SERVE    服侍

Old Chinese Criteria
1. The current general word for serving another is shì 事 (ant. shǐ 使 "deploy"). 2. Chén 臣 emphasises the subservience of the servant and his lasting employment in a subservient position. 3. Shì 侍 and the rare and more elevated yù 御 refers specifically to physical attentance to the daily needs of a master, and it involves physical presence near him. See ACCOMPANY 4. Shǐ 使 refers specifically to serving in a formal mission on behalf of a master. 5. Fú 服 refers to the devoted service to a master. 6. Cóng 從 refers to someone having decided to belong to the entourage or following of a master. 7. Huàn 宦 refers to filling a typically menial position in a household.
Modern Chinese Criteria
服侍 陪侍 伺候 侍候 侍奉 投效 refers to someone formally offering his/her services to someone else. 事 承歡 rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /
  • OBEY CONFORM to COMMANDS. (anc: 13/0, child: 2)
  • CONFORM ACT so as to NOT to OFFEND against RULES OR a MODEL. (anc: 12/0, child: 6)
  • ACT MOVE OR NOT MOVE CONFORMING to one's SELF:own DECIDE:decision. (anc: 11/0, child: 24)
  • Traite elementaire des synonymes grecques ( DUFOUR 1910) p. 169

  • Anthologia sive Florilegium rerum et materiarum selectarum ( LANGIUS 1631) p.



  • Words (26 items)

      shì OC: dzrɯs MC: ɖʐɨ 139 Attributions

    The current general word for serving another is shì 事 (ant. shǐ 使 "deploy").

      Word relations
    • Conv: 蓄 / 畜/REAR Xù 畜 refers primarily to the breeding of livestock, but is also used for humans under one's control and below one's status.
    • Object: 上/SUPERIOR
    • Object: 主/RULER The current general word for a person in charge of others are zhǔ 主 (ant. pú 僕 "servant").
    • Object: 君/RULER Jūn 君 (ant. chén 臣 "minister") refers specifically to someone who is politically or administratively in charge of others as a ruler.
    • Object: 上/RULER Shàng 上 can refer to any governing authority or ruler, but by Han times the word became a standard polite way of referring to the Han emperor.
    • Object: 父/FATHER The completely dominant word is fù 父
    • Object: 父母/PARENT Fù mǔ 父母 refers to parents.
    • Object: 師/TEACHER The current general word for a (revered) teacher of one's choice is shī 師.
    • Object: 天/HEAVEN
    • Epithet: 臣/MINISTER The general word for a government minister at any level and of any kind is chén 臣, generically rén chén 人臣.
    • Contrast: 為/SERVE
    • Oppos: 蓄 / 畜/REAR Xù 畜 refers primarily to the breeding of livestock, but is also used for humans under one's control and below one's status.
    • Oppos: 交/INTERACT The general objective word referring to mutual social interaction is jiāo 交.

      Syntactic words
    • nabactpublic service; public tasks
    • nabactservice
    • vt(oN)serve the contextually determinate person
    • vt[oN]enter service; serve one's ruler; servein public office
    • vtoNfulfill one's erve aduties to N, conduct one's duties of service to N; serve N (as minister or aide, as one state another etc.), serve under; be in the service of; enter the services of
    • vtoNserve obediently as a guide or teacherCH
    • vtoNactserve (the spirits etc)
    • vtoNcausativeto employ (somebody) for public service
    • vtoNimperativeserve N!CH
    • vtoNpassivebe served
    • vttoN1+.vtoN2to serve (somebody N1) (through something N2)
      chén OC: ɡjiŋ MC: dʑin 14 Attributions

    Chén 臣 emphasises the subservience of the servant and his lasting employment in a subservient position.

      Syntactic words
    • nabactloyal service, proper obedience of a subservient subjectLZ
    • viactbehave as a subservient subject, show proper obedience
    • vt(oN)serve as a subject to the contextually determinate N
    • vt+prep+Nact as subservient to
    • vtoNdeclare one's subservience to; behave as a vassal to; be a subject of; serve as minister or servant
    使  shǐ OC: srɯʔ MC: ʂɨ 12 Attributions

    Shǐ 使 refers specifically to serving in a formal mission on behalf of a master.

      Syntactic words
    • nabactservice on a mission
    • nadVas an envoy, as a messenger
    • vi V[0]serve/go on a mission to VCH
    • viactserve on an official mission
    • vtoNgo on a mission to (a state), act as an envoy or ambassador to
    • vtoNobject=humanbe in the service of; go errands for
      cóng OC: dzoŋ MC: dzi̯oŋ 12 Attributions

    Cóng 從 refers to someone having decided to belong to the entourage or following of a master.

      Syntactic words
    • vadNattendant, serving 從臣
    • vt(oN)become a follower of the contextually determinate NCH
    • vt(oN)ombe in attendance with (a senior person)
    • vt+prep+Nbe in the retinue of (a superior)
    • vtoNbecome a follower of; be a follower of; be in attendence; LY 14.20: place oneself after (the grandees) in rank
    • vtoNcausativemake a follower; cause to join one's entourage
      huàn OC: ɢʷraans MC: ɦɣan 10 Attributions

    Huàn 宦 refers to filling a typically menial position in a household.

      Syntactic words
    • viactserve as a slave; but also: serve as an ordinary official; serve as a menial official; gain public office
    • vt prep Nserve inCH
      shǔ OC: djoɡ MC: dʑi̯ok 8 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vadNN=humfollowers; entourage; adherents
    • vt+prep+Nbe properly subservient to, serve properly
    • vtoNserve, submit to; be subservient to; pander to
    • vttoN1.+prep+N2causativedevote N1 under N2; cause N1 to be devoted and beholden to to N2,CH
      fú OC: bɯɡ MC: buk 7 Attributions

    Fú 服 refers to the devoted service to a master.

      Syntactic words
    • nabfeaturesubmission to the authorities; servitude, enforced obedience
    • vt( prep N)recognise the authority of the contextually determinate NCH
    • vt(oN)submit to the contextually determinate NVK
    • vt+prep+Nrecognise the authority of; be obedient to; serve, work for; be subservient to;
    • vtoNbe deferential towards; submit toCH
    服事  fú shì OC: bɯɡ dzrɯs MC: buk ɖʐɨ 6 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNresultativesubmit to so as to serve> serve
      yì OC: ɢʷleɡ MC: jiɛk 6 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vt+prep+Nserve N
    • vtoNserve as a dependent or slave
    仕宦  shì huàn OC: dzrɯʔ ɢʷraans MC: ɖʐɨ ɦɣan 5 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPab.adNthe N of serving as an official
    • NPab{N1=N2}actentering service as an official; official career of any kind; official career whatever it is
    • VPiserve as an official
      wèi OC: ɢʷals MC: ɦiɛ 5 Attributions

      Word relations
    • Contrast: 事/SERVE The current general word for serving another is shì 事 (ant. shǐ 使 "deploy").

      Syntactic words
    • vt(oN)be in favour of a contextually determinate person
    • vtoNwork for; be in favour of
      dài OC: ɡ-lɯɯʔ MC: dəi 3 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNserve so as to satisfy the requirements of
      yù OC: ŋas MC: ŋi̯ɤ 3 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • viactbe in attendance, render service; manage to render service
    • vt+prep+Nbe in polite attendance with
    • vtoNpolite: wait upon
    立功  lì gōng MC: lip kuwng OC: ɡ-rub kooŋ 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • nab(establish a) successful serviceCW
    看侍  kàn shì OC: khaans ɡljɯs MC: khɑn dʑɨ 2 Attributions
    • 唐五代語言詞典 Táng Wǔdài yǔyán cídiǎn A Dictionary of the Language of the Tang and Five Dynasties Periods ( JIANG/CAO 1997) p. 204

      Syntactic words
    • VPt(oN)omlook after and serve > care for, take care of, provide for, watch out for, wait upon (with contextually determinate object) (BIANWEN)
    輔翼  fǔ yì MC: bjuX yik OC: baʔ p-lɯɡ 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNserve as a aide toCH
      xùn OC: sɢʷlins MC: zʷin 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNsacrifice one's interests to (someone else)
    侍奉  shì fèng OC: ɡljɯs boŋʔ MC: dʑɨ bi̯oŋ 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNwait upon, attend to, serve, take care of
    • VPtt+N1(.+N2)omserve N2 to a contextually determinate person N2
    祗奉  zhī fèng MC: tsyij bjowngX OC: tjil boŋʔ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNserve respectfullyCH
    奉事  fèng shì MC: bjowngX dzriH OC: boŋʔ dzrɯs 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNserve humblyCH
    立待  lì dài MC: lip dojX OC: ɡ-rub ɡ-lɯɯʔ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VP(oN)wait upon a contextually determinate person, ritually, as a servant, standing up CH
    奉給  fèng jǐ OC: boŋʔ krub MC: bi̯oŋ kip 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNserve and supply with necessities
      shì OC: ɡljɯs MC: dʑɨ 1 Attribution

    Shì 侍 and the rare and more elevated yù 御 refers specifically to physical attentance to the daily needs of a master, and it involves physical presence near him. See ACCOMPANY

      Syntactic words
    • v[adN]as a servantCH
      qín OC: ɡlɯn MC: gɨn 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNserve diligently
      bǔ OC: paaʔ MC: puo̝ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNserve as a replacement for (an officer)
    承事  chéng shì OC: ɡjɯŋ dzrɯs MC: dʑɨŋ ɖʐɨ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoNserve loyally