Taxonomy of meanings for 棄:  

  • 棄 qì (OC: khils MC: kʰi) 詰利切 去 廣韻:【説文捐也詰利切五 】
    • 上古音系: 聲符 棄 韻部 至 韻部細分 1 對應廣韻小韻 棄 擬音 kʰlids
      • Baxter:止開三去至A溪 (白一平: khjijH; 古韻: khjiih)
        • DISCARD
          • nobjectwhat has been discarded
          • vt(oN)discard the contextually determinate N
          • vtoNabandon; set aside; discard (as no longe of use), throw away (useless things); refuse to accept
          • vtoNfigurative(unjustifiably) reject (proposals); abandon (a person); jetison; disregard (orders etc)
          • vtoNfigurativeabandon, reject
          • vtoNfigurativediscard (oneself), reject (oneself)
          • vtoNmathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
          • vtoNN=humanbreak with (somebody); reject (someone) as unworthy
          • vtoNpassivebe rejected, be abandoned
          • vtt(oN1.)+N2N2=placethrow contextually determinate N1 away into N2
          • vttoN1.+N2discard N1 in the place N2
          • vtoNmiddle voicebe bound to rejection; get abandoned; be lostDS
          • vtoNthrow away, discardCH
          • vttoN1.+prep+N2discard N1 in the place N2CH
          • vt[oN{REFLEX}]give oneself up as hopeless, abandon oneself to a dissipated lifeLZ
          • improperly> ABANDON
            • vtoNabandonCH
            • vtoNreflexive.自abandon one's real selfCH
          • place on is in> LEAVE
            • vtoNlet go of; leave aloneTW
          • psychological> DISREGARD
            • nab.t:post-Nactdismissal
            • vtoNdisregard, dismiss as irrelevant; dismiss as unimportant; forget all about; disobey
            • vt(oN)disregard contextually determinate N, dismiss contextually determinate N as irrelevantLZ
            • inadvertently> FORGET
              • inadvertently, as a consequence> LOSE
                • vtoNlose (e.g. hair, when washing one's hair)
            • concrete: object wife> DIVORCE
              • vtoNdiscard> divorce; get divorced from [it is obviously difficult to say whether this is a separate meaning. This entry just serves as a reminder that the discarding can be figuratively of wives one divorces. Cf. English: "he ditched her"]
              • vtoNpassivebe divorced

          Additional information about 棄


          • ACCUMULATE





            1. The current general word for accumulating anything concrete or abstract is jī 積 (ant. sǎn 散 "be dispersed"), and the word focusses on the process of accumulation rather than on the result only.

            [LARGE-SCALE], [LASTING]

            2. Xù 畜 / 蓄 refers specifically to accumulation and continuous storage of things for the purpose of sustenance of life or the rearing of domestic animals.


            3. Chǔ 儲 refers to the accumulation and continuous storage of new articles of general use for the maintainance of life.

            [CONCRETE!], [TRANSITORY]

            4. Lěi 累 typically refers quite literally to the piling up of things into a heap or a heap-like structure, but the word does occasionally have generalised usages referring to accumulation of any kind, abstract or concrete.

            [CONCRETE!], [LASTING]

            5. Wěi 委 (ant.* qì 棄 "throw away") refers to small-scale accumulation of concrete objects.

            [CONCRETE], [SMALL-SCALE]

          • DISCARD

            1. The standard general words for discarding something is qì 棄 (ant. qǔ 取 "choose to retain") and the somewhat rarer juān 捐.

            2. Qù 去 refers to the distancing oneself from something by rejecting it.

            3. Fèi 廢 and the rarer tì 替 (all ant. zhì 置 "establish"!!!! See also no. 4 below.) refer to discarding something one has made use of or has been involved with for some time.

            4. Shì 釋 (ant. liú 留 "keep in employment") and the rarer jiě 解 refer to rejecting the continued use of something.

            5. Wěi 委 and zhì 置 (ant.* zhí 執 "hold onto" or chí 持 "hold onto") refer to putting things aside. See DISREGARD

            6. Shě 捨 / 舍 (ant. qǔ 取 "pick out and choose") refers to letting go of or rejecting something that one might have chosen to retain or use.

            7. Què 卻 (ant. shòu 受 "accept for employment") typically refers to a rejection or discarding of something as useless.

          • FAVOURITE

            1. The current general word for enjoying favourite status is xìng 幸 (ant.* qì 棄 "be rejected as favourite; rejected"); and the standard general word for showing favour to a favourite is chǒng 寵.

            2. Bì 嬖 refers to a male or female favourite of the political or sexual kind - or of both kinds.

            3. Jìn 近 (ant. shū 疏 "without close relations of favouritism") refers rather abstractly to the closeness of association between protector and favourite.

            4. E! 阿 and qū 曲 refer to closeness because of sycophancy. See FLATTER

          • DROP


            It is very curious that I have still not found a good word for this apparently so natural concept. Words like qì 棄 "discard" do not really focus on the discarded object falling to the ground.

          • ABANDON

            1. The most general term for discarding something reluctantly, abandoning what one would have liked to keep or continue to do, is qì 棄.

          • OBTAIN

            1. The current general and highly abstract verb for obtaining any form of possession of anything abstract or concrete is dé 得 (ant. shī 失 "lose inadvertently").

            2. Obtaining something through effort and often with an element of choice involved is qǔ 取 (ant. qì 棄 "choose to reject").

            3. Obtaining something that tries to escape or is otherwise hard to get is huò 獲 (ant. wáng 亡 "miss out on, fail to get").

            4. Getting something which one has had before is fǎn 反.

          • DISREGARD

            1. The current general word for refusing to pay attention to something which one knows very well is wàng 忘 (ant.* gù 顧 "take into account; pay attention to" and shèn 慎 "pay careful attention to"). NB: This meaning is much more common than the other meaning "forget", where this antonym does not apply. 

            2. Zhì 置 is to put aside and refuse to consider any more.

            3. Qì 棄 is to reject as unworthy of one's attention and often to disregard defiantly.

          • EXECUTE

            1. The current general term for legal execution of a person condemned to death is zhū 誅.

            2. Lù 戮 refers to public and often even summary execution.

            3. Sì 肆 and xùn 徇 refer to public execution followed by exposure of the body to public view, with the focus on the latter.

            4. Zú 族 refers to legal execution of the whole clan of a culprit.

            5. Dà pì 大辟 is the bureaucratic legal term for capital punishment.

            6. Qì shì 棄市 refers to public execution in the market place.

            7. Jiǎo 絞 "strangulation"

            8. Pēng 烹 "boiling alive"

            9. Fēn chǐ 分胣 "cutting up and disembowelling"

            10. Kēng 坑 "burying alive"

            11. Chē liè 車列 "tearing apart between two vehicles"

            12. Zhī jiě 肢解 "dismembering"

            13. Fǔ 脯 "cutting into slices"

            14. Hǎi 醢 "cutting into small pieces"

            15. Zū 菹 "making into minced meat". See also BEHEAD.

            Word relations
          • Ant: (DISREGARD)保/SAFEGUARD Bǎo 保 (which emphasises safety against dangers or threats) and shǒu 守 (which emphasises good care and the ensuring that something is not lost or impaired) are the two general words for safeguarding things.
          • Ant: (DISCARD)存/SAFEGUARD
          • Ant: (DISCARD)寘/PUT Zhì 寘 is limited to the concrete placing of a physical object in a place.
          • Ant: (DISREGARD)就/CONFORM
          • Ant: (DISCARD)親/INTIMATE The general word for close familiarity is qīn 親 (ant. shū 疏 "have only distant relations with"), but the word often retains connotations of kinship relations.
          • Ant: (DISCARD)崇/RESPECT Chóng 崇 and zōng 宗 refers to distant and typically religious veneration of a spirit or person very highly regarded. SHI 靡神不宗"there are no spirits which we have not honoured"
          • Ant: (DISCARD)即/APPROACH Jí 即 and jiù 就 (all ant. lí 離 "leave, move away from") refer neutrally to moving close to a certain place. [GENERAL]
          • Ant: (DISCARD)用/DEPLOY The current general word for deploying troops is chén 陳which connotes arrangement of things in ordered formations, and the more general yòng 用.
          • Assoc: (DISCARD)廢/DISMISS
          • Assoc: (DISCARD)捐/DISCARD
          • Assoc: (DISCARD)捐/DISCARD
          • Synon: (DISCARD)廢/DISCARD Fèi 廢 and the rarer tì 替 (all ant. zhì 置 "establish"!!!! See also no. 4 below.) refer to discarding something one has made use of or has been involved with for some time.
          • Synon: (DISCARD)絕/DISCARD
          • Oppos: (DISCARD)重/IMPORTANT Zhòng 重 (ant. qīng 輕"of no consequence") focusses on what carries considerable weight in a certain context.