Taxonomy of meanings for 造:  

  • 造 zào (舊讀cao4) (OC: skhuuɡs MC: tsʰɑu) 七到切 去 廣韻:【至也又昨早切 】 (Taboo-avoiding modern reading?)
    • GO TO
      • vt+prep+Nto go to (a place)
      • vtoNMENG: go to a place (often to attend court or pay a visit to a superior); reach (a place)
      • vttoN1.+N2causativecause N1 to go to N2
      • vt(oN1.)+N2causativecause the contextually determinate N1 to get close to N2, move N1 close to N2CH
      • quickly> HURRY
        • vibe hurried, be rushed
      • with specific purpose> VISIT
        • vtoNpay a visit toCH
    • =蹙 cu4
      • =曹 cao2
      • 造 zào (OC: sɡuuʔ MC: dzɑu) 昨早切 上 廣韻:【造作又七到切 】
        • CREATE
          • vt(oN)create the contextually determinate N
          • vtoNmake up; fashion, create; invent QIMINYAOSHU 蔡倫立意造紙
          • vtoNpassivebe created from/by
          • generalised> ACHIEVE
              • physically> PRODUCE
                • nobjectproduct (short for 所造)
                • nabactproduction 造修之具
                • vadNproduced, created
                • vt(oN)produce the contextually determinate N
                • vtoNproduce (fruit etc)
                • vtoNfigurativeproduce, create (resentment)
                • vtoNpassivebe producedLZ
                • sustain> NOURISH
                    • religious:ancestors> SACRIFICE
                      • viactconduct the zào sacrifice
                      • vt+prep+Noffer the zào sacrifice to N
                    • feature> GENEROUS
                        • abstract> AUSPICIOUS
                          • nabpromising potentialCH
                    • building> BUILD
                      • vtoNpost-Han: arrange for the building of, erect a larger structure, HOUHANSHU 造構
                    • text> WRITE
                      • vtoNcreate a written text > write, compose
                      • fraudulently> FAKE
                    • abstract> ESTABLISH
                    • abstract> BEGIN
                      • vtoNtake the initiative for something HANSHU 造之者富,隨之者貧也
                      • action> ACT
                        • vtoNcommit and be responsible for (crimes etc)
                        • classification> COPULA
                          • vtoNcopulaexist as, become, act as
                  • (Qin and Han) OFFICE
                  • 造 cao1《集韻》倉刀切,平豪清。

                      Additional information about 造

                      說文解字: 【造】,就也。从辵、告聲。譚長說:造,上士也。 【七到切】 【艁】,古文造从舟。

                      • BEGIN





                        1. Shǐ 始 (ant. zhōng 終 "bring to an end; come to an end" and chéng 成 "bring to a successful end, complete") refers quite generally to the initiating of any action. But see also ARISE


                        2. Zào 造 (all ant. jì 繼 "continue" and chéng 承 "continue") can come to refer to the beginning of an action.

                        [ARCHAIC]; [[RARE]]

                        3. Chū 初 (ant. mò 末 "end") is purely chronological and refers to the early stage of something that persists, without indicating any lasting influence of that early stage on later developments. See FIRST

                        4. Qǐ 起 is sometimes used in a rather formal way for getting underway with a major activity.


                        5. Qǐ 啟 typically refers to a deliberate act of initiation, by Heaven as well as by man, and the word generally belongs to the dignified style of historians or rhetoricians.

                        [ELEVATED], [FORMAL]

                        6. Zhāo 肇 is an elevated and archaic word referring to the initiation of rituals and the like.

                        [ELEVATED]; [[RARE]]

                      • GO TO

                        1. Zhī 之 is to go to a place, typically taking the most direct route, by any conveyance as a result of a decision and typically with the purpose of staying there for a while or conducting some business.

                        2. Cào/zào 造 and rú 如 refer to aiming for a destination, and the movement may be by foot or by any conveyance.

                        3. Wǎng 往 (ant. jū 居 "remain at home") refers to setting out for a destination by any means of transport or by foot, and the destination is not very often made explicit by an ordinary noun as object. Moreover wǎng 往 does not necessarily imply going somewhere by the most direct route.

                        4. Fù 赴 refers to hastening to a (typically dangerous) destination (such as an abyss or fire), or to a place where one is to perform a public duty.

                        5. Qū 趨 refers to hurrying politely to a destination.

                        6. Shì 適 refers to moving in a certain direction, or heading for a certain place, and the word is also used for arrival at the destination.

                        7. Jiù 就 (ant. qù 去 "leave") and the somewhat rarer jí 即 (ant. lí 離 "leave") refer to approaching a certain destination by any means of transport.

                        8. Yì 詣 refers to going somewhere to pay a formal visit. See VISIT.

                      • PRODUCE

                        1. The most common word for producing something is wéi 為.

                        2. Chéng 成 focusses on the completion of the process and its success.

                        3. Zhì 治 focusses on the orderliness of the result.

                        4. Chǎn 產 focusses on the act of production as typically informed by professionalism.

                        5. Zào 造 refers to the production of something like a carriage through craftsmanship.

                        6. Zhì 制 refers primarily to the production of clothes, but the word later came to refer to all manner of production of artifacts.

                      • CREATE

                        1. The most general word is probably wéi 為 and this is sometimes used to refer to the act of cultural invention or creation, and the connotation may be positive or negative. The word focusses on the act of making something as such rather than the product as such.

                        2. Zuò 作 (ant. shù 述 "transmit") focusses on an autonomous initiative being taken, and the word can refer to a commendable act of creation as well as a reprehensible act of political disobedience. The word focusses on the product resulting of the action.

                        3. Zào 造 is prototypically to fashion in the manner of a potter or founder, but the word often has a nuance of the arbitrary and comes to mean something like "fabricate". See also PRODUCE

                        4. Chuàng 創 (ant. jì 繼 "continue a line") is a rare word referring to the initiative to start something.

                        5. Zào huà 造化 refers to both the process of creation, and of spontaneous cosmic transformation.