TLS Text list

There are currently 289 texts available.
Please click on the links in the list below to browse the titles or search for titles in the search box.

TLS Text list

This page allows you to browse the contents of the TLS and discover what texts are available. The texts are basically classified into the four traditional bibliographic categories. However, the Daoist and Buddhist texts, which are usually part of the KR3 子部 in the traditional classification are treated as top level categories, for a total of six top level categories, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: The six top categories (as in the Kanseki Repository)
KR1 經部 Jing bu Confucian Classics (incl. music, dictionaries and elementary learning)
KR2 史部 Shi bu Historiography and politics
KR3 子部 Zi bu Masters, philosophers and treatises; medical and mathematical texts
KR4 集部 Ji bu Anthologies (Poetry and Collected Writings)
KR5 道部 Dao bu Daoist texts
KR6 佛部 Fo bu Buddhist texts

In the classified catalog, the four categories have been folded into one (artificial) top level, in order to allow direct comparison to the Daoist and Buddhist texts.


To access the classified catalog, click on any of the links shown to the left.

If you are looking for a specific title, use the search function in the upper right corner and select "titles" from the dropdown selector.

Time: PT0.029S

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