Old Chinese Criteria
1. The current general word for a disciple of any kind, or a follower of a school or any line of thought, is tú 徒. 2. Mén rén 門人 stresses the physical abode near a master. 3. Dì zǐ 弟子 refers rather intimately to disciples of a master as the object of his affection. 4. Shǔ 屬 is a cold general word referring to someone who belongs to a certain group and under a certain leadership. 5. Cóng zhě 從者 like the English "followers" primarily focusses on the idea of following a master wherever he goes, but this nuance is weakened with time so that the term comes to mean quite abstractly "follower". 6. Xiǎo zǐ 小子 is an affectionate term only used in the vocative.
HUANG JINGUI 2006 EDUCATION 41. 生, “ 先生 ” 的省稱,轉指學生,特指儒生。 徒,泛指學生。 役,儒生之外的學生。
Modern Chinese Criteria
學生 is the current modern word for a student or pupil or disciple. 學徒 is a current formal word for a disciple, and typically the subject studies is a basic handicraft. 徒弟 is a general slightly formal word for a disciple of any kind, scholarly or otherwise. 門徒 is a slightly more formal word referrring to a disciple within a dignified area of scholarship. 學童 focusses on low status and young age. 桃李 (lit) focusses politely on the high quality of disciples, main in addressing their teacher. 門人 (lit) refers to one of many disciples of a distinguished teacher, typically of some age. 門生 (lit) refers to disciples of a distinguished teacher who are typically still of low scholarly status. 門下 (lit) is a polite word to use in order to identify oneself as belonging to a distinguished school of scholarship. 後學 (lit) is a polite way of focussing one's belonging to the younger generation in a scholarly tradiiton. 受業 (lit) is a periphrastic way of referring to oneself as a humble disciple. 學子 (lit) is classificatory term referring to disciples as opposed to teachers. 弟子 (lit) is the classical term for a disciple which is still current. 徒眾 (lit) focusses on the large number of disciples. 徒屬 (lit) focusses on the appurtenance of disciples to their teacher or school. 及門 is always plural and refers to co-disciples.?? 生徒 (lit, obs) refers to students or disciples. 諸生 (lit, obs) is always plural and refers to the students of a master as a group. 門弟子 (lit, obs) is always plural and refers to the students as belonging under one tradition. 門下生 (lit, obs) is always plural and refers to the students as belonging under one tradition. 生 is (obs) a classical expression for a disciple which is obsolete. rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /
  • ADULT HUMAN who is SUFFICIENTLY OLD to ESTABLISH his/her SEPARATE HOME. (anc: 7/0, child: 20)
  • HUMAN ANIMAL which HAS TWO LEGS AND LACKS FEATHERS. (anc: 6/0, child: 31)
  • ANIMAL CREATURE ABLE to FEEL AND MOVE. (anc: 5/0, child: 12)
  • A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages ( BUCK 1988) p. 17.26

  • Verzeichnis und Motivindex der Han-Darstellungen ( FINSTERBUSCH 2000) p. 800


  • Anthologia sive Florilegium rerum et materiarum selectarum ( LANGIUS 1631) p.


  • Encyclopedia of Religion ( JONES 2005) p.



  • Words (39 items)

    弟子  dì zǐ OC: liilʔ sklɯʔ MC: dei tsɨ 115 Attributions

    Dì zǐ 弟子 refers rather intimately to disciples of a master as the object of his affection.3

      Syntactic words
    • NP(post-N)=Nprdisciple Npr
    • NP(post-N)definitean (identifiabe) disciple, the disciple
    • NP(post-N)pluralthe disciples of the contextually determinate N
    • NP[post-N]your disciple
    • NPnonreferentiala disciple, disciples; followers, devoted adherents
    • NPpluraldefinite: the attending disciplesCH
    • NPpost-Npra disciple of N; a true disciple of N
    • NP{PRED}be a disciple
      tú OC: daa MC: duo̝ 19 Attributions

    The current general word for a disciple of any kind, or a follower of a school or any line of thought, is tú 徒.

      Word relations
    • Contrast: 黨/FRIEND Dǎng 黨 refers to group of péng 朋pursuing a common aim, and the word is normally derogatory in meaning.

      Syntactic words
    • nindefinitediscpiles, adherents
    • npost-Nagentfollower, adherent (of a private person, wise person, perhaps a powerful person out of formal position); addicted person (to wine)
    門人  mén rén OC: mɯɯn njin MC: muo̝n ȵin 18 Attributions

    Mén rén 門人 stresses the physical abode near a master.

      Syntactic words
    • NPan acolyte; an adherent, a follower
    • NP(post-N)acolyte(s) or followers of the contextually determinate N
    • NP=Nprtitlethe acolyte, follower Npr
    • NPpost-Npluralacolytes, followers, adherents
    • NP{PRED}.post-Nbe an acolyte, a follower, of NCH
    眷屬  juàn shǔ OC: krons djoɡ MC: kiɛn dʑi̯ok 8 Attributions
    • 佛經詞語匯釋 Fójīng cíyǔ huìshì The Translation of the Vocabulary of Buddhist Sūtras ( LI WEIQI 2004) p. 192

    • 大正新修大藏經 Taishō shinshū daizōkyō Revised Edition of the Buddhist Canon in the Taishō Era ( T.) p. 3/154: 71c14

    • 大正新修大藏經 Taishō shinshū daizōkyō Revised Edition of the Buddhist Canon in the Taishō Era ( T.) p. 3/184: 461a19

    • 大正新修大藏經 Taishō shinshū daizōkyō Revised Edition of the Buddhist Canon in the Taishō Era ( T.) p. 3/186: 483c21,23


    • 大正新修大藏經 Taishō shinshū daizōkyō Revised Edition of the Buddhist Canon in the Taishō Era ( T.) p. 3/189: 622b19

    • 大正新修大藏經 Taishō shinshū daizōkyō Revised Edition of the Buddhist Canon in the Taishō Era ( T.) p. 4/201: 299b21


      Syntactic words
    • NPdefiniteBUDDH: disciple
    • NPpluralBUDDH: family members > disciples of the Buddha, assembly of monks/nuns
      zǐ OC: sklɯʔ MC: tsɨ 7 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • n[post-N][my] disciple(s) (of a sage); the students [of Confucius]
    玄徒  xuán tú OC: ɡʷeen daa MC: ɦen duo̝ 6 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPBUDDH: disciple of the mysterious > follower of Buddhism, Buddhist monk; Buddhist disciple
    門徒  mén tú OC: mɯɯn daa MC: muo̝n duo̝ 6 Attributions

      Word relations
    • Assoc: 弟子/STUDENT Dì zǐ 弟子 refers rather intimately to disciples of a master as the object of his affection.3
    • Synon: 弟子/STUDENT Dì zǐ 弟子 refers rather intimately to disciples of a master as the object of his affection.3

      Syntactic words
    • NPpluraldisciples
    • NPsingulardisciple
    聲聞  shēng wén OC: qjeŋ mɯn MC: ɕiɛŋ mi̯un 5 Attributions
    • An Introduction to Buddhism ( TAKASAKI 1987) p. 241

      "The 'listener' (sSraavaka, she1ngwe2n 聲聞) seeks only to become himself a saint, giving no thought to the salvation of others (namely, the laity), and the self-enlightened one too treads only his own path. Accordingly, these two modes of being, both considered to represent the pursuit of personal welfare only, were referred to collectively as the Hiinayaana or known alternatively as the 'two vehicles' (yaana-dvaya. e4rshe4ng 二乘).

      Syntactic words
    • NPadNBUDDH: of a disciple of the Buddha, follower of the Small Vehicle
    • VP[adN]BUDDH: listen to the sound > those who listened to the sermons of the Buddha > disciple of the Buddha (in Mahāyāna Buddhism usually deratory for followers of the Hīnayāna, the 'Small Vehicle'); skr. śrāvaka
    學者  xué zhě OC: ɡruuɡ kljaʔ MC: ɦɣɔk tɕɣɛ 5 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NP(post-N)nonreferentialthe serious students of the contextually determinate NCH
    • NPpluralstudents (of Buddhisms); acolytes
    學人  xué rén OC: ɡruuɡ njin MC: ɦɣɔk ȵin 5 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluralstudents
    檀越  tán yuè OC: daan ɢʷad MC: dɑn ɦi̯ɐt 5 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPBUDDH: layman, lay-Buddhist, supporter of the Buddhist teaching; skr. dānapati
    • NPpost-NBuddhist disciple in charge of N
    小子  xiǎo zǐ OC: smewʔ sklɯʔ MC: siɛu tsɨ 4 Attributions

    Xiǎo zǐ 小子 is an affectionate term often used in the vocative.

      Syntactic words
    • NP=Npryour student Npr
    • NP[post-N]my dear students, my little ones
    • NP{vadN}vocativelittle ones, disciples
    左右  zuǒ yòu OC: skaalʔ ɢʷɯʔ MC: tsɑ ɦɨu 3 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPplurBUDDH: ?? those to the left and right of the master > disciples
      shǔ OC: djoɡ MC: dʑi̯ok 3 Attributions

    Shǔ 屬 is a cold general word referring to someone who belongs to a certain group and under a certain leadership.

      Syntactic words
    • v[adN]one who serves under someone> adherents; underlings
    優婆塞  yōu pó sāi OC: qu baal sɯɯɡ MC: ʔɨu bʷɑ sək 3 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPbuddhistBUDDH: male lay followers of the way of the Buddha
      xià OC: ɢraaʔ MC: ɦɣɛ 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • v[adN]those below (the master) > disciple
      xué MC: haewk OC: ɡruuɡ 2 Attributions

      Word relations
    • Conv: 師/TEACHER The current general word for a (revered) teacher of one's choice is shī 師.

      Syntactic words
    • nstudent; apprenticeCH
    優婆夷  yōu pó yí OC: qu baal li MC: ʔɨu bʷɑ ji 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPbuddhistBUDDH: a female follower of the way of the Buddha
      zī OC: sti MC: tsi 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • none with talent > disciple
    四部眾  sì bù zhòng OC: plids bɯʔ tjuŋs MC: si buo̝ tɕuŋ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPthe four groups of Buddhist disciples (also called 四輩,四輩弟子)
    門生  mén shēng MC: mwon sraeng OC: mɯɯn sraaŋ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPindefinitea student; a pupilDS
    門弟子  mén dì zǐ OC: mɯɯn liilʔ sklɯʔ MC: muo̝n dei tsɨ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluraldisciples
    師徒  shī tú OC: sril daa MC: ʂi duo̝ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPdisciples
    學道之人  xué dào zhī rén OC: ɡruuɡ ɡ-luuʔ kljɯ njin MC: ɦɣɔk dɑu tɕɨ ȵin 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluralstudents
      zǐ MC: tsiX OC: sklɯʔ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • npost-N(N's) disciple, the person who is under N's chargeCH
      huàn MC: hwaenH  OC: ɢʷraans 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • nacolyte, studentCH
      wǎn OC: monʔ MC: mi̯ɐn 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • n(later-born) disciple
    徒屬  tú shǔ OC: daa djoɡ MC: duo̝ dʑi̯ok 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluraldisciples; adherents
    從屬  cóng shǔ OC: dzoŋ djoɡ MC: dzi̯oŋ dʑi̯ok 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPadherents of any kind
    學徒  xué tú OC: ɡruuɡ daa MC: ɦɣɔk duo̝ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluraldisciples, students
    門子  mén zǐ OC: mɯɯn sklɯʔ MC: muo̝n tsɨ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluralfollowers
    腳下  jiǎo xià OC: kaɡ ɢraaʔ MC: ki̯ɐk ɦɣɛ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • NPpost-N[those below the feet of N>] the disciples
    雲集眾  yún jí zhòng OC: ɢun sɡub tjuŋs MC: ɦi̯un dzip tɕuŋ 0 Attributions
    • 佛光大辭典 Fóguāng dàcídiǎn The Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism ( FOGUANG) p. 5348a

      Syntactic words
    • NPbuddhistBUDDH: assembly which gathers like a cloud > the non-permanent assembly of listeners of the Buddhist teaching; as contrasted to the resident disciples of the Buddha who continuously listen to his teachings (chángsuízhòng 常隨眾), members of the non-permanent assembly do not live together with there teaching (usually leading a regular secular life) and only gather if there is an opportunity to listen to the dharma
      zǐ MC: tsiX OC: sklɯʔ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • npost-N(N's) disciple, the person who is under N's chargeCH
      dì OC: liilʔ MC: dei 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • n[post-N][my] student(s)
    常隨眾  cháng suí zhòng OC: djaŋ sɢlol tjuŋs MC: dʑi̯ɐŋ ziɛ tɕuŋ 0 Attributions
    • 佛光大辭典 Fóguāng dàcídiǎn The Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism ( FOGUANG) p. 5348a

      Syntactic words
    • NPbuddhistBUDDH: the permanently following assembly > this refers to the disciples of Buddha or a Buddhist teacher who permanently are in the presence of their teacher (i.e. the direct disciples of the Buddha, as opposed to lay disciples who on gather on certain occasions in order to listen to the dharma; compare 雲集眾)
    學僮  xué tóng OC: ɡruuɡ dooŋ MC: ɦɣɔk duŋ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPstudent
    徒弟  tú dì OC: daa liilʔ MC: duo̝ dei 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPpluraldisciples
      shēng OC: sraaŋ MC: ʂɣaŋ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • nstudent (examples late)