ACCEPT    接受

Old Chinese Criteria
[ASCENDING/DESCENDING[ [ELEVATED/INFORMAL] [GENERAL/SPECIFIC] [IMPOLITE/POLITE] 1. The general word for accepting something offered to one is shòu 受, but the distinction with the passive "receive" is not made explicit. [GENERAL] 2. Fe4ng 奉 is literally to accept something with both arms, enthusiastically, formally. 3. Sho1u 收 refers to accepting and keeping something. 4. Na4 納 refers neutrally to not refusing what one is offered. 5. Bài 拜 is sometimes used by itself to signify very polite acceptance of an offer. [ASCENDING], [POLITE], [ELEVATED], [SPECIFIC]
Modern Chinese Criteria
接受 領受 收受 承受 經受 稟受 受 領 稟 奉 膺 納 接納 rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /
    • AGREE TO ASSENT that one is WILLING to ACT CONFORMing to someone OTHER:else's REQUEST.   (anc: 14/0, child: 4)
    • ASSENT SPEAK:say that one BELIEVES what ANOTHER in the PAST has SPEAK:said. (anc: 13/0, child: 3)
    • SPEAK ACT so as to USE WORDS FOR SHOWING MEANING.*Speech by speaker X, directed towards audience Y, in order to communicate message Z. (anc: 12/0, child: 32)

    Words (34 items)

      shòu OC: djuʔ MC: dʑɨu 79 Attributions

    The general word for accepting something offered to one is shòu 受, but the distinction with the passive "receive" is not made explicit. >>NEUTRAL

      Word relations
    • Conv: 餽 / 饋/GIVE Kuì 饋 typically refers quite specifically to the conferring of a gift of food.
    • Ant: 拒/REFUSE Jù 拒 (ant. chéng 承 "accept (a task)") refers to emphatic refusal, a decision to have nothing to do with something.
    • Ant: 辭/REFUSE The current general word for refusal to do what one is asked to do or invited to do is què 卻 (ant. yǔn 允 "agree gracefully", but only for the case when què 卻 has a subject of high status), verbalised refusal to do what one is invited to do is currently cí 辭 (ant. cóng 從 "follow, do as one is told").

      Syntactic words
    • nabactthe act of accepting (what is offered to one)CH
    • vt(oN)accept the contextually determinate thing
    • vt(oN)accept ( a contextually determinate object)
    • vtoNaccept (and, in case of an order, obey);
    • vtoNfigurativewelcome, accept positively;
    • vtoNobject=negativeaccept (responsibility/guilt)
    • vtoNpassiveget accepted (of advice)
    • vtt(oN1.)+prep+N2omaccept a contextually determinate thing N1 or behaviour from (a source N2)
    • vtt[oN1.]+N2accept things from someoneDS
    • vttoN1(.+prep+N2)accept N1 from the contextually determinate N2CH
    • vttoN1.+N2accept N1 from N2
    • vttoN1.+prep+N2receive N1 from N2
      tīng OC: theeŋ MC: theŋ 4 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNfigurativeaccept (an offer of a truce, a proposal, a remonstrance etc)
      fèng OC: boŋʔ MC: bi̯oŋ 3 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNaccept politely
      shōu OC: qjiw MC: ɕɨu 3 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vt(oN)accept the contextually determinate NCH
    • vtoNaccept and take; accept in one's place
      nà OC: nuub MC: nəp 3 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNaccept
    • vtoNbe open to receive, acceptCH
    • vtoNab{S}accept, that SDS
    攝受  shè shòu OC: qhljeb djuʔ MC: ɕiɛp dʑɨu 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtt(oN1.)(+N2)omaccept somebody as something (with two contextually determinate N)
    當受  dāng shòu OC: taaŋ djuʔ MC: tɑŋ dʑɨu 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept
    承受  chéng shòu OC: ɡjɯŋ djuʔ MC: dʑɨŋ dʑɨu 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept politely
    拜命  bài mìng OC: proods mɢreŋs MC: pɣɛi mɣaŋ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPiacttake office; accept an appointment
    遵承  zūn chéng OC: tsun ɡjɯŋ MC: tsʷin dʑɨŋ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPt(oN)accept politely the contextually determinate N
    承當  chéng dāng OC: ɡjɯŋ taaŋ MC: dʑɨŋ tɑŋ 1 Attribution
    • Facets of the Life and Teaching of Chan Master Yunmen Wenyan (864-949) ( APP 1987) p. 324, fn. 977

      "accept; assume; admit; take over; take upon oneself; take responsibility"

    • () p. 328c

      承擔,擔當 (late examples)

      Syntactic words
    • VPt(oN)figurativeto take responsibiltiy for something; accept something as one's duty; take responsibity for (what one has done) > admit
      bài OC: proods MC: pɣɛi 1 Attribution

    Bài 拜 is sometimes used by itself to signify very polite acceptance of an offer. >>POLITE

      Word relations
    • Oppos: 餽 / 饋/GIVE Kuì 饋 typically refers quite specifically to the conferring of a gift of food.

      Syntactic words
    • vtoNbowingly accept, accept gratefully
      jiē OC: skeb MC: tsiɛp 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNfigurativeaccept (a task etc)
    任受  rèn shòu OC: njɯms djuʔ MC: ȵim dʑɨu 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept; undertake to follow
    納受  nà shòu OC: nuub djuʔ MC: nəp dʑɨu 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNtake in and accept
    甘受  gān shòu OC: kaam djuʔ MC: kɑm dʑɨu 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept with pleasure
    拜賜  bài cì OC: proods sleeɡs MC: pɣɛi siɛ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPt(oN)accept the contextually determinate gift with thanks
    恭奉  gōng fèng OC: koŋ boŋʔ MC: ki̯oŋ bi̯oŋ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept politely
    祗奉  zhī fèng OC: tjil boŋʔ MC: tɕi bi̯oŋ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept with reverence
    拜領  bài lǐng OC: proods ɡ-reŋʔ MC: pɣɛi liɛŋ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept with thanks
    祗承  zhī chéng OC: tjil ɡjɯŋ MC: tɕi dʑɨŋ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept reverently
      shí OC: ɢljɯɡ MC: ʑɨk 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNaccept; be open to, be amenable to
    哂收  shěn shōu OC: qhjɯnʔ qjiw MC: ɕin ɕɨu 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept with a smile
    苟取  gǒu qǔ OC: kooʔ skhoʔ MC: ku tshi̯o 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept shamelessly
    收納  shōu nà OC: qjiw nuub MC: ɕɨu nəp 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept so as to keep
    哂納  shěn nà OC: qhjɯnʔ nuub MC: ɕin nəp 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept with a smile
    欣然接受  xīn rán jiē shòu OC: qhɯn njen skeb djuʔ MC: hɨn ȵiɛn tsiɛp dʑɨu 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPt(oN)accept the contextually determinate gift with pleasure
      rù OC: njub MC: ȵip 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNaccept, allow to be entered SHI
    敬領  jìng lǐng OC: kreŋs ɡ-reŋʔ MC: kɣaŋ liɛŋ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept politely
      yìng OC: qɯŋs MC: ʔɨŋ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNaccept and take to heart; acknowledge
    笑納  xiào nà OC: sqows nuub MC: siɛu nəp 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept, laughing
      fú OC: bɯɡ MC: buk 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNaccept politely
    領納  lǐng nà OC: ɡ-reŋʔ nuub MC: liɛŋ nəp 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept
    謝領  xiè lǐng OC: ɡ-reŋʔ MC: zɣɛ liɛŋ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNaccept with thanks