      • CHANGEEVENT involving two MOMENTS t1 and t2, such that a THING at the MOMENT t1 is DIFFERENT FROM that THING at the MOMENT t2.
        • EVENTREALITY that ARISES in TIME....
See also
Old Chinese Criteria
1. The current general word for hanging something up or suspending it in the air is xuán 懸.

2. Chuí 垂 refers to the whole structure that dangles from a high object. Thus, for example, a rope is said to chuí 垂 from a tree, but an object will be said to xuán 懸 "be suspended" on that rope.

3. Guà 掛 is a rare word referring to the act of hanging something up, typically for visibility.

Modern Chinese Criteria



rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

Attributions by syntactic funtion

  • vtoN : 27
  • vi : 6
  • vadN : 5
  • vttoN1.+N2 : 5
  • vttoN1.+prep+N2 : 2
  • VPtoN : 2
  • VPi : 1
  • vpro : 1
  • vt+prep+N : 1
  • nab : 1
  • vt1oN1.-vt2oN2 : 1
  • vtt(oN1.)+prep+N2 : 1

Attributions by text

  • 韓非子 : 7
  • 祖堂集 : 6
  • 淮南子 : 5
  • 論衡 : 5
  • 說苑 : 4
  • 春秋左傳 : 4
  • 莊子 : 4
  • 禮記 : 3
  • 文子 : 2
  • 呂氏春秋 : 2
  • 百喻經 : 2
  • 古列女傳 : 2
  • 陸機集十一卷 : 1
  • 搜神記 : 1
  • 性自命出 : 1
  • 荀子 : 1
  • 論語 : 1
  • 戰國策 : 1
  • 孟子 : 1


  xuán OC: ɢʷeen MC: ɦen
  xuán OC: ɢʷeen MC: ɦen 29 AttributionsWD

The current general word for hanging something up or suspending it in the air is xuán 懸.

    Word relations
  • Object: 法/LAW The current general word for a law, a legal system or any legal provision of any kind is fǎ 法.

    Syntactic words
  • nabfactualuncertain matter, matter in suspense; cliff-hanger
  • vadNactivesuspended for display; dangling; falling (as of water in a waterfall)
  • vicontinuoushang; be hanging
  • vt+prep+Nto hang upon
  • vt1oN1.-vt2oN2causativehang N1 as to create N2DS
  • vtoNcausativecause to hang> suspend, hang; tie up and hang up; also jussive: order to suspend
  • vtoNobject=texthang up for everyone to see; publish by public displayCH
  • vtt(oN1.)+prep+N2causativehang the contextually determinate thing N1 to the place N2DS
  • vttoN1.+N2hang N1 one in the place N2
  • vttoN1.+prep+N2suspend N1 in place N2
  chuí MC: dzywe OC: djol 8 AttributionsWD

Chuí 垂 refers to the whole structure that dangles from a high object. Thus, for example, a rope is said to chuí 垂 from a tree, but an object will be said to xuán 懸 "be suspended" on that rope.

    Word relations
  • Contrast: 懸 / 縣/HANG The current general word for hanging something up or suspending it in the air is xuán 懸.

    Syntactic words
  • vadNdangling
  • vidangle, be suspended
  • vi+N{SUBJ}hang down from, dangle from
  • vtoNcausative, incoative, figurative: support by suspending
  • vtoNcausativecause to hang down
  • vtoNstativehang from, dangle from
  • vttoN1.+N2suspend > bestow something on somebody
  xì OC: ɡeeɡs MC: ɦei 4 AttributionsWD
    Syntactic words
  • vtoNpassivebe hung up on the wall
  xì OC: ɡeeɡs MC: ɦei 3 AttributionsWD
    Syntactic words
  • vtoNpassivebe tied up and hung up
  guà OC: kʷrees MC: kɣɛ 2 AttributionsWD

Guà 掛 is a rare word referring to the act of hanging something up, typically for visibility.

    Syntactic words
  • vicontinuousto hang, to dangle
  • vt+prep+Nhang in a place N
  • vtoNhang up, hang something (on the wall)
  bō MC: pat OC: poodCH 2 AttributionsWD
    Syntactic words
  • vihang loosely, twisting the garmentCH
  • vprosemxThis is a testCW
銜索  xián suǒ MC: haem sraek OC: ɢraam sraaɡCH 2 AttributionsWD
    Syntactic words
  • VPtoNhang (pierced dried fish) to dry on a ropeCH
  • VPtoNpassivebe pierced and hung out on a ropeCH
  zhuì OC: ɡrlols MC: ɖiɛ 1 AttributionWD
    Syntactic words
  • visuspend oneself by a rope
  xuán OC: ɢʷeen MC: ɦen 1 AttributionWD
    Syntactic words
  • vibe in a suspended position
縣法  xuán fǎ MC: hwen pjop OC: ɢʷeen pabCH 1 AttributionWD

    Syntactic words
  • VPipublish laws by hanging them up on a wall in the city centreCH
  guà OC: kʷrees MC: kɣɛ 0 AttributionsWD
    Syntactic words
  • vi+N{SUBJ}hang on (the walls)
  • vtoNsuspend (YILI), hang
  • vtoNpassivebe suspended; be entangled in
懸掛  xuán guà OC: ɢʷeen kʷrees MC: ɦen kɣɛ 0 AttributionsWD
    Syntactic words
  • VPiprocessbe suspended, hang, dangle

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