Old Chinese Criteria
Modern Chinese Criteria
1. WL fails to note the crucial link constituted by LEAVE, the difference being that wa3ng 往 is "to leave for, set out for", whereas qu4 去 is "to leave, go away from".
1. WL 7 maintains that wa3ng 往 cannot take direct objects. For OBI this is manifestly wrong, for pre-Buddhist Chinese we have found many examples of wa3ng 往 with a direct object. When WL repeats that wa3ng 往 only became a transitive after the medieval period this is certainly quite mistaken.
2. Ya1n wa3ng 焉往 "where did he go" is common and should perhaps be taken as involving an indirect object, as WL assumes, but he2 wa3ng 何往 does of course occur in SHI, as WL fails to notice.
3. WL 7 takes the basic meaning of fu4 赴 to be 將身投入"throw one's body into", but the essential elements are a. speed and b. risk, and there is no suicidal nuance.
Words (49 items)
如 rú OC: nja MC: ȵi̯ɤ 276 Attributions
Cào/zào 造 and rú 如 refer to aiming for a destination, and the movement may be by foot or by any conveyance.
- Syntactic words
- vtoNgo to (a place, typically on some mission of importance); walk up to a person
- vtoN.-V[0]go to N in order to V
- vtoNN=toiletgo to a place, not on any official mission
往 wǎng OC: ɢʷaŋʔ MC: ɦi̯ɐŋ
往迋 Click here to add pinyin OC: MC: 172 Attributions
Wǎng 往 (ant. jū 居 "remain at home") refers to setting out for a destination by any means of transport or by foot, and the destination is not very often made explicit by an ordinary noun as object. Moreover wǎng 往 does not necessarily imply going somewhere by the most direct route.
- Word relations
- Conv: 來 / 徠/COME
- Ant: 住/REMAIN
- Ant: 來 / 徠/COME
- Syntactic words
- viactset out; go along; walk off
- viactgo on and on; keep going
- vt(oN)go to the contextually determinate place (often answering a summoning by a superior)
- vt(oN.)-Vgo out to V
- vt(oN.)-Vimperativego to the contextually determinate place and V!
- vt(oN1).-VtoN2go to a contextually determinate place and V, set out to V; be on one's way to (with a verbal (or subjectless sentential, if one prefers) object) 往拜之
- vt(oN1.-VtoN2)set out to a certain place to do a certain thing to the object N2
- vt+prep+Ngo to
- vt-V.+prep+Ngo to V to N
- vtoNOBI: set out for; be on one's way; go along to; go to GUAN: 往之, 所往
- vtoN.-V[0]go to N in order to V
- vtoN.postadVN=placeintroducing the locative object after verbs of motion or relocation, cf. modern "-到"DS
- vtoNfigurative"go to"
之 zhī OC: kljɯ MC: tɕɨ 67 Attributions
Zhī 之 is to go to a place, typically taking the most direct route, by any conveyance as a result of a decision and typically with the purpose of staying there for a while or conducting some business.
- Word relations
- Ant: 去/LEAVE
The general word for leaving one place for another is qù 去 (ant. liú 留"remain").
- Syntactic words
- vt+prep+NN=humgo to a person N
- vtoNgo to (so as to stay there for a considerable time, or for some business); move towards
- vtoN.-V[0]to go (somewhere) (to do something)
- vtoNfigurativego to; move in the direction ofTWH
適 shì MC: syek OC: qljeɡ 43 Attributions
Shì 適 refers to moving in a certain direction, or heading for a certain place, and the word is also used for arrival at the destination.
- Syntactic words
- vtoNgo to and get to a certain place; be on one's way to a certain place, head for
- vtoNfigurativebe heading towards
詣 yì OC: ŋɡiis MC: ŋei 25 Attributions
Yì 詣 refers to going somewhere to pay a formal visit. See VISIT.
- Syntactic words
- vt(oN)go along to the contextually determinate place N
- vt+prep+Ngo to
- vtoNgo to (especially on a visit, or to join forces with)
- vtoN.-V[0]go to N in order to V
至 zhì OC: kljiɡs MC: tɕi 22 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vt(oN)turn up; go along to the contextually determinate person; attend a contextually determinate event
- vt+prep+Ngo to a place; go to so as to meddle with
- vtoNgo to
- vtoN.-V[0]go to N in order to V
訃 fù OC: phoɡs MC: phi̯o
赴 fù OC: phoɡs MC: phi̯o 22 Attributions
Fù 赴 refers to hastening to a (typically dangerous) destination (such as an abyss or fire), or to a place where one is to perform a public duty.
- Word relations
- Result: 訴 / 愬/COMPLAIN
The current general word for complaint is sù 訴.
- Syntactic words
- vt(oN)go anywhere in particularCH
- vt(oN)omgo to, move to (a contextually determinate place)
- vt+V[0]go to VCH
- vtoNhasten to go to as part of one's ritual obligations; go all the way to
- vtoNdangerrush to (a dangerous place); rush forward into (danger, an abyss); brave (dangers etc)
- vtoNfigurativemove in the direction of, move toCH
過 guō OC: klool MC: kʷɑ 22 Attributions
Guō 過 refers to informal visit en passant. WGZ suggests the reaging guò for this meaning.
- Syntactic words
- vadNvisiting
- vt+prep+Npass by, pass through
- vtoNpass by; make a passing visit to; visit on an informal basis, visit en passant; go to; pass through, pass by
往至 wǎng zhì OC: ɢʷaŋʔ kljiɡs MC: ɦi̯ɐŋ tɕi 16 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPt(oN)resultativego to
- VPt+N.-Vresultativego to N in order to V
- VPtoNresultativego to
造 zào OC: skhuuɡs MC: tshɑu 15 Attributions
Cào/zào 造 and rú 如 refer to aiming for a destination, and the movement may be by foot or by any conveyance.
- Syntactic words
- vt(oN1.)+N2causativecause the contextually determinate N1 to get close to N2, move N1 close to N2CH
- vt+prep+Nto go to (a place)
- vtoNMENG: go to a place (often to attend court or pay a visit to a superior); reach (a place)
- vttoN1.+N2causativecause N1 to go to N2
就 jiù OC: dzuɡs MC: dzɨu 15 Attributions
Jiù 就 (ant. qù 去 "leave") and the somewhat rarer jí 即 (ant. lí 離 "leave") refer to approaching a certain destination by any means of transport.
- Word relations
- Synon: 至/ARRIVE
The general current word is zhì 至, and the word refers to the process of going somewhere with the final result (sometimes achieved with difficulty) of getting there. [GENERAL]; [COMMON]
- Syntactic words
- vt(oN.)(-V)go to a contextually determinate place to do a contextually determinate thing
- vt[oN.]-V[0]to go (to a contextually determinate place) in order to V
- vtoNmove towards; go to take up (one's place); go to (to cultivate the acquaintance of)
去 qù OC: khas MC: khi̯ɤ 9 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vadNfor going to> to go to
- vt(oN)go to the contextually determinate place N
- vt(oN.)-Vgo to the contextually determinate place N to V
- vtoNgo to
- vtpostN{OBJ}go to N
歸 guī OC: klul MC: kɨi 9 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vt+prep+Ngo to the N where one belongs or naturally should goCH
- vtoNcausativecause to go to from all directions
- vtoNN=humancome to (a person, where the coming is appropriate or natural)
- vtoNN=placeto come (somewhere) from all directions
使 shǐ MC: sriX OC: srɯʔ 7 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNgo on an official mission toCH
- vtoNstativebe on an official mission toCH
會 huì OC: ɡloobs MC: ɦɑi 7 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vt(oN)go to and attend at the contextually determinate place
- vt+prep+Nattend the meeting at N, meet up at N
- vtoNto to attend (an occasion, a ritual, a meeting)
蒞 lì OC: ɡ-rɯbs MC: li 5 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNgo to attend an occasion N
即 jí OC: tsɯɡ MC: tsɨk 5 Attributions
Jiù 就 (ant. qù 去 "leave") and the somewhat rarer jí 即 (ant. lí 離 "leave") refer to approaching a certain destination by any means of transport.
- Syntactic words
- vtoNmove close towards
- vtoNabmove in the direction of; get to (peace of mind etc)
- vtoNfigurativego to> submit to (your punishment etc)
往來 wǎng lái OC: ɢʷaŋʔ m-rɯɯ MC: ɦi̯ɐŋ ləi 5 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPiactgo back and forth; travel back and forth
面 miàn OC: mens MC: miɛn 4 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- viactturn about (with preceding adverb: 西面 "turn westwards"
- vtoNturn towards
- vtoN.adVdirectionfacing (a direction) > V in the direction of
到 dào OC: k-laaws MC: tɑu 4 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNgo to
臨 lín OC: b-rɯm MC: lim 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vt(oN)go to the contextually determinate place; attend the contextually determinate event
- vtoNgo to and attend
行 xíng OC: ɢraaŋ MC: ɦɣaŋ 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vt(oN)walk to a contextually determinate place
- vtoNgo to
- vtoNcausativemake someone go to a contextually determinate place
向 xiàng OC: qhaŋs MC: hi̯ɐŋ 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNturn to > go to
踵 zhǒng MC: tsyowngX OC: tjoŋʔ 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vt+prep+Nturn up at (one after the other)CH
- vtoNderivedturn up at en masse, one after the otherCH
道 dào OC: ɡ-luuʔ MC: dɑu 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNgo to and pass through on one's route; pass by
往詣 wǎng yì OC: ɢʷaŋʔ ŋɡiis MC: ɦi̯ɐŋ ŋei 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNgo to, betake one to (a place)
往趣 wǎng qù OC: ɢʷaŋʔ skhos MC: ɦi̯ɐŋ tshi̯o 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNhurry towards
出 chū OC: khljud MC: tɕhʷit 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vt[oN].+Vgo out in order to VDS
- vtoNgo out into
往到 wǎng dào OC: ɢʷaŋʔ k-laaws MC: ɦi̯ɐŋ tɑu 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNresultativego to
行至 xíng zhì OC: ɢraaŋ kljiɡs MC: ɦɣaŋ tɕi 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNresultativetravel so as to arrive
至乎 zhì hū MC: tsyijH hu OC: kljiɡs ɢaa 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPt V[0]abstractgo as far as to VCH
跋 bá OC: bood MC: bʷɑt 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNtrample on; go by foot
遇 yù MC: ngjuH OC: ŋos 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNderivedgo to and have impact on> befallCH
臨履 lín lǚ OC: b-rɯm riʔ MC: lim li 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNgo to on foot
至於 zhì yú OC: kljiɡs qa MC: tɕi ʔi̯ɤ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPt+prep+Nabget to the stage of Nab-ing
反覆 fǎn fù OC: panʔ phuɡ MC: pi̯ɐn phuk 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPt+prep+N{PLACE}actfrequent a place
如往 rú wǎng MC: nyo hjwangX OC: nja ɢʷaŋʔ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNgo toCH
發引 fā yǐn OC: pod liŋʔ MC: pi̯ɐt jin 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPiactset out
臨覆 lín fù OC: b-rɯm buɡs MC: lim bɨu 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNgo to???
上 shàng MC: dzyangH OC: ɡljaŋs 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNgo to the place NCH
投 tóu OC: doo MC: du 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNgo to stay in a place N
前詣 qián yì OC: dzeen ŋɡiis MC: dzen ŋei 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNformal: go to
趨 qū OC: tsho MC: tshi̯o 0 Attributions
Qū 趨 refers to hurrying politely to a destination.
- Syntactic words
邁 mài OC: mbraads MC: mɣɛi 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- viactSHI: set out on a long journey or formal expedition; SHI 114: (of time) to pass
往適 wǎng shì OC: ɢʷaŋʔ qljeɡ MC: ɦi̯ɐŋ ɕiɛk 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNresultativego to
臨適 lín shì OC: b-rɯm qljeɡ MC: lim ɕiɛk 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNgo to
于 yú OC: ɢʷra MC: ɦi̯o 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNOBI: go to
乘如 chéng rú OC: ɢjɯŋ nja MC: ʑɨŋ ȵi̯ɤ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNtake a carriage to go to
馳往 chí wǎng OC: rlal ɢʷaŋʔ MC: ɖiɛ ɦi̯ɐŋ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPt(+N.)-Vhurry to a contextually determinate place to V