ADULT whose WORK is to TEACH.
Old Chinese Criteria
Modern Chinese Criteria
doctor refers to the teacher as a person who imparts theories and principles of a subject rather than mere practical skills.
praeceptor refers to the teacher as a person who instructs pupils professionally in certain important practices.
magister refers to the teacher as a person who is possessed of great learning both practical and theoretical, and who is thus in principle qualified to teach those who want to learn.
Meister und Schueler:
Words (39 items)
師 shī OC: sril MC: ʂi 79 Attributions
The current general word for a (revered) teacher of one's choice is shī 師.
- Word relations
- Conv: 學/STUDENT
- Object: 事/SERVE
The current general word for serving another is shì 事 (ant. shǐ 使 "deploy"). - Object: 尊/RESPECT
Zūn 尊 (ant. bǐ 鄙 "consider as not worthy of any veneration or respect") refers to public respect for someone in a very exalted social, cultural, religious and/or political position, and the degree of public respect is much greater that that in jìng 敬 and reaches into the past to ancestors. - Contrast: 傅/TEACHER
- Oppos: 弟子/STUDENT
Dì zǐ 弟子 refers rather intimately to disciples of a master as the object of his affection.3
- Syntactic words
- nteacher; master; leading specialist
- n(adN)teacher's contextually determinate feature NLZ
- n(post-N)the teacher of the contextually determinate NCH
- n(post-N)the teacher of the contextually determinate NCH
- n[post-N]our master; my master
- n[post-N]one's teacher; one's own teacherLZ
- nadVreference=objectas a teacher
- npost-Na master of the N kind/school etc.
- npost-N人師,民師 teacher, guiding authority; sometimes specifically: music master
- npost-Naba master of the art of Nab
- npost=Nprteacher Npr
- vtoNattitudinaltake on as a teacher; treat as a teacher; revere as one's teacher
- vtoNattitudinaltake as your guide (your own mind/attitudes/prejudices etc)
夫子 fū zǐ OC: pa sklɯʔ MC: pi̯o tsɨ 37 Attributions
Zǐ 子 and fū zǐ 夫子 can be used to refer to the teacher within a given school by the adherents of that school.
- Word relations
- Oppos: 我/EGO
Wǒ 我 is contrastive and emphatic by Warring States times (in OBI it was not yet in opposition to wú 吾 and was the standard unmarked pronoun during earlier stages of the language). The word freely occurs in subject, mofifying, and object position and often has an idiomatic meaning like "I for my part" and the formal slightly depersonalised "our party". NB: The word also serves as an impersonal pronoun meaning "one", German man, French on.
- Syntactic words
- NP(post-N)the master
- NP[post-N]our Master; my master
- NP[post-N]indefinitemaster
- NP[post-N]ourour boss
- NPnonreferentialsomebody like the Master
- NPnot oursthe master (of the others)CH
子 zǐ OC: sklɯʔ MC: tsɨ 31 Attributions
Zǐ 子 and fū zǐ 夫子 can be used to refer to the teacher within a given school by the adherents of that school.
- Syntactic words
- n+Nprour master??? 子墨子
- n[post-N]our master; person in authority [Note that the [post-N] can never in fact be made explicit without breaking the rules of the grammar! CH]
- npost-Nprmaster Npr; teacher NprDS
- npost-V{NUM}pluralmastersCH
傅 fù OC: paɡs MC: pi̯o 26 Attributions
- Word relations
- Contrast: 師/TEACHER
The current general word for a (revered) teacher of one's choice is shī 師.
- Syntactic words
- ngrand tutor
- npost-Ntutor of NCH
- vtoNact as tutor for
先生 xiān shēng OC: sɯɯn sraaŋ MC: sen ʂɣaŋ 19 Attributions
- Word relations
- Oppos: 弟子/STUDENT
Dì zǐ 弟子 refers rather intimately to disciples of a master as the object of his affection.3
- Syntactic words
- NP(post-N)my elder master, our master, the master, our elder masters etc.
- NP(post-N) one's teacherCH
- NPnonreferentialthe teacher; some teacher
- NPpostthe teacher who is an NCH
善知識 shàn zhī shí OC: ɡjenʔ te qhljɯɡ MC: dʑiɛn ʈiɛ ɕɨk 16 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPBUDDH: good spritiual friend (and mentor), person of virtuous conduct, able to guide other people > spiritual mentor (other translations of the Sanskrit term include zhīshí 知識, shànyǒu 善友, qīnyǒu 親友, shèngyǒu 勝友, shànqīnyǒu 善親友); SANSKRIT kalyāṇamitra, PALI kalyāṇa-mitta
- NPfigurative"teacher" [Note that 善in this construction is a non-restrictive modifier: not of those in the know, a good one...]
大師 dà shī OC: daads sril MC: dɑi ʂi 16 Attributions
music specialist of a higer order
- Syntactic words
- NPBUDDH: Grand master (an honarary title for a Buddhist monk who engages in teaching activities)
- NPdefinitethe Grand master
- NPmusicGrand Music Master
- NPpost=NprtitleGrand master Npr
- NPvocativeyou, Grand master
禪師 chán shī OC: djan sril MC: dʑiɛn ʂi 7 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPpost=NprtitleChán master
- NPrespectfulChán master
上座 shàng zuò OC: ɡljaŋs sɡools MC: dʑi̯ɐŋ dzʷɑ 6 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPpost=NprtitleSenior Teacher Npr
國師 guó shī OC: kʷɯɯɡ sril MC: kək ʂi 6 Attributions
- Studies in the Language of Zǔtáng jí 祖堂集
588, fn. 1644 'National Master' is a honorific appellation for meritorious monks bestowed by the Emperor (rarely it specifically refers to a monk's office). The term dates back to the Northern Qi (550-577) and was for the first time bestowed on the monk Fa3cha2ng 法常 by Emperor We2nxua1n 文宣 in 550 because of his merits in lecturing on the NIRVANA (see Fo2-zu3 to3ng-ji4 佛祖統紀). Around the same time also the monk Fa3sha4ng 法上 who had the office of managing nationwide monastic affairs received this honorary title. There is also some early reference to the term during the Northern Zhou (557-581). Although this is the first appearance of this term in the Chinese context, there are also some references in suutra texts, i.e. 'National Maste' probably was an appellation already used in India and Central Asia (see YANG WEIZHONG 2001: 100). During the Tang the term continued to be used as an honorific appellation for especially meritorious monks. This appellation was not restricted to monks of a certain school; however, the title was given only on rare occasions. In the Cha2n/Zen School the first monk who received this title was She2nxiu4 神秀 who had close contacts to Empress Wu3 武 and to the succeeding emperors Zho1ngzo1ng 中宗, Rui4zo1ng 睿宗 and Xua2nzo1ng 玄宗. The next was Hui4a1n 慧安 who was given the appellation 'National Master La3oa1n 老安', afterwards followed Hui4zho1ng 慧忠 (Na2nya2ng guo2-shi1 南陽國師) and Zhi1xua2n 知玄 who was revered as 'National Master Wu4da2 悟達' (on guo2-shi1 from schools other than the Cha2n school see ibid.: 101). During the Five Dynasties the practice of bestowing this title was continued in some of the small states in the south. On the bestowment of this title after the Song see ibid.: 101-105.
- Syntactic words
- NPpost=NprtitleBUDDH: National Master (a title bestowed by the emperor to especially meritorious monks, for the first time used in the sixth century)
- NPtitleBUDDH: National Master (a title bestowed by the emperor to especially meritorious monks, for the first time used in the sixth century)
小師 xiǎo shī OC: smewʔ sril MC: siɛu ʂi 5 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPhistoriographyBUDDH: ?? historian's technical term: (in a biographic entry:) small/young master > the respective master at the time when he was still young (and not yet a master !)
師保 shī bǎo OC: sril puuʔ MC: ʂi pɑu 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPnonreferentialany kind of teacher
- VPtoNact as teacher for
三藏 sān zàng OC: saam sɡaaŋs MC: sɑm dzɑŋ 3 Attributions
sānzàng refers to the 'three baskets' (jīng 經, lùn 論, lv4 律) of the Buddhist canon; a Tripiṭaka master is somebody versed in the interpretation of scriptures; in the Chán context occasionally also used deroatively for a priest specialized in Buddhist scriptures or for a follower of the 'Small Vehicle'
- Syntactic words
- NP=NprbuddhistBUDDH: Tripiṭaka master (sānzàng refers to the 'three baskets' (jīng 經, lùn 論, lv4 律) of the Buddhist canon; a Tripiṭaka master is somebody versed in the interpretation of scriptures; in the Chán context occasionally also used deroatively for a priest specialized in Buddhist scriptures or for a follower of the 'Small Vehicle')
- NPpost=NprbuddhistBUDDH: Tripiṭaka master (sānzàng refers to the 'three baskets' (jīng 經, lùn 論, lv4 律) of the Buddhist canon; a Tripiṭaka master is somebody versed in the interpretation of scriptures; in the Chán context occasionally also used deroatively for a priest specialized in Buddhist scriptures or for a follower of the 'Small Vehicle')
- NPtitleBUDDH: Tripiṭaka master (sānzàng refers to the 'three baskets' (jīng 經, lùn 論, lv4 律) of the Buddhist canon; a Tripiṭaka master is somebody versed in the interpretation of scriptures; in the Chán context occasionally also used deroatively for a priest specialized in Buddhist scriptures or for a follower of the 'Small Vehicle')
法師 fǎ shī OC: pab sril MC: pi̯ɐp ʂi 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPBUDDH: dharma-master (this usually refers to Buddhist masters specialized on the exegesis of Buddhist scriptures; in Zen texts dharma-masters frequently serve as punching bags, representing Buddhists of 'inferior' knowledge based on scriptual studies, often contrasted to the Zen master's wisdom based on 'direct insight'); SANSKRIT dharma-bhāṇaka
- NPpost=NprtitleBUDDH: dharma-master (this usually refers to Buddhist masters specialized on the exegesis of Buddhist scriptures; in Zen texts dharma-masters frequently serve as punching bags, representing Buddhists of 'inferior' knowledge based on scriptual studies, often contrasted to the Zen master's wisdom based on 'direct insight')
大傅 dà fù OC: daads paɡs MC: dɑi pi̯o 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPsenior tutor
先師 xiān shī OC: sɯɯn sril MC: sen ʂi 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPdeceased teacher
- NPpost=Nprthe deceased teacher N
- NP{vadN}plurallineage of earlier teachers
師傅 shī fù MC: srij pjuH OC: sril paɡs 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPprofessional teacher, employed master or professorCH
人師 rén shī OC: njin sril MC: ȵin ʂi 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPnonreferentiala teacher for others
祖 zǔ OC: skaaʔ MC: tsuo̝ 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nBUDDH: Patriarch, head of Buddhist school of Zen
- nabsocialposition of Patriarch, the head of Zen school
- vichangebecome a patriarch
少師 shào shī OC: hmljews sril MC: ɕiɛu ʂi 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPjunior music master
闍梨 shé lí OC: ɡlja ril MC: dʑɣɛ li 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPbuddhistBUDDH: Buddhist teacher > senior monks skr. ācārya
頭 tóu OC: doo MC: du 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- nleading teacher
太傅 tài fù MC: thajH pjuH OC: thaads paɡs 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPpost-Nprroyal mentor NprDS
教授 jiào shòu OC: kruus djus MC: kɣɛu ɨu 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPteacher
太師 tài shī OC: thaads sril MC: thɑi ʂi 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPinstructor royal
師人 shī rén OC: sril njin MC: ʂi ȵin 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPteacher; superior in rank
老師 lǎo shī OC: ɡ-ruuʔ sril MC: lɑu ʂi 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPpost=Nprtitleteacher
律師 lǜ shī OC: b-rud sril MC: lʷin ʂi 1 Attribution
- 望月佛教大辭典 Mochizuki Bukkyō Daijiten The Mochizuki Encyclopedic Dictionary of Buddhism
4969a - 佛教語大辭典 Bukkyōgo daijiten Encyclopedic Dictionary of Buddhist Terms
1420a - A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms
301 - 禪學大辭典 Zengaku Daijiten An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Zen Buddhism
- Syntactic words
- NPpost=NprbuddhistBUDDH: Vinaya-master (this title refers to Buddhist masters who are specialized on precepts and writings connected to them (skr. vinaya-piṭaka)
師資 shī zī MC: srij tsij OC: sril sti 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPab.adNrelationalrelation between teacher and studentDS
生 shēng OC: sraaŋ MC: ʂɣaŋ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- nlearned gentleman
- npost-Nprmaster, Mr (always placed after a proper name)
少傅 shào fù OC: hmljews paɡs MC: ɕiɛu pi̯o 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPjunior tutor
師長 shī zhǎng OC: sril krlaŋʔ MC: ʂi ʈi̯ɐŋ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPteacher
知識 zhī shí OC: te qhljɯɡ MC: ʈiɛ ɕɨk 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPteacher 善知識
保氏 bǎo shì OC: puuʔ ɡjeʔ MC: pɑu dʑiɛ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPtitlesenior teacher, Preceptor (title used in Han times)
迦羅蜜 jiā luó mì OC: kraal b-raal mbiɡ MC: kɣɛ lɑ mit 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPbuddhistBUDDH: person of virtuous conduct, able to guide other people > spiritual mentor, teacher; SANSKRIT kalyāṇamitra, PALI kalyāṇa-mitta; see 善知識
法都講 fǎ dū jiǎng OC: pab k-laa krooŋʔ MC: pi̯ɐp tuo̝ kɣɔŋ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPbuddhistBUDDH: dharma-preacher; SANSKRIT dharmakathika
天師 tiān shī OC: lʰiin sril MC: then ʂi 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
妿 gē OC: kaal MC: kɑ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- n[post-N{OBJ}]girls' teacher, teacher of girls Guangyun: 女師以敎女子
母師 mǔ shī OC: mɯʔ sril MC: mu ʂi 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NP[post-N]female teacher