Old Chinese Criteria
Modern Chinese Criteria
Words (51 items)
誅 zhū OC: to MC: ʈi̯o 39 Attributions
The current general term for legal execution of a person condemned to death is zhū 誅.
- Syntactic words
- nabactexecution (by someone 吏誅 "execution by an official")
- nabpassivethe suffering of execution as a punishmentCH
- vt(oN)execute (the contextually defined object)
- vt[oN]have people executedCH
- vtoNcondemn to death; have executed
- vtoNpassivebe to be executed, get punished; get executed
戮 lù OC: ɡ-ruɡ MC: luk
僇 lù OC: ɡ-ruɡ MC: luk 33 Attributions
- Word relations
- Assoc: 刑/PUNISH
Xíng 刑 refers specifically to physical punishment. - Assoc: 菹 / 菹/EXECUTE
Zū 菹"making into minced meat"
- Syntactic words
- nabactpublic execution
- nobjecta person guilty of death;
- v[adN]N=humvictim of execution
- viactstage executions
- vtoNiussivehave (someone) killed; order (someone) to be killed
- vtoNpassiveget executed 為戮
誅殺 zhū shā OC: to sreed MC: ʈi̯o ʂɣɛt 17 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPitransitivekill others, commit murder (typically by authority)
- VPt(oN)executions
- VPtoNkill by authority
醢 hǎi OC: qhɯɯʔ MC: həi 7 Attributions
Hǎi 醢 "cutting into small pieces"
- Syntactic words
- nabactthe cutting a person into small pieces
- vtoNto apply death penalty followed by being cut up into minced meat and then mixed with brine
- vtoNiussivehave N applied to death penalty followed by being cut up into minced meat and then mixed with brineTW
- vtoNmiddle voiceget cut into small pieces
殺戮 shā lù OC: sreed ɡ-ruɡ MC: ʂɣɛt luk 7 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPabactexecution by any method [note euphonic word order]
- VPt[oN]conduct executions of people
- VPtoNexecute by any method [note euphonic word order]
殛 jí OC: kɯɡ MC: kɨk 6 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNconduct a demonstrative execution for a monstrous crime
- vtoNpassivebe executed
烹 pēng OC: pqhraaŋ MC: phɣaŋ 6 Attributions
Pēng 烹 "boiling alive"
- Syntactic words
- nabpassiveact: being boiled aliveCH
- vtoNjussiveboil alive
- vtoNpassiveget broiled; be broiled; receive the punishment of being cooked alive
車裂 chē liè OC: khlja b-red MC: tɕhɣɛ liɛt
車裂 jū liè OC: kla b-red MC: ki̯ɤ liɛt 5 Attributions
Chē liè 車列 "tearing apart between two vehicles"
- Syntactic words
- npunishment of being torn between two carts
- NPabpassivethe punishment of being publicly pulled apart between chariotsCH
- VPtoNtear apart between vehicles as punishment
- VPtoNpassivebe torn between two carts
殺 shā OC: sreed MC: ʂɣɛt 5 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nabactexecutions
- vtoNsubject=dukeexecute;DS
炮烙 páo lào OC: bruu ɡ-raaɡ MC: bɣɛu lɑk 4 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nabactroasting on red-hot metal rod as punishmentCH
- vtoNroast on red-hot metal rod, punishment used by Zhòu, last emperor of the Shāng
枝解 zhī jiě OC: kje kreeʔ MC: tɕiɛ kɣɛ
支解 zhī jiě OC: kje kreeʔ MC: tɕiɛ kɣɛ 3 Attributions
Zhī jiě 肢解 "dismembering"
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNdismember
- VPtoNpassivebe dismembered
刑 xíng OC: ɡeeŋ MC: ɦeŋ 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nabactexecution
磔 zhé OC: krlaaɡ MC: ʈɣɛk 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- nabactdismemberment by pulling apart a person between two carriages
- vadNpassivedismemberedCH
- vtoNdismember; dismember by pulling apart a person between two carriages
肆 sì OC: plils MC: si 2 Attributions
Sì 肆 and xùn 徇 refer to public execution followed by exposure of the body to public view, with the focus on the latter.
- Syntactic words
- viactexecute people and display their bodies in the market place
- vtoNexpose the dead body (in the market place)
胣 Click here to add pinyin OC: MC: 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNdisembowel by way of punishment
- vtoNpassivebe disemboweled as punishment
脯 fǔ OC: paʔ MC: pi̯o 2 Attributions
Fǔ 脯 "cutting into slices"
- Syntactic words
- vtoNZGC: cut into slices
菹 zū OC: skra MC: ʈʂi̯ɤ
菹 zū OC: skra MC: ʈʂi̯ɤ 2 Attributions
Zū 菹"making into minced meat"
- Word relations
- Assoc: 戮 / 僇/EXECUTE
- Syntactic words
- nabactexecution by being cut into pieces
- vtoNto cut up into pieces (vegetables); make into minced meat (sauce) by cutting up
- vtoNmiddle voicebe cut up into pieces; be make into minced meat (sauce) by being cut up
轘 huàn OC: ɡʷraans MC: ɦɣan 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- npunishment by being pulled apart in four directions between four carts
- vtoNtear apart between carts
膊 bó OC: phaaɡ MC: phɑk 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNdismember and leave unburied to be scorched by the sun
要斬 yāo zhǎn MC: 'jiew tsreamX OC: qew tsreemʔ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoN=腰斬 be executed by being cut up at the waistCH
辟 pì OC: beɡ MC: biɛk 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNpassivebe executed
執殺 zhí shā OC: tjib sreed MC: tɕip ʂɣɛt 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNresultativeapprehend so as to execute
誅戮 zhū lù OC: to ɡ-ruɡ MC: ʈi̯o luk 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNhave executed by superior order
大戮 dà lù OC: daads ɡ-ruɡ MC: dɑi luk 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPabactpublic execution followed by public display of the dead body
大法 dà fǎ MC: dajH pjop OC: daads pab 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPabdeath penaltyDS
斬死 zhǎn sǐ OC: tsreemʔ pliʔ MC: ʈʂɣɛm si 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNresultativebe executed
體解 tǐ jiě OC: rʰiiʔ kreeʔ MC: thei kɣɛ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNexecute by having torn limb from limb
亨 Click here to add pinyin OC: MC: 1 Attribution
Pēng 烹 "boiling alive"
- Syntactic words
- vtoNexecute by submerging into boiling water
戮死 lù sǐ OC: ɡ-ruɡ pliʔ MC: luk si 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNget executed
孥 nú OC: naa MC: nuo̝ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- vtoNmiddle voiceto be punished including one's family members
斧質 fǔ zhì MC: pjuX tsyit OC: paʔ tjid 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- NPinstrument=斧鑕 cleaver/axe and executioner's blockCH
菹戮 zū lù OC: skra ɡ-ruɡ MC: ʈʂi̯ɤ luk 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- nabactcruel execution
死市 sǐ shì MC: sijX dzyiX OC: pliʔ djɯʔ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNpassivebe publicly executedCH
族 zú OC: sɡooɡ MC: dzuk 1 Attribution
Zú 族 refers to legal execution of the whole clan of a culprit.
- Syntactic words
- vt(oN)execute (someone's) whole clan
- vtoNkill off the whole clan
掖殺 yè shā OC: k-laɡ sreed MC: jiɛk ʂɣɛt 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNresultativedetain so as to execute
定殺 dìng shā OC: deeŋs sreed MC: deŋ ʂɣɛt 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNresultativekill (a sick culprit) by throwing him into the river to drown
解 jiě OC: kreeʔ MC: kɣɛ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNpassiveoccasionally, in idiomatic contexts: be dismembered
菹醢 zū hǎi OC: skra qhɯɯʔ MC: ʈʂi̯ɤ həi 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPabactthe cutting a person into small pieces
棄市 qì shì OC: khils djɯʔ MC: khi dʑɨ 0 Attributions
Qì shì 棄市 refers to public execution in the market place.
- Syntactic words
- VPipassivebe publicly executed in the market place
- VPtoNexecute publicly in the marketplace
腰斬 yāo zhǎn OC: qew tsreemʔ MC: ʔiɛu ʈʂɣɛm 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPipassivebe cut at the waist
- vtoNcut someone up at the waist
鑿顛 záo diān OC: dzaawɡ tiin MC: dzɑk ten 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNkill by splitting the skull
戮殃 lù yāng OC: ɡ-ruɡ qaŋ MC: luk ʔi̯ɐŋ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- NPabactexecution
分 fēn OC: pɯn MC: pi̯un 0 Attributions
Fēn chǐ 分胣 "cutting up and disembowelling"
- Syntactic words
- VPtoNpassivebe cut up and disemboweled
剭 wū OC: qooɡ MC: ʔuk 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNexecute an aristocrat
坑 kēng OC: khraaŋ MC: khɣaŋ 0 Attributions
Kēng 坑 "burying alive"
- Syntactic words
- vtoNbury alive
剖心 pōu xīn OC: phɯʔ slɯm MC: phu sim 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPipassivehave one's heart cut out 比干剖心
徇 xùn OC: sɢʷlins MC: zʷin 0 Attributions
Sì 肆 and xùn 徇 refer to public execution followed by exposure of the body to public view, with the focus on the latter.
- Syntactic words
鑊烹 huò pēng OC: ɢʷaaɡ pqhraaŋ MC: ɦɑk phɣaŋ 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNboil to death in a cauldron
抽脅 chōu xié OC: rlʰiw qhlob MC: ʈhɨu hi̯ɐp 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNkill someone by pulling out his sinews and bones
矺 zhé OC: prleeɡ MC: ʈɣɛk 0 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vtoNdismember
絞 jiǎo OC: kreewʔ MC: kɣɛu 0 Attributions
Jiǎo 絞 "strangulation"
- Syntactic words
- vtoNstrangle to death as a form of punishment