Taxonomy of meanings for 介:  

  • 介 jiè (OC: kreeds MC: kɯæi) 古拜切 去 廣韻:【大也助也佑也甲也閱也耿介也説文作?畫也俗作〈人/力〉又 姓介之推是 】
    • DIVIDE
      • nabdivisions
      • feature>ALONE
        • v[adN]N=humone who is isolated
        • vadValone, all on one's own, be isolated from others
      • feature>NEAR
        • from natural movement>BLOCK
            • from danger>SAFEGUARD
              • n(mobile) armoured guard???
              • (wear armour)WEAR
                • vtoNinchoativeput on
                • =甲 (worn armour)>ARMOUR
                  • narmour: see WANG 1993: 246; XIANG 1997: 306
                  • nabactthe use of armour
                  • vadNarmoured
                  • viactwear armour
                  • vtoNcausativeto provide with armour
              • resulting>COURAGE
                • nabpsychdetermination, moral determination, moral straightness
                • vadNdetermined, firm, ready for battle
          • relation>BETWEEN
            • vadVbeing placed between two things ZUO 介居大國之間
            • vt+prep+Nbe wedged between
            • feature of what is between>>SMALL
              • nsubjectslightest minute thing, least thing; (not) a mite [variant for 芥]
            • grammaticalised>SUDDENLY
              • go between>MESSENGER
                  • specific>INTRODUCE
                    • vtoNpost-Han: introduce
                    • genearlised>HELP
                      • nabacthelp, support; Grand Ricci: Aider; seconder; accompagner. Aide; assistant; protection; secours.
                      • VPttoN1. N2support N1 with N2, help N1 by bestowing N2 on N1; archaic (SHI)LZ
                      • helper>SERVANT
                        • nattendant; butler (whose task it is to act as middleman between visitors and host)
                      • passive>RELY ON
                        • vtoNrely on ZUO 介人之寵 "relying on other people's love"
                        • vt+prep+Navail oneself of
                      • INCREASE
                        • vtoNarchaic and poetic, SHI: support
              • into parts>DIVIDE
                • nabdivisions
              • resultative>DIFFERENT
                • vt+prep+Nstativeseparate oneself from; be separate from; be divided in
              • (一音兀) cut off foot>MUTILATE
                • v[adN]person who has been punished by amputation of the foot
                • vihave an amputated foot, be mutilated ZHUANG: 介也 "be mutilated"
                • vtoNamputate a foot
            • grammaticalised>THIS
              • grammaticalised: adverbial>SUFFIX
                • STATES
                  • MALES OF JIN
                    • of rivers and lakes>BANK
                      • =界BOUNDARY
                        • nborder [anciently sometimes written for 界)
                      • =芥
                      • =价

                      Additional information about 介

                      說文解字: 【介】,畫也。从八、从人,人各有介。 【古拜切】

                      • ARMOUR


                        1. The dominant general term is jiǎ 甲 and this armour is typically made of rhinoceros leather.


                        2. Jiè 介 is another common, and syntactically flexible, word for armour.

                        3. Kǎi 鎧 refers to metal plate armour.


                        4. Xuán jiǎ 玄甲 refers to iron plate armour.


                        Word relations
                      • Assoc: (ARMOUR)冑/HELMET The general word for a helmet, which was current till the Han period, is zhòu 冑. It can be made of leather, bronze, and since the late Warring States also of iron. Archaeological finds are of course mostly of the bronze helmets, which are known from the Shang till the Warring States.
                      • Assoc: (SMALL)纖/TENUOUS