Taxonomy of meanings for 去:  

  • qù (OC: khas MC: kʰiɔ) 丘倨切 去 廣韻:【離也又郤吕切 】
  • qù (OC: khaʔ MC: kʰiɔ) 羌舉切 上 廣韻:【除也説文从大口也羌舉切又丘據切五 】
    • LEAVE
      • nabactleaving
      • vi.redintensitive(frequently) leave
      • vpostadVdirectiondirectional complement (usually with verbs of movement or change) (indicating a movement away from the speaker (Note that V can be complex and contain not only an object but also further complements in LMC)
      • vpostadVdirectiondirectional complement with verbs of movement or change (with abstract location) (Note that V can be complex and contain not only an object but also further complements in LMC)
      • vt(oN)leave (the contextually defined place)
      • vt[oN]leave, go away; leave the scene
      • vt[oN]figurativego away
      • vt[oN]imperativeunmarked imperative: leave! go away!
      • vtoNdepart from (somewhere), leave (something or somebody); run away from
      • vtoNfigurativeleave the close association with, discontinue close relations with
      • vt(oN)N=personleave the contextually determinate personCH
      • vt[oN]conativetry to escape; try to leave the sceneDS
      • vtoNderivedcease to be inCH
      • object life> DIE
        • viactdepart from this world
      • generalised:process> ISSUE
        • vtoNcausative(cause to leave>) send away, send out of the room
      • causative> REMOVE
        • vt(oN)remove a contextually determinate object
        • vtoNcausativeeliminate; remove, do away with, get rid of; try to drive away (ants); take off
        • vtoNiussiveorder to be removed, have removed
        • vtoNmathematical termCHEMLA 2003
        • vtoNpassivebe removed
        • vtoN. Vunmarked nominalisation: removing the N V-sCH
        • become invisible> DISAPPEAR
          • vichangedisappearCH
        • object permission> FORBID
          • vtoNforbid or abolish (straw hats) 去笠
        • from office> DISMISS
          • vtoNdismiss from officeCH
          • object wife> DIVORCE
            • nabactdivorce
            • vtoNdivorce
            • vtoNmiddle voicebe divorced
        • resultative> DISCARD
          • vt(oN)discard the contextually determinate thing
          • vtoNget rid of, discard; dispense with (often with abstract objects: disavow)
          • vtoNpassivebe discarded, be done away with; be rejected
          • vtoNpsychdismiss (oneself), disregard (oneself)
          • vtoNfigurativediscard from one's awareness> disregard, fail to take account of
          • nabfigurativerejection (of an alternative)CH
      • resultative> GO TO
        • vadNfor going to> to go to
        • vt(oN.)-Vgo to the contextually determinate place N to V
        • vt(oN)go to the contextually determinate place N
        • vtoNgo to
        • vtpostN{OBJ}go to N
        • morphologised> WEAK VERBAL SUFFIX
            • grammaticalised> FINAL PARTICLES
              • vpostadSfutureleave from the speaker > temporally distant from the speaker > sentence final marking an event in the future (marking that the act/state indicated by S has not taken occurred yet; sometimes qù also seems to mark an intention)
              • vpostadSimperativego and V > go ahead and V (grammaticalized deverbal sentence final particle expressing a very mild imperative, an invitation to do something)
              • and V > sentence final marking the apodosis in hypothetical conditions (if S2 then S1)
          • generalised> MOVE
            • viactmove along 去不迴
            • proceed to act> ACT
              • vpost-Vgo along V-ing; keep on V-ing?????
            • conative:try to keep away from> AVOID
              • vt(oN)avoid the contextually determinate thing
              • vtoNavoid
            • linguistics:move downwards> TONE
              • nabfalling tone
      • grammaticalised spatial> FROM
        • vtoN.adVfrom
        • grammaticalised> AWAY
          • vpostadVindicator of direction of action away from agent
          • vpostadVdirectionweak verb added at the end of verb phrases to indicate direction of the action away from the speaker.
          • resultative> DISTANT
            • vtoNbe distant from; be different from;
            • vtoNfigurativeto be removed in time (from somebody or from an event)
            • vttoN1.+N2at a distance of a length N2 from a place N1
            • vtoN1.postN2:+VN2 is far away N1 to the extent of VDS
            • vtoNcausativekeep at a distance; keep abayCH
            • in time> PAST
              • v[adN]the time/past which has gone > the past
            • in quality> DIFFERENT
              • vtoNstativebe different from

      Additional information about 去


      • DISCARD

        1. The standard general words for discarding something is qì 棄 (ant. qǔ 取 "choose to retain") and the somewhat rarer juān 捐.

        2. Qù 去 refers to the distancing oneself from something by rejecting it.

        3. Fèi 廢 and the rarer tì 替 (all ant. zhì 置 "establish"!!!! See also no. 4 below.) refer to discarding something one has made use of or has been involved with for some time.

        4. Shì 釋 (ant. liú 留 "keep in employment") and the rarer jiě 解 refer to rejecting the continued use of something.

        5. Wěi 委 and zhì 置 (ant.* zhí 執 "hold onto" or chí 持 "hold onto") refer to putting things aside. See DISREGARD

        6. Shě 捨 / 舍 (ant. qǔ 取 "pick out and choose") refers to letting go of or rejecting something that one might have chosen to retain or use.

        7. Què 卻 (ant. shòu 受 "accept for employment") typically refers to a rejection or discarding of something as useless.

      • REMOVE

        1. The most general term for removing anything is qù 去.

        2. Chú 除 refers specifically to getting rid of something undesirable.

        3. Chè 徹 is to remove objects ceremoniously as part of a ritual or the like.

        4. Qiān 遷 can refer to the moving an object from a place, although usually the focus is moving something to a place. See DISPLACE.

      • CHINA

        睡虎地秦墓竹簡 1978: 226 臣邦人不安秦主而欲去夏者, 勿許. 何謂夏 ? 欲去親屬是謂夏.

        The words for China have this in common that they do NOT designate any one state. 中國 "the central states" is implicitly plural when it does not refer to the capital city. 諸夏 the various Xià (states)" is explicitly plural. The standard Imperium Romanum has no counterpart in Chinese until very late, unless one admits 天下 "all under Heaven" as a designation for the empire. But 天下 does not define any bounded empire. It remains to be seen exactly when a standard term for China was took shape. Compare the problems of finding a term for the Chinese language.

        Based on 顧頡剛 & 王樹民, “ 夏 ” 和 “ 中國 ”— 祖國古代的稱號, Zhongguo lishi dili luncong, Vol. 1 (Xi'an, 1981), 6-22).

        In the Shu and Shi sections relating to the early Zhou, 區夏 (= 夏區 ), 有夏 and 時夏 (= 是夏 ) refers to the place in which the Zhou established their capital after their conquest of Shang, in contradistinction to Zhou 掇 homeland in the West ( 西土 ) and the close Zhou allies ( 一二邦 ). The Zhou referred to their own domain as 烠 he central city-state � ( 中國 ). Since 中國 in this usage refers to the territory directly governed by the Zhou, it is singular and used in exchange with 京師 and in contradistinction with 四方 and 四國. Other states also referred to their capital regions as 啎什縕 (thus Wu in GY 19.09.01/618); a (perhaps late) variant of this word is 啎尹塹 (Yugong).

        After becoming strong, the states enfeoffed by Zhou asserted the community with the 周 by commencing to refer to themselves as 堔 L �, leading to the plural designation 埣悎 L �, used in contrast with designations like 啈 i 狄�. The distinction between the two groups was viewed as cultural, and its precise reference shifted over time, originally excluding states (like 楚 ) from the community of 諸夏 but later including them, or including them in the beginning, whilst later excluding them (like 秦 ). Some of the non- 諸夏 states were viewed as subservient to 諸夏 states, others as their enemies. The membership of 楚 to the 諸夏 circle was always insecure; it was, so to speak, was"always on probation.

        The 東夏 made up a subdivision of the 諸夏, including states such a 齊 and 魯.

        In parallel with the 堔 L � appellations arose the 埽寊 appellations, 埽寊 on its own and 埣捄寊, and, the two words may well be cognate, the common 埽堮 L �.

        In the Warring States period the cultural distinction gave way to a geographical distinction, and the 中國 states were now the state occupying the Central Plain

      • AVOID







        1. The general word is miǎn 免 (ant. zāo 遭 "encounter"), and this refers to any voluntary or involuntary process leading to one's escape from what otherwise might occur, especially one's being spared a negative experience.


        2. Bì 避 (ant. mào 冒 "expose oneself to"), unlike miǎn 免, is always deliberate and describes a strategy of action which successfully avoids an undesirable impending danger.


        3. Yuàn 遠 (ant. jìn 近 "move close to") is a specific strategy of avoidance which is well within one's control and consists in keeping what is undesirable at a long distance from one.


        4. Lí 離 differs from yuàn 遠 in the fact that no great distance, concrete or abstract, is implied in the word.


        5. Chú 除 refers to the avoidance or removal of something that is perceived as posing a powerful threat. See REMOVE


        6. Qù 去 (ant. lí 罹 "get exposed to") is avoidance through getting rid of what is threatening.


        7. Jué 絕 refers to avoidance through getting rid completely and definitively of what is threatening.


        8. Tuì 退 refers to avoidance by withdrawing from what exposes one to what is threatening.


        9. Wù 勿 is a negation referring to an instruction to avoid doing something, and the word often has an object pronoun understood. See NOT.


      • DISTANT

        1. The clearly dominant term for distance in general is yuǎn 遠 (ant. jìn 近 "close").

        2. Shū 疏 (ant. qīn 親 "close") often refers to distance of relation in a more than purely physical sense.

        3. Yōu 悠 and jiǒng 迥 is a poetic word describing as distant something which one wishes was near.

        4. Liáo 遼 is a poetic referring to what is distant and remote in space and therefore an obscure place. Note liáo yuǎn 遼遠.

        5. Miǎo 邈 is a rare poetic word, and from the few usages we have it seems more frequently to refer to distance in time.

        6. Yáo 遙 is an elusive poetic word referring to a mystical distance, typically the distance into which one roams freely xiāo yáo 逍遙.

        7. Qù 去 can refer to concrete or abstract distance, and in the abstract case the distance is close in meaning to difference.

        8. Lí 離 in this sense is a purely geometrical terms that can sometimes refer to the distance of some object from another.

        9. Jué 絕 "cut-off, distant" is a fairly elevated way of referring to the remoteness of a region.

        10. Xiá 遐 (ant. ěr 邇 "close"), a distinctly rare and archaic word, describes something as not only distant, but also ethereal, remote and difficult of access.


        朱熹 : 灌去舊見, 以來新意.

      • LEAVE

        1. The general word for leaving one place for another is qù 去 (ant. liú 留 "remain").

        2. Chū 出 (ant. rù 入 "remain inside") refers to the leaving of an enclosed space.

        3. Wǎng 往 (ant.* jū 居 "stay at home") focusses not only on the leaving but especially on the direction a person takes after leaving.

        4. Lí 離 focusses on the distance established by leaving between a person and the place which he leaves.

      • GO TO

        1. Zhī 之 is to go to a place, typically taking the most direct route, by any conveyance as a result of a decision and typically with the purpose of staying there for a while or conducting some business.

        2. Cào/zào 造 and rú 如 refer to aiming for a destination, and the movement may be by foot or by any conveyance.

        3. Wǎng 往 (ant. jū 居 "remain at home") refers to setting out for a destination by any means of transport or by foot, and the destination is not very often made explicit by an ordinary noun as object. Moreover wǎng 往 does not necessarily imply going somewhere by the most direct route.

        4. Fù 赴 refers to hastening to a (typically dangerous) destination (such as an abyss or fire), or to a place where one is to perform a public duty.

        5. Qū 趨 refers to hurrying politely to a destination.

        6. Shì 適 refers to moving in a certain direction, or heading for a certain place, and the word is also used for arrival at the destination.

        7. Jiù 就 (ant. qù 去 "leave") and the somewhat rarer jí 即 (ant. lí 離 "leave") refer to approaching a certain destination by any means of transport.

        8. Yì 詣 refers to going somewhere to pay a formal visit. See VISIT.

        Word relations
      • Ant: (DISCARD)任/RELY ON Rén 任 typically refers to reliance on someone inferior in the context of public administration.
      • Ant: (LEAVE)之/GO TO Zhī 之 is to go to a place, typically taking the most direct route, by any conveyance as a result of a decision and typically with the purpose of staying there for a while or conducting some business.
      • Ant: (LEAVE)來/RETURN
      • Ant: (LEAVE)就/APPROACH Jí 即 and jiù 就 (all ant. lí 離 "leave, move away from") refer neutrally to moving close to a certain place. [GENERAL]
      • Ant: (LEAVE)留/REMAIN Liú 留 (ant. lí 離 "get away from a place") refers to immobility in one place after one has already spent some time there.
      • Ant: (LEAVE)走/RUN The current general word for running is zǒu 走 (ant. bù 步 "go along without running").
      • Ant: (REMOVE)就/CONFORM
      • Ant: (DISCARD)取/CHOOSE The general word for making a deliberate and in principle free choice is qǔ 取 "to choose or opt for (the preferred alternative), to prefer" (ant. 捨 "reject"), and what is thus chosen or preferred may be concrete or abstract.
      • Ant: (LEAVE)存/PERSIST The current general word for the persistence of something is cún 存(ant. wáng 亡 "cease to exist").
      • Ant: (DISTANT)歸/RALLY The general word for rallying around someone or turning to some place is guī 歸 (ant. lí 離 "distance oneself from") and refers to any group of persons feeling loyal towards and showing allegiance to someone through their action.
      • Ant: (REMOVE)致/SUMMON
      • Ant: (DISCARD)行/ACT The current general word for any deliberate action one may be held morally and/or administratively responsible for is xíng 行 (ant. zhǐ 止 "decide not to take action"). The nominal entries have the old reading xìng. [COMMENDATORY!], [GENERAL], [HABITUAL], [RESPONSIBLE]
      • Ant: (REMOVE)就/SEEK
      • Object: (REMOVE)蠅/INSECTS
      • Synon: (DISCARD)絕/DISCARD
      • Synon: (DISCARD)廢/DISCARD Fèi 廢 and the rarer tì 替 (all ant. zhì 置 "establish"!!!! See also no. 4 below.) refer to discarding something one has made use of or has been involved with for some time.
      • Synon: (REMOVE)救/REMOVE
      • Synon: (REMOVE)除/REMOVE Chú 除 refers specifically to getting rid of something undesirable.