Taxonomy of meanings for 賞:  

  • 賞 shǎng (OC: lʰaŋʔ MC: ɕiɐŋ) 書兩切 上 廣韻:【賜也又吴姓有賞氏書兩切五 】
    • REWARD
      • nabactthe making of rewards
      • nabactrewards
      • nm(what one rewards with>) rewards
      • vadNbelonging to a reward, given by way of a reward
      • vt[oN]offer rewards, take action to make rewards
      • vt+prep+Ngive rewards to N
      • vtoNN=actmake a reward for (a service etc)
      • vtoNN=hummake a reward to (a person); award ritual presents to (someone) in compensation for his services
      • vtoNpassiveget rewarded, be appreciated
      • vttoN1.+N2reward N1 with the reward N2
      • vttoN1.postvtoN2{OBJ}reward
      • for N
      • vt(oN)reward the contextually determinate personsCH
      • v[adN]passive, N=humanrewarded personCH
      • vt[oN]transitive verb with a lexically determinate omitted objectCH
      • n[post-N]the relevant rewardDS

    Additional information about 賞

    說文解字: 【賞】,賜有功也。 〔小徐本無「也」。〕 从貝、尚聲。 【書兩切】

    • REWARD

      1. The current general word for rewarding is shǎng 賞 (ant. fá 罰 "punish" and zhū 誅 "punish").

      2. Láo 勞 (ant. chéng 懲 "punish") focusses on the contribution by those who are being rewarded.

      3. Kào 犒 focusses on the festive character of the ceremony accompanying or constituting the reward.

      4. Bào 報 construes the reward as being an interaction between equals.

      5. Cí 賜 refers to a present to an inferior in recognition of the latter's worth. For most examples see GIVE.

      NB: The meaning of shǎng 賞 "give as a present" is post-Buddhist.

      Word relations
    • Result: (REWARD)勸/ENCOURAGE The dominant current word is quàn 勸 (ant. jǔ 沮 "try to stop") which refers to all kinds of encouragement, both from inferiors and from superiors.
    • Ant: (REWARD)禍/DISASTER The most common general word for disasters is huò 禍 (ant. fú 福 "good fortune") which has no connotations of any metaphysical kind. (In OBI the character currently transcribed as huò 禍 - and closely related to 占 - refers not only to disasters as such, but particularly to disastrous omens.)
    • Ant: (REWARD)罰/PUNISH Fá 罰 refers to non-physical forms of punishment including typically fines. See FINE
    • Ant: (REWARD)誅/PUNISH
    • Ant: (REWARD)刑/PUNISH Xíng 刑 refers specifically to physical punishment.
    • Epithet: (REWARD)厚/ABUNDANT Hòu 厚 (ant. báo 薄 "meagerly supplied with something") primarily refers to man-made or man-caused generous abundance, prototypically in contexts such as hospitality or exchange of presents. >>ARTIFICIAL
    • Assoc: (REWARD)勸/ENCOURAGE The dominant current word is quàn 勸 (ant. jǔ 沮 "try to stop") which refers to all kinds of encouragement, both from inferiors and from superiors.
    • Assoc: (REWARD)慶/CONGRATULATE Qìng 慶 refers to a celebration of something regarded as felicitous, and the range of the occasions of such felicitations is somewhat broader than with hè 賀, including such things as lucky escapes and the like.
    • Assoc: (REWARD)罰/PUNISH Fá 罰 refers to non-physical forms of punishment including typically fines. See FINE
    • Assoc: (REWARD)祿/SALARY The general word for apanages, emoluments or salaries received by any person of high status is lù 祿.
    • Assoc: (REWARD)賜/REWARD Cí 賜 refers to a present to an inferior in recognition of the latter's worth. For most examples see GIVE.
    • Synon: (REWARD)報/REWARD Bào 報 construes the reward as being an interaction between equals.
    • Oppos: (REWARD)罪/ACCUSE Zuì 罪 typically refers to a superior or king raising criminal charges against someone under his jurisdiction, but occasionally the word is used in an extended way to refer to strong criticism offered by anyone with authority. [DESCENDING], [NEUTRAL], [OFFICIAL]
    • Oppos: (REWARD)罰/PUNISH Fá 罰 refers to non-physical forms of punishment including typically fines. See FINE