpr.adV.Nab |
Npr agent subject of V>Nab |
|{PLACE} |
noun preceded by a proper nominal, this construction being modified by a preceding place name. |
npostS.adN |
N modified by an S |
npostV1.adV2 |
noun following after a verbal expression, that whole construction preceding and modifying another verbal expression. |
npostVt |
noun following after and serving as object of a transitive verb It may be strange that there is occasion to register the use of certain nouns as objects, but the examples found make it clear that we do need this category, especially for pronouns and de-pronominal constructions. |
npostVt.adV |
noun following after the transitive verbal expression of which it is the object, that whole construction preceding and modifying a verbal expression. |
| |
npostad.Npro |
noun modifying a preceding pronominal expression |
npostadN |
particle modifying a preceding N One should not jump to the conclusion that these are suffixes. Topic markers like 者 are surely not suffixes, but they may seem to fall into this category. Etymologically, 者 is the head of the noun phrase after which it occurs. Should we maintain this in the cases where 者 functions as a topic marker? This needs discussion. Does a post-nominal particle which marks the noun as s topic thereby "modify" that noun. I think so! |
npostadS |
noun following after and modifying a sentence. |
npostadS1.adS2 |
npostadV |
denominal postverbal adverb: noun modifying a preceding verb |
npr |
noun that is a proper name |
npr.adN |
proper name defining an N |
npr.adV |
proper noun, preceding and modifying a verbal expression |
|{NUM} |
npr[post=npro1] |
npr[post=npro2] |
npro |
a noun that is a a pro-form, traditionally: a pronoun 1. may sometimes idiomatically precede negated transitive verb as the object of that verb. 2. cannot normally be modified (as in English "poor old me"). 3. can hardly function as a topic in its pronominal meaning. 4. often functions as a substitute for a contextually determinate noun (this, of course, does not hold for question pronouns etc). 5. has no derivative functions as a denominal adverb, thus there is no npro.adV, although occasional abstract nominalisations are attested. 6. npro differs interestingly from nouns with pronominal semantics "n - pro" such as 臣 which are analysed as having the semantic feature "pro". |
npro(-N) |
npro(.adN) |
pronoun modifying a contextually determinate unexpressed main nominal |
npro(.adV) |
pronoun functioning as an adverb to an omitted verbal expression |
npro(adN) |
npro(post-N) |
npro(post-N) |
npro(post-N.)postVt |
npro(post-vt[0]) |
npro+:vtt+N.+V[0] |
pronoun preceding a transitive verb followed by a pivot-nominal expression, this construction being followed by a verb. |
npro+N{PRED} |
pronoun followed by a nominal predicate This category is of marginal interest, but important to those who wish to understand in detail the subtle contrasts between the various demonstrative pronouns. |
npro+V(.postN{TOP}) |
pronoun preceding and in construction with a predicate, with an omitted topic understood as preceding the whole construction There is a pervasive problem whether one is entitled to assume a very general omitted topic when a sentence begins with one of these pronouns. It would have to be clear from the context which word is to be supplied for such "deletion" or omission to become a plausible hyptothesis. An interesting contrast is with the constructions beginning with subjectless 無 "there were none who". |
npro+V.postN |
pronoun which precedes and is in construction with a verbal, that whole phrase being modified by a preceding noun |
npro+V.postN{TOP} |
npro+V.postVt |
pronoun followed by a verbal predicate, that whole construction being the object of a VtoS which follows. This is an awkward category, but one must try to find ways of capturing indirect questions in classical Chinese. So far, little progress has been made on this front. |
npro+Vt |
npro+Vt(oN) |
pronoun followed by a transitive verbal expression with a contextually determinate unexpressed object |
npro+Vt.adN |
pronoun followed by a transitive verbal expression, that whole construction preceding and modifying a nominal expression. |
npro+Vt.adV |
npro+Vt.postN{OBJ} |
A pronoun followed by a transitive Vt, that whole construction being preceded by an object N. |
npro+Vt:adN |
a pronoun in construction with and preceding a transitive verb, this phrase in turn prededing and modifying a nominal expression |
npro+VtoN |
pronoun preceding a transitive verb with its object The normal case is the addition of 其 after the transitive noun. That is why it is perhaps useful to have a place in which to collect the cases where that second pronoun is missing. |
npro+V{PRED} |
pronoun followed by and in construction with a predicative verbal expression. |
npro+V{PRED}.postN{SUBJ} |
pronoun in construction with and preceding a verbal predicate, that phrase being in construction with a preceding nominal subject |
npro+ZHI+V.postN{TOP} |
npro+vtoN |
npro-.VtoN |
pronoun followed by and modified by a construction consisting of a translive verbal expression followed by its nominal object. |
npro-.Vtt N |
pronoun followed by and modified by a construction consisting of a ditransitive verbal expression followed by its indirect object |
npro-Vt |
a pronoun followed by and modified by a transitive verbal expression |
npro-Vt.adN |
npro-vt.-V |
npro-vt.-V(:postN{SUBJ}) |
npro-vt.-V:postN{SUBJ}之 |
npro. V{PRED}:adS |
npro.(adN1):postN1 |
pronoun preceding and modifying a contextually determinate nominal N1, this phrase being preceded by and in construction with N1 Linguists call this an exocentric function. |
npro.+Vt+N |
pronoun preceding a phrase consisting of a transitive verb with its object |
npro.+Vt::post:npro.postN1:::adN2 |
pronoun preceding transitive verbal expression, this phrase being in construction with a preceding phrase consisting of a nominal expression followed by a pronoun, the whole of this complex expression in turn preceding and modifying a main nominal expression Like all syntactic analyses of functions of 所 , this one feels most awkward and one hopes for better ideas to get to grips with it. This surely is not a real function class describing a lexicalised specialisation of suo3 所 . On the other hand, it is an aim of SSC to record the complex frames into which particles can enter idiomatically. Thus I am not, at this stage, quite sure that one could delete this kind of structural record without some significant loss of information. |
npro.+Vtt:+N |
(interrogative) object pronoun preceding and in construction with a ditransitive verb with one nominal object |
npro.+V{PRED}:adS |
npro.ab |
abstract pronoun |
npro.adN |
adnominal pronoun, a pronoun which modifies and precedes a nominal expression Under this category it is registered which npro are found to function, under what circumstances, in adnominal function. Note that the number of npro.adN is significantly smaller than the number of plain npro: this illustrates that not all pronouns can function adnominally. And, manifestly, many of the diagnostic criteria applicable to npro cannot be brought to bear on npro.adN. However npro.adN do tend to function as a substitute for a contextually determinate noun. |
npro.adN: V{PRED} |
npro.adN:adV |
pronoun preceding and modifying a noun, this phrase preceding and modifying a verbal expression. |
npro.adNPab{S} |
pronoun preceding and modifying a nominalised sentence |
npro.adNab |
pronoun preceding and modifying an abstract nominal Most abstract nominals are not easily modified by demonstrative pronouns. This category collects those demonstrative pronouns where this does happen. |
npro.adNm |
pronoun preceding and modifying a mass-nominal expression. |
npro.adNpr |
pronoun preceding and modifying a proper name |
npro.adNpr{PRED} |
npro.adNpr{PRED} |
npro.adN{NUM} |
pronoun preceding and modifying a number nominal. |
npro.adN{NUM}:adnpro |
pronoun preceding and modifying a number noun, that whole construction preceding and modifying a head pronoun |
npro.adN{PRED} |
pronound preceding and modifying a predicative nominal expression This is an unlikely category, but given the example I found I see no way of avoiding it. |
npro.adS |
pronoun in adsentential position |
npro.adS1:adS2 |
pronoun preceding and modifying a sentence S1, that whole construction preceding and modifying another sentence S2 |
npro.adS1:postS2 |
pronoun (sentence connective) preceding and modifying a sentence, this whole phrase following after and being in construction with a second sentence |
npro.adV |
pronoun preceding and modifying a verbal expression; traditionally: de-pronominal adverb In a traditionalist manner these words are taken as pronouns. The objective syntactic criteria for their being pronouns in this context remain unclear. Contrast npro+V, which has all the pronouns which function as subject. |
npro.adV:adS |
pronoun preceding and modifying (e.g. nominalising or subordinating) a verbal expression, that whole phrase preceding and modifying a sentence. |
npro.adV>Nab |
npro.adVt[oN] |
npro.adVt[oN] |
npro.adV{NUM}+N |
pronoun modifying an expression consisting of a number verb phrase modifying a noun. |
npro.adV{NUM}+Nab |
npro.m |
|{NUM} |
pronoun modified by a preceding phrase consisting of a pronoun preceding and modifying a numeral noun. |
| |
| |
pronoun preceded and modified by a nominal expression, that whole phrase being followed by a sentence |
| |
pronoun preceded and modified by a (time) nominal, that whole expression preceding and modifying a sentence. |
|ǑU:.+V |
pronoun preceded and modified by a nominal expression, this whole phrase following after 有 , and that whole construction being followed by a verbal predicate |
|[S1]:adS2 |
pronoun preceded and modified by a nominalised sentence, this construction preceding and modifying another (unnominalised) sentence |
| |
|{PRED} |
pronoun preceded and mofified by an abstract nominal exprssion A large number of cases of need to be reclassified under this category if we want to maintain the distinction. |
| |
pronoun preceded and modified by a proper name Read this as "the one who is identical with Npr" |
|{non-narrative} |
|{2}.adN |
particle following two paratactically conjoined nouns, the whole expression modifying another noun |
|{NUM} |
|{NUM} |
|{PRED} |
a pronoun in construction with a preceding nominal |
|{PRED} |
pronoun modified by a prededing predicative nominal expression |
|{SUO} |
pronominal particle enclosing the SUO-construction |
| |
noun modifyiing a preceding sentence, and this construction preceding and modifying another sentence |
| |
pronoun following after and being modified by a verb. |
| | |
|{NUM} |
pronoun following after and modified by a verbal expression which is semantically passive |
| |
pronoun preceded by a preposition (of which it is the object), that whole phrase following after a verbal expression This probably superfluous category allows one to collect instances where pronouns are used as indirect objects introduced with a non-main vt registered as a pronoun for ease of recognition. More such examples need to be collected. As one is commenting on this one is tempted to simply delete this category. But on second thought it appears that this curious category does allow one to retrieve certain types of 己 . |
| |
|{OBJ}. Vt |
|{OBJ}.+Vt. |
|{OBJ}.+Vt. |
npro.postN1:=N2 |
npro.postN:+V{PRED} |
npro.postN:adNPab:.adS |
文王之治岐也 ... WEN KING GENITIVE/PRO GOVERN QI … "When King Wén ruled in Qí …" |
npro.postN:adNab |
npro.postN:adV>Nab |
npro.postN:adV>Nab2 |
npro.postN:postYǑU |
pronoun following the nominal subject of existence after 有 |
npro.postNPab{S} |
question pronoun in construction with a preceding nominalised sentence |
npro.postNpr.adV>Nab |
The V-ing of Npr |
npro.postNpr:postYǑU:.+V |
pronoun following and in construction with a proper name, that construction being preceded by 有 and that whole construction in turn being followed by a verbal predicate. The reason why we need this category is that one would like to be able to look up the use of 者 after proper names as opposed to ordinary nouns. |
npro.postN{2}.adN |
npro.postN{TOP}.+Nab |
pronoun in construction with a preceding nominal topic, this whole phase followed by and in construction with an abstract nominal |
npro.postS |
pronoun in construction with a preceding sentence Note that 奚也 is unattested in TLS. |
npro.postS:adN |
npro.postV |
question pronoun in construction with a preceding verbal expression In the long run one may well wish to specify what kinds of verbal expression in fact occur in front of the question pronouns. We should then have to further subdivide the category. Such subdivision will always remain possible, but in cases like this it seems ominously desirable. There is also a very serious question of why exactly we call these kinds of words pronouns! 待考 |
npro.postV(:postadN) |
npro.postV:adN |
pronoun in construction with a preceding verbal, the whole phrase preceding and modifying a nominal |
npro.postV:adN:.adS |
pronoun following after a verbal expression, this whole phrase preceding and modifying a nominal expression, that whole expression in turn preceding and modifying a sentence. |
npro.postV:adNpr |
pronoun in construction with a preceding verbal, this whole phrase modifying a proper name (taken in the Vossian general sense "an X, a person like X" |
npro.postV:postadN |
pronoun in construction with a preceding verbal, this whole phrase being in construction with a preceding nominal Compare the closely related and even more common 而 . |
npro.postV>Nab1:adV>Nab2 |
npro.postVP{ADJ}adNab |
npro marking adjectival modification of an abstract N |
npro.postVt |
verbal, which is a contraction of a transitive verb which follows a transitive verbal as its object This category is in a sense "unnatural": in it we record the occurrence of pronouns in object position. And we do this simply in order to chart the different behaviour of different pronouns in this respect. In principle, one could mark all nouns that occur in object versus subject positions, but in general nouns are indifferent to these two functions. |
npro.postVt.+N{SUBJ} |
pronoun functioning as a pivot |
npro.postVt:+V[0] |
pronoun in construction with a preceding transitive verb, this phrase preceding and being in construction with a verbal expression the omitted subject of which is lexically determinate as being identical in reference with the npro. The use of the object pronoun as a pivot is striking and needs to be recorded. |
npro.postVt:adV[0] |
pronoun in construction with a preceding transitive verb, this phrase preceding and modifying a verbal expression with a lexically determinate omitted subject. |
npro.postadN.adV |
pronoun in modifying a preceding N, this whole phrase preceding and modifying a verbal |
npro.postadN1:=N2 |
npro.postadN1:adN2 |
pronoun modifying a preceding nominal N1, and that whole phrase preceding and modifying a second nominal N2 |
npro.postadN:+Nab |
pronoun modifying a preceding nominal, this phrase preceding and modifying an abstract nominal This is something of a structural teaser: does the final V get nominalised through this construction, or is it already nominalised as it enters this construction? This needs much discussion. |
npro.postadN:adNab |
npro.postadN:adNab |
npro.postadS |
npro.postadV |
npro.postadV1:adV2 |
pronoun modifying a preceding verbal expression, this whole phrase preceding and modifying a verb ???待考 |
npro.postadVP:adN |
npropostadVP.adN |
npro.postvt:adV[0] |
pronoun in construction with a preceding transitive verb (of which it is the object), this phrase preceding and modifying a main verb with a lexically determinate omitted subject |
npro.postvtt:oN |
pronoun in construction with a preceding ditransitive verb, this phrase preceding and being in construction with a second nominal object |
| |
Reduplicated pronoun |
| |
reduplicated pronoun preceding and in construction with a verbal expression. |
npro0 |
nonreferential pronoun The "0" after pronouns refers to non-referential pronouns in the sense that the pronouns in questions do not invite one to identify any item, thing, or person. |
npro0(.adN) |
non-referential pronoun modifying an omitted nominal head of the construction. This is a so-called "exocentric" use of an impersonal pronoun. The "0" after pronouns refers to non-referential pronouns in the sense that the pronouns in questions do not invite one to identify any item, set, or person. |
npro0.adN |
adnominal non-referential pronoun The "0" after pronouns refers to non-referential pronouns in the sense that the pronouns in questions do not invite one to identify any item, set, or person. |
npro0.postVt |
nonreferential pronoun as object after a transitive verb. The "0" after pronouns refers to non-referential pronouns in the sense that the pronouns in questions do not invite one to identify any item, set, or person. |
npro1+.Vttonpro2.+N |
a pronoun preceding a transitive verb with a pronominal object (referring back to that first pronoun). |
npro1+Vt+.npro2adN |
pronoun preceding and in construction with a transitive verb, this phrase preceding and being in construction with another pronoun which precedes and modifies a noun |
npro1+Vt.postN1 |
pronoun preceding a transitive verb, this phrase in construction with a preceding nominal that is coreferential with the pronoun Tentatively "superscript" numbers are used to index coreference. One might object that the coreference indicated by the index "1" here conflates syntactic and semantic features. In principle, one could banish such coreference indicators to the semantic categories field, but there is no urgent need to do this. |
npro1+Vt.postnpro2 |
pronoun in construction with and preceding a transitive verb, this phrase being in construction with a preceding (adnominal) pronoun |
npro1.adV{NUM}+N:adnpro2 |
(demonstrative) pronoun preceding and modifying a phrase consisting of a number verb preceding and modifying a noun, this whole phrase preceding and modifying another pronoun This category conveniently assembles the common cases of counted nounw preceded by a demonstrative pronoun and then marked off by the final resumptive pronoun zhe3 者 . |
npro1.adnpro2 |
npro1 restricts the reference of npro2 |
| |
who from among the N |
| V |
pronoun in apposition with the preceding pronoun, both referring to the subject of V |
npro1.postadnpro1 |
pronoun in construction with a preceding other coreferential pronoun Pronominal coreference relations have not yet been formalised in the system. Tentatively, I use the "superscript" 1 after two pronouns to designate coreference. |
npro1.postnpro2:=N |
npro1.postnpro2:>N |
postpronominal pronoun modifying a nominal head |
npro1.postnpro2:adN |
npro1.postpro2:adN |
npro1ad.npro2[adN] |
other than |
npro1ad.npro2adN |
pronoun preceding and modifying a construction consisting of a second pronoun preceding and modifying a noun. |
npro1postnpro2.adNab |
npro2's Nab |
npro1postnpro2.adV>Nab |
pronominal subject of V>Nab |
npro1postnpro2.adV>Nab:adS |
npro1{OBJ}+Vt.postnpro2 |
npro1{OBJ} |
npro1{SUBJ}ad.npro2{OBJ}+Vt |
pronoun preceding and modifying a phrase consisting of another pronoun which precedes and is in construction with a transitive verbal |
npro:+Npro{OBJ}.+Vt |
pronoun preceding and in construction with a phrase consisting of a pronominal object preceding the transitive verb of which it is the object The case of a pronoun being resumed by another immediately following pronoun is as interesting as the case of a pronoun being resumptive of another immediately preceding pronoun. |
npro:+vt.+QI2adN |
pronoun following a phrase consisting of a transitive verb followed by its object in the form of a pronound preceding and modifying a main nominal expression |
npro:ad.suǒ Vt |
npro:post.Npost-V{NUM} |
Very probably, this category will have to be eliminated. Before that, however, it will serve to remind us of an interesting tendency for zhe3 者 to occur after counted nouns. |
npro:post.Vt[COMP]+prep |
pronoun preceded by and in construction with a phrase consisting of a comparative transitive verb with its preposition I note this category, because 此 is so much more common than 是 in this function, and I wish to record this. |
npro=N |
pronoun in apposition with a noun that follows it |
npro=N |
pronoun followed by and in apposition with a nominal expression Note that npro++Npr, where the apposition is with a proper name is a special case. Apposition, marked as "++" is as between "I" and "George W. Bush" in the phrase "I, George W. Bush". |
npro=Npr |
pronoun followed by and in apposition with a proper name. Apposition, marked as "++" is as between "I" and "George W. Bush" in the phrase "I, George W. Bush". |
npro[.adN] |
npro[adN] |
nproad.N(+prep+N1) |
nproad.Vt+N:postVt2 |
pronoun preceding and modifying a transitive verb with its nominal object, that whole phrase being in construction with a preceding transitive verb (of which the phrase is the object) |
nproad.V{NUM}+N |
pronoun modifying a counted nominal expression |
nproadN+S |
nproadNab |
npro object of Nab |
nproadNtr |
npro is the object of the transitivity in Ntr |
nproadN{PRED} |
nproadN{PRED} |
nproadV |
nproadVt |
demonstrative pronoun modifying a transitive verbal expression |
npropost.N+V{PRED} |
pronoun in construction with a preceding subject noun followed by a verbal predicate |
npropost=Npr |
A pronoun in apposition with a preceding proper name |
npropostN-.V+zhě |
npropostN-V zhě |
npropostN.-V |
pronoun preceded by an N, this whose expression being followed by a verbal expression modifying that N |
npropostN.adNPab:adS |
npropostN.adNP{V者} |
npropostN.adNP{often=V者} |
npropostN.adNP{oftenV者} |
npropostN.adNP{所Vt} |
npropostN.adNP{所Vt}:adV |
adverbial use of preceding |
npropostN.adNP{所V} |
npropostN.adNP{所以Vt}:adV |
npropostN.adNP{所以V}:adV |
npropostN.adNab |
npropostN.adS |
denominal adverbial localisation by N of S |
npropostN.adV |
pronoun in construction with a preceding nominal, that whole phrase preceding and modifying a verbal |
npropostN.adV:adS |
npropostN.adV:post-p:.adS |
npropostN.adV>NPab:adS |
npropostN.adV>Nab |
npropostN.adV>Nab{S1}:post-p:.adS2 |
npropostN.adVP>NPab:adS |
npropostN1.=N2 |
npropostN1.adN2 |
pronoun in construction with a precding a nominal expression N1, that whole construction preceding and modifying another noun N2 |
npropostN:adV>Nab |
npropostNPab.adNab2 |
npropostNab.adN |
npropostNab.adV>Nab |
npopostNab.adV>Nab |
npropostNab1.adNab2 |
npropostNab1{instrumental}.adNab2{de-action-verbal} |
npropostNab1{instrumental}.adNab2{de-action-verbal} |
npropostNm.adN |
npropostNpr.=N |
| V>Nab |
Npr being V-ed |
npropostNpr.adN |
npropostNpr.adNab |
Nab possession of Npr |
npropostNpr.adV>Nab |
Npr AGENT of V |
npropostNpr1.adNpr2 |
npropostNpro.=N |
npropostN{2}.adN |
npropostS.adN |
npropostV.adN |
npropostV.adN:adS |
npropostV.adNab |
npropostV.adNpr |
npropostV1.-V2 |
marker of adverbial modification between the main verbal expression V1 and a postposed deverbal adverb V2. |
npropostV1:adV2 |
npropostV>Nab.adN |
npropostV>Nab.adNab |
Nab SPECIFIED by V>Nab |
npropostV>Nab1.adV>Nab2 |
V>Nab as subject modifying another V>Nab |
npropostVP.adN |
npropostadN.-V |
npropostadV.adN |
the V-ing and the like |
npropostadVP.adN |
npro{OBJ.PRED}-Vt |
npro{OBJ}+.Vt+N:postVt2 |
npro{OBJ}+.VtoV[0] |
preverbal pronominal object followed by a verbal construction with a modal verb |
npro{OBJ}+Vt |
a preposed object pronoun preceding and in construction with a transitive verb The intrusion of the semantic feature [OBJ] into this formula is messy, and designed to distinguish this from the case of subject pronouns in front of Vt. Note that there are no subject pronouns specialised on a position in front of transitive rather than intransitive verbs. The function of this [OBJ] is primarily mnemonic and may have to be removed for reasons of systematicity, so that this category will simply become "npro+Vt - ref=obj". This will certainly be neater. |
npro{OBJ}+Vt.adV |
question object pronoun preceding and in construction with a transitive verb, that phrase preceding and modifying a verbal expression |
npro{OBJ}+Vt.adVt |
object pronoun preceding a transitive verb, that whole construction preceding and modifying a transitive verbal expression. |
npro{OBJ}+Vt.postN{SUBJ} |
pronoun in construction with and preceding a transitive verb, this phrase being in construction with a preceding subject nominal |
npro{OBJ}+Vt.postN{SUBJ}+之 |
npro{OBJ} Vt.postN{SUBJ}+之 |
npro{OBJ}+Vt.postN{TOP} |
object pronoun in construction with and preceding a transitive verbal, that phrase being in construction with a preceding nominal topic which is coreferential with the initial pronoun The cases of a pronoun resuming a noun that immediately precedes it deserves special attention. Compare also 實 which is analysed as npro+V[PRED].postN[SUBJ]. |
npro{OBJ}+Vtt+prep+N |
npro{OBJ} Vtt prep N |
npro{OBJ}-.VtoN |
object pronoun preceding and being modified by a phrase consisting of a transitive verbal expression and its nominal object |
npro{OBJ}-.Vtt N |
object pronoun followed by and modified by a ditransitive verb with its indirect object |
npro{OBJ}-.Vtt prep N |
object pronoun followed by and modified by a construction consisting of a ditransitive verb with its indirect object introduced by a prepositional phrase |
npro{OBJ}-.Vtt(oN) |
npro{OBJ}-.Vtt+N |
npro{OBJ}-Vt |
pronoun referring to the object of the transitive verbal expression which follows and modifies that pronoun |
npro{OBJ}-Vt.adN |
pronominal object modified by and followed by a transitive verbal expression, that whole expression modifying and followed by a nominal expression |
npro{OBJ}-Vt.adS |
object pronoun followed and modified by a transitive verb, that whole construction preceding and modifying a sentence |
npro{OBJ}-Vt.adV |
object pronoun followed and modified by a transitive verb, that whole phrase in turn preceding and modifying another verbal expression |
npro{OBJ}-Vt.adV:post-N |
object pronoun folowed and modified by a transitive verbal expression, this whole construction preceding and modifying another verbal expression, and that whole construction in turn following after and being modified by a nominal expression |
npro{OBJ}-Vt.adV:post-Npro |
npro{OBJ} |
pronominal object followed by and modified by a transitive verbal expresssion, that whole expression being modified and preceded by a nominal expression. |
npro{OBJ}{SUBJ} |
npro{OBJ}-Vt.postN{SUBJ} |
npro{OBJ}-Vt.postN{SUBJ}+之 |
npro{OBJ}-Vt.{PRED} |
object pronoun followed by and modified by a transitive verbal expression, that whole construction functioning as a nominal predicate |
npro{PIVOT} VttoV. VtoN |
pivotal element in preverbal position |
npro{PLACE} VtoN |
npro{PLACE} VtoN |
npro{PRED} |
pronoun functioning as a predicate. |
npro{PRED}(postN{SUBJ}) |
predicate pronoun in construction with a preceding contextually determinate omitted subject This collects the examples where the predicative pronoun is predicative but has an idiomatically omitted contextually determinate subject. |
npro{PRED}.postN{SUBJ} |
predicative pronoun in construction with a preceding (subject) nominal expression |
npro{SUBJ}+V.postN{TOPIC}} |
npro{SUBJ}+V{PRED} |
pronoun preceding and in construction with a verbal expression Perhaps this should be renamed npro+V[PRED]. These are pronouns specialised on pre-verbal position. Whether 靡 deserves a place in this category is highly questionable. Compare the neatly distinct npro.adV which assembles specifically cases where the pronouns function as adverbs. |
npro{SUBJ}+V{PRED}.postN{TOPIC} |
npro{SUBJ}{OBJ} |
npro{SUBJ}{OBJ} |
npro{SUBJ}.+V{PRED} |
npro{SUBJ}adNab.adS |
pronoun in construction with and preceding a verbal expression, that phrase preceding and modifying a main sentence |
npro{TOPIC}.+vtoN |
npro{TOPIC}. vtoN |
npro+.Vt+N |
npro+Vt |
npro+Vto其N |
npro Vto其N |
npr{2} |
Proper name that is counted. |
npr{OBJ}-.Vtt(oN) |
pronoun referring to the indirect object of a ditransitive verbal expression with an omitted direct object. |
npr{PRED} |
a proper name used in a predicative manner to mean "be the/an npr" |
nrpopostN1.adN2 |
N2 resembling N1 |
nt |
transitive or relational noun. A noun is deemed nt insofar as its semantics essentially involves a relation to something else. For example, the concept of MOTHER essentially involves being MOTHER OF someone else, just as the semantics of DISCIPLE involves being DISCIPLE of someone else. transitive concrete noun This very important class, like its even more important sister class, the nab.t has not yet been fully implemented. It will assemble all those nouns for the semantics of which it is constitutive that they involve relations: thus one is a wife exactly to the extent that one has a certain relation to a husband, and one is a father exactly to the extent that one has a certain relation to a child. Needless to say, the valency of nouns presents many unresolved problems, but a first step towards their solution will be to assemble the candidates in a syntactic group. The notion that not only abstract nouns but also concrete nouns can be transitive is current from many studies in the valency of words. MEL'CUK 1984-1999 presents many relevant cases in what he calles the "regime" of a noun. The notion of a ruler is transitive because a ruler is only a ruler to the extent that he is a ruler of a realm. A protector is only a protector to the extent that there is something which he protects. A murderer is only a murderer to the extent that there is someone he has killed. All agent nominalisations of transitive verbs retain the transitivity of the verb from which they derive in this abstract sense. Even the notion of a "wife" differs from that of a woman that the former is relational and technically speaking transitive whereas the latter is not. Thus the class of transitive nouns that are modified by other nouns that precede them in this specific "transitive" way is considerable. A large number of what are now still simply nouns in TLS will have to be reclassified as ntpost-N. |
nt(post-N) |
transitive noun with a preceding and modifying nominal expression understood See NOTE on |
nt(post-N).adS |
transitive noun with a contextually determinate omitted preceding N modifying it, this whole construction preceding and modifying a sentence. |
nt[post-N1.]adN2 |
transitive noun with an omitted lexically determinate participant |
nt[post-N] |
relational noun modified by an omitted lexically determinate nominal expression. |
ntpost-N |
transitive noun, i.e. a noun which is semantically transitive on the one hand, and for which the semantic object is expressed explicitly The notion that not only abstract nouns but also concrete nouns can be transitive is current from many studies in the valency of words. MEL'CUK 1984-1999 presents in commendable detail many relevant cases in what he calles the "regime" of a noun. The notion of a ruler is transitive because a ruler is only a ruler to the extent that he is a ruler of a realm. A protector is only a protector to the extent that there is something which he protects. A murderer is only a murderer to the extent that there is someone he has killed. All agent nominalisations of transitive verbs retain the transitivity of the verb from which they derive in this abstract sense. Even the notion of a "wife" differs from that of a woman that the former is relational and technically speaking transitive whereas the latter is not. Thus the class of transitive nouns that are modified by other nouns that precede them in this specific "transitive" way is considerable. A large number of what are now still simply nouns in TLS will have to be reclassified as ntpost-N. |
ntt |
ditransitive noun There are not many nouns which have a double valency, but that makes it all the more important to identify those that exist. More examples need to be identified. |
classifier noun preceding and in construction with a nominal (indicating the quantity of the latter) Since we have defined classifiers as grammaticalised nouns being preceded by a number phrase, when this number phrase is not present, we need to indicate the "classifier nature" of the noun in question by a semantic gloss - thus messily introducing a gloss into our syntactic description. This messiness, on the other hand, is taken to signal something structurally quite special that is going on in the constructions in question. |
n{OBJ}+Vt |
n{OBJ}adN |
n{PLACE}adV |
place noun preceding and modifying a verbal expression |
n{PRED} |
noun functioning predicatively NOTE This category should perhaps be filled in with those nouns which turn out to be used predicatively in the texts analysed. The point is that the range of single nouns that are actually used predicatively is not in fact that large. Still, of course, one might insist that all nouns COULD be thus used. The matter is open for discussion. |
n{PRED}.post-N ZHI |
a predicatively used noun modified by a preceding noun followed by ZHI |
n{PRED}post-N |
Predicative noun preceded and modified by another noun. |
n{PRED}post-N.adS |
n{PRED}post-Nab |
n{PRED}post-V |
n{PRO} |
a noun that functions semantically in the manner of a pronoun |
n{adN} |
n|vadN |
an adjectival morpheme that can be taken to be either denominal or as deverbal, with no clear reason to choose between the alternatives. |
p |
p+N.postS |
a particle which precedes and modifies a nominal expression, this whole phrase being in construction with a preceding sentence The grammatical relation between 況 and the noun it is in construction with seems puzzling and deserves close discussion. Our notation is non-committal at this stage. Note the contrast with 何況 . There is nothing wrong, it seems to me, with categories that have only one example. The decisive point is that we must know how to look for more examples. |
| |
particle preceding a nominal (expressing a place or a time), that phrase being in construction with a preceding second nominal N1 has to refer to a location in concrete or abstract space or in time in this construction. Interestingly, our categorial system lacks an abstract concept to cover these two dimensions. |
p+N{TOPIC}.adS |
particle preceding and in construction with a nominal topic, this topic being in construction with a sentence This is a very half-hearted category for the first 而 . Basically, the construction remains entirely opaque to me. |
p+Vt1.postVt2(oN) |
particle preceding and being in construction with a transitive verb, that phrase being in construction with a preceding other transitive verb with its contextually determinate omitted object |
p1adV1+.p1adV2 |
particle preceding and modifying a verbal expression followed by another copy of the same particle preceding and modifying another verbal expression |
p[adN] |
particle modifying a lexically retrievable omitted head |
p[adV] |
particle modifying a lexically determinate omitted verbal expression. I.e. an exocentric verbal construction, compare "I did not" which is also exocentric. |
pad.N+DENG3 |
particle preceding and modifying a nominal expression which in turn is followed by and modified by the plural marker 等 . |
pad.N-BEI4 |
particle preceding and mofifying a nominal expression postmodified by 輩 |
pad.Npost-ZHO4NG |
particle modfiying and preceding a construction consisting of a nominal expression preceded by 眾 . |
pad.Npro |
particle preceding a pronoun. |
pad.VtoN |
pad.npro{Q}{OBJ}+Vt |
particle preceding and modifying a phrase consisting of a question pronoun in construction with and preceding a transiitive verbal expression The peculiar feature of the one example I have of this marginal category is the fact that the particle governs the object of that transitive verb at the end. |
pad.vadV |
particle which modifies and precedes an adverbially modified verbal expression V |
pad.vt+N |
pad.vt+V[0] |
pad.vt V[0] |
pad.vt+V[0]{PASS} |
pad.V{0]{[ASS} |
pad:nproadN{NUM}.adZHE3 |
particle preceing and modifying a construction consisting of a pronoun modifying a number nominal expression, that preceding construction beginning with the pronoun modifying the pronoun 者 . |
padN |
a particle which precedes and modifies a nominal expression This is a collection of non-denominal, non-deverbal and non-pronominal cases. |
padN.-V{NUM}+N{CL} |
Particle preceding and modifying a nominal expression, this whole phrase being preceded and modified by a number verb modifying a classifier noun. |
padN.adS |
padN.adV |
adnominal particle preceding a (predicative) verbal expression. |
|{NUM} |
padN.postYI1QIE4 |
particle precding and modifying a nominal expression, this whole phrase being modified by a preceding 一切 . |
padN1(PRED).postN2{SUBJ} |
particle preceding and modifying a (predicative) nominal, this whose phrase being in construction with a preceding (subject) nominal This category captures the fact that the predicate may be nominal, or - if one prefers - a classificatory denominal verb. |
padN1. padN2 |
padN1. padN2 |
padN1.postN2 |
particle preceding and modifying a nominal, this phrase being in construction with a preceding other nominal |
padN1:postvtt+N2.+N3 |
particle preceding and modifying N1 in construction with a preceding ditransitive verb followed by its two objects. |
padNP |
particle preceding a noun phrase |
padNP1{PRED}.postNP2{PRED} |
NP1{PRED}.postNP2{PRED} |
padNPab{S1}.adS2 |
padNPab{S1}.adS2 |
padNPab{S}.adS |
particle preceding and modifying a nominalised sentence, that whole construction preceding and modifying another sentence 凡 frequently comes in front of un-nominalised sentences. The existence of explicitly nominalised cases might open up the possibility of regarded the presentential use of 凡 as simply a |