GIVE someone something BECAUSE that person has ACTED:done something GOOD.
      • CAUSE TOMOVE in SUCH a way that THEREFORE someone or something else CHANGES.
          • CHANGEEVENT involving two MOMENTS t1 and t2, such that a THING at the MOMENT t1 is DIFFERENT FROM that THING at the MOMENT t2....
    See also
        Old Chinese Criteria
        1. The current general word for rewarding is shǎng 賞 (ant. fá 罰 "punish" and zhū 誅 "punish").

        2. Láo 勞 (ant. chéng 懲 "punish") focusses on the contribution by those who are being rewarded.

        3. Kào 犒 focusses on the festive character of the ceremony accompanying or constituting the reward.

        4. Bào 報 construes the reward as being an interaction between equals.

        5. Cí 賜 refers to a present to an inferior in recognition of the latter's worth. For most examples see GIVE.

        NB: The meaning of shǎng 賞 "give as a present" is post-Buddhist.

        Modern Chinese Criteria



        賞格 focusses on the size of the reward.











        rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

        Old Chinese Contrasts
        HF: 以功賞而不以仁義賜

        • Reward, Punishment, and Forgiveness: The Thinking and Beliefs of Ancient Israel in the Light of Greek and modern Views ( KRASOVEC 1999) p.

        • Historisches Woerterbuch der Philosophie ( RITTER 1971-2007) p. 1.830


        • 王力古漢語字典 ( WANG LI 2000) p. 1334


          1. WL maintains that ci4 賜 simply means to give to an inferior 只表明為上之施予,不問有功無功. This is misleading, since ci4 賜 is often explicitly in recognition of personal moral merit, worth and desert, whereas sha3ng 賞 is directed at specific meritorious achievement.

          HF 14.07:11; jiaoshi 224; jishi 249; jiaozhu 135; shiping 490

          使民以功賞 they bring it about that people are rewarded for their achievements

          而不以仁義賜; but do not receive gratuitous gifts for moral excellence;

          Occasionally, ci4 賜 is also in recognition of a meritorious action:

          HF 30.32:01; jishi 551; jiaozhu 322; shiping 955

          “有能徙此南門之外者, 毣s for the person who is able to shunt this thing outside the South Gate


          Rewards to others than the king's public servants are standardly called ci4 賜:

          HF 32.10:01, jiaoshi 480; jishi 625; jiaozhu 370; shiping 1084

          宋王與齊仇也, The King of So4ng was on enemy terms with Q’

          築武宮。 and he built a military academy.

          謳癸倡, Singer Gu” led the singing

          行者止觀, so that passers-by stopped to look

          5築者不倦。 and the builders were untiring.

          王聞, When the King heard about this

          召而賜之。 he summoned the man and gave him presents.

          In fact, even a senior minister could be rewarded in terms of ci4 賜 as reported by a senior minister who was given a fine vehicle:

          HF 33.09:02; jiaoshi 527; jishi 679; shiping 1179; jiaozhu 411

          曰: He said:

          “君謀欲伐中山, "The ruler is making plans and wants to launch a formal attack on Zho1ngsha1n.

          10臣薦翟角 I have recommended D’ Jia3o

          而謀得果; and the plan achieved the desired result;

          且伐之, when we were about to launch our formal attack

          臣薦樂羊而中山拔; I recommended Yue4ya2ng and Zho1ngsha1n was taken.

          得中山, when we had won Zho1ngsha1n

          憂欲治之, we were worried and wanted to govern the place properly

          15臣薦李克而中山治: so I recommended L” Ke4, and Zho1ngsha1n was well-govverned.

          是以君賜此車。” That is why the ruler has conferred on me this vehicle."

          Rewards and gifts are both regularly signs of appreciation, although there is the gratuitous gift of kindness: 慈惠之賜:

          HF 45.05:10; jiaoshi 108; jishi 939; jiaozhu 615; shiping 1564;

          賞賜, Rewards and presents

          所以為重也; are ways to show one掇 deep regard for someone.

        • Handbook of Greek Synonymes, from the French of M. Alex. Pillon, Librarian of the Bibliothèque Royale , at Paris, and one of the editors of the new edition of Plaché's Dictionnaire Grec-Français, edited, with notes, by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A. Rector of Lyndon, and late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ( PILLON 1850) p. no. 36

        Attributions by syntactic funtion

        • vtoN : 69
        • nab : 35
        • nm : 31
        • NPab : 27
        • vt[oN] : 11
        • vttoN1.+N2 : 8
        • vt(oN) : 6
        • vt+prep+N : 4
        • n : 4
        • vtt(oN1.) vtoN2 : 3
        • : 3
        • vadN : 2
        • vadV : 2
        • VPi : 1
        • n[post-N] : 1
        • vttoN1.postvtoN2{OBJ} : 1
        • v[adN] : 1
        • NPab : 1
        • vtt(oN1.)-vtoN2 : 1
        • VPt(oN) : 1

        Attributions by text

        • 韓非子 : 62
        • 春秋左傳 : 43
        • 荀子 : 20
        • 說苑 : 15
        • 莊子 : 9
        • 管子 : 8
        • 史記 : 7
        • 墨子 : 7
        • 淮南子 : 7
        • 百喻經 : 6
        • 阮籍集四卷 : 3
        • 禮記 : 3
        • 戰國策 : 3
        • 搜神記 : 2
        • 孫子 : 2
        • 論語 : 2
        • 呂氏春秋 : 2
        • 論衡 : 2
        • 臨濟錄 : 2
        • 法言 : 2
        • 文子 : 1
        • 新序 : 1
        • 鹽鐵論 : 1
        • 祖堂集 : 1
        • 六祖壇經 : 1


          shǎng OC: lʰaŋʔ MC: ɕi̯ɐŋ 127 AttributionsWD

        The current general word for rewarding is shǎng 賞 (ant. fá 罰 "punish" and zhū 誅 "punish").

          Word relations
        • Result: 勸/ENCOURAGE The dominant current word is quàn 勸 (ant. jǔ 沮 "try to stop") which refers to all kinds of encouragement, both from inferiors and from superiors.
        • Ant: 禍/DISASTER The most common general word for disasters is huò 禍 (ant. fú 福 "good fortune") which has no connotations of any metaphysical kind. (In OBI the character currently transcribed as huò 禍 - and closely related to 占 - refers not only to disasters as such, but particularly to disastrous omens.)
        • Ant: 罰/PUNISH Fá 罰 refers to non-physical forms of punishment including typically fines. See FINE
        • Ant: 誅/PUNISH
        • Ant: 刑/PUNISH Xíng 刑 refers specifically to physical punishment.
        • Epithet: 厚/ABUNDANT Hòu 厚 (ant. báo 薄 "meagerly supplied with something") primarily refers to man-made or man-caused generous abundance, prototypically in contexts such as hospitality or exchange of presents. >>ARTIFICIAL
        • Assoc: 勸/ENCOURAGE The dominant current word is quàn 勸 (ant. jǔ 沮 "try to stop") which refers to all kinds of encouragement, both from inferiors and from superiors.
        • Assoc: 慶/CONGRATULATE Qìng 慶 refers to a celebration of something regarded as felicitous, and the range of the occasions of such felicitations is somewhat broader than with hè 賀, including such things as lucky escapes and the like.
        • Assoc: 罰/PUNISH Fá 罰 refers to non-physical forms of punishment including typically fines. See FINE
        • Assoc: 祿/SALARY The general word for apanages, emoluments or salaries received by any person of high status is lù 祿.
        • Assoc: 賜/REWARD Cí 賜 refers to a present to an inferior in recognition of the latter's worth. For most examples see GIVE.
        • Synon: 報/REWARD Bào 報 construes the reward as being an interaction between equals.
        • Oppos: 罪/ACCUSE Zuì 罪 typically refers to a superior or king raising criminal charges against someone under his jurisdiction, but occasionally the word is used in an extended way to refer to strong criticism offered by anyone with authority. [DESCENDING], [NEUTRAL], [OFFICIAL]
        • Oppos: 罰/PUNISH Fá 罰 refers to non-physical forms of punishment including typically fines. See FINE

          Syntactic words
        • n[post-N]the relevant rewardDS
        • for N
        • nabactthe making of rewards
        • nabactrewards
        • nm(what one rewards with>) rewards
        • v[adN]passive, N=humanrewarded personCH
        • vadNbelonging to a reward, given by way of a reward
        • vt(oN)reward the contextually determinate personsCH
        • vt+prep+Ngive rewards to N
        • vt[oN]offer rewards, take action to make rewards
        • vt[oN]transitive verb with a lexically determinate omitted objectCH
        • vtoNN=actmake a reward for (a service etc)
        • vtoNN=hummake a reward to (a person); award ritual presents to (someone) in compensation for his services
        • vtoNpassiveget rewarded, be appreciated
        • vttoN1.+N2reward N1 with the reward N2
        • vttoN1.postvtoN2{OBJ}reward
        慶賞  qìng shǎng OC: khraŋs lʰaŋʔ MC: khɣaŋ ɕi̯ɐŋ 20 AttributionsWD

          Syntactic words
        • NPabactcommendation or reward of any kind
          bào OC: puuɡs MC: pɑu 16 AttributionsWD

        Bào 報 construes the reward as being an interaction between equals.

          Word relations
        • Synon: 賞/REWARD The current general word for rewarding is shǎng 賞 (ant. fá 罰 "punish" and zhū 誅 "punish").

          Syntactic words
        • nabactpositive response, reward; return of favour
        • vt(oN)repay a contextually determinate favour
        • vt+prep+Ngive rewards to
        • vt[oN]make rewardsDS
        • vtoN1.-VtoN2reward N1 with N2
        • vtoNN=actreward, return (a favour)
        • vtoNN=humanreward somebody; recompense somebody
        • vtt(oN1.) vtoN2reward the contextually determinate N1 with N2DS
          láo OC: raaw MC: lɑu 11 AttributionsWD

        Láo 勞 (ant. chéng 懲 "punish") focusses on the contribution by those who are being rewarded.

          Syntactic words
        • vadNby way of a reward, being a reward for service rendered, serving as a reward
        • vt(oN)felicitate and reward the contextually determinate recepients
        • vtoNfelicitate and reward; reward publicly
        • vtoNpassiveget publicly rewarded
          gòu OC: koos MC: ku 8 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vadVby offering a reward
        • vtoNpromise a reward for the handing up of (something), seek to obtain by offering a reward
        • vttoN1.+N2offer for (something desired N1) a reward of (an amount of money N2)
          kào OC: khoows MC: khɑu 6 AttributionsWD

        Kào 犒 focusses on the festive character of the ceremony accompanying or constituting the reward.

          Syntactic words
        • vt+prep+Nfeast troops N
        • vtoNfeast victorious troops as a reward; recompense; present friendly food offerings to; offer one's felicitations with gifts to
          cháng OC: djaŋ MC: dʑi̯ɐŋ 4 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • nreward; compensation
        • response from NCH
        • vt(oN)reward the contextually determinate N
        • vtoNreward??
        賞慶  shǎng qìng OC: lʰaŋʔ khraŋs MC: ɕi̯ɐŋ khɣaŋ 4 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • NPabactrewards of any kind
          cì OC: sleeɡs MC: siɛ 3 AttributionsWD

        Cí 賜 refers to a present to an inferior in recognition of the latter's worth. For most examples see GIVE.

          Word relations
        • Assoc: 賞/REWARD The current general word for rewarding is shǎng 賞 (ant. fá 罰 "punish" and zhū 誅 "punish").

          Syntactic words
        • vtoNmake a present to (someone) as a reward
        • vtt(oN1.)-vtoN2reward the contextually determinate recipient N1 with N2
        爵賞  jué shǎng OC: tsewɡ lʰaŋʔ MC: tsi̯ɐk ɕi̯ɐŋ 3 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • NPabappointment to ranks and rewardsCH
        • NPabactdistribution of rewards in the form of offical titles
        • NPabsocialrewards in the form of official rank
          zuò OC: dzaaɡs MC: dzuo̝ 2 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vttoN1.+N2to reward (somebody N1) with (something N2)
          chóu OC: ɡju MC: dʑɨu 2 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vtoNZUO: reward; recompense; give presents to (as reward)
          lì OC: rids MC: li 2 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • nreward
          pí OC: bral MC: biɛ 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • vtoNreward with a feast
        報償  bào shàng OC: puuɡs djaŋs MC: pɑu dʑi̯ɐŋ 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • VPt(oN)reward the contextually determinate N
        福田  fú tián OC: pɯɡ ɡ-liiŋ MC: puk den 1 AttributionWD
          Syntactic words
        • NPabkarmic rewards
        設賞  shè shǎng MC: syet syangX OC: qhjed lʰaŋʔCH 1 AttributionWD

          Syntactic words
        • VPipublish offers for rewardCH
          yìng OC: qɯŋs MC: ʔɨŋ 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • vttoN1.+VtoN2requite N1 with N2
        勞酒  lào jiǔ OC: raaws skluʔ MC: lɑu tsɨu 0 AttributionsWD
          Syntactic words
        • NPtoast for work well done (ritual performed by the Son of Heaven)

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