Taxonomy of meanings for 積:  

  • 積 jī (OC: skleɡ MC: tsiɛk) 資昔切 入 廣韻:【聚也資昔切又資賜切十八 】
      • v[adN]passive[WHAT IS ACCUMULATED>] collected supplies, stockpiles
      • vadNpassiveaccumulated
      • vadNN=placefilled out; full
      • vt[oN]engage in the accumulation of things
      • vt0oNpassivethere are accumulated, there are heaps of 積珍寶
      • vtoNcollect and amass, typically on a large scale
      • vtoNabfigurativeaccumulate (particularly especially) 
      • vtoNpassive, figurativeget (abstractly) accumulated (through repetitive practice)
      • vtoNmiddle voiceget accumulated; be accumulated
      • vt+prep+Nmiddleget accumulated at N, congregate at NLZ
      • v[adN]passivethe whole consisting of "piled-up" partial aspects (XUN)LZ
      • of the NsCH
      • vtoNfigurativeaccumulate experience with/in NLZ
      • vtoNfigurativeachieve/produce/become N through accumulationLZ
      • nabaccumulation of experience or other benign influenceLZ
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2N2=placegather N1 in N2DS
      • vt1oN1.-vt2oN2accumulate N1 as to create N2DS
      • what one accumulates, a multiplicity>MANY
        • vadNaccumulated > many
        • abstract>NUMBER
          • nabmathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
      • to something>ADD
        • object: earth accumulated>HEAP
          • object: edibles>FOOD
            • nmsupplies (esp. of food)
          • abstract: result accumulated through action>RESULT
            • nabfactualthe cumulative result
          • abstract: pile up thoughts>THINK
              • abstract: attention on one subject>CONCENTRATE
                • vtoNconcentrate (strength or effort) on
            • figurative: add up years>LIVE
              • resultative: so as to stop up things>BLOCK
              • grammaticalised: time>ENDURING
              • 積 zì (OC: skleɡs MC: tsiɛ) 子智切 去 廣韻:【委積也子智切又子昔切四 】

                Additional information about 積


                • ACCUMULATE





                  1. The current general word for accumulating anything concrete or abstract is jī 積 (ant. sǎn 散 "be dispersed"), and the word focusses on the process of accumulation rather than on the result only.

                  [LARGE-SCALE], [LASTING]

                  2. Xù 畜 / 蓄 refers specifically to accumulation and continuous storage of things for the purpose of sustenance of life or the rearing of domestic animals.

                  [CONCRETE], [SMALL-SCALE] [TRANSITORY]

                  3. Chǔ 儲 refers to the accumulation and continuous storage of new articles of general use for the maintainance of life.

                  [CONCRETE!], [TRANSITORY]

                  4. Lěi 累 typically refers quite literally to the piling up of things into a heap or a heap-like structure, but the word does occasionally have generalised usages referring to accumulation of any kind, abstract or concrete.

                  [CONCRETE!], [LASTING]

                  5. Wěi 委 (ant.* qì 棄 "throw away") refers to small-scale accumulation of concrete objects.

                  [CONCRETE], [SMALL-SCALE]

                • CONCENTRATE

                  1. The current word for concentrating one's attention or one's actions in one direction is zhuān 專/摶.

                  2. Níng 凝 refers to the concentration of abstract or "metaphysical" substances.

                  3. Yī 一 and yī 壹 emphasise the uniqueness of what is being concentrated on.

                  4. Xíng 行 and fú 服 "devote oneself completely to" focusses on action rather than thought as the field of concentration.

                  5. Jī 積 emphasises the cumulative results of concentration.

                  Word relations
                • Ant: (ACCUMULATE)散/SCATTER The current standard word for scattering anything in any way is sàn 散.
                • Object: (ACCUMULATE)道術/PHILOSOPHY
                • Assoc: (ACCUMULATE)畜 / 蓄/ACCUMULATE Xù 畜/蓄 refers specifically to accumulation and continuous storage of things for the purpose of sustenance of life or the rearing of domestic animals. [CONCRETE], [SMALL-SCALE] [TRANSITORY]
                • Assoc: (ACCUMULATE)儲/ACCUMULATE Chǔ 儲 refers to the accumulation and continuous storage of new articles of general use for the maintainance of life. [CONCRETE!], [TRANSITORY]
                • Assoc: (ACCUMULATE)委/ACCUMULATE Wěi 委 (ant.* qì 棄 "throw away") refers to small-scale accumulation of concrete objects. [CONCRETE], [SMALL-SCALE]
                • Assoc: (ACCUMULATE)累/ACCUMULATE Lěi 累 typically refers quite literally to the piling up of things into a heap or a heap-like structure, but the word does occasionally have generalised usages referring to accumulation of any kind, abstract or concrete. [CONCRETE!], [LASTING]
                • Assoc: (ACCUMULATE)聚 / 聚/GATHER The most current general term for the temporary assembling of things is jù 聚 (ant. sàn 散 "spread") which can refer to the gathering together of what does not necessarily belong together and of what is not necessarily of the same kind and what will disperse or be dispersed.
                • Synon: (ACCUMULATE)儲/ACCUMULATE Chǔ 儲 refers to the accumulation and continuous storage of new articles of general use for the maintainance of life. [CONCRETE!], [TRANSITORY]
                • Synon: (ACCUMULATE)累/ACCUMULATE Lěi 累 typically refers quite literally to the piling up of things into a heap or a heap-like structure, but the word does occasionally have generalised usages referring to accumulation of any kind, abstract or concrete. [CONCRETE!], [LASTING]