Old Chinese Criteria
Modern Chinese Criteria
- PATRIOTISM LOVE for one's SELF:own STATE. (anc: 14/0, child: 0)
See also
- FEELING NATURAL REACTION IN one's MIND. (anc: 11/0, child: 17)
- REACT CHANGE one's THINKING OR ACTING BECAUSE one is PERCEIVING something. (anc: 10/0, child: 5)
rei pulchrae grato sensu obverti.
Tria ergo in amore. 1. amabile. 2. amans. 3. sensus illius.
9. Omne amans primo et maxime seipsum amat, tum sua, denique propter se et sua, alia.
PIETAS is among relatives, AFFECTIO does not have this restriction.
5. Inter Amorem et cupidinem. Aliud est, inquit [col. 10A] Cato, Philippe, amor longe, aliudque cupido. Accessit illico alter ubi alter recessit: alter bonus, alter malus. Alii verius amorem et bonum dixerunt et malum, cupidinem semper malum. Amoris [ Al., Jam horum] quadripartita differentia est. Est enim justus amor; pius, crudelis, obscenus. Justus amor est uxorum, pius filiorum, crudelis contra naturam, ut Pasiphae, obscenus meretricum.
Cicero sapiusque sic utitur ut distinguat atque amare ponat pro ardenter, ac diligere pro levius amare... Alii dixerunt amare naturaliter nobis insitum, diligere vero electione.
diligere refers to feelings of loving arising from esteem.
amare refers to feelings of love arising from a subjective inclination that is typically involuntary and felt to be irresistible.
deamare refers to a desperate passion and enamoured rage.
amor refers to holding someone dear, typically in a passionate way, prototypically as lovers do each other.
caritas refers to holding something dear in a caring way, as parents do children.
pietas refers to ritually prescribed respectful loving care as demanded by gods or the holy ties of nature.
Fischer, Amor und Eros
amo, -are 'to love' [v. I] (Naev.+)
Derivatives: amascere 'to begin to love' (Naev.), amasius 'lover' (PL+); amicus
'friend' (Naev.+), 'friendly' [o/a] (P1.+), arnica 'female friend' (Naev.+), inimicus
[adj. / m.] 'unfriendly; an enemy* (P1.+), inimicitia 'enmity, ill will' (PI.+); amor
'sexual passion, love' (Naev.+).
Words (51 items)
愛 ài OC: qɯɯds MC: ʔəi 164 Attributions
The clearly dominant word referring to love is ài 愛 (ant. hèn 恨 "dislike"; rarely zēng 憎 "dislike"; and wù 惡 "hate"), and this word refers both to the feelings of love and to the expression of love in loving care for another person as well as in sexual relations. (Occasionally, the word may refer to the emotional preference that a small child feels for its parents. For this meaning see PREFER.)
- Word relations
- Ant: 惡/HATE
The dominant general word referring to intense dislike is wù 惡 (ant. ài 愛 "love") which can relate to all kinds of concrete or abstract objects. - Ant: 憎/HATE
Zēng 憎 (ant. ài 愛 "love") is a rather mild and lingering form of resentment directed at a person. - Object: 妃/CONCUBINE
Fēi 妃 (ant. wáng 王 "king") refers to a royal concubine. - Epithet: 妾/CONCUBINE
Qiè 妾 (ant. fū 夫 "husband") refers to the concubine. - Epithet: 親/INTIMATE
The general word for close familiarity is qīn 親 (ant. shū 疏 "have only distant relations with"), but the word often retains connotations of kinship relations. - Epithet: 忠/FAITHFUL
Zhōng 忠 refers to a selfless effort on behalf of the person to whom one takes oneself to owe loyalty, and this person may be either a ruler or a friend. - Contrast: 好/LIKE
The general words expressing preference is ài 愛, but the notion is often hard to distinguish from a preferential desire, and for the semantically closely related hào 好 see DESIRE. - Contrast: 恩/LOVE
- Contrast: 寵/FAVOURITE
The current general word for enjoying favourite status is xìng 幸 (ant.* qì 棄 "be rejected as favourite; rejected"); and the standard general word for showing favour to a favourite is chǒng 寵. - Contrast: 貴/APPRECIATE
Guì 貴 is the most general word for appreciating the importance of something which is comparative in nuance. [COMPARATIVE], [GENERAL], [UNEMOTIONAL] - Contrast: 貴/APPRECIATE
Guì 貴 is the most general word for appreciating the importance of something which is comparative in nuance. [COMPARATIVE], [GENERAL], [UNEMOTIONAL] - Contrast: 重/IMPORTANT
Zhòng 重 (ant. qīng 輕"of no consequence") focusses on what carries considerable weight in a certain context. - Assoc: 信/TRUST
The current word for having faith in someone is xìn 信 (ant. yí 疑 "be suspicious of"), and this word belongs to the high discourse of politics and ethics. - Assoc: 悅 / 說/DELIGHT
The general current word referring to the purely psychological notion of a transitory or temporary feeling of pleasure or delight is yuè 悅 (ant. yùn 慍 "feel intensely dissatisfied with, feel offended by"). - Assoc: 惠/GENEROUS
Probably the most general word for generosity is huì 惠 (ant. sè 嗇 "stingy, ungenerous"), and this refers to any kind of emotional as well as material munificence by a person of superior status. - Assoc: 寶/APPRECIATE
Bǎo 寶 refers to the treasuring of something as something that one has and keeps as a treasure. [EMOTIONAL], [HIGH-DEGREE] - Assoc: 慈/LOVE
Cí 慈 (ant. rěn 忍 "callous, unfeeling") is primarily the intimate emotional concern of mothers/parents for their children, and by extension such concern of a fatherly ruler for his people. [EMOTIONAL], [PRACTICAL] - Assoc: 親/INTIMATE
The general word for close familiarity is qīn 親 (ant. shū 疏 "have only distant relations with"), but the word often retains connotations of kinship relations. - Assoc: 親/INTIMATE
The general word for close familiarity is qīn 親 (ant. shū 疏 "have only distant relations with"), but the word often retains connotations of kinship relations. - Synon: 好/LOVE
- Synon: 美/ADMIRE
Měi 美 (ant. è 惡 "find despicable an dislikable") refers to an intense expressly subjective aesthetic or moral appreciation for something as admirable. [COVERT], [STATE], [SUBJECTIVE] - Oppos: 畏/RESPECT
Wèi 畏 (ant. xiá 狎 "treat without the proper respect due to someone in high position, treat with improper familiarity") refers to awe-struck respect for a person in authority.
- Syntactic words
- nab(.post-N)fondness of the contextually determinate N; affection for NCH
- nab. prep Npsychlove (for something)
- nabnegativenegatively: love as the grasping after someone attractive or something pleasant, thereby attaching oneself to a person or an object (often used with connotation in BUDDH. texts)
- nabpsychloving care; love; feelings of love; sollicitousness; active affection
- nadNcharacterised by love; constituted by love
- npassivebeloved person
- v[adN]passivebeloved, 立愛 "establish the beloved (as a ruler)"TW
- vadNloving, fond; sollicitous; characterised by a positive attitude
- vadNcontinuousbeloved (concubine, son etc); dear
- vadNpassivebeloved 愛子 "beloved son" rather than "loving son"
- vadNpsychcharacterised by loving or in any case positive emotions
- viactbehave lovingly; show love
- vt(oN)love the contextually determinate person
- vt[oN]be loving, be sollicitous; be properly caring (as an elder brother for his younger brother)
- vtoNlove and care for, take loving care of; generally: take proper care of (one's person/life)
- vtoNeroticbe in love with; love dearly; be very fond of; have very fond feelings for; be emotionally attached to
- vtoNfondlyfeel attached to; be especially fond of (also abstract things)
- vtoNinchoativefall in love with
- vtoNnon-erotichave fond feelings for (the people) etc
- vtoNobject=superiorbe well-disposed towards support emotionally; have loving feelings towards and take loving care of (superiors)
- vtoNpassivebe loved, be beloved; be the object of sollicitous care
- vtoNpsychlove (oneself)
- vtoNpsychlove (oneself) 愛己
- vtoNpsychshow great care for (oneself)
- vtoNreciprocallove (each other)
- vtoNsexualhave an affair with, conduct a love affair with
好 hào OC: qhuus MC: hɑu 70 Attributions
- Word relations
- Object: 內/WIFE
Nèi 內 refers generically to the harem. - Object: 辯/DISCUSS
Biàn 辯 refers to a rational subtle discussion and investigation - Object: 善/GOOD
The general term for positive appraisal of any kind in Chinese is shàn 善 (ant. è 惡 "bad"). - Assoc: 玩/TOY
- Synon: 愛/LOVE
The clearly dominant word referring to love is ài 愛 (ant. hèn 恨 "dislike"; rarely zēng 憎 "dislike"; and wù 惡 "hate"), and this word refers both to the feelings of love and to the expression of love in loving care for another person as well as in sexual relations. (Occasionally, the word may refer to the emotional preference that a small child feels for its parents. For this meaning see PREFER.)
- Syntactic words
- nab.tpsychspecial fondness; "taste for", preference for
- vt+V[0]love to, be fond of (often hard to distinguish from vtoNab)
- vtoNabinchoativecome to love; come to show a special preference/fondness/proneness forCH
- vtoNabstativebe especially fond of; find especially attractive; show a special preference for
- vtoNpassivebe especially preferred
- vtoNpsychhave fond feeling for (oneself)
慈 cí OC: dzɯ MC: dzɨ 60 Attributions
Cí 慈 (ant. rěn 忍 "callous, unfeeling") is primarily the intimate emotional concern of mothers/parents for their children, and by extension such concern of a fatherly ruler for his people. [EMOTIONAL], [PRACTICAL]
- Word relations
- Conv: 孝/LOVE
Xiào 孝 refers to loving respect for one's parents and ancestors in attitude and action and is a major traditional virtue. - Ant: 勇/COURAGE
The standard general word for courage is yǒng 勇 (ant. nuò 懦 "pusillanimousness, chicken-liveredness"), which refers to positive boldness evinced in the face of danger or risk. Cf. fortitudo - Ant: 害/DAMAGE
By far the commonest general word for damage is hài 害 (ant. lì 利"benefit"). - Epithet: 父/FATHER
The completely dominant word is fù 父 - Epithet: 父母/PARENT
Fù mǔ 父母 refers to parents. - Epithet: 母/MOTHER
- Assoc: 孝/LOVE
Xiào 孝 refers to loving respect for one's parents and ancestors in attitude and action and is a major traditional virtue. - Assoc: 孝/LOVE
Xiào 孝 refers to loving respect for one's parents and ancestors in attitude and action and is a major traditional virtue. - Assoc: 愛/LOVE
The clearly dominant word referring to love is ài 愛 (ant. hèn 恨 "dislike"; rarely zēng 憎 "dislike"; and wù 惡 "hate"), and this word refers both to the feelings of love and to the expression of love in loving care for another person as well as in sexual relations. (Occasionally, the word may refer to the emotional preference that a small child feels for its parents. For this meaning see PREFER.) - Assoc: 仁/BENEVOLENCE
Rén 仁 (ant. cán 殘 "cruel" and perhaps ant.* rěn 忍 "be callous, unfeeling") which refers to kind-heartedness and deep human sensibility as a constitutive feature of man as a moral being, is the standard word since Confucius. [ETHICAL], [HIGH-DEGREE]
- Syntactic words
- nabactacts of kindness and love
- nabdispositionloving fondness, loving care, loving kindness
- vadNnon-restrictiveloving, caring 慈母, benevolent, kin
- vadVlovingly, in a caring way
- vibe loving, be caring; be genteel, be empatheticCH
- vt+prep+Nshow genuine deep concern for
- vt[oN]show loving kindness in action
- vt[oN]stativebe loving (of disposition or behaviour); be soft-hearted
- vtoNshow loving parental or parental-style care for
孝 xiào OC: qhruus MC: hɣɛu 31 Attributions
Xiào 孝 refers to loving respect for one's parents and ancestors in attitude and action and is a major traditional virtue.
- Word relations
- Conv: 慈/LOVE
Cí 慈 (ant. rěn 忍 "callous, unfeeling") is primarily the intimate emotional concern of mothers/parents for their children, and by extension such concern of a fatherly ruler for his people. [EMOTIONAL], [PRACTICAL] - Inconsist: 違/OFFEND
Wéi 違 (ant. xún 循 "follow") and the rarer lí 離 as well as fēi 非 are neutral terms referring to a failure to comply with something. - Epithet: 子/CHILD
The commonest word for a child is zǐ 子"son; child; rarely: baby". - Assoc: 謹/DILIGENT
The current word for (typically respectful) meticulous and almost fastidious diligence is jǐn 謹 (ant. màn 慢 "be neglectful"). - Assoc: 慈/LOVE
Cí 慈 (ant. rěn 忍 "callous, unfeeling") is primarily the intimate emotional concern of mothers/parents for their children, and by extension such concern of a fatherly ruler for his people. [EMOTIONAL], [PRACTICAL] - Assoc: 慈/LOVE
Cí 慈 (ant. rěn 忍 "callous, unfeeling") is primarily the intimate emotional concern of mothers/parents for their children, and by extension such concern of a fatherly ruler for his people. [EMOTIONAL], [PRACTICAL]
- Syntactic words
- nabpsychloving respect for one's parents and ancestors (see also VIRTUE)
- v[adN]a filial [son]TW
- vadNcharacterised by filial love (see VIRTUE)
- vifeel/show loving care for one's parents and seniorsCH
- vt+prep+Nshow filial piety towards
- vt[oN]show loving respect for one's parents and ancestors (see VIRTUE)
- vt[oN]actbe filial
- vtoNshow proper dutiful love (to parents, ancestors or ghosts)
自愛 zì ài MC: dzijH 'ojH OC: sblids qɯɯds 22 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNreflexive.自Foucault: soin de soi> take good care of oneself; Take good care of yourself 保重!CH
親愛 qīn ài OC: tshiŋ qɯɯds MC: tshin ʔəi 15 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPablove, personal preference; also: love for a relative
- VPadNcharacteristed by intense loving care
- VPt(oN)love a contextually determinate object) dearly
- VPtoNstativelove intensely; love dearly (also as people loving ruler) 甚親愛
- vt[oN]be on lovingly close terms of friendship
寵 chǒng OC: ph-roŋʔ MC: ʈhi̯oŋ 15 Attributions
Chǒng 寵 refers to enjoying the affections of a superior.
- Word relations
- Ant: 惡/HATE
The dominant general word referring to intense dislike is wù 惡 (ant. ài 愛 "love") which can relate to all kinds of concrete or abstract objects. - Assoc: 恩/LOVE
- Syntactic words
- nabactaffectionate support, enthusiastic support
- nabpsychfavourable attitude, special fondness for
- npassivefavoured person
- vadNfavourite
- vtoNshow affection (for a superior); cultivate affectionate relations with enjoy favour with (a superior)
- vtoNN=nonhube fond of (bribes etc)
慕 mù OC: maaɡs MC: muo̝ 9 Attributions
Mù 慕 prototypically refers to loving devotion of a distant kind, but the word is also used in a more generalised way to refer to affection.
- Word relations
- Ant: 恚/ANGER
Huì 恚 is a general word for anger that is remarkably frequent in collocation with near-synonyms. - Assoc: 思/YEARN
The current general word for yearning for something is sī 思 (ant. wàng 忘 "forget all about").
- Syntactic words
- vt+prep+Nstativebe emotionally utterly devoted to, yearn forLZ
- vtoNpassivebe (distantly, discreetly) loved
- vtoNstativebe emotionally utterly devoted to (a person), feel and show naive love and eager admiration (like a small child for its parents); be enamoured of, love and admire; be full of naive admiration; fall in love with, fall for; show distant affection for and emulate; admire distantly
慈孝 cí xiào OC: dzɯ qhruus MC: dzɨ hɣɛu 8 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPabpsychloving care for senior relatives
- VPt+prep+Nshow loving care for senior relatives
- VPt[oN]show caring love towards superior relatives
- VPtoNshow loving filial piety for
幸 xìng OC: ɢreeŋʔ MC: ɦɣɛŋ 8 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nabpsychpreferential affections
- vt+prep+Nenjoy the affections (or sexual favours) of a ruler (or superior) (sometimes with institutional subjects)
- vtoNshow affections for DCD: 寵愛。
親 qīn OC: tshiŋ MC: tshin 7 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nabloving concernLZ
- vtoNshow intimate loving concern for, feel close to
- vtoNpassivebe felt to be intimately close, be shown intimate loving concernLZ
- vtoNreflexive.自show special concern for (oneself)CH
慈心 cí xīn OC: dzɯ slɯm MC: dzɨ sim 6 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPab.adVpsychwith a mind-attitude of sympathy > in a spirit of loving compassion and care
- NPabpsychspirit of loving care
慈愛 cí ài OC: dzɯ qɯɯds MC: dzɨ ʔəi 5 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPabsocialproper love and care for others
- VPt+prep+Nshow all kinds of caring affection for
- VPtoNshow all kinds of caring affection for
所愛 suǒ ài OC: sqraʔ qɯɯds MC: ʂi̯ɤ ʔəi 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPadNpassivebeloved
嬖 bì OC: peeɡs MC: pei 3 Attributions
Bì 嬖 refers to the enjoying of favourite status with a superior, and the term often connotes sexual relations, occasionally even of the homosexual kind.
- Syntactic words
- vt+prep+Neroticdote on N; adore N; lavish affection on N; indulge in NTW
- vtoNinchoativestart to feel lavish affection on NDS
恩 ēn OC: qɯɯn MC: ʔən 3 Attributions
- Word relations
- Contrast: 愛/LOVE
The clearly dominant word referring to love is ài 愛 (ant. hèn 恨 "dislike"; rarely zēng 憎 "dislike"; and wù 惡 "hate"), and this word refers both to the feelings of love and to the expression of love in loving care for another person as well as in sexual relations. (Occasionally, the word may refer to the emotional preference that a small child feels for its parents. For this meaning see PREFER.) - Assoc: 寵/LOVE
Chǒng 寵 refers to enjoying the affections of a superior.
- Syntactic words
- nabpsychgenerous love> love construed as emotional generosity
思慕 sī mù OC: snɯ maaɡs MC: sɨ muo̝ 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPabactfond remembrance
- VPadNfull of fond remembrance
- VPiactcultivate a respectful love
- VPt(oN)cultivate loving respect for a contextually determinate N
趣 qù MC: tshjuH OC: skhos 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nab.tpsychspecial fondnessDS
- vtoNlove especiallyCH
惠愛 huì ài OC: ɢʷiids qɯɯds MC: ɦei ʔəi 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPab{N1=N2}nonreferentialgenerous loving care
稱孝 chèng chèn xiào MC: tsyhing xaewH OC: thjɯŋs qhruus 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPt prep Ndeclarativeto declare one's filial love to NCH
情 qíng OC: dzeŋ MC: dziɛŋ 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nabpsychfeelings of love
- nadNlovingDS
淫 yín 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vt+prep+Nsexualhave an affair with, conduct a love affair withTW
貪 tān OC: kh-lɯɯm MC: thəm 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNbe very fond of
恩愛 ēn ài OC: qɯɯn qɯɯds MC: ʔən ʔəi 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPabBUDDH: affectionate love (human affection which is one of the causes of rebirth; attaching love is sometimes defined as the 8th part of the chain which binds sentient beings to the cycle of life and birth)
- NPab.adVBUDDH: with affectionate love, lovingly
愛利 ài lì OC: qɯɯds rids MC: ʔəi li 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNlove and profit> take good material care of
愛幸 ài xìng OC: qɯɯds ɢreeŋʔ MC: ʔəi ɦɣɛŋ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPabpassivelove
愛念 ài niàn OC: qɯɯds mɢlɯɯms MC: ʔəi nem 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPt(oN)be especially fond of a contextually determinate person
愛憎 ài zēng MC: 'ojH -- OC: qɯɯds tsɯɯŋ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPabrelativerelative love; extent of love; DS
厚薄 hòu báo OC: ɡooʔ baaɡ MC: ɦu bɑk 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPab{nab1ant.nab2}featurerelative closeness or intensity of a relationship
好樂 hào lè OC: qhuus ɡ-raawɡ MC: hɑu lɑk 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNdelight in
愛者 ài zhě OC: qɯɯds kljaʔ MC: ʔəi tɕɣɛ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPabactlove
希望 xī wàng OC: qhlɯl maŋs MC: hɨi mi̯ɐŋ
悕望 xī wàng OC: qhlɯl maŋs MC: hɨi mi̯ɐŋ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNlove from afar
近愛 jìn ài OC: ɡɯns qɯɯds MC: gɨn ʔəi 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPobjectone loved by and close to the leadership
愛重 ài zhòng OC: qɯɯds doŋʔ MC: ʔəi ɖi̯oŋ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPt(oN)gradedlove and respect> love
嗟 jiē OC: skal MC: tsɣɛ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNsigh for (a beloved person)
字 zì OC: sɡlɯs MC: dzɨ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vt[oN]actshow parental love; show care
- vtoNactshow parental love towards N; show care towards NTW
懷 huái OC: ɡruul MC: ɦɣɛi 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vt(oN)love the contextually determinate object
- vtoNbe fond of, cherish (as being one's superior)
戀 liàn OC: b-rons MC: liɛn 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vt(oN)love the contextually determinate N
- vtoNstativepost-Han: be devoted to in deep affection
戀著 liàn zhuó OC: b-rons ɡ-laɡ MC: liɛn ɖi̯ɐk 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNbe affectionately attached to
心好 xīn hào OC: slɯm qhuus MC: sim hɑu 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNlove with all one's heart
薄厚 báo hòu OC: baaɡ ɡooʔ MC: bɑk ɦu 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPab{nab1ant.nab2}featurerelative closeness of relationship or generosity
情事 qíng shì OC: dzeŋ dzrɯs MC: dziɛŋ ɖʐɨ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPabeventaffairs involving qíng, love affairs
私人 sī rén OC: sil njin MC: si ȵin 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPsubject=humanSOUSHENJI: lover
合驩 hé huān OC: ɡloob qhoon MC: ɦəp hʷɑn 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPabpsychlove (between the sexes)
依 yī OC: qɯl MC: ʔɨi 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vi.redlove so as to be loathe to depart
好禮 hào lǐ OC: qhuus riiʔ MC: hɑu lei 0 Attributions
delight in ritual
- Syntactic words
- VPidelight in ritual
珍偉 zhēn wěi OC: k-lɯn ɢulʔ MC: ʈin ɦɨi 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNtreasure greatly, love immensely
安 ān OC: qaan MC: ʔɑn 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNbe on intimate terms with
憐 lián OC: riin MC: len 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNpassivebe loved
聖寵 shèng chǒng OC: qhljeŋs ph-roŋʔ MC: ɕiɛŋ ʈhi̯oŋ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPabactholy love> (divine) grace
汎愛 fàn ài OC: phloms qɯɯds MC: phi̯ɐm ʔəi 0 Attributions
all-embracingly love> love universally
- Syntactic words