Old Chinese Criteria
Modern Chinese Criteria
- TWIN SIBLING who HAS a SIBLING of the SAME AGE. (anc: 9/0, child: 0)
- BABY INTENSELY YOUNG CHILD. (anc: 9/0, child: 1)
- SON MALE CHILD. (anc: 9/0, child: 3)
- DAUGHTER FEMALE CHILD. (anc: 9/0, child: 3)
- ORPHAN BEREAVED CHILD whose FATHER AND MOTHER are DEAD. (anc: 9/0, child: 0)
See also
- HUMAN ANIMAL which HAS TWO LEGS AND LACKS FEATHERS. (anc: 6/0, child: 31)
- ANIMAL CREATURE ABLE to FEEL AND MOVE. (anc: 5/0, child: 12)
puer can refer to any male during the years when (s)he is dependent on parents and has no family; in a narrower sense the word can refer to a person between seven and age sixteen.
infans refers to a child of any sex up to the age of seven.
adolescens refers to a youngster beyond the age of sixteen.
juvenis refers to any young person from about the time he comes of age to the first appearances of advanced age; specifically the term normally refers to a youth upto the age of twenty-four.
adolescens refers to a youth below the age of eighteen.
vir refers to a person from the age of thirty.
maturus refers to the man in his ripest years "when the wild fire of youth has evaporated".
Kind, Kinder:
Words (30 items)
子 zǐ OC: sklɯʔ MC: tsɨ 87 Attributions
The commonest word for a child is zǐ 子"son; child; rarely: baby".
- Word relations
- Conv: 父/FATHER
The completely dominant word is fù 父 - Epithet: 孝/LOVE
Xiào 孝 refers to loving respect for one's parents and ancestors in attitude and action and is a major traditional virtue. - Epithet: 赤/NAKED
- Assoc: 妻/WIFE
Qī 妻 (ant. fū 夫 "husband") refers to the regular main wife. - Assoc: 孫/DESCENDANT
Sūn 孫 refers to all descendants lower than the generation of children. - Oppos: 母/MOTHER
- Syntactic words
- n(post-N)children of the contextually determinate NCH
- n(post-N)nonreferentiala child in general (the reference often probably being primarily to sons)
- n=Nprchild Npr
- n[post-N]one's childCH
- nadVanalogyacting like a child, fulfilling one's duty as a filial child
- npluralchildren
- npost-Nfemale?daughter
- npost-Nmale of femaleoffspring; child; also: child (i.e. daughter)
- npost-Nmale?son
- npost-Nnon-humannon-human offspring
- viactact as a child should
- vtoNattitudinaltreat like a son; treat like one's children
兒 ér OC: ŋje MC: ȵiɛ 15 Attributions
Ér 兒 refers to children of fairly young age.
- Word relations
- Assoc: 嬰/BABY
The current general word for a baby is yīng 嬰 sometimes expanded to yīng ér 嬰兒"baby child".
- Syntactic words
- nsmall child; sometimes: new baby; later also simply: son (of any age)
- n(0){PRED}.adVtimewhen a boy> as a boy
- nadVanalogylike a child SHIJI:兒啼
- npost-NN's sonDS
赤子 chì zǐ OC: khjaɡ sklɯʔ MC: tɕhiɛk tsɨ 15 Attributions
Chì zǐ 赤子 refers to a fairly small or new-born child.
- Syntactic words
- NPbaby
童 tóng OC: dooŋ MC: duŋ 11 Attributions
Tóng 童 refers to a person as a young male child without focussing on whose child it is.
- Syntactic words
- nchild (a woman calls herself 小童 in front of the emperor)
- nadNchildren's (not specifically boy's) (ditty etc童謠, 童心); adolescent 童男女
小兒 xiǎo ér OC: smewʔ ŋje MC: siɛu ȵiɛ 10 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPsmall child; baby
庶子 shù zǐ OC: qhljaɡs sklɯʔ MC: ɕi̯ɤ tsɨ 9 Attributions
- Word relations
- Oppos: 太子/HEIR
Tài zǐ 太子 refers specifically to the formally established and declared heir apparent to a king or an emperor.
- Syntactic words
- NPchild by a mother other than one's main wife
兒子 ér zǐ OC: ŋje sklɯʔ MC: ȵiɛ tsɨ 8 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPvery small child/baby; boy
- VPiactact like a baby; be like a baby; act like a child; be all childlike; be naive and innocent like a child
小子 xiǎo zǐ OC: smewʔ sklɯʔ MC: siɛu tsɨ 6 Attributions
Xiǎo zǐ 小子 is often used for small children but can also refer to people lower in hierachy as for example the disciples of a master (often when the master is addressing them); in addition it is sometimes used by the ruler (when mourning for his parents) and by high officers as humble first person pronoun.
- Syntactic words
- NP=Nprthe little child NP
- NPadN小子侯 minor, not of age
- NPpost-Nchild belonging to N; boy employed at NDS
- NP{PRED}be a child
僮 tóng OC: dooŋ MC: duŋ
童 tóng OC: dooŋ MC: duŋ 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nchild
- nadNchild-like; very young; minorDS
出 chū OC: khljud MC: tɕhʷit 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nmoffspring; product
長子 zhǎng zǐ OC: krlaŋʔ sklɯʔ MC: ʈi̯ɐŋ tsɨ 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPeldest son
公子 gōng zǐ OC: klooŋ sklɯʔ MC: kuŋ tsɨ 2 Attributions
Gōng zǐ 公子 refers specifically to a prince or son by a royal father and his main wife. See PRINCE.
- Syntactic words
- NP{N1adN2}young man
幼子 yòu zǐ OC: qriws sklɯʔ MC: ʔi̯u tsɨ 2 Attributions
- Word relations
- Contrast: 童子/BOY
Tóng zǐ 童子 is the standard neutral word for a boy below the age of 15, but the strong connotation is that of ignorance and immaturity.
- Syntactic words
- NPmere child (younger than the adolescent boy/child 童子)
黃口 huáng kǒu MC: hwang khuwX OC: ɡʷaaŋ khooʔ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NP[adN]N=human, pluralyoung childrenCH
稚子 zhì zǐ OC: ɡrluls sklɯʔ MC: ɖi tsɨ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPsmall child; small children
倪 ní OC: ŋee MC: ŋei 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- nloan for 兒: small child
孩 hái OC: ɡɯɯ MC: ɦəi 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- nchild (GY); young of animals (LJ)
- nmalelittle boyCH
- vtoNattitudinaltreat somebody as a child (LAO)
弟 dì OC: liilʔ MC: dei 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- nlittle boy
五尺 wǔ chǐ OC: ŋaaʔ thjaɡ MC: ŋuo̝ tɕhiɛk 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NP{vadN}child
孩兒 hái ér OC: ɡɯɯ ŋje MC: ɦəi ȵiɛ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPchild
國子 guó zǐ OC: kʷɯɯɡ sklɯʔ MC: kək tsɨ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPpluralchildren of dignitaries
嬰孩 yīng hái OC: qeŋ ɡɯɯ MC: ʔiɛŋ ɦəi 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPsmall child
子女 zǐ nǚ OC: sklɯʔ naʔ MC: tsɨ ɳi̯ɤ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPpluralchildren, irrespective of sex
生 shēng OC: sraaŋ MC: ʂɣaŋ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- nmoffspring
儒子 rú zǐ OC: njo sklɯʔ MC: ȵi̯o tsɨ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPchild
童子 tóng zǐ OC: dooŋ sklɯʔ MC: duŋ tsɨ 0 Attributions
Ruò zǐ 弱子 and 童子 refer to a very young child.
- Word relations
- Oppos: 冠者/ADULT
Guàn zhě 冠者 refers to a person above the age of 18, when the capping ceremony took place. [ELEVATED], [GENERAL-USE]
- Syntactic words
庶孽 shù niè OC: qhljaɡs ŋred MC: ɕi̯ɤ ŋiɛt 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPpluralchildren from concubines
孺 rú OC: njos MC: ȵi̯o 0 Attributions
Rú 孺 focusses on the relatively young age of a child that has perhaps just learnt to walk, rather than on descent.
- Syntactic words
- na small child from the age where (s)he has just learnt to walk; especially a child as an attractive person
- nadNof young childhood age 孺人
弱子 ruò zǐ OC: njewɡ sklɯʔ MC: ȵi̯ɐk tsɨ 0 Attributions
Ruò zǐ 弱子 and 童子 refer to a very young child.
- Syntactic words
孺子 rú zǐ OC: njos sklɯʔ MC: ȵi̯o tsɨ 0 Attributions
Rǔ zǐ 孺子 can refer to very young children, but the word can also refer more generally to youths, especially girls.
- Syntactic words