Taxonomy of meanings for 交:  

  • jiāo (OC: kreew MC: kɯau) 古肴切 平 廣韻:【戾也共也合也領也古肴切二十二 】
      • nab.tgood relations with N
      • nabsocialrelations, connections; human relations; diplomatic relations
      • v[adN]those who interact with one, connections
      • vadVin competition with one-another, together
      • viactcultivate connections; interact, engage in interaction, strike up good relations with people
      • vt+prep+Nbe in touch with; be related to: interact with; cultivate contacts with (superiors, spirits); cultivate good diplomatic relations with
      • vtoNcultivate good relations (with somebody); interact (with somebody)
      • vtpost-.VtoNcontinuativeentertain relations with; interact with
      • vt[oN]N=huminteract with others
      • vi2interact with each other
      • vtoNcausativecause (weapons, armies etc) to interact (and fight)
      • nabactthe way one interacts with others, one's interactionsLZ
      • nab(.post-N1:)(post-N2)N1 and N2 nonreferentialinteraction of N1 vis-a-vis N2CH
      • specific> MUTUAL
        • vadVmutually and in collaboration or in conflict
        • positively> HELP
          • NPabactmutual help; relations of cooperation
      • physically> CROSS OVER
        • vi2intersect, crisscross
        • nabfeatureintersection
      • semantically> COMMUNICATE
        • vtoNconnect and communicate with
        • vt(oN)communicate with the contextually determinate NDS
        • socially> MEET
          • nabprocessintersection (of months or days)
          • vtoNcausativecause to meet 交頸
          • vi2make contact, get together
          • vtoNfigurativeobject non-human: get exposed to, run intoCH
          • emotionally> FRIEND
            • nfriend/acquaintance
            • nabactgood relations; friendship
            • vtoNhave friendly relations with each otherCH
            • nab[post-N]one's alliesDS
            • sexually: mostly of animals> COPULATE
              • vt[oN]have sexual intercourse; to pair
              • vtoNhave sexual intercourse with
        • socially> GIVE
          • vttoN1.+N2hand over N1 to N2
          • mutually> EXCHANGE
            • vtoNexchange (hostages etc)
    • abstract> CAUSE TO
        • grammaticalised> ALL
          • vadVall; all from each other
        • cause to be together> COMBINE
          • vadNcombined > cross- (e.g. cross-legged)
          • vtoNget combined in (e.g. emotions in the heart)
          • vtoN{2}combine into one
          • combining things that do not belong together> CONFUSED
            • vtoNputativeconsider as convoluted
          • rhetorically> COMPARE
            • vadVcomparatively

      Additional information about 交

      說文解字: 【交】,交脛也。从大,象交形。凡交之屬皆从交。 【古爻切】

      • MUTUAL

        1. The current general word for mutuality between any number of agents is jiāo 交 which can refer to multiple mutual relations entertained or joined into by any given agent.

        2. Xiāng 相 refers to mutuality but not necessarily reciprocity between two agents and the mutuality does not have to be contemporaneous (NB: the word even more often acts as an object pronouns). Thus X may do something to Y, and Y to Z, and this constellation would allow for the use of xiāng 相, as in the phrase xiāng jì 相繼 or xiāng suí 相隨 "1. follow one another; (but note also the here irrelevant 2. followed him/her/them)". Moreover, xiāng zhù 相助 does not imply synchronised or contemporaneous help: X may help Y at one time, and Y may help X at another time, and this collaboration will qualify for xiāng zhù 相助.

        3. Hù 互 refers specifically to reciprocity of interaction between two agents, and the reciprocity of interaction must occur at the same time.

      • COPULATE

        1. The current general word for copulation applying to both humans and animals, are jiāo 交, hé 合, and these are all rather discrete abstract terms to use.

        2. Yù 御 refers to a male "riding" a female, and the word has no negative overtones.

        3. Tōng 通 and sī 私 are neutral historian's terms for improper sexual intercourse.

        4. Xì 戲 refers to a man making a sexual pass at a woman (occasionally actually one's own wife!).

        5. Yín 淫 and huì 穢 are derogatory terms for engaging in lewd sexual activities with someone.

        6. Xìng 幸 refers periphrastically and politely in historical texts to enjoying the sexual favours, typically of an emperor. See also FAVOUR

        7. Zhēng 烝 refers to the ritual establishment of political relations with a widowed woman of one's senior generation through publicised spending of a night with her.

        8. Bào 報 refers to establishing extramarital sexual relations with a woman of a (normally) lower but sometimes also of a higher generation, but not normally of the same generation.

        9. Gǔ 蠱 refers to a male using irregular means to obtain the sexual favours of a woman he is not married to.

        NB: gòu 構/媾 was late to become current as a term for sexual union.

      • INTERACT

        1. The general objective word referring to mutual social interaction is jiāo 交.

        2. Jiē 接, literally "get in touch with", refers to the making contact of one agent with another.

        3. Jì 際 is the interface on which interaction occurs or does not occur.

        4. Xiāng 相 and the rare hù 互 are grammaticalised words referring to reciprocity.

        Word relations
      • Epithet: (INTERACT)信/FAITHFUL The current general word for trustiness or good faith is xìn 信.
      • Contrast: (INTERACT)謀/ADVISE The current standard word for fairly formal consultation and advice to superiors is móu 謀. [ASCENDING], [BASIC], [OFFICIAL]
      • Assoc: (INTERACT)接/INTERACT Jiē 接, literally "get in touch with", refers to the making contact of one agent with another.
      • Assoc: (EXCHANGE)易/EXCHANGE The current general word for exchanging things in any way is yì 易.
      • Synon: (MEET)會/MEET Huì 會 refers to an arranged meeting, usually between more than two persons.
      • Oppos: (INTERACT)事/SERVE The current general word for serving another is shì 事 (ant. shǐ 使 "deploy").