Taxonomy of meanings for 雞 / 鶏:  

  • 雞 jī (OC: kee MC: kei) 古奚切 平 廣韻:【説文曰知時畜也易曰巽爲雞古奚切十 】
  • 雞 jī (OC: kee MC: kei) 古奚切 平 廣韻:【雞籀文 】
      • ncock; chicken
      • nadVanalogylike a cock; like a chicken
      • male> COCK
        • ncock

    Additional information about 雞

    說文解字: 【雞】,知時畜也。从隹、奚聲。 【古兮切】 【鷄】,籒文雞从鳥。 〔小徐本「雞」作「鷄」。〕


      1. The current word for a hen or chicken generally is jī 雞.

    • FEMALE

      1. The current general word for a female of any species is cí 雌 (ant. xióng 雄 "male").

      2. Nu# 女 (ant. nán 男 "male") refers specifically to human females.

      3. Pìn 牝 (ant. mǔ 牡 "male") refers to specifically to females of animals.

      4. Zì 牸 refers to females of buffalo, but sometimes also of tiger, rhinoceros, or horse.

      5. Mǔ 母 (ant. gōng 公 "male") refers to adult females of some species, including spirits. NB incidentally: Mǔ jī 母雞 is current, while mǔ niǎo 母鳥 does not seem to be found.

      6. Kūn 坤 (ant. qián 乾 "metaphysically: male") is a metaphysical way of characterising things as belonging to the female realm. (NB incidentally and irrelevantly as a modern Chinese reflex kūn biǎo 坤錶 "women's watch".)

    • COCK

      1. The standard word for a cock is jī 雞, the same as for "chicken", but occasionally the expanded form xióng jī 雄雞 is used.

      Word relations
    • Subject: (COCK)鳴/SING Míng 鳴 refers to the singing of non-human agents.
    • Assoc: (CHICKEN)鶩/DUCK Wù 鶩 is the domestic duck.
    • Assoc: (CHICKEN)犬/DOG The current general literary word for a dog is quǎn 犬.