WIFE    妻子

Old Chinese Criteria
1. The most general term for a commoner's female mate is fù 婦 (ant. fū 夫 "husband"). 2. Qī 妻 (ant. fū 夫 "husband") refers to the regular main wife, and specifically to a commoner's main wife. 3. Nèi 內 refers generically to the harem. 4. Hòu 后 (ant. wáng 王 "king") refers to a queen. See QUEEN 5. Shì 室 is a polite circumlocution for a wife. 6. Aυ 媼 (ant. wēng 翁 "old man") is a general term for a married woman, and the word is marginal in this group because it does not focus on the relationship to the mate. 7. Fū rén 夫人 is a current phrase for a wife.
HUANG JINGUI 2006 HUMAN AFFAIRS 10. 妻子。 婦,特指妻(妾),通稱。 妻,正妻。 嫡,正妻,要與 “ 妻 ” 或 “ 妾 ” 連用。 室,代指妻,俗稱。 家,從丈夫而稱妻。 后,帝王之妻。 妃,太子、王侯之正妻。 君,諸侯之正妻,後成為對非親族關係的長輩或所尊敬者之妻的尊稱。 嬪,特指亡妻。
Modern Chinese Criteria
妻 妻子 愛人 妻室 夫人 女人 女的 老婆 太太 家 堂客 婆娘 婆姨 娘兒們 娘子 家�� 屋�� 屋�堣 H 老小 媳婦兒 渾家 老婆子 老伴 內 內助 內主 室人 中饋 細君 房下 孩子媽 孩子他媽 女客 家主婆 賤內 內人 內掌櫃的 內子 拙荊 荊室 山妻 山荊 嫂夫人 尊夫人 令閫 令正 令室 德配 Compare incidentally the (quite irrelevant) modern which I just note here for pleasure, and also in order not to forget them: háir tā mā 孩兒他媽烝 other of my children �; nèi kǒu z” 內口子涃 ating person within, i.e. wife �; wū l” de 屋裡的 wǒ x’ fù 我媳婦 rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /
  • DAUGHTER-IN-LAWnew-8d035818-90e3-4966-8358-1890e3d96627 SON's WIFE. (anc: 10/0, child: 0)
  • QUEEN WIFE of a RULER OR FEMALE RULER. (anc: 10/0, child: 0)
  • STEPMOTHER FATHER'S WIFE who is NOT one's SELF:own MOTHER. (anc: 10/0, child: 0)
  • EMPRESS SENIOR WIFE of an EMPEROR. (anc: 10/0, child: 0)
See also
  • MATE ADULT with whom one COPULATES. (anc: 8/0, child: 4)
  • ADULT HUMAN who is SUFFICIENTLY OLD to ESTABLISH his/her SEPARATE HOME. (anc: 7/0, child: 20)
  • HUMAN ANIMAL which HAS TWO LEGS AND LACKS FEATHERS. (anc: 6/0, child: 31)
  • Lateinische Synonyme und Etymologien ( DOEDERLEIN 1840) p.


    uxor refers to the wife as the partner chosen by a certain husband.

    coniux refers to the wife as a partner in what is construed as a mutual marital relationship, typically involving symmetrical emotional relationships.

    marita is a poetic term for uxor.


    pellex refers to a bed-fellow of a married man, his wife, who can have this relation only to one man at the time.

    concubina refers to any bedfellow, without further limitation than that she does not live in a state of lawful wedlock, and such a concubine can only have one mate at a given time.

    meretrix refers to a prostitute who exercises a certain choice with respect to the men with whom she conducts her business.

    scorta refers derogatively to a prostitute with reference to her moral character as enticing men to sin.

  • Anthologia sive Florilegium rerum et materiarum selectarum ( LANGIUS 1631) p.


  • 中國文化背景八千詞 Zhongguo wenhua beijing ba qian ci ( WU SANXING 2008) p. 154ff

  • Using Chinese Synonyms ( GRACE ZHANG 2010) p. 304

  • Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages ( DE VAAN 2008) p.

    uxor, -oris 'wife' [f. r] (Naev.+)

    Derivatives: uxorius 'of a wife' (P1.+), uxorcula 'little wife' (P1.+), uxorculare 'to play the part of a wife' (PI.).

  • Handbook of Greek Synonymes, from the French of M. Alex. Pillon, Librarian of the Bibliothèque Royale , at Paris, and one of the editors of the new edition of Plaché's Dictionnaire Grec-Français, edited, with notes, by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A. Rector of Lyndon, and late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ( PILLON 1850) p. no.158

  • 古漢語常用詞同義詞詞典 ( HONG CHENGYU 2009) p. 52

  • A New Dictionary of Classical Greek Synonyms ( T.W.HARBSMEIER 2004) p. NO.158

  • Bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprachinhaltsforschung. Teil II. Systematischer Teil. B. Ordnung nach Sinnbezirken (mit einem alphabetischen Begriffsschluessel): Der Mensch und seine Welt im Spiegel der Sprachforschung ( FRANKE 1989) p. 69A

  • Words (39 items)

    夫人  fū rén OC: pa njin MC: pi̯o ȵin 45 Attributions

    fū rén 夫人 is said to refer specifically to the wife of a feudal lord LIJI 2.2.16), but is often used more widely.

      Word relations
    • Contrast: 孺子/GIRL A current general word for a girl is rú zǐ 孺子, and in the plural nǚ mèi 女妹.

      Syntactic words
    • NP(post-N)wife of the contextually determinate NCH
    • NP(post-N.)=Nprthe wife (, by the name of Npr)
    • NP(post-Npr)his wife, the contextually determinate man Npr's, wife
    • NP[post-N]one's wife
    • NP[post-N]reflexiveWife!
    • NPnonreferentiala wife
    • NPpost-Nwife
    • NPpost-N.=Nprthe wife of N by the name of NprTW
    • NPpost-NprMrs N, the wife of N
    • VPtoNputativeregard/describe as one's wife CQGL 夫人之 "regarded her as his wife"
      qī OC: tshiil MC: tshei 40 Attributions

    Qī 妻 (ant. fū 夫 "husband") refers to the regular main wife.

      Word relations
    • Epithet: 正/CORRECT The standard word for conformity with an established standard of behavioural or physical allignment zhèng 正(ant. xié 邪).
    • Contrast: 妾/CONCUBINE Qiè 妾 (ant. fū 夫 "husband") refers to the concubine.
    • Assoc: 子/CHILD The commonest word for a child is zǐ 子"son; child; rarely: baby".
    • Oppos: 身/SELF Shēn 身 typically refers to the subject in a contrastive way, and the word is often hard to distinguish from the nominal concept of a person. Adverbially, the word is different from PERSONALLY in that it does not connote distinction in the agent.

      Syntactic words
    • n(post-N)main wife of a contextually determinate person; someone's main wife; one's main wife
    • n[post-N]one's wife
    • npost-Nmain wife of N
      fù OC: buʔ MC: bɨu 28 Attributions

    The most general term for a female mate is fù 婦 (ant. fū 夫 "husband").

      Word relations
    • Conv: 夫/HUSBAND The general current word for a husband is fū 夫.
    • Oppos: 夫/HUSBAND The general current word for a husband is fū 夫.

      Syntactic words
    • n(post-N)wife of the contextually determinate NDS
    • n=NprLady N 婦姜
    • nabconceptwifehood, role of a wife
    • npost-Nwife; sometimes: wife to be, bride
    • ntnonreferentiala wife in general
    • viactbehave as a wife should
    • vtoNattitudinaltreat as a wife
    婦人  fù rén OC: buʔ njin MC: bɨu ȵin 15 Attributions

    fù rén 婦人 is said to refer to the wife of a gentleman rather than a mere commoner. (LIJI 2.2.16)

      Word relations
    • Conv: 丈夫/HUSBAND Zhàng fū 丈夫 is an informal colloquial word for a husband, one suspects, but it is hard to see how one may prove this point.

      Syntactic words
    • NPwife
    • NP(post-N)his wife; your wife etc.CH
    • NP{N1adN2}nonreferentialwives in general; married women in general
      nèi OC: nuubs MC: nuo̝i 8 Attributions

    Nèi 內 refers generically to the harem.

      Syntactic words
    • nharem
    • n[adN1.]adN2belonging to the inside (female associates)> belonging to the harem
      shì OC: qhljiɡ MC: ɕit 5 Attributions

    Shì 室 is a polite circumlocution for a wife.

      Syntactic words
    • nwifeCH
    • n(post-N)LIJI: wife
    元妃  yuán fēi OC: ŋɡon phɯl MC: ŋi̯ɐn phɨi 4 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPpost-Nprprincipal wife
      fēi OC: phɯl MC: phɨi 4 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • n(post-N)general term for a female mate of any kind, of any status (see SSJZS vol. 16, p. 39)
    • nabconceptthe concept of a ho4u; the word ho4u (as used here)
    • nnonreferentiala wife
    • npost-Nwife of N
    • vtoNserve as wife (concubine) to
      pín OC: bin MC: bin 4 Attributions

      Word relations
    • Assoc: 御/COPULATE Yù 御 refers to a male "riding" a female, and the word has no negative overtones.

      Syntactic words
    • ncourt lady; concubine
    • ndeceaseddeceased wife (LIJI)
    新昏  xīn hūn OC: siŋ hmuun MC: sin huo̝n
    新婚  xīn hūn OC: siŋ hmuun MC: sin huo̝n 3 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NP{vadN}psychnew wife, bride
    妻子  qī zǐ OC: tshiil sklɯʔ MC: tshei tsɨ 3 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPmain wife
    宗婦  zōng fù OC: tsuuŋ buʔ MC: tsuo̝ŋ bɨu 3 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPwife of eldest son in the clan
    • NPpluralwives of dignitaries bearing the same surname as the QueenDS
    小童  xiǎo tóng OC: smewʔ dooŋ MC: siɛu duŋ 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPhumbleword used by the wife of a ruler to refer to herself
    妻妾  qī qiè OC: tshiil skheb MC: tshei tshiɛp 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluralwives and concubines
    庶母  shù mǔ OC: qhljaɡs mɯʔ MC: ɕi̯ɤ mu 2 Attributions
    • () p. 11966a

      Syntactic words
    • NPwife, concubine (the one among the wives/concubines which has given birth to a child of her husband)
    新婦子  xīn fù zǐ OC: siŋ buʔ sklɯʔ MC: sin bɨu tsɨ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPnew wife, bride
    后妃  Click here to add pinyin OC:  MC: 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPqueen consort
    • NPnonreferentialnoble female mates including the queen and senior concubines
    后妻  hòu qī OC: ɡooʔ tshiil MC: ɦu tshei 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPmain wife; position of main wife
    新婦  xīn fù OC: siŋ buʔ MC: sin bɨu 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPnew wife, bride
    內子  nèi zǐ OC: nuubs sklɯʔ MC: nuo̝i tsɨ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPprimary wife (of a dignitary)
    前妻  qián qī MC: dzen tshej OC: dzeen tshiil 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPformer wife, late wifeTW
      yīn OC: qin MC: ʔin 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • nwife
    正妃  zhèng fēi MC: tsyengH phj+j OC: tjeŋs phɯl 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPpost-Nmain consort of NCH
      jiā OC: kraa MC: kɣɛ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • npost-nproaccording to Du Yu's commentary on Zuozhuan specifically: wife
    孺人  rú rén OC: njos njin MC: ȵi̯o ȵin 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPwife
    人婦  rén fù OC: njin buʔ MC: ȵin bɨu 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPnonreferentiala wife
    後妻  hòu qī MC: huwX tshej OC: ɡooʔ tshiil 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPsecond wife (of a widower)TW
    小君  xiǎo jūn OC: smewʔ klun MC: siɛu ki̯un 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPduchess
    寡妻  guǎ qī OC: kʷraaʔ tshiil MC: kɣɛ tshei 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPmain wife
    愛人  ài rén MC: 'ojH nyin OC: qɯɯds njin 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NP[post-N]singularone's wifeCH
      hòu OC: ɡooʔ MC: ɦu 0 Attributions

    Hòu 后 (ant. wáng 王 "king") refers to a queen. See QUEEN.

      Syntactic words
      gū OC: kaa MC: kuo̝ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • npost-Han: general word for a female
      hūn OC: hmuun MC: huo̝n 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • nwife
      ǎo OC: quuʔ MC: ʔɑu 0 Attributions

    Ǎo 媼 (ant. wēng 翁 "old man") is a general term for a married woman, and the word is marginal in this group because it does not focus on the relationship to the mate.

      Syntactic words
    • nSJ: general term for a married woman
      fáng OC: baŋ MC: bi̯ɐŋ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • npost-Han: member of the harem
      Click here to add pinyin MC:  OC: 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPpost-Nmain consort of NCH
    賢婦  xián fù OC: ɡiin buʔ MC: ɦen bɨu 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPdefinitewife
      zhèng OC: tjeŋs MC: tɕiɛŋ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • nmain wife
    妾身  qiè shēn OC: skheb qhjin MC: tshiɛp ɕin 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NP{N1adN2}concubine