Old Chinese Criteria
Modern Chinese Criteria
- FATHER-IN-LAW FATHER of one's HUSBAND OR WIFE. (anc: 10/0, child: 0)
See also
Words (24 items)
父 fù OC: baʔ MC: bi̯o 58 Attributions
The completely dominant word is fù 父
- Word relations
- Conv: 子/CHILD
The commonest word for a child is zǐ 子"son; child; rarely: baby". - Object: 事/SERVE
The current general word for serving another is shì 事 (ant. shǐ 使 "deploy"). - Epithet: 慈/LOVE
Cí 慈 (ant. rěn 忍 "callous, unfeeling") is primarily the intimate emotional concern of mothers/parents for their children, and by extension such concern of a fatherly ruler for his people. [EMOTIONAL], [PRACTICAL] - Assoc: 兄/BROTHER
Xiōng 兄 regularly refers to the eldest brother as the head of his own generation (explicitly bó xiōng 伯兄), but the word often refers more generally to elder brothers, including those who are not the heir in the clan. - Assoc: 母/MOTHER
- Syntactic words
- n(post-N)the father of a contextually determinate N
- n[post-N]my father
- n[post-N]reflexiveone's own father
- nabconceptfatherhood, role of a father
- nabfigurativeguiding principle; (fatherly) philosophical principle and guide for lifeCH
- nadNn=subjectfather's = issued by fatherDS
- nadVobjectlike a father
- nnonreferentiala father in general
- npluralfathersCH
- npost-NN's fatherDS
- npost-N.=Nprhis/her father NprDS
- npost-NprNpr's fatherDS
- npostNprfigurative"father" XYDS
- viactact as a father should
- vtoNattitudinaltreat as one's father
考 kǎo OC: khuuʔ MC: khɑu 13 Attributions
Kǎo 考 refers to the deceased father, but can also come to refer to a living father in SHU.
- Syntactic words
- nfather (alive)?????
- npost-N.+Npr(N's) deceased father (Npr)
- nt(post-N)deceased father
先君 xiān jūn OC: sɯɯn klun MC: sen ki̯un 7 Attributions
Xiān jūn 先君 is standardly used by a ruler for his deceased father.
- Syntactic words
- NP[post-N]reflexivefather of the current ruler (of this state); our former ruler; father of the person just talked about
- NPt(post-N)=NprNpr, the deceased ancestor of NDS
皇考 huáng kǎo OC: ɡʷaaŋ khuuʔ MC: ɦɑŋ khɑu 4 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPhonorific and poetic term for one's father [also sometimes: great-grandfather][CA]
君父 jūn fù OC: klun baʔ MC: ki̯un bi̯o 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPthe ruler, my father; the ruler and father
君 jūn OC: klun MC: ki̯un 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nthe ruler (i.e. my father)
爺 yé OC: la MC: jɣɛ 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- npost-Han: father is an honorific but colloquial term
寡君 guǎ jūn OC: kʷraaʔ klun MC: kɣɛ ki̯un 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPmy lord> my father
顯考 xiǎn kǎo OC: qhleenʔ khuuʔ MC: hen khɑu 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPLIJI: great-great grandfather
王考 wáng kǎo OC: ɢʷaŋ khuuʔ MC: ɦi̯ɐŋ khɑu 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPLIJI: (deceased) grand-father
親 qīn OC: tshiŋ MC: tshin 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- n(post-N)SHIJI: father
阿爺 ā yé OC: qlaal la MC: ʔɑ jɣɛ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPfather
夫子 fū zǐ OC: pa sklɯʔ MC: pi̯o tsɨ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPthe master> referring to the father of a contextually determinate person
公 gōng OC: klooŋ MC: kuŋ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- ntfather (LIE)
婀爺 ā yé OC: qlaal la MC: ʔɑ jɣɛ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPfather (probably a graphic variant of 阿爺)
皇 huáng OC: ɡʷaaŋ MC: ɦɑŋ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- nfather
尊君 zūn jūn MC: tswon kjun OC: tsuun klun 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NP(post-N)honourable father of the contextually determinate N DS
人父 rén fù OC: njin baʔ MC: ȵin bi̯o 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPnonreferentiala father
邪 yé OC: la MC: jɣɛ 0 Attributions
- Word relations
- Syntactic words
- ninformal: father> pappa
先人 xiān rén OC: sɯɯn njin MC: sen ȵin 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NP[post-N]father
怙 hù OC: ɡaaʔ MC: ɦuo̝ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- npost-Han: what one relies on, i.e. one's father
爸 bà OC: baalʔ MC: bʷɑ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- npost-Han: pa, daddy
爹 diē OC: krlal MC: ʈɣɛ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- npost-Han: pappa
翁 wēng OC: qlooŋ MC: ʔuŋ 0 Attributions
Wēng 翁 "old man" is occasionally used, from Han times onwards, to refer periphrastically to one's aged father.
- Syntactic words
- npost-Han: grandfather
- ntSJ: father (ian old but rare periphrastic way of referring to a father)