Taxonomy of meanings for 違:  

  • 違 wéi (OC: ɢul MC: ɦʷɨi) 雨非切 平 廣韻:【背也 】
    • LEAVE
        • country>FLEE
          • abstract>AVOID
            • vt+prep+Navoid
            • vtoNavoid out of fear (GY); escape (from somebody or something)
            • vtoNpassiveto be avoided
          • differ>DIFFERENT
              • inchoative>CHANGE
                • intensitive>CONTRARY
                  • vibe inconsistent with each other, be contrary to each other; fail to fit the circumstances
                  • vtoNbe in contradiction with (of expressions), contradict
                  • vtoNmathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
                  • vtoNreflexive.自contradict (oneself)
                • spatial>DISTANT
                  • intellectually>DISAGREE
                    • nabdisagreement
                    • vt(oN)disagree with a contextually determinate person
                    • vtoNdisagree with, object against, raise objections against
                    • vtoNpsychbe in disaccord with, irritate
                    • vtoNpassivebe disagreed with, be opposedCH
                    • emotionally>HATE
                      • hostile>OFFEND
                        • vt(oN)offend the contextually determinate person; fail to do as is required by the contextually determinate person
                        • vt[oN]be disobedient; show disobedience;
                        • vt+prep+Ncontravene; offend against
                        • vtoNcontravene, flout; be disobedient to; ZUO Xi 23: offend against (Heaven, one's husband etc.); go against (the agricultural seasons); disobey (an order) very occasionally used nominally: error
                        • nabactdisobedience
                        • vt(oN)N=proprietyoffend against the rules of proper behaviour
                        • vadNinclined towards disobedience
                        • by refusing to follow command>OFFEND
                          • vt(oN)offend the contextually determinate person; fail to do as is required by the contextually determinate person
                          • vt[oN]be disobedient; show disobedience;
                          • vt+prep+Ncontravene; offend against
                          • vtoNcontravene, flout; be disobedient to; ZUO Xi 23: offend against (Heaven, one's husband etc.); go against (the agricultural seasons); disobey (an order) very occasionally used nominally: error
                          • nabactdisobedience
                          • vt(oN)N=proprietyoffend against the rules of proper behaviour
                          • vadNinclined towards disobedience
                        • derogatory>MISTAKE
                          • against moral standards>WICKED
                      • =韙
                  • 違 hui2《集韻》胡隈切,平灰匣。
                    • =回

                    Additional information about 違

                    說文解字: 【違】,離也。从辵、韋聲。 【羽非切】

                    • OFFEND

                      1. The current most general word for offending against what one is obliged to act in accordance with or going against a current is probably nì 逆 (ant. shùn 順 "follow and obey"), which refers to any action which goes against something.

                      2. Fàn 犯 (ant. cǒng 從 "follow obediently") refers as a derogatory term to a deliberate and active breaking of a rule.

                      3. Gān 干 and gān 奸 are rare words referring specifically to culpable breach of the law.

                      4. Wéi 違 (ant. xún 循 "follow") and the rarer lí 離 as well as fēi 非 are neutral terms referring to a failure to comply with something.

                      5. Fú 拂 refers to something grating against sensibilities or creating a conflict.

                      6. Fáng 妨 adds to the failure of compliance the nuance of interference with what one fails to comply with.

                      7. Kuī 虧 adds to the failure of compliance the nuance of inflicting harm or damage on what one fails to comply with.

                      8. Shāng 傷, hài 害, and bài 敗 add to the failure of compliance the element of ruining what one has failed to comply with exactly by this failure of compliance; but hài 害 has developed a special related meaning of offending logically against something, i.e. being incompatible with it.

                      Word relations
                    • Inconsist: (OFFEND)孝/LOVE Xiào 孝 refers to loving respect for one's parents and ancestors in attitude and action and is a major traditional virtue.
                    • Ant: (CONTRARY)合/SAME
                    • Ant: (OFFEND)從/OBEY The most current general word for obedience is probably cóng 從 (ant. jù 拒 "refuse to carry out an order"), which refers literally to the following of orders on particular occasions, and more generally to showing obedience to a person.
                    • Ant: (OFFEND)順/OBEY Shùn 順 (ant. nì 逆 "refuse to conform") can refer to the conforming with a standard set by someone or an intention someone has.
                    • Ant: (OFFEND)安/COMFORTABLE The standard word for material and psychological comfort is ān 安.
                    • Assoc: (CONTRARY)詭/CONTRARY
                    • Synon: (CONTRARY)乖/CONTRARY Guāi 乖 refers to any kind of practical contradiction or opposition, also opposition to what is current and acceptable. See WICKED
                    • Synon: (CONTRARY)伐/CONTRARY
                    • Synon: (OFFEND)反/OPPOSE
                    • Synon: (OFFEND)非/OFFEND Wéi 違 (ant. xún 循 "follow") and the rarer lí 離 as well as fēi 非 are neutral terms referring to a failure to comply with something.