CHILD    孩子

Old Chinese Criteria
1. The commonest word for a child is zǐ 子 "son; child (male or female); rarely: baby". 2. Ér 兒 refers to children of fairly young age. 3. Tóng 童 refers to a person as a young child without focusing on whose child it is and the word is often used in compounds. 4. Gōng zǐ 公子 refers specifically to a prince or son by a royal father and his main wife. See PRINCE. 5. Chì zǐ 赤子 refers to a fairly small or new-born child. 6. Ruò zǐ 弱子 and 童子 refer to a very young child. 7. Xiǎo zǐ 小子 is often used for small children but can also refer to people lower in hierachy as for example the disciples of a master (often when the master is addressing them); in addition it is sometimes used by the ruler (when mourning for his parents) and by high officers as humble first person pronoun. 8. Rǔ zǐ 孺子 can refer to very young children, but the word can also refer more generally to youths, especially girls.
HUANG JINGUI 2006 HUMAN AFFAIRS 30. 子,幼兒的通稱,構詞能力強。 孩, “ 咳 ” 的今字,代指從起初會發笑到學步前的幼兒。 嬰,初生幼兒。 孺,兩、三歲前學會走路的幼兒。 兒,囟門未合、未成童的幼兒。 幼,兒童和少年,常作語素。 童,泛指未成年人,常作語素。
Modern Chinese Criteria
兒童 子女 兒女 小朋友 小孩兒 孩童 稚童 童稚 童子 童兒 孩子 孩兒 小孩兒 孩子家 小兒 小人兒 雛兒 幼兒 娃兒 娃娃 娃子 伢 小伢兒 寧馨兒 rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /
  • TWIN SIBLING who HAS a SIBLING of the SAME AGE. (anc: 9/0, child: 0)
  • BABY INTENSELY YOUNG CHILD. (anc: 9/0, child: 1)
  • SON MALE CHILD. (anc: 9/0, child: 3)
  • DAUGHTER FEMALE CHILD. (anc: 9/0, child: 3)
  • ORPHAN BEREAVED CHILD whose FATHER AND MOTHER are DEAD. (anc: 9/0, child: 0)
See also
  • HUMAN ANIMAL which HAS TWO LEGS AND LACKS FEATHERS. (anc: 6/0, child: 31)
  • ANIMAL CREATURE ABLE to FEEL AND MOVE. (anc: 5/0, child: 12)
  • A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages ( BUCK 1988) p. 2.43

  • Lateinische Synonyme und Etymologien ( DOEDERLEIN 1840) p.


    puer can refer to any male during the years when (s)he is dependent on parents and has no family; in a narrower sense the word can refer to a person between seven and age sixteen.

    infans refers to a child of any sex up to the age of seven.

    adolescens refers to a youngster beyond the age of sixteen.

    juvenis refers to any young person from about the time he comes of age to the first appearances of advanced age; specifically the term normally refers to a youth upto the age of twenty-four.

    adolescens refers to a youth below the age of eighteen.

    vir refers to a person from the age of thirty.

    maturus refers to the man in his ripest years "when the wild fire of youth has evaporated".

  • Verzeichnis und Motivindex der Han-Darstellungen ( FINSTERBUSCH 1966) p. 220


  • Verzeichnis und Motivindex der Han-Darstellungen ( FINSTERBUSCH 2000) p. 766

    Kind, Kinder:

  • 古漢語同義詞辨釋詞典 ( HUANG JINGUI 2006) p.

  • Anthologia sive Florilegium rerum et materiarum selectarum ( LANGIUS 1631) p.


  • Dictionnaire culturel en langue francaise ( REY 2005) p. 2.484

  • Historisches Woerterbuch der Philosophie ( RITTER 1971-2007) p. 4.827


  • Das grosse China-Lexikon ( STAIGER 2003) p. 371

  • Encyclopedia of Religion ( JONES 2005) p.

  • Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology ( BARNARD AND SPENCER 2002) p.


  • Handbook of Greek Synonymes, from the French of M. Alex. Pillon, Librarian of the Bibliothèque Royale , at Paris, and one of the editors of the new edition of Plaché's Dictionnaire Grec-Français, edited, with notes, by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A. Rector of Lyndon, and late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ( PILLON 1850) p. no.386

  • 古漢語常用詞同義詞詞典 ( HONG CHENGYU 2009) p. 65

  • A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages ( BUCK 1988) p. 2.42

  • New Dictiornary of the History of Ideas, 6 vols. ( HOROWITZ 2005) p.


  • Words (30 items)

      zǐ OC: sklɯʔ MC: tsɨ 87 Attributions

    The commonest word for a child is zǐ 子"son; child; rarely: baby".

      Word relations
    • Conv: 父/FATHER The completely dominant word is fù 父
    • Epithet: 孝/LOVE Xiào 孝 refers to loving respect for one's parents and ancestors in attitude and action and is a major traditional virtue.
    • Epithet: 赤/NAKED
    • Assoc: 妻/WIFE Qī 妻 (ant. fū 夫 "husband") refers to the regular main wife.
    • Assoc: 孫/DESCENDANT Sūn 孫 refers to all descendants lower than the generation of children.
    • Oppos: 母/MOTHER

      Syntactic words
    • n(post-N)children of the contextually determinate NCH
    • n(post-N)nonreferentiala child in general (the reference often probably being primarily to sons)
    • n=Nprchild Npr
    • n[post-N]one's childCH
    • nadVanalogyacting like a child, fulfilling one's duty as a filial child
    • npluralchildren
    • npost-Nfemale?daughter
    • npost-Nmale of femaleoffspring; child; also: child (i.e. daughter)
    • npost-Nmale?son
    • npost-Nnon-humannon-human offspring
    • viactact as a child should
    • vtoNattitudinaltreat like a son; treat like one's children
      ér OC: ŋje MC: ȵiɛ 15 Attributions

    Ér 兒 refers to children of fairly young age.

      Word relations
    • Assoc: 嬰/BABY The current general word for a baby is yīng 嬰 sometimes expanded to yīng ér 嬰兒"baby child".

      Syntactic words
    • nsmall child; sometimes: new baby; later also simply: son (of any age)
    • n(0){PRED}.adVtimewhen a boy> as a boy
    • nadVanalogylike a child SHIJI:兒啼
    • npost-NN's sonDS
    赤子  chì zǐ OC: khjaɡ sklɯʔ MC: tɕhiɛk tsɨ 15 Attributions

    Chì zǐ 赤子 refers to a fairly small or new-born child.

      Syntactic words
    • NPbaby
      tóng OC: dooŋ MC: duŋ 11 Attributions

    Tóng 童 refers to a person as a young male child without focussing on whose child it is.

      Syntactic words
    • nchild (a woman calls herself 小童 in front of the emperor)
    • nadNchildren's (not specifically boy's) (ditty etc童謠, 童心); adolescent 童男女
    小兒  xiǎo ér OC: smewʔ ŋje MC: siɛu ȵiɛ 10 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPsmall child; baby
    庶子  shù zǐ OC: qhljaɡs sklɯʔ MC: ɕi̯ɤ tsɨ 9 Attributions

      Word relations
    • Oppos: 太子/HEIR Tài zǐ 太子 refers specifically to the formally established and declared heir apparent to a king or an emperor.

      Syntactic words
    • NPchild by a mother other than one's main wife
    兒子  ér zǐ OC: ŋje sklɯʔ MC: ȵiɛ tsɨ 8 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPvery small child/baby; boy
    • VPiactact like a baby; be like a baby; act like a child; be all childlike; be naive and innocent like a child
    小子  xiǎo zǐ OC: smewʔ sklɯʔ MC: siɛu tsɨ 6 Attributions

    Xiǎo zǐ 小子 is often used for small children but can also refer to people lower in hierachy as for example the disciples of a master (often when the master is addressing them); in addition it is sometimes used by the ruler (when mourning for his parents) and by high officers as humble first person pronoun.

      Syntactic words
    • NP=Nprthe little child NP
    • NPadN小子侯 minor, not of age
    • NPpost-Nchild belonging to N; boy employed at NDS
    • NP{PRED}be a child
      tóng OC: dooŋ MC: duŋ
      tóng OC: dooŋ MC: duŋ 3 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • nchild
    • nadNchild-like; very young; minorDS
      chū OC: khljud MC: tɕhʷit 3 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • nmoffspring; product
    長子  zhǎng zǐ OC: krlaŋʔ sklɯʔ MC: ʈi̯ɐŋ tsɨ 3 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPeldest son
    公子  gōng zǐ OC: klooŋ sklɯʔ MC: kuŋ tsɨ 2 Attributions

    Gōng zǐ 公子 refers specifically to a prince or son by a royal father and his main wife. See PRINCE.

      Syntactic words
    • NP{N1adN2}young man
    幼子  yòu zǐ OC: qriws sklɯʔ MC: ʔi̯u tsɨ 2 Attributions

      Word relations
    • Contrast: 童子/BOY Tóng zǐ 童子 is the standard neutral word for a boy below the age of 15, but the strong connotation is that of ignorance and immaturity.

      Syntactic words
    • NPmere child (younger than the adolescent boy/child 童子)
    黃口  huáng kǒu MC: hwang khuwX OC: ɡʷaaŋ khooʔ 1 Attribution

      Syntactic words
    • NP[adN]N=human, pluralyoung childrenCH
    稚子  zhì zǐ OC: ɡrluls sklɯʔ MC: ɖi tsɨ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPsmall child; small children
      ní OC: ŋee MC: ŋei 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • nloan for 兒: small child
      hái OC: ɡɯɯ MC: ɦəi 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • nchild (GY); young of animals (LJ)
    • nmalelittle boyCH
    • vtoNattitudinaltreat somebody as a child (LAO)
      dì OC: liilʔ MC: dei 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • nlittle boy
    五尺  wǔ chǐ OC: ŋaaʔ thjaɡ MC: ŋuo̝ tɕhiɛk 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NP{vadN}child
    孩兒  hái ér OC: ɡɯɯ ŋje MC: ɦəi ȵiɛ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPchild
    國子  guó zǐ OC: kʷɯɯɡ sklɯʔ MC: kək tsɨ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluralchildren of dignitaries
    嬰孩  yīng hái OC: qeŋ ɡɯɯ MC: ʔiɛŋ ɦəi 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPsmall child
    子女  zǐ nǚ OC: sklɯʔ naʔ MC: tsɨ ɳi̯ɤ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluralchildren, irrespective of sex
      shēng OC: sraaŋ MC: ʂɣaŋ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • nmoffspring
    儒子  rú zǐ OC: njo sklɯʔ MC: ȵi̯o tsɨ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPchild
    童子  tóng zǐ OC: dooŋ sklɯʔ MC: duŋ tsɨ 0 Attributions

    Ruò zǐ 弱子 and 童子 refer to a very young child.

      Word relations
    • Oppos: 冠者/ADULT Guàn zhě 冠者 refers to a person above the age of 18, when the capping ceremony took place. [ELEVATED], [GENERAL-USE]

      Syntactic words
    庶孽  shù niè OC: qhljaɡs ŋred MC: ɕi̯ɤ ŋiɛt 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluralchildren from concubines
      rú OC: njos MC: ȵi̯o 0 Attributions

    Rú 孺 focusses on the relatively young age of a child that has perhaps just learnt to walk, rather than on descent.

      Syntactic words
    • na small child from the age where (s)he has just learnt to walk; especially a child as an attractive person
    • nadNof young childhood age 孺人
    弱子  ruò zǐ OC: njewɡ sklɯʔ MC: ȵi̯ɐk tsɨ 0 Attributions

    Ruò zǐ 弱子 and 童子 refer to a very young child.

      Syntactic words
    孺子  rú zǐ OC: njos sklɯʔ MC: ȵi̯o tsɨ 0 Attributions

    Rǔ zǐ 孺子 can refer to very young children, but the word can also refer more generally to youths, especially girls.

      Syntactic words