Taxonomy of meanings for 假:  

  • 假 jiǎ (OC: kraaʔ MC: kɯa) 古疋切 上 廣韻:【且也借也非眞也説文又作徦至也又姓漢有假倉 】
    • BORROW
      • nabactborrowing things
      • vt(oN)borrow things; take loans
      • vtoNborrow
      • vtoNfigurative"borrow" (time etc)
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2borrow (something or someone N1) from (the owner N2) 假人於越, also 假道 "askfor/borrow right of way"
      • vtoNpassivebe borrowed from othersCH
      • generalised>REQUEST
        • vtoNrequest temporarily (right of way etc)
        • vttoN1.+prep+N2ask temporarily for (right of way N1) from (a person in authority N2) 假道于衛
        • as requested>USE
          • vt+prep+Nuse (what is not one's due)
          • vtoNavail oneself of, use (what is not one's own)
          • as necessary means towards something>RELY ON
            • vt+prep+Nrely on
            • vtoNgain or make use of the support of, be able to rely on
            • vtoN.adVrelying on N, availing oneself on NCH
            • vehicle, for transport>DRIVE
              • ship, for transport> SAILING
              • grammaticalised: relying on for the sake of argument>IF
                  • counter to fact>COUNTERFACTUAL
                    • vt0oS1.adS2supposing that
                    • feature>MISTAKE
                      • vadNfalse > provisional (BUDDH: pertaining to the relative truth)
                      • vadVfalsely, mistakenly In the Zen BUDDH. context usually referring to 'provisionally' (i.e. pertaining to the worldly truth and not the absolute truth)
                • causative: make rely on>PRETEND
                  • vadVwith false pretense, under false pretenses
                  • vt+prep+Npretend that; pretend to 假於
                  • vtoN以A假B: use A instead of B pretending that A is B
                  • vtoV(0)pretend to VCH
                  • generalised>FAKE
                    • vadNfake, shamBUDDH: fake and provisional; belonging to the wordly truth (as opposed to 真 )
                    • vadVbuddhistfalsely > provisionally (>as an expedient means) (pertaining to the relative truth) ant. to 實
                    • vtoNmake up artificially, create with one's imaginationCH
                    • nabpassivefakenessCH
          • causative: cause to borrow>LEND OUT
            • vadNlent-out (funds)
            • vtoNlend out (something) to others
            • vttoN1.+N2lend out (something N2) (to someone N1) 假我道
            • generalised>GIVE
              • vttoN1.+N2give (someone N1) (what is not his due N2)
              • vttoN1+.vtoN2to give (somebody N1) (something N2); to supply (somebody N1) with (something N2)
              • figurative: permission>PERMIT
                • vttoN1.+N2give temporary permission for (something N2) to (beneficiary N1)
              • =嘏 support>HELP
                • vtoNto help (gain power); to aid indirectly
        • =瘕ILLNESS
        • 假 jià (OC: kraas MC: kɯa) 古訝切 去 廣韻:【借也至也易也休假也又古雅切 】
          • DIE
            • HOLIDAY
              • nleave of absence
            • LEISURE
              • nleave of absence
              • vadVin a leisurely way, at one's ease
          • 假 xia4《集韻》亥駕切,去禡匣。魚部。
          • 假 xia2《集韻》何加切,平麻匣。魚部
          • 假 ge2《集韻》各〓切,入陌見。鐸部
          • jiǎTOLERANCE
            • vtoNbe tolerant to (XUN)LZ
          • jiǎWHEN
            • vtoN.adSat the time N (XUN)LZ

          Additional information about 假

          說文解字: 【假】,非眞也。从人、叚聲。 【古疋切】 一曰:至也。《虞書》曰:假于上下。 【古頟切】

          • REALITY

            1. The current word referring to reality is shí 實 (ant. xū 虛 "pretended reality"), but the word acquired this meaning rather late (meaning "object" in earlier texts).

            2. Qíng 情 (ant. wěi 偽 "fake") and chéng 誠 (ant. zhà 詐 "fraudulent") are often used interchangeably to refer to the real facts versus what is pretended or what is merely superficial.

            3. Zhēn 真 (ant. jiǎ 假 "faked") refers to the genuine inner state of something, the ultimate truth about it.


            1. The most current particle indicating counterfactual or occasionally remotely hypothetical conditional clauses is shǐ 使.

            2. Shè 設 is remotely hypothetical in its primary use, and only occasionally used to make counterfactual conditionals.

            3. Jiǎ 假 is used to make counterfactual conditionals or remotely hypothetical conditionals indifferently.

          • LEND OUT

            1. Jiè 借 (ant. huán 還 "return to the owner") is the standard general word lending something one has to somebody else for use.

            2. Jiǎ 假 is the granting or requesting permission to use something, and the word is often somewhat more abstract than jiè 借.

            3. Dài 貸 is a technical fiscal term referring to the giving of loans, typically from some institution or public body.

            4. Shē 賒 is to sell on credit, but the term is rare.

          • PRETEND

            1. The current general word for pretending to be what one is not is yáng 佯 (ant.* zhēn xiàng 真相 "real shape").

            2. Wěi 偽 (ant. zhēn 真 "genuine") refers to the deliberate production of something artificial, and by extension the word comes to mean "pretend".

            3. Shì 飾 (ant. pǔ 樸 "basic and genuine, unadorned") refers to ostentatious pretence.

            4. Wū 誣 (ant. xìn 信 "trusty") emphaises the fraudulent aspect of pretense.

            5. Wēi fú 微服 and wēi xíng 微行 refer specifically to a notorious person going out and pretending to be an ordinary citizen of some kind or another.

            6. Jiǎ 假 (ant. zhēn 真 "genuine") is rare in pre-Buddhist times and refers to pretending to do something.

          • LEISURE

            1. The current general term for the period of time not occupied by working is xián 閒 (ant. QIMIN YAOSHU 忙 "busy").

            2. Xiá 暇 refers specifically to the time of leisure between working spells.

            3. Jià 假 refers to an extended period free from official obligations, a holiday, and the word is marginal in this group.

            4. Yóu 游 / 遊 refers to the leisure-activities during one's free time.

            5. Kòng 空 refers abstractly to unoccupied time as such.

            6. Xián 嫻 / 閑 refers specifically to the kind of free and easy attitude one has during one's free time, but also to the work-free nature of something, and the word is often used as an adjective.

            7. Yàn 燕 and yàn 宴 refers to leisure time with a special focus on this time as an occasion for pleasure and enjoyment, often including food and music.

          • BORROW

            1. The general term for borrowing anything is jiè 借 and.


            2. Jiǎ 假 emphasises the temporary aspect of borrowing, and the lender's discretion, and the focus is on the ability to make practical use of what is borrowed, the latter meaning being also common for the same word.


            3. Dài 貸 is a technical financial term for borrowing money or resources is but the word for "to borrow" pimarily meant "to lend out".

            4. Tè 貣 is the technical term for making a demand for a loan of a sum money.


          • FAKE

            1. The current general word for faking something is jiǎo 矯 and the typical focus is on fraudulence involved.

            2. Wěi 偽 (ant. zhēn 真 ) focusses on the artificiality rather than natural or proper provenance of the product.

            3. Xū 虛 (ant. shí 實 ) focusses on the insubstantiality of the product, and the word is normally used adnominally.

            NB: Jiǎ 假 (ant. zhēn 真 ) focusses on something standing in for something else that is the genuine thing, but this usage was late to develop (HOUHANSHU).

          • TRUE

            1. The most current word is rán 然 "it is so" (ant. fǒu 否 "be untrue"), and what is said to be so is a yán 言 "statement', and things are claimed to be as stated in that statement.

            2. Kě 可 refers to logical or ethical acceptability.

            3. Xìn 信 (ant. zhà 詐 "fraudulent and not reliable") refers prototypically to reliablity as information.

            4. Shì 是 (ant. fēi 非 "wrong") refers prototypically to what invites assent or approval.

            5. Zhēn 真 (ant. jiǎ 假 "fake") typically refers to what contains nothing faked or unreal and is genuinely true.

            6. Dāng 當 (ant. guò 過 "wrong") refers prototypically to what fits the facts and does not deviate.

            7. Yǒu 有 (ant. wú 無 "there is no such fact")refers abstractly to the occurrence of an event or the truth of an abstract proposition.

            8. Chéng 誠 (ant. wěi 偽 "faked") refers to honest truth. (Note that chéng 誠 normally means "earnest" in early texts and has nothing to do with this meaning.)

            9. Shí 實 "real and true" (ant. xū 虛 "only apparently") refers to something not being a figment of the imagination. See REAL.

          • HELP

            1. The most general current word for helping someone else to perform a task is probably zhù 助 (ant. zǔ 阻 "hinder") which can refer to support given to men or other creatures.

            2. Yuán 援 typically refers to spontaneous unsolicited and enthusiastic help.

            3. Zuǒ 佐, yòu 佑 (deriving their meaning from the position of aides near the ruler), and also fǔ 輔 refer to official assistance in a formal context.

            4. Fú 扶 is specifially help to those much in need of support.

            5. Yì 益 (ant. sǔn 損 "act to hinder someone's progress") refers to support for someone who is already fairly well equipped for the task he or she gets support for.

            6. Jiǎ 假 refers to - not necessarily overt - discreet support.

            7. Zī 資 refers primarily to providing material support, but the word came to have common wider, generalised applications.

            8. Jì 濟 refers to acute help for a current difficult task.

            9. Yòu 祐 is a very ancient word referring specifically to assistance afforded by supernatural forces.

          • RELY ON

            1. The general term for relying on something with confidence is yīn 因.

            2. Yī 依 refers to dependence and reliance on something which may be deliberate or non-deliberate.

            3. Běn 本 refers to an abstract often almost metaphysical or logical dependence on something.

            4. Dài 待 refers to logical dependence on something

            5. Rén 任 typically refers to reliance on someone inferior in the context of public administration.

            6. Yǎng 仰 typically refers to hopeful reliance on a superior.

            7. Chéng 乘 refers to manifest deliberate reliance on some external condition for the furthering of one's own plans.

            8. Jiè 藉 / 借 and jiǎ 假 refer to availing oneself of conveniently available outside things for one's own purposes.

            9. Jì 寄 and tuō 託 refer to entrusting oneself to others and thus relying on them.

            10. Shì 恃 and the rare hù 怙 refer to reliance on a typically hidden basic resource or factor.

            Word relations
          • Object: (BORROW)道/WAY Dào 道, when used in its concrete meaning referring to a means of communication tends to refer to a larger line of communication, and the traditional claim is that the term refers to a road where two vehicles can pass each other. Thus the First Emperor called his Autobahns chí dào 馳道 and not chí lù 馳路.
          • Assoc: (COUNTERFACTUAL)令/IF
          • Assoc: (COUNTERFACTUAL)使/COUNTERFACTUAL The most current particle indicating counterfactual or occasionally remotely hypothetical conditional clauses is shǐ 使.
          • Assoc: (BORROW)貸/BORROW A technical term for borrowing money is dài 貸but the word pimarily meant "to lend out".
          • Assoc: (MISTAKE)虛/EMPTY The most geneal word is xū 虛 (ant. shí 實 "substantial and full") which can refer both to physical emptiness of a space and to abstract emptiness or tenuousness as a philosophical concept.
          • Oppos: (BORROW)反/GIVE BACK The current word for giving something back is fǎn 反.