    • AGREE TOASSENT that one is WILLING to ACT CONFORMing to someone OTHER:else's REQUEST.  
      • ASSENTSPEAK:say that one BELIEVES what ANOTHER in the PAST has SPEAK:said.
        • SPEAKACT so as to USE WORDS FOR SHOWING MEANING.*Speech by speaker X, directed towards audience Y, in order to communicate message Z.
          • ACTMOVE OR NOT MOVE CONFORMING to one's SELF:own DECIDE:decision....
      Old Chinese Criteria




      1. The general word for accepting something offered to one is shòu 受, but the distinction with the passive "receive" is not made explicit.


      2. Fe4ng 奉 is literally to accept something with both arms, enthusiastically, formally.

      3. Sho1u 收 refers to accepting and keeping something.

      4. Na4 納 refers neutrally to not refusing what one is offered.

      5. Bài 拜 is sometimes used by itself to signify very polite acceptance of an offer.


      Modern Chinese Criteria







      rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

      Old Chinese Contrasts
      LEIBNIZ 6.4 P. 55: A c c i p e r e incipere habere, voluntate ejus qui tenet.

        Attributions by syntactic funtion

        • vtoN : 68
        • vt(oN) : 18
        • VPtoN : 4
        • vttoN1.+prep+N2 : 2
        • VPt(oN) : 2
        • vtt(oN1.)+prep+N2 : 2
        • vtt(oN1.)(+N2) : 2
        • vtt[oN1.] N2 : 1
        • VPi : 1
        • vtoNab{S} : 1
        • vttoN1(.+prep+N2) : 1
        • nab : 1

        Attributions by text

        • 春秋左傳 : 18
        • 賢愚經 : 17
        • 說苑 : 12
        • 孟子 : 8
        • 韓非子 : 8
        • 莊子 : 5
        • 淮南子 : 5
        • 荀子 : 4
        • 戰國策 : 4
        • 呂氏春秋 : 4
        • 論語 : 3
        • 祖堂集 : 3
        • 論衡 : 2
        • 陸機集十一卷 : 1
        • 搜神記 : 1
        • 史記 : 1
        • 劉義慶世說新語 : 1
        • 法句經 : 1
        • 管子 : 1
        • 春秋穀梁傳 : 1
        • 百喻經 : 1
        • 法集要頌經 : 1
        • 古列女傳 : 1


          shòu OC: djuʔ MC: dʑɨu 79 AttributionsWD

        The general word for accepting something offered to one is shòu 受, but the distinction with the passive "receive" is not made explicit. >>NEUTRAL

          Word relations
        • Conv: 餽 / 饋/GIVE Kuì 饋 typically refers quite specifically to the conferring of a gift of food.
        • Ant: 拒/REFUSE Jù 拒 (ant. chéng 承 "accept (a task)") refers to emphatic refusal, a decision to have nothing to do with something.
        • Ant: 辭/REFUSE The current general word for refusal to do what one is asked to do or invited to do is què 卻 (ant. yǔn 允 "agree gracefully", but only for the case when què 卻 has a subject of high status), verbalised refusal to do what one is invited to do is currently cí 辭 (ant. cóng 從 "follow, do as one is told").

          Syntactic words
        • nabactthe act of accepting (what is offered to one)CH
        • vt(oN)accept the contextually determinate thing
        • vt(oN)accept ( a contextually determinate object)
        • vtoNaccept (and, in case of an order, obey);
        • vtoNfigurativewelcome, accept positively;
        • vtoNobject=negativeaccept (responsibility/guilt)
        • vtoNpassiveget accepted (of advice)
        • vtt(oN1.)+prep+N2omaccept a contextually determinate thing N1 or behaviour from (a source N2)
        • vtt[oN1.]+N2accept things from someoneDS
        • vttoN1(.+prep+N2)accept N1 from the contextually determinate N2CH
        • vttoN1.+N2accept N1 from N2
        • vttoN1.+prep+N2receive N1 from N2
          tīng OC: theeŋ MC: theŋ 4 Attributions南齊書WD
          Syntactic words
        • vtoNfigurativeaccept (an offer of a truce, a proposal, a remonstrance etc)
          fèng OC: boŋʔ MC: bi̯oŋ 3 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vtoNaccept politely
          shōu OC: qjiw MC: ɕɨu 3 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vt(oN)accept the contextually determinate NCH
        • vtoNaccept and take; accept in one's place
          nà OC: nuub MC: nəp 3 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vtoNaccept
        • vtoNbe open to receive, acceptCH
        • vtoNab{S}accept, that SDS
        攝受  shè shòu OC: qhljeb djuʔ MC: ɕiɛp dʑɨu 2 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vtt(oN1.)(+N2)omaccept somebody as something (with two contextually determinate N)
          bài OC: proods MC: pɣɛi 1 AttributionWD

        Bài 拜 is sometimes used by itself to signify very polite acceptance of an offer. >>POLITE

          Word relations
        • Oppos: 餽 / 饋/GIVE Kuì 饋 typically refers quite specifically to the conferring of a gift of food.

          Syntactic words
        • vtoNbowingly accept, accept gratefully
          jiē OC: skeb MC: tsiɛp 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • vtoNfigurativeaccept (a task etc)
        任受  rèn shòu OC: njɯms djuʔ MC: ȵim dʑɨu 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept; undertake to follow
        承受  chéng shòu OC: ɡjɯŋ djuʔ MC: dʑɨŋ dʑɨu 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept politely
        承當  chéng dāng OC: ɡjɯŋ taaŋ MC: dʑɨŋ tɑŋ 1 AttributionWD
        • Facets of the Life and Teaching of Chan Master Yunmen Wenyan (864-949) ( APP 1987) p. 324, fn. 977

          "accept; assume; admit; take over; take upon oneself; take responsibility"

        • () p. 328c

          承擔,擔當 (late examples)

          Syntactic words
        • VPt(oN)figurativeto take responsibiltiy for something; accept something as one's duty; take responsibity for (what one has done) > admit
        拜命  bài mìng OC: proods mɢreŋs MC: pɣɛi mɣaŋ 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPiacttake office; accept an appointment
        當受  dāng shòu OC: taaŋ djuʔ MC: tɑŋ dʑɨu 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept
        納受  nà shòu OC: nuub djuʔ MC: nəp dʑɨu 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNtake in and accept
        遵承  zūn chéng OC: tsun ɡjɯŋ MC: tsʷin dʑɨŋ 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPt(oN)accept politely the contextually determinate N
        哂收  shěn shōu OC: qhjɯnʔ qjiw MC: ɕin ɕɨu 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept with a smile
        哂納  shěn nà OC: qhjɯnʔ nuub MC: ɕin nəp 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept with a smile
        恭奉  gōng fèng OC: koŋ boŋʔ MC: ki̯oŋ bi̯oŋ 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept politely
        拜賜  bài cì OC: proods sleeɡs MC: pɣɛi siɛ 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPt(oN)accept the contextually determinate gift with thanks
        拜領  bài lǐng OC: proods ɡ-reŋʔ MC: pɣɛi liɛŋ 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept with thanks
        收納  shōu nà OC: qjiw nuub MC: ɕɨu nəp 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept so as to keep
        敬領  jìng lǐng OC: kreŋs ɡ-reŋʔ MC: kɣaŋ liɛŋ 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept politely
        甘受  gān shòu OC: kaam djuʔ MC: kɑm dʑɨu 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept with pleasure
        祗奉  zhī fèng OC: tjil boŋʔ MC: tɕi bi̯oŋ 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept with reverence
        祗承  zhī chéng OC: tjil ɡjɯŋ MC: tɕi dʑɨŋ 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept reverently
        笑納  xiào nà OC: sqows nuub MC: siɛu nəp 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept, laughing
        苟取  gǒu qǔ OC: kooʔ skhoʔ MC: ku tshi̯o 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept shamelessly
        謝領  xiè lǐng OC: ɡ-reŋʔ MC: zɣɛ liɛŋ 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept with thanks
        領納  lǐng nà OC: ɡ-reŋʔ nuub MC: liɛŋ nəp 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPtoNaccept
        欣然接受  xīn rán jiē shòu OC: qhɯn njen skeb djuʔ MC: hɨn ȵiɛn tsiɛp dʑɨu 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPt(oN)accept the contextually determinate gift with pleasure
          rù OC: njub MC: ȵip 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vtoNaccept, allow to be entered SHI
          shí OC: ɢljɯɡ MC: ʑɨk 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vtoNaccept; be open to, be amenable to
          fú OC: bɯɡ MC: buk 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vtoNaccept politely
          yìng OC: qɯŋs MC: ʔɨŋ 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vtoNaccept and take to heart; acknowledge

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