Taxonomy of meanings for 飄:  

  • 飄 piāo (OC: phew MC: biɛu) 符霄切 平 廣韻:【老子曰飄風不終朝注云疾風也 】
    • STORM
        • process>BLOW
            • feature>QUICK
              • vadNfast and whirling (of wind)
              • vadVwhirlingly, at whirling speed
          • generalised>WIND
            • nabprocesswhirlwind
            • nadVanalogylike the whirlwind> in a whirling way
            • viprocessblow, whirl about (like the whirlwind)
            • vtoNwhirl up
            • feature>ODOUR
              • process>FLUTTER
                  • grammaticalised: adverbial>DELIGHT
                    • unidirectional>FLOAT
                      • action>FLY
                        • viactfly in a whirling fashion
              • 飄 piāo (OC: phew MC: pʰiɛu) 撫招切 平 廣韻:【飄颻 】

                Additional information about 飄


                • QUICK

                  1. The most current general word for anything that moves at high speed is sù 速 (ant. chí 遲 "so slowly that one becomes late").

                  2. Jí 疾 (ant. xú 徐 "slowly") typically refers to urgent speedy action of limited duration.

                  3. Jí 亟 (ant huǎn 緩 "too slowly") refers to maximum speed possible under prevailing circumstances.

                  4. Jíé 捷 adds to the notion of maximum speed the nuance of deftness and general skill.

                  5. Piāo 飄 refers specifically to the speed of wind.

                  6. Xùn 迅 emphasises high speed and abruptness and eruptive violence, often in natural processes.

                  7. Bù rì 不日 without delay, in a short time, quickly.

                  NB: Kuài 快 came to mean "quickly" soon after Han times.

                • WIND

                  1. The dominant word for wind is fēng 風.

                  2. Piāo 飄 and the rare biāo 飆 refer to whirlwind, and the word is also written with two characters as 扶搖.

                  3. Mái 霾 refers to a violent storm blowing as a sandstorm, or as a rainstorm.

                  Word relations
                • Epithet: (QUICK)風/WIND The dominant word for wind is fēng 風.