GIVE 給與/予
Old Chinese Criteria
Modern Chinese Criteria
- EXCHANGE GIVE something to someone so as to RECEIVE something OTHER from him. (anc: 13/0, child: 0)
- GENEROUS HABITUALLY GIVE of one's WEALTH to THOSE WHO NEED it. (anc: 13/0, child: 3)
- TRANSMIT RECORD OR REPORT so as to CAUSE LATER GENERATIONS TO KNOW something. (anc: 13/0, child: 2)
- HAND UP TRANSMIT to a SUPERIOR. (anc: 13/0, child: 0)
- PAY GIVE as a PRICE for something. (anc: 13/0, child: 1)
- REWARD GIVE someone something BECAUSE that person has ACTED:done something GOOD. (anc: 13/0, child: 1)
- SELL GIVE something to someone EXCHANGING it for MONEY. (anc: 13/0, child: 1)
- FUNERAL GIFT GIFT GIVEN to the DEAD WHEN these are being BURIED. (anc: 13/0, child: 0)
- ENTRUST GIVE something to someone TRUSTING that s/he FUTURE:will KEEP it DILIGENTLY. (anc: 13/0, child: 0)
- LEND OUT GIVE something to someone, ASSUMING that s/he will GIVE it BACK. (anc: 13/0, child: 1)
- GIVE BACK GIVE so as to CAUSE someone to HAVE AGAIN. (anc: 13/0, child: 0)
- DISTRIBUTE GIVE EQUAL QUANTITY to MANY. (anc: 13/0, child: 0)
- RECEIVEBEGIN to HAVE something that someone is GIVING it to one.
- CAUSE TO MOVE in SUCH a way that THEREFORE someone or something else CHANGES. (anc: 11/0, child: 18)
- MOVE CHANGE PLACE OR SITUATION. (anc: 10/0, child: 21)
- CHANGE EVENT involving two MOMENTS t1 and t2, such that a THING at the MOMENT t1 is DIFFERENT FROM that THING at the MOMENT t2. (anc: 9/0, child: 18)
DARE alterius possessioni subjicere. Concurrunt hic 1. Dans. 2. Accipiens. 3. Res data et accepta. In Dante reqviritur, ut dare possit, velit, sciat hoc est habeat quod det, et offerat, et exhibeat.
4 Axioms.
Modi. Dare gratis, Donare; de manu in manum cominus (hand-to-hand), Tradere, eminus, Porrigere; per alium vero, Mittere; dare largiter, Largiri; partem rei, impertiri; dare ad reddendum, Mutuare; dare proprium, Dicare; DEO, Consecrare; Verbis, Promittere.
donum refers to a gratuitous gift which is intended to give pleasure to the beneficiary.
munus refers to a present given to the beneficiary in recognition of his services, and something that the beneficiary clearly deserves.
largitio is a display of generosity through gifts motivated by self-interest and a desire to build up a network of loyalties.
donarium refers specifically to a propitiary gift to a temple.
donativum refers even more specifically to the customary gifts by a new emperor to the soldiers that owe loyalty to him.
liberalitas refers specifically to a gratuitous gift by an emperor to a poor nobleman in recognition of support offered.
1. WL fail to notice that yi2 貽 can be to superiors
SHU 16.19
于後 Afterwards,
公乃為詩以貽王 the prince made an ode and presented it to the king,
Words (77 items)
與 yǔ OC: k-laʔ MC: ji̯ɤ
予 yǔ OC: laʔ MC: ji̯ɤ 185 Attributions
The most general word for to give is probably yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take away from").
- Word relations
- Conv: 求/SEEK
The current general word for trying to find or get something is qiú 求. - Ant: 取/TAKE
The current general word for to take is qǔ 取. - Ant: 奪/TAKE
Duó 奪 is to take by force or threat of force. - Contrast: 授 / 受/GIVE
Shòu 授 refers to the physical act of handing something over to a recipient. - Contrast: 歸/GIVE
- Assoc: 賂/GIVE
- Assoc: 賜/GIVE
Cì 賜 can refer to an act of charity or to any giving of anything, typically from a person in authority to inferiors.
- Syntactic words
- of N to othersLZ
- nabactthe act of giving away things, contributing things, or conferring presents
- vtoN.postadVsecond morpheme of some verbs of giving, cf. modern 嫁給DS
- vtoN1.postN2:adN3the N3 given to N1 by N2
- vtoNN=beneficiarygive presents to N, confer presents on N
- vtoNN=giftgive away N to someone
- vtt(oN1).+N2:-V[0]give N1 to N2 to V
- vtt(oN1.)(+N2)hand the contextually determinate thing over to a contextually determinate person
- vtt(oN1.)+N2give N2 to the contextually determinate N1
- vtt(oN1.)+N2N1=recipientgive (something N2) to a contextually determinate recipient N1
- vtt(oN1.)+N2omgive the contextually determinate thing N1 to someone N2
- vtt(oN1.)+N2reflexive.自confer something contextually determinate upon (oneself)
- vtt+N1.oN2imperativegive N2 to N1!
- vtt[N1.] N2give things to somebody; make gifts to somebodyDS
- vtt[oN1.+N2]make gifts, give out presents, confer presents on people; specifically: give out rewards
- vtt[oN1.+prep+N2]give things to peopleCH
- vttoN1(.+N2)give N1 to the contextually determinate N2
- vttoN1.+N2hand over (something N2) to (someone N1), typically as demanded; give (as appropriate under the circumstances, but without having to
- vttoN1.+N2:-Vgive N1 to N2 for N2 to V it
- vttoN1.+N2figurativeadminister N2 to N1
- vttoN1.+N2N1=gift.N2=recipientgive
- vttoN1.+prep+N2hand over (something N1) to (someone N2), typically as demandedTW
- the determinate object to (a beneficiary)
- vttoN1.postN2N2 was given to N1DS
- vttoN1:postvtoN2give something N2 to a beneficiary N1
賜 cì OC: sleeɡs MC: siɛ 82 Attributions
Cì 賜 can refer to an act of charity or to any giving of anything, typically from a person in authority to inferiors.
- Word relations
- Ant: 奪/ROB
The current word for appropriating something that is not one's own by right is duó 奪. - Contrast: 與 / 予/GIVE
The most general word for to give is probably yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take away from"). - Contrast: 遺/GIVE
Wèi 遺 and wěi 委 refer to any act of giving something to someone in permanence and for keeping. - Assoc: 與 / 予/GIVE
The most general word for to give is probably yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take away from"). - Synon: 加/GIVE
- Syntactic words
- nabactthe giving of gifts to inferiors
- v[adN]giverCH
- vadNpassiveconferred by someone, give to one
- vt(oN)omgive (unspecified) gifts to the contextually determinate person N; shower with gifts
- vtoNmake presents to (an inferior);
- vtoNobject=giftgive away to others (a gift)
- vtoNpassivebe given gifts
- vtt(oN1.)(+N2)to give a contextually determinate thing N2 to a contextually determinate recepient of lower status N1
- vtt(oN1.)+N2omgive a contextually determinate thing N1 to (a recipient N2);
- vtt[oN1.+N2]make gifts
- vttoN1(.+N2)omgive (a gift N1) to a determinate beneficiary N2
- vttoN1+.vtoN2give N1 to N2
- vttoN1.+N2give (a present N2) to (a recipient N1 of lower status)
- vttoN1.+N2figurativegive (an inferior N1) the gift of (the favourable action N2)> do (an inferior N1) the favour of (the nominalised action N2); bestow an abstract N2 to the person N1
- vttoN1.postvtoN2{OBJ}give N2 to N1
- vttoN1:postvtoN2give (a disposable item) to (a beneficiary)
授 shòu OC: djus MC: ɨu
受 shòu OC: djuʔ MC: dʑɨu 28 Attributions
Shòu 授 refers to the physical act of handing something over to a recipient.
- Word relations
- Contrast: 與 / 予/GIVE
The most general word for to give is probably yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take away from").
- Syntactic words
- vihand something over
- vt(oN)make presents, confer something on others
- vtt(oN1.)+N2hand over/give the contextually determinate thing N1 to N2
- vtt(oN1.)-vtoN2give N2 to contextually determinate recipients N1
- vttoN1(.+N2)give N1 to the contextually determinate N2
- vttoN1+.vtoN2transfer (something N2) to (someone N1) 授之以政
- vttoN1.+N2hand over (something N2) to (someone N1); confer (something N2) upon (someone N1)
- vttoN1.+N2figurativegive (an abstract object/task etc)
遺 wèi OC: k-luds MC: ji 25 Attributions
Wèi 遺 and wěi 委 refer to any act of giving something to someone in permanence and for keeping.
- Word relations
- Contrast: 賜/GIVE
Cì 賜 can refer to an act of charity or to any giving of anything, typically from a person in authority to inferiors. - Assoc: 賂/GIVE
- Syntactic words
- vtt+N1.oN2make a (typically formal) present of N2 to (mostly inferiors N1); send or pass on (as gift or message) N1 to N2
- vttoN1(.+N2)omgive the determinate gift N2 to (someone N1)
- vttoN1+.vtoN2give (something) to (someone)
- give a contextually determinate thing N1 to (a recipient N2)
- vttoN1:postvtoN2give N2 to N1
致 zhì OC: k-liɡs MC: ʈi 22 Attributions
Zhì 致 is to hand over something or to pass something on to someone.
- Syntactic words
- vttoN1(. prep N2)subject high status: bestow N1 on the the contextually determinate N2CH
- vtt(oN1.)+N2N2=titleconfer on the determinate N1 (the title of N2)
- vtt(oN1.)+N2omhand over, pass on (a gift N1) to a contextually determinate recipient N2; give; confer formally
- vttoN1.+N2confer (something N2) on (someone N1)
- vttoN1.+prep+N2hand over
- vttoN1.+prep+N2figurative"give"
貽 yí OC: lɯ MC: jɨ
詒 yí OC: lɯ MC: jɨ 21 Attributions
Yí 貽 is an archaic colourless word for giving something away to someone of one's own volition, and the recipient may be of higher status than oneself.
- Syntactic words
- vtoNformal: give, bestow; pass down the generations; gift
- vtoNpassivebe made a present
- vtt(oN1.)+N2give something contextually determinate to someone
- vttoN1.+N2present somebody N1 with a present N2; bestow something on somebody
- vttoN1.+N2psychbring something upon oneself
- a contextually determinate things to N1
歸 guī OC: klul MC: kɨi 18 Attributions
- Word relations
- Contrast: 與 / 予/GIVE
The most general word for to give is probably yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take away from").
- Syntactic words
- vtt(oN1.)+N2:+vtoN3give the contextually determinate N1 to N2 as N3DS
- vtt(oN1.)+N2figurativeattribute (something N2) to a contextually determinate person N1
- vtt(oN1.)+N2omgive a present of (something N2) to a contextually determinate person N1
- vtt(oN1.)+prep+N2give the contextually determinate N1 to N2
- vttoN1.+N2give (something N!) to (somebody N2) (to whom it is NOT necessarily owed but who should naturally have it)
- vttoN1.+prep+N2give something to someone who ought to be given it; give "back" (something N1) to (someone or some place N2) 歸胙于公
- vttoN1.+prep+N2figurativeattribute (something N1) to (on someone N2); assign to 歸責於被累害者 "lay the blame on sufferers"
割 gē OC: kaad MC: kɑt 15 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNfigurativecut off (territory etc)> cede (territory to someone else)
餽 kuì OC: ɡruls MC: gi
饋 kuì OC: ɡruds MC: gi 13 Attributions
Kuì 饋 typically refers quite specifically to the conferring of a gift of food.
- Word relations
- Oppos: 拜/ACCEPT
Bài 拜 is sometimes used by itself to signify very polite acceptance of an offer. >>POLITE
- Syntactic words
- vt(oN)come with presents to the contextually determinate person(s), make presents to one
- vtoNgive food as an unofficial present; give (something as a present); serve up
- vtt(oN1.)+N2omto give a contextually determinate beneficiary N2 (something N1) as present
- vttoN1.+N2make a present of N2 to N1
付 fù OC: pos MC: pi̯o 10 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtt(oN1.)+N2give N2 to the contextually determinate N1
- vtt(oN1.)+N2figurativeattribute the contextually determinate N1 to N2
- vttoN1.+N2give; confer N2 upon N1
- vttoN1.+N2figurativeattribute N1 to N2
贈 zèng OC: dzɯɯŋs MC: dzəŋ 9 Attributions
Zèng 贈 refers to formal presents to an inferior from a person in high authority.
- Syntactic words
- vt(oN)make a present to a contextually determinate person
- vtt(oN1.)+N2omgive a determinate person N1 (something N2)
- vttoN1+.vtoN2formal, SHI 259: present N1 with (a gift N2) 贈之以馬二十乘
- vttoN1:postvtoN2give (a gift) to (a beneficiary)
- vttoN1[ N2]make presents(N2non-referential, unspecified) to N1CH
似 sì OC: sɢlɯʔ MC: zɨ 8 Attributions
- Studies in the Language of Zǔtáng jí 祖堂集
320-324 In the Recorded Sayings literature of the Tang and Song periods the preposition si4 似 is attached between transitive verbs and their objects.931 The number of these verbs is quite restricted.
There are three semantic groups of the main verb: (JIANG LANSHENG 2001: 266)
(a) V{give}, V{send}: e.g. so4ng 送 'to send', ji4 寄 'to send', we3i 委 'to entrust; delegate to', fe1n 分 'distribute to'
(b) V{speak}: e.g. ju3 舉 (VTT) 'cite; bring up something to somebody', shuo1 說 'to speak to', hua4 話 'to speak to'
(c) V{show/guide}: Verbs expressing 'to guide; to show; to reveal'; e.g. zhi3 指 'indicate/show something to somebody', xia4n 現 'reveal something to somebody'.
The object after si4 似 is usually indirect but there are also rare occurrences of a direct object (which makes a clear analysis of this preposition difficult). Only one object can follow the preposition.
There are several syntactic patterns in constructions with the preposition si4.
If the verb has two objects the direct object has to be 'disposed of' (with ba3 or jia1ng). The object after si4 can also function as a pivot and be the subject of a succeeding verb. Only rarely can the object after si4 be deleted. (JIANG LANSHENG 2001: 269)
According to Jiang Lansheng the meaning/function of si4 differs according to the verb it is attached to:
(1) Corresponding to preposition yu3 與 (with verbs meaning 'to give'. In this case si4 also preserves some of its original meaning 'to give' while at the same time it introduces the recipient of the act of giving.
(2) Corresponding to prepositions xia4ng 向 and dui4 對 with verbs indicating a speech act or expressing 'to show; to reveal' (however in the same function xia4ng and dui4 are preverbal!). In this usage Jiang Lansheng regards si4 as more grammaticalized since it is emptied of its original meaning.
(3.1) Occasionally V + si4 is followed by yu2 於 (PREP.OBJ.INDIR) or yu3 與 (PREP.OBJ.INDIR). In this case Jiang Lansheng regards si4 as a verbal suffix and not as a preposition. (only two examples of this usage in ZTJ)
709) ZTJ 3.057; WU: 229
ru2-he2 ju3-si4 yu2 re2n
NPRO.QUESTlike what/cite/V.SUFF/PREP/person
"How shall [one] cite this to people?"
However, the interpretation as a disyllabic preposition is also possible.
(3.2) V + si4 is not followed by an object but by the verb we4i 謂 'to address'. Also in this pattern Jiang Lansheng does not regard si4 as a preposition. [fn. 935: Jiang Lansheng 2001: 27 gives two examples from He4-li2n yu4 lu4 鶴林玉露: 趙李仁舉似謂余曰:“此非論脈,乃是論學。”(jua4n 2) 公嘗舉似所作絕句示學者云。。。(jua4n 6)]
(3.3) Also in the following example Jiang Lansheng regards si4 as a verbal suffix and the following noun a direct object 說似一物 saying a thing:
710) ZTJ 1.143; WU: 87
祖曰:The Patriarch said:
“什摩物與摩來?”"Which thing/being comes like that?"
對曰:[He] answered:
“說似一物即不中。” 936
I think that si4 in the above example is a main verb and the sentence should be translated: 'Saying it resembles a thing (being) won't be appropriate'.
The other example cited by Jiang is also no illustration for si4 being followed by a direct object:
711) ZTJ 2.110; WU: 169
師示眾云:The master instructed the assembly, saying:
“明鏡相似,"It resembles a bright mirror;
胡來胡現,if a barbarian comes, a barbarian appears [in the mirror]
漢來漢現。”if a Chinese comes, a Chinese appears [in the mirror]."937
有人舉似玄沙,There was a person citing this to Xua2nsha1
玄沙云:and Xua2nsha1 said:
“明鏡來時作摩生?”"How about when a bright mirror comes?"
Here, the noun following si4 is clearly an indirect object (the NPR Xua2nsha1 玄沙). [fn. 938: However, Jiang Lansheng: 271 gives two examples where si4 seems to be a verbal suffix and not a preposition: 今日偶題題似著,不知題後更誰題 (杜荀鶴,題瓦棺寺真上人院矮檜寺) 空檐知與階何故,須把青苔滴穿。(楊萬里,三月三日雨作遣悶十絕句之三).]
Occasionally si4 is seperated from the main verb by the direct object and appear proposed to the indirect object:
V + OBJ.DIR + si4 似 + OBJ.INDIR [fn. 939: In this pattern it very much resembles yu3 與. Jiang cites two examples:...舉前話似之 ('cite the previous stament to him/them' 大慧普說) and 撒手似君無一物,徒勞漫說數千般。(CHUANXIN FAYAO).]
According to Jiang Lansheng si4 can function as the main verb meaning 'to give'; however, there are only few examples of this usage.940 Jiang thinks that this usage as a main verb was was triggered by the usage as a preposition in which it resembles the preposition yu3 與. This would be a 'reverse' process of grammaticalization, in which a function word develops into a full verb by analogy. The original meaning as a main verb is 'to resemble'. What kind of connection is there between yu3 and si4? According to Jiang yu3 also had the meaning ru2 如 'be like' (GUANGYA) and si4 also had the meaning ru2. Since both words shared this meaning si4 also eventually developed the meaning 'to give'. This process took a long time, from the Han to the Tang period. By the same mechanism the question word he2-si4 何似 developed (from he2-yu3 何與, he2-ru2 何如, he2-ruo4 何若).941 This kind of development can be regarded as some kind of analogy, in this case not a very long lasting one since si4 in the meaning 'to give' was only short-lived.
The usage of si4 似 in ZTJ:
In ZTJ si4 似 is commonly used as a main verb in the meaing 'to resemble':
[fn. 942: si4 似 'be like; resemble' there are a few examples where si4 is followed by PREP yu2 於 (si4-yu2 似於). In the pattern X + si4 似 + Y, X and Y can be NP or VP. If understood X can be deleted. Occasionally si4 似 (VT+V) has a verbal or sentential object (si4 似 VT+SENT) and in these cases can be translated with 'it seems that...' (ZTJ 4.090; WU: 338: “和尚太似不知。” "The preceptor really does not seem to know." ZTJ 1.167,09; WU: 102: “你從南岳來,似未見石頭曹溪心要耳。”"You come from Na2nyue4, it seems like you have not understood the mind-essential of Shi2to2u and Ca2oxi1." Si4 is also commonly used in the compound qia4-si4 恰似 (VT) 'be exactly like; be just like' often used in a rhetorical context and occasionally in the pattern qia4-si4 恰似 + X + xia1ng-si4 相似 'be exactly like X; be nothing else than X'.
ZTJ 5.058; WU: 403“什摩念經,恰似唱曲唱歌相似,得與摩不解念經。” "What about 'reciting the scripture', it is exactly like singing a drama or singing a song, if you do it like this you do not know how to recite the scriptures."]
712) ZTJ 3.088; WU: 246
ci3 shi4 si4 ge4 shi2-mo2
"What does this matter resemble?
xia1ng-si4 相似 'be alike'. [fn. 943: Often in the pattern yo2u-ru2 猶如 + X + xia1ng-si4 相似 or ru2 如 + X + xia1ng-si4 相似 'resemble X; be like X' (X can be a VP or NP). Also used in the coverbal pattern X + yu3 與 (COV.OBJ.INDIR) + Y + xia1ng-si4 相似 偛 resembles Y; X is like Y'.]
713) ZTJ 2.049; WU: 138
ge4-ge4 yu3 ta1 xia1ng-si4
"Everything resembles it."
In ZTJ the preposition si4 connects only three verbs to their indirect objects: ju3 舉 'to lift > to bring up; to cite'944, shuo1 說 'say; speak', and che2ng 呈 'to present; to submit (to a superior)'. [fn. 945: che2ng 呈 can also connect directly to the following object: ZTJ 1.084; WU: 54:“行者未知,第一座造偈呈師,。。。”"Does the postulant not know that the head monk made this stanza and presented it to the master,...". More often che2ng is followed by the direct object: ZTJ 3.144; WU: 284:“送書呈書了退身。”"Send the letter, and after submitting the letter withdraw/return." By far the highest frequency has ju3-si4 舉似 (F: 119!) [fn. 946: ju3 舉 is also used in its original meaning 'to lift; to rais' and as quantifier before nouns (ju3 舉 (QUANT) + N (X) 'the whole of N(X)' as in ju3 she1n 舉身 'the whole body'. Ju3 舉 in the meaning 'to bring up; to cite' can also be directly followed by an object. In the following examples it is followed by a direct object: ZTJ 1.129; WU: 78: 國師頓世後,帝乃詔耽源,舉此因緣,問: 'After the National master had suddenly departed from the world the emperor then summoned Da1nyua2n and cited this case to him, asking:'. ZTJ 2.019; WU: 121: 其僧舉兩三則因緣, 'The monk cited several cases' The object after ju3 can also be deleted: ZTJ 1.179; WU: 107: 真覺大師舉問玄晤大師:'Grand Master Zhe1njue2 cited [this] and asked Grand Master Xua2nwu4:' Occasionally the object of ju3 舉 (VT+SENT) can be a whole sentence: ZTJ 2.058; WU: 142: 師舉鹽官法會有一僧知有佛法,。。。 'the master brought up [the case] where in the dharma assembly of Ya2ngua1n there was a monk who knew the Buddha-dharma,...' Occasionally the indirect object is not introduced by PREP si4 but preposed and marked by COV yu3 與 ZTJ 2.064; WU: 145: “..請上座與某舉看。”"I ask you, the head monk, to try to cite [a case] to me." whereas si4 似 with the other two verbs is rather rare (see table). If ju3 舉 is directly followed by an object it is usually a direct object, rarely an indirect object. Indirect objects are regularly introduced by si4 似:
714) ZTJ 2.088; WU: 157
qi2 se1ng que4-gui1 ju3-si4 shi1 shi1 yu2n
The monk returned, cited this to the master and the master said:
There are only a few examples where ju3-si4 is followed by a direct object:
715) ZTJ 2.104; WU: 165
qi2 se1ng que4-gui1 Xue3fe1ng ju3-si4 qia2n hua4
The monk returned to Xue3fe1ng and cited [to him] the above speech/phrase.
In sentences with multiple objects the direct object can be 'disposed of', marked by chi2 持 (COV.DISP), jia1ng 將 (COV.DISP), or ba3 把 (COV.DISP):
716) ZTJ 2.106; WU: 167
Cui4ya2n chi2 shi1 yu3 ju3-si4 Ca4nsha1n
Cui4ya2n cited the words of the master to Ca4nsha1n.
Occasionally the object after ju3-si4 can be deleted. In contrast to Jiang Lansheng I do not think that in constructions V + si4 似 without the object si4 necessarily is a verbal suffix but that the object is deleted since it is easily understood from the context:
717) ZTJ 3.136,04; WU: 279
mo4 cuo4 ju3-si4
"Do not cite [this/this to him] in a wrong way."
In the following example ju3-si4 is followed by yu2 於 (PREP.OBJ.INDIR):
718) ZTJ 4.008; WU: 290
yu3-mo2 ze2 zho1ng bu4 cuo4 ju3-si4 yu2 re2n
be like/CONJthen/in the end/NEG/ADVfalsely/cite/-V.SUFF(PREP)?/RREP.OBJ.INDIR/person
"If it is like this in the end do not erroneously cite [this] to people."
In the following example the object is deleted:
719) ZTJ 2.017; WU: 120
有人舉問雲居:There was a person citing this to Yu2nju1:
“洞山與摩道,"Do4ngsha1n talking like this,
意作摩生?”what does he mean?"
居云:Ju1 said:
“說似也。”"I have already told [this to you]."
- Syntactic words
- vt[0]oN.postadVvernacular preposition introducing the recipient of a speech act (most commonly in 舉似 'cite (something) to N') (rarely the main verb can also belong to the semantic group 'to give'); also: talk about; say something about
加 jiā OC: kraal MC: kɣɛ 8 Attributions
- Word relations
- Contrast: 施/DISTRIBUTE
Shī 施 is to give away to a general group of recipients, and as an act of generosity. - Synon: 賜/GIVE
Cì 賜 can refer to an act of charity or to any giving of anything, typically from a person in authority to inferiors.
- Syntactic words
- vtt(oN1.) N2figurativeattribute the contextually determinate N1 to N2CH
- vtt(oN1.)+N2give N2 to the contextually determinate N1
- vttoN1(.+N2)passivebe given
- vttoN1.+N2give (someone N1) in addition (a present of N2)
- vttoN1.+prep+N2give N1 to N2
施 shī OC: lʰal MC: ɕiɛ 8 Attributions
- Word relations
- Ant: 求/REQUEST
The current general word for a request is qiú 求 (ant. dé 得 "obtain"), which however can also come to mean demand and is therefore not a particularly polite term to use.
- Syntactic words
- nsubjectwhat is given > alms
- vt(oN)give away a contextually determinate N as an act of generosity
- vt[oN]give away things generously
- vtoNgive away generously, dispense and distribute gratuitously
- vtpostNgive generously
- vttoN1(.+N2)give N1 to the contextually determinate N2
畀 bì OC: pids MC: pi 7 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoN1.+N2give N1 to N2
- vtt(oN1.)+N2omgive the contextually determinate thing N1 to (the beneficiary N2)
- vttoN1:postvtoN2hand N2 over to N1, give N2 away formally to N1
錫 xī OC: sleeɡ MC: sek 6 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNgive
- vttoN1.+N2bestow (something N2) to (somebody N1) GONGYANG Xuan 12.3; ssj: 1642; tr. Malmqvist 1971: 184 錫之不毛之地, presents him with (a territory of) barren land
賦 fù OC: pas MC: pi̯o 5 Attributions
Fù 賦 refers to giving something as reward or recompensation to somebody, typically to a person of lower status.
- Syntactic words
- vtoNconfer as reward for services rendered, recompense or as compensation; sometimes generally: give out to (e.g. the poor or one's concubines)
- vtt(oN1.)+N2formally hand over the contextually determinate N1 the N2
- vttoN1(.+N2)hand out N1 to the contextually determinate N2
賞賜 shǎng cì OC: lʰaŋʔ sleeɡs MC: ɕi̯ɐŋ siɛ 5 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPgifts as rewards for service, rewards and gifts of all kindsCH
- NPabtransitivethe giving of rewards
- VPtoNgeneralmake presents of all kinds to a contextually determinate person
委 wěi OC: qrolʔ MC: ʔiɛ 5 Attributions
- Word relations
- Contrast: 歸/GIVE BACK
Guī 歸 focusses on the giving something back being an act of returning something where it really does belong.
- Syntactic words
- vtoNpass on to, give to; hand over (for keeping); entrust to
- vtt(oN1.)以N2{OBJ}give the contextually determiate N1 the present N2CH
- vttoN1:postvtoN2give N2 to N1
賂 lù OC: ɡ-raaɡs MC: luo̝ 4 Attributions
- Word relations
- Assoc: 與 / 予/GIVE
The most general word for to give is probably yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take away from"). - Assoc: 遺/GIVE
Wèi 遺 and wěi 委 refer to any act of giving something to someone in permanence and for keeping.
- Syntactic words
- vt[oN]make gifts
- vttoN1.+N2make a present of (a substantial gift N2) to (a recipient N1)
- (a substantial gift, e.g. territory N1) to a determinate recipient
送 sòng OC: sooŋs MC: suŋ 4 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNhand over, give away; send
- vtt(+N1.)(oN2)give; hand over the contextually determinate thing
- vtt(oN1.)+N2hand over the contextually determinate N1 to N2
- vtt(oN1.)+prep+N2give the contextually determinate object to N2
- N2 to N1
餼 xì OC: qhɯds MC: hɨi 4 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vttoN1.+N2present (N2, e.g. grain etc) to (a recipient N1)
入 rù OC: njub MC: ȵip 4 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNhand in
- vtoNpassivebe handed in, be offered as a gift
- vtt(oN1.)+N2hand the contextually determinate N1 in to N2
賜予 cì yǔ OC: sleeɡs laʔ MC: siɛ ji̯ɤ 4 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPabactthe making of gifts in general
- NPabactthe receiving of gifts, the giving of gifts to one
- VPtt[oN1.]oN2give
賄 huì OC: qhʷɯɯʔ MC: huo̝i 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNto give something to, to confer on; give presents to
- vttoN1.+N2confer (a gift N2) on (a recipient N1)
養 yàng OC: laŋs MC: ji̯ɐŋ 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNgive to as a means of support living expenses; give as a present to keep someone near one
齎 jī OC: MC: tsei 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nmortuary gift
- vtoNgive away; give as a mortuary gift
- vtt(oN1.)+N2give
- vttoN1.+N2present (somebody N1) with (something N2)
布施 bù shī OC: paas lʰal MC: puo̝ ɕiɛ
佈施 bù shī OC: paas lʰal MC: puo̝ ɕiɛ 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPab.t:post-Nthe giving of N
- VPtoNgive away
- VPtt(oN1.)+N2Give N2 to the contextually explicit N1
- VPttoN1.+N2give N1 to N2
出 chū OC: khljud MC: tɕhʷit 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNcause to go out: give up and hand over, German: herausgeben
貺 kuàng OC: qhʷaŋs MC: hi̯ɐŋ
況 kuàng OC: qhʷaŋs MC: hi̯ɐŋ 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoN(of feudal lords) confer an official gift upon
賚 lài OC: rɯɯs MC: ləi 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- ngift
- vibestow gifts on others
- vttoN1.+N2sell N1 for the price N2
賻 fù OC: baɡs MC: bi̯o 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- the contextually determinate object (to someone)
授與 shòu yǔ OC: djus k-laʔ MC: ɨu ji̯ɤ 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPtt(oN1.)(+N2)give/hand over a contextually determinate N1 to the contextually determinate person N2
- VPttoN1.+N2give N1 to N2
施主 shī zhǔ OC: lʰal tjoʔ MC: ɕiɛ tɕi̯o 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPgenerous donor
百牢 bǎi láo OC: praaɡ ruu MC: pɣɛk lɑu 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNfigurativetreat to a hundred sets of animals
假 jiǎ OC: kraaʔ MC: kɣɛ 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vttoN1+.vtoN2to give (somebody N1) (something N2); to supply (somebody N1) with (something N2)
- vttoN1.+N2give (someone N1) (what is not his due N2)
呈 chéng OC: deŋ MC: ɖiɛŋ 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNhand up (to a superior); submit
往 wǎng MC: hjwangX OC: ɢʷaŋʔ 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vt[oN]give presents (ant. 來 have gifts coming to one)CH
懷 huái OC: ɡruul MC: ɦɣɛi 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNstick into someone's breast pocket, give informally as a small symbolic present
禮 lǐ MC: lejX OC: riiʔ 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vttoN1. N2give N1 to N2 as a formal presentCH
累 lèi OC: rols MC: liɛ 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtt[+N1.]oN2polite circumlocution: encumber you with, turn over to you, i. e. give
留付 liú fù OC: b-ru pos MC: lɨu pi̯o 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtt(oN1.)+N2leave behind so as to give N2 to the contextually determinate N1
行 xíng OC: ɢraaŋ MC: ɦɣaŋ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vttoN1.+N2dole (something N1) out administratively to (someone N2)
資 zī OC: sti MC: tsi 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vttoN1.+N2give
饋詒 kuì yí OC: ɡruds lɯ MC: gi jɨ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNmake gifts (of various kinds?)
賜遺 cì wèi MC: sjeH ywijH OC: sleeɡs k-luds 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPttoN1[.+N2]N1=recipientgive presents to the recipient N1DS
贈遺 zèng wèi OC: dzɯɯŋs k-luds MC: dzəŋ ji 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtt(oN1.)+prep+N2give the contextually determinate N1 to N2
稟授 bǐng shòu OC: prɯmʔ djus MC: pim ɨu 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNfigurativeendow (something) with its natural properties
見賜 jiàn cì OC: keens sleeɡs MC: ken siɛ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPt(oN)give the contextually determinate object to me
- VPtoNgive (to me) [note the prefix 見]
給賜 jǐ cì OC: krub sleeɡs MC: kip siɛ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtt(oN1.)+N2give N2 to the contextually determinate N1
下 xià OC: ɢraas MC: ɦɣɛ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vttoN1:postvtoN2figurativehand (N2) down to (a recipient N1); pass over (a memorial N2) to (an official N1 for appraisal);
享 xiǎng OC: qhaŋʔ MC: hi̯ɐŋ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNhand up
傳 chuán OC: don MC: ɖiɛn 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtt(oN1.)+N2pass on a contextually determinate (abstract) thing N1 (e.g. rulership)to N2
- vttoN1.+prep+N2pass on N1 to N2CH
問 wèn OC: mɯns MC: mi̯un 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vttoN1.+N2pay formal visit to X with (a gift) Y> make a formal gift of Y to X
慶賜 qìng cì OC: khraŋs sleeɡs MC: khɣaŋ siɛ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPabactthe giving of congratulatory gifts
就 jiù OC: dzuɡs MC: dzɨu 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtt(oN1.)+N2:-V[0]omconsign to, turn (someone contextually determinate N1) over to (someone N2) for V-ing
行施 xíng shī OC: ɢraaŋ lʰal MC: ɦɣaŋ ɕiɛ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPt[oN]generously give things to othersLZ
- VPtoNmake generous gifts of N
出納 chū nà OC: khljud nuub MC: tɕhʷit nəp 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNhand out
犒 kào OC: khoows MC: khɑu 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vttoN1.postN2preposedpresent (something N2) to (someone N1 who deserves it)
留 liú OC: b-ru MC: lɨu 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNleave behind
益 yì OC: qleɡ MC: ʔiɛk 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vttoN1.+N2give N1 more of N2
羞 xiū MC: sjuw OC: smlu 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vt( prep N)make a present of delicacies to the contextually determinate NCH
薦 jiàn OC: tseens MC: tsen 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
賮 jìn OC: zins MC: zin 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nfarewell gift
返 fǎn OC: panʔ MC: pi̯ɐn 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vttoN1.+N2return (property N2) to (owner N1)
遞 dì OC: leeʔ MC: dei 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- viacthand over things, pass on things to others
釐 lí OC: ɡ-rɯ MC: lɨ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vttoN1.+N2give N1 the present N2
靡 mǐ OC: mralʔ MC: miɛ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNYI: confer; distribute more HF
餉 xiǎng OC: qhjaŋs MC: ɕi̯ɐŋ
饟 shàng OC: hnjaŋs MC: ɕi̯ɐŋ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNmake a present of food (to inferiors); give the choice pieces of food to
受祐 shòu yòu OC: djuʔ ɢʷɯs MC: dʑɨu ɦɨu 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
丐 gài OC: kaads MC: kɑi 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNgive generously to
- vttoN1.+N2actgive N1 to N2 HS: 我丐若馬
乞 qì OC: khɯds MC: khɨi 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vttoN1.+N2donate HANSHU 乞其夫錢,令葬 donated a sum of money to the wife/widow and ordered him to be buried
交 jiāo OC: kreew MC: kɣɛu 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vttoN1.+N2hand over N1 to N2
施與 shī yǔ OC: lʰal k-laʔ MC: ɕiɛ ji̯ɤ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPtpostN{OBJ}give generously
- VPttoN1.postVtoN2give N2 to N1
弄 nòng OC: ɡ-rooŋs MC: luŋ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNgive (to play with)
- vtt+N1.oN2give N2 to N1
Click here to add pinyin MC: OC: 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vt[oN]give presents (ant. 來 have gifts coming to one)CH
稟 bǐng OC: prɯmʔ MC: pim 0 Attributions
- Word relations
- Oppos: 受/RECEIVE
The current general word is shòu 受 (ant. jù 拒 "refuse to accept"; ant.* yǔ 與 "give"), which can refer to any concrete or abstract form of receiving or being exposed to.
- Syntactic words
- vtt(oN1.)+N2give something contextually determinate to N2