Taxonomy of meanings for 及:  

  • jí (OC: ɡrɯb MC: ɡɯip) 其立切 入 廣韻:【至也逮也連也辝也其立切七 】
    • vt(oN)catch up with the contextually determinate object
    • vtoNfigurativecatch up with, reach the same level as, be as strong/good as
    • vtoNperfectivecatch up with (someone or something whom one is pursuing)
    • vtoNpassivebe caught up with
    • vtoNfigurative"catch up with oneself", come to one's senses?
    • abstract> ACHIEVE
      • vt+V[0]get to the point of
      • vtoNget (something) sorted out, sort out; be of (what) avail
      • vtpostadVsuccessfullyCH
      • new generation> SUCCEED
        • viactget to the important point, succeed in what one should do or is setting out to do
        • vt+V[0]get as far as V-ing, succeed V-ing, manage to V
        • vt+V[0]passiveto be managed to be VERBED: 可及止
        • vtoNget to the point of; come up to, be as good as, reach the same level as
        • vt(+V[0])succeed in doing the contextually determinate thing
    • grammaticalised:joining> WITH
      • nabautonymthe word 及
      • vt(+N1.postN2:)adVthe contextually determinate main subject V-s with the contextually determinate secondary subject
      • vtoN.adVhostilewith
      • vtoN.adVinteract衛人及狄盟 N2 V-s, in conjunction/cooperation/interaction with N1 (In the following the first designates joint action, the second interaction: 叔孫豹及諸侯之大夫及陳袁僑盟。 公及楚公子嬰齊、蔡侯、許男、秦右大夫說、宋華元、陳公孫寧、衛孫良夫、鄭公子去疾及齊國之大夫盟于蜀。)
      • vtoN.adVinteractin interaction with (several grammatical objects)
      • vtoN.adVjointlytogether with
      • vtoN.adVjointlywith (followed by an asyndetic list)
      • vtoN.adVN=multipleengage in V together with, or in alliance with all the persons in N1
      • vtoN.adVrelational(in relation) to, with
      • vtoN(.adV)interacting with
      • vtoN1(.postN2):adVinteractthe contextually determinate N2 V-s (together) with N1; the contextually determinate N2 V-s against N1
      • vtoN1(.postN2):adVjointlyjointly with, in cooperation with
      • vtoN1(.postN2):adVhostile(fight a battle etc) with
      • vt1oN1.-N2:post-vt2with (in object position). [Gongyangzhuan claims that the order of constituents before and after 及 indicates difference of rank)]CH
      • additive> AND
        • nabautonymthe word 及 "and"
        • vt+V1.postadV2and
        • vtoN.postNpro:postVtand also, and in addition
        • vtoN1.postN2:+Vand
        • vtoN1.postN2:+VN=multipleand
        • vtoN1.postN2:+VrelatedN1 including also N2 (which belong together with N1)
        • vtoN1.postN2:adN3adnominaland (between adnominal nominals)
        • vtoN1.postN2:postVtin objectand [no examples in LY]
        • vtoN1.postN2:postVtN=multipleand in addition; and even, and including even; and along with that (often: contrary to what one might have assumed) 殺陽令終與其弟完及佗與晉陳及其子弟。
        • vtoN1.postN2:postVtN1 and N2 non-homogeneousand
        • action> CONTINUE
          • vtoNsucceed N in ruleLZ
    • generalised> REACH
      • vt+V[0]go so far as to lead to V-ing
      • vt0oNfigurativeit comes to (oneself)
      • vtoNreach (of non-human agents); go as far as; apply to; happen to
      • vtoNfigurativeextend to, reach; reach up to the level of; reach out to; reach as far back as to the time of
      • vtoNfigurativebe equalled, be caught up with
      • vt0oNN=timeit gets as far as (the time N in the future)
      • vt+prep+Nreach out to, reach as far as
      • vt0oN.adSwhen it came to NCH
      • vtoNget as far as, reach as far as; get to the place NCH
      • a place> ARRIVE
        • vt[0]oN.postadVuntil, upto (a place)
        • vt+prep+Nget as far as
        • vt+V[0]figurativeget to the point of V-ing
        • vtoNarrive at (a place); surprisingly often introducing subjectless subordinate temporal clause as a vtadS: (when the subject) got to (a place); get as far as; get close to, get close enough to
        • vtoNfigurativeget to (a predicament) [see REACH]
        • vtoNN=physicalreach physically, get in touch with; get as far as (of physical objects rather than persons)
      • a quality> EQUAL
        • vtoNbecome equal to in quality, reach the same level of achievements as
        • vtoNpassivebe equalled in excellence or achievementCH
        • high degree> INTENSELY
          • vt+V[0]go so far as to V
      • by coincidence> ENCOUNTER
        • vt[oN]middle voiceencounter adversities ZUO
        • vt+prep+Nmeet (difficulties)
        • vtoNeventencounter (difficulties, adversities etc); incur (punishment)
        • vtoNcausativecause (onself) to encounter disaster
        • social> INTERACT
          • vtoNinteract/collaborate/communicate with
          • abstract, dynamic> INFLUENCE
            • vt+prep+Nhave an influence on
            • vtoNhave an impact on; affect, involve, implicate; have an (often bad) influence on; affect
            • vtoNreflexive.自affect (oneself)
            • vtoNpassivebe influenced
        • what is encountered> HAPPEN
          • vieventcome to pass, ensue, happen
          • vt0oN(things) get to this (often bad) state of affairs; come to (this)
          • vt[0]+V[0]things get as far as
      • intellectually> UNDERSTAND
        • vtoNreach up to intellectually, understand (a difficult subject); be well-informed on
      • resulting feature> NEAR
        • vt[0]oN.postadVclose to
        • appropriate moment> TIMELY
          • vibe in time (and of avail)
          • vt+V[0]reach; have the time to, be in time to, be in time for
          • grammaticalised: connective> WHEN
            • vt0oN.adSwhen it came to (a certain point in time) 及期"When it came to the appointed time"
            • vt0oNPab{S}.adScontinuativewhen it came to the period when (something happened or was going on)> while (someone was alive)
            • vt0oNPab{S}.adSwhen 及其。。。
            • vt0oS1.adS2when it came to the point that S, by the time that S, at the point when S
          • grammaticalised> UNTIL
            • vt[0]oN.postadVupto, down to (a place) 入及,侵及
            • vt0oN.adSit reaches a time of (so-and-so many years)
            • vt0oN1:post-.Vt'0oN2:.adSuntil (place or time); by the time of CHECK EXAMPLES ETC
            • vt0oS1post.Vt0oS2until
      • grammaticalised: when it comes to> TOPIC MARKER
        • vt0oN.adSwhen it comes to
        • refer> NAME
          • vtoNrefer to, mention, touch upon
          • talk about> SPEAK
            • vtoNbring up in speechCH
            • vt+V[0]mention V-ing, refer to V-ingLZ

    Additional information about 及

    說文解字: 【及】,逮也。从又、从人。 〔小徐本「人」上無「从」。〕 【徐鍇曰:及前人也。】 【巨立切】 【乁】,古文及。秦刻石及如此。 【𢎜】,亦古文及。 〔小徐本無「亦」。〕 【𨕤】,亦古文及。

    • ARRIVE






      1. The general current word is zhì 至, and the word refers to the process of going somewhere with the final result (sometimes achieved with difficulty) of getting there.


      2. Dào 到 refers specifically to the reaching of a destination with no recognisable tendency to focus on the difficulty of getting there.

      [LITERAL]; [RARE]

      3. Jí 及 refers to the point of literal arrival, but the word is in practice often hard to distinguish in meaning from zhì 至.


      4. Zhì 致 "reach as far as" sometimes emphasises the difficulty of the task of reaching, but this word too is often hard to distinguish in meaning from 至 as defined above when it means "arrive".


      5. Tōng 通 emphasises the absence of impediments or hindrances in the passage towards a certain place and it refers to the general ability to get through.


      6. Dá 達 is the result of tōng 通 "having unimpeded access to" and describes the successful arrival at a destination.


      7. Dǐ 抵 emphasises the arriving as the end of a complete itininerary with a beginning and an end.


    • NOON

      1. The general word for the period around the middle of the day is rì zhōng 日中, and this construction hovers interestingly between the sentential original meaning "the sun reaches the highest point" and the idiomatic nominal meaning "noon", "at noon", thus jí rì zhōng 及日中 can be read as "when the sun reached the highest point" or "when it got to the point in time of noon"

      NB: Shǎng 晌 is a fairly rare popular word for lunchtime that is not used before Ming times.

    • REACH

      1. The current general word for reaching a place or even an abstract stage is jí 及.

      2. Dào 到 is concrete and typically refers to reaching a point in space.

      3. Bǐ jí 比及 refers to reaching a point in time.

      4. Dài 逮 refers to catching up or reaching a certain desirable stage or level of achievement. See also CATCH UP.

    • RETURN

      1. The standard general word for returning to where one belongs is guī1 歸 (zhī 之 "go to").

      2. Fǎn 反 / 返 (ant. wǎng 往 "set out for") is to get back to where one came from, and the focus is on whereto one returns. 及反 is "when he had got back", 未反 is "before he had god back". 反哭 is wailing upon one's return, not while returning.

      3. Huán 還 (ant. wǎng 往 "set out for") typically refers to turning round and preparing to retrace one's steps or one's route, very often after a military or civil engagement, successful or unseccessful, and the focus is on wherefrom one returns. 還 as a subordinate sentence is "when he was on his way back". See TURN ROUND

      4. Fù 復 (ant. lí 離 "quit") is sometimes used for returning to or regaining a position.

    • CATCH UP

      1. Jí 及 emphasises the result of the successful pursuit, the reaching itself.

      2. Zhuī 追 emphasises the process of the pursuit which has resulted in catching up.


      1. There is no current general word for influence, and the closest one gets to the notion is probably huà 化 "transform through one's influence".

      2. Fēng 風 refers to transformation through one's influence, and this is a very literary word.

      3. Jí 及 occasionally comes to refer to the impact something has on something else.

      4. Zhèn 振 refers to a deep and strong physical impact.

      5. Shī 施 occasionally comes to refer to a deliberate impact one has on other things.


      1. The general word for succeeding is 達 (ant. qiǒ2ng 窮 "get nowhere, have no way out") refers quite simply to "making it".

      2. Tōng 通 (ant. kùn 困 "run into trouble, get into trouble") refers to the achievement of unimpeded progress in what one is trying to do.

      3. Jī 幾 (ant. jiǒng 窘 "get into a hopeless position") refers to an almost complete success.

      4. Jí 及 refers to the successful reaching of a high level.

      5. Dé yì 得意 (liǎo dǎo 潦倒 "end up in a hopeless position") refers to the full achievement of one's highest ambitions or hopes.

      6. Yù 遇 (ant. bù yù 不遇 "fail to succeed") refers to success under certain specific circumstances or by chance.

    • WHEN

      1. The current general word for "when" is the pre-sentential bì 比.

      2. Jí 及 and zhì 至 is somewhat less grammaticalised and works like "when things got to the point when".

      3. Dāng 當 "during the period when" refers both to very short and quite periods of time.

      4. Qí 其 "when" really only serves to mark a general subordinating particle which occasionally comes to be translatable by "when".

      5. Yě 也 is frequently used at the end of sentences to form temporal subordinate clauses which provide background, often in conjunction with qí 其.

      NB: Sentence-final shí 時 "at the time when" is very rare in pre-Buddhist texts but becomes ubiquitous in Buddhist literature. The predecessor of this construction "S 之時 " "when S happened" is current in pre-Buddhist texts.

    • AND



      1. Yǔ 與 "and" is the general all-purpose coordinating particle between NPs which, in ZUO, is equally common in subject and object position, and which coordinates both with concrete and abstract items, often topics, sometimes even pivots.


      2. Jí 及 "and" is between NPs, and at least in ZUO the conjunction is predominantly between concrete (also multiple) objects and occasionally between non-abstract subjects.


      3. E@r 而 is between VPs or sentences (and can occasionally occur between subject/topic nouns and the predicate in subordinate sentences, but in usage it does not belong into the present synonym group).


      4. Yǐ 以 is normally between a non-main and a main VP but may occasionally be purely coordinating and equivalent to ér 而.


      5. Jì 既... ér 而 is between coordinates and equally weighted VPs.


      6. Qiě 且 is between coordinate VPs, but the word also functions as a sentence connective.


    • PURSUE

      1. The current general word for pursuing something or going after something in a hostile way, driving what is pursued before one, competing with it for speed, is zhú 逐 and the word can only very occasionally refer to abstract pursuits like that of wisdom, as in the venatio sapientiae of Nicolas Cusanus. It is significant that the word currently means "to expel", where expelling and chasing are not always easy to distinguish.

      2. Zhuī 追 refers to the attempt of catching up with anything, characteristically a kòu 寇 "enemy" or thief (who may not know he is being pursued) but without any attending notion that what is being caught up with is NECESSARILY trying to escape or to make great speed, and the word is regularly used in figurative derived meanings "to seek", as in zhuī lì 追利 "chasing after profit".

      3. Suǒ 索 emphasises the seeking aspect in the pursuit of something or someone.

      4. Jí 及 and the rarer dài 逮 refer to a successful pursuit. See CATCH UP

      5. Qū 驅 suggests a hot and fast pursuit typically uncrowned by success.

    • UNTIL

      1. The most current and most general word for "until" is zhì 至.

      2. Jí 及 is in fact not very common in early texts.

      3. Dào 到 is a colourless abstract word for "until" which became current only in Han times.

      4. Qì 迄 is an archaic and poetic word for until that became obsolete by Han times.






      1. The current general word for "thereupon" is yú shì 於是 "at that point, then, thereupon" with its expanded variant yú shì hū 於是乎, but these expressions do not allow for any long delay.

      2. Yǒu jiān 有間 (ant.* xuǎn 旋/還 "without delay", dùn 頓 "immediately, without hesitation") refers to a brief interval of a certain time which ensues, and after which something new happens in the narrative sequence.


      3. Yǒu qǐng 有頃 (ant. è ér 俄而 "without delay", lì 立 "without delay") is "after a while" and the interval is perhaps a little longer than in yǒu jiān 有間, and this expression also refers to a plain narrative sequence.


      4. Yǐ ér 已而 (ant. qián cǐ 前此 "before this point in time") refers with emphasis to a longer than expected interval after a certain time.


      5. Jū 居 (as in jū sān yuè 居三月 "after three months") and the rarer chǔ 處 serve simply to indicate a specified interval after a certain time after which something else happens.


      6. Jì 既 (ant. wèi jí 未及 "before even...") focusses dramatically on the fact that an action B does not occur before the action A is completed.


      7. Rán hòu 然後 (ant. yǐ qián 以前 "before") emphasises that an event occurs no sooner than after a certain event or space of time. See ONLY THEN.


      8. Ér hòu 而後 (ant. yǐ qián 以前 "before") emphasises that an event occurs no sooner than after a certain event or space of time. See ONLY THEN.


      9. Xū yú 須臾 stresses that an event occurred immediately after another.

      [BRIEF+]; [nadS]

      10. Hòu 後 (ant. qián 前 "before") is a general word indicating that something happens later than something else.

      Word relations
    • Result: (REACH)逐/PURSUE The current general word for pursuing something or going after something in a hostile way, driving what is pursued before one, competing with it for speed, is zhú 逐 and the word can only very occasionally refer to abstract pursuits like that of wisdom, as in the venatio sapientiae of Nicolas Cusanus. It is significant that the word currently means "to expel", where expelling and chasing are not always easy to distinguish.
    • Ant: (REACH)過/EXCESSIVE Guò 過 often, but not always, focusses on the aspect of transgression in excessiveness.
    • Assoc: (CATCH UP)如/EQUAL Rú 如 refers to equalling something else as it were "from below", coming up to a something else in a certain sense.
    • Assoc: (CATCH UP)追/PURSUE Zhuī 追 refers to the attempt of catching up with anything, characteristically a kòu 寇 "enemy" or thief (who may not know he is being pursued) but without any attending notion that what is being caught up with is NECESSARILY trying to escape or to make great speed, and the word is regularly used in figurative derived meanings "to seek", as in zhuī lì 追利 "chasing after profit".
    • Synon: (REACH)逮/REACH Dài 逮 refers to catching up or reaching a certain desirable stage or level of achievement. See also CATCH UP.
    • Synon: (UNTIL)逮/UNTIL