Taxonomy of meanings for 乘:  

  • chéng (OC: ɢjɯŋ MC: ʑɨŋ) 食陵切 平 廣韻:【駕也勝也登也守也説文作椉覆也又姓漢有乗昌爲煑棗侯 】
  • shèng (OC: ɢjɯŋs MC: ʑɨŋ) 實證切 去 廣韻:【車乗也寶證切又食陵切七 】
  • chéng (OC: ɢjɯŋ MC: ʑɨŋ) 食陵切 平 廣韻:【同乗 】
  • chéng (OC: ɢjɯŋ MC: ʑɨŋ) 食陵切 平 廣韻:【古文椉 】
    • RIDE
      • vt(oN)ride on the contextually determinate object
      • vtoNride (a horse or chariot), steer; sail in (a ship); travel in
      • vtoNfigurativeride on (metaphysical forces etc.)
      • viactride (carriage)
      • of vehicles>DRIVE
        • viactride a carriage
        • vtoNmount, ride in (a carriage, a boat etc); ride on (dragons on the clouds)
        • vttoN1+.vtoN2cause someone N1 to use N2 as a conveyance
        • of vehicles>ASCEND
          • vt(oN)continuoushave ascended (the contextually determinate object, carriages, vehicles etc)
          • vtoNascend; board (a boat etc); try to gain the high ground or a wall; scale; 
          • vtoNcontinuoushave ascended > ride in (a vehicle, a boat)
          • vtoNcausativecause to get up onto a vehicle
          • v(toN)ascend the contextually determinate NCH
          • of shoes>WEAR
            • abstract>RELY ON
              • vt+prep+Nrely on, avail oneself of
              • vtoNrely on, avail oneself of or exploit (an opportunity); take the opportunity to adapt to
              • vtoNPab{S}avail oneself of the fact that S
              • vtoN.adVtake the opportunity to V; to V thanks NDS
              • mathematical>COUNT
                • vtoNcalculate
            • specific>MULTIPLY
              • nabactCHEMLA 2003: the mathematical operation of multiplicationJZ 5.21: 乘除 "(the mathematical operations of ) multiplication and division".
              • vtoNmathematical termCHEMLA 2003: multiply. Note that cheng2 乘 has no independent nominal use meaning "the product of". However, as nab - act, however, 乘 does refer to the mathematical operation of multiplication.JZ 4.0 以全步積分乘之為實 "with the parts of the product of the integral bù one multiplies this to make the dividend."JZ 2.0 以所有數乘所求率為實 "with the >quantity of what one has one multiplies the >lyù of what one seeks, to make the >dividend". JZ 1.32: 術曰徑自相乘三之四而一 "The procedure says: as for the diameter, multiply it by itself, triple (a result), and then take one fourth (of the latter result)."JZ 1.2 術曰:廣從步數相乘得積步 "The procedure says: as for the quantities in bù of the width and the length being one multiplies them with each other and thus obtains the area in bù."Compare also the phrases: 自相乘,自乘 "mulitply (a quantity) by itself"
          • generally>CONTROL
            • vt+prep+Nimpose control on
            • vtoNdominate, control the actions of
            • vtoNpassivebe controlled
            • produce>ESTABLISH
              • vttoN1.+prep+N2establish (someone N1) in (a position N2)乘不肖人於勢
            • conative>ATTACK
              • vtoNswoop down on; press an attack against, press in on
              • vt(oN.)[adN]fierce attackers of each otherCH
              • specifically>PURSUE
                • vtoNchase after; pursue
              • perfective>WIN
                • vtoNwin against
              • resultative: cruelly>OPPRESS
                • vtoNtrample on others show no regard for their sensibilities
        • she4ngCARRIAGE HORSE
          • npost-Nfellow carriage horse; fellow horse of the team N
          • team of four>FOUR
            • nadNfour
          • metonymy>VEHICLE
            • ncpost-V{NUM}.post-Nclassifierclassifier for carts
            • nread shèng: vehicleCH
            • CHARIOT
              • nwar chariot; carriage with four horses; 魯國堯:一车四马为一乘。当时战争的形式主要是车战,一辆兵车由四匹马拉,车上有三名武装战士,后有若干步兵。古代常以兵车的多少衡量诸侯国或卿大夫封邑的大小。
              • agent>SOLDIER
                • npluralchariot-borne soldiers/officers
    • chéngEGO
      • npronominalI, whom you control (6th-9th century A.D.)
    • shèngHORSE
      • ncolloquialteam of four horses for a carriage 屈產之乘
      • ncpost-V{NUM}.post-Nclassifierteam (of horses for a carriage)
      • DELETEclassifierteam of four (horses)
      • nm(adN)cartload of the contextually determinate NCH
      • nm(adN)cartload of the contextually determinate NCH
      • nm(adN)cartload of the contextually determinate NCH
      • nm(adN)cartload of the contextually determinate NCH

    Additional information about 乘



      人 is the measure word for persons.

      匹 is the measure word for horses.

      乘 is the measure word for carriages.

    • DRIVE

      1. Yù 御 refers to the driving and steering of a carriage.

      2. Chéng 乘 is simply to ride in a conveyance without necessarily steering it.

      3. Jià 駕 is to get the horses and/or a conveyance ready for driving, or to order this to be done, and then by extension the going to a place by a conveyance.

      4. Qū 驅 is to drive a conveyance at high speed, or to have it driven for one at high speed.


      1. The current word for a military chariot is shèng 乘 usually drawn by four horses.

      2. Róng 戎 is a old general word for chariots which was already rare by Warring States times.

      3. Cháo chē 轈車 refers to a high observation chariot.

      4. Qīng chē 輕車 refers to a highly mobile light and quick chariot.

      5. Zī zhòng 輜重 refers to military vehicles used to transport weapons and supplies.

      6. Fén yūn/wēn 轒榡 refers to a four-wheel covered roofed chariot with the baldachin made of ox hide.

      For illustrations of these see 中國古代兵器圖冊 (Huang Jingui)

    • ASCEND






      1. Shēng 升 (ant. jiàng 降 "descend") is perhaps the most general word dedicated to the meaning of "going up", and the word often has a literary, dignified flavour.

      [GENERAL]; [[BASIC]], [[CURRENT]]

      2. Shàng 上 (ant. xià 下 "descend"), on the basis of the general meaning "above", comes to refer to the moving to the position on top of or above something else, and the word has no elevated literary flavour.


      3. Dēng 登 refers to one entering a vehicle or moving onto a higher surface of any kind, typically (but not always) in a dignified manner.

      [ELEVATED!]; [[CURRENT+]]

      4 Pān 攀 refers to an arduous movement across difficult terrain to a higher position, supporting oneself by objects that one can hold on to as one is moving upwards.


      5. Yuán 緣 refers to an often arduous movement in difficult "terrain" and guided by certain features of that terrain.


      6. Chéng 乘 refers to the mounting of a vehicle, specifically.


      7. Jī 躋 refers to ascending a burial mound as part of ritual.


      8. Zhì 陟 "poetic: scale a mountain" (ant. jiàng 降 "descend") is a rare archaising words with highly restricted usage.


      9. Jí 即 (ant.* xùn 遜 "resign a ruler's position", or perhaps also shàn 禪 "resign the throne") is always metaphorically "ascend (the throne)".



      1. The current general term for a vehicle is chē 車, a term which also refers even more generally to all contraptions with wheels.

      2. Jià 駕 refers to a yoked carriage.

      3. Yù 御 refers to a yoked carriage, with driver in place, ready to go.

      4. Yú 輿 refers originally to the compartment xiāng 箱 of the carriage, but came to be used as a general term for a carriage used for transporting people. See CARRIAGE

      5. Chéng 乘 is the general noun classifier for all vehicles, and this word must be carefully from the shèng 乘 "war chariot". See CHARIOT

      6. Zhěn 軫 "back bord on a carriage" is often used to refer to a carriage as a whole, by synecdoche.

    • RIDE

      1. Qí 騎 refers typically to the riding of animals (and by extension to the straddling on cosmological entities).

      2. Chéng 乘 refers typically to the riding of vehicles (and by extension to the straddling on cosmological entities).

    • RELY ON

      1. The general term for relying on something with confidence is yīn 因.

      2. Yī 依 refers to dependence and reliance on something which may be deliberate or non-deliberate.

      3. Běn 本 refers to an abstract often almost metaphysical or logical dependence on something.

      4. Dài 待 refers to logical dependence on something

      5. Rén 任 typically refers to reliance on someone inferior in the context of public administration.

      6. Yǎng 仰 typically refers to hopeful reliance on a superior.

      7. Chéng 乘 refers to manifest deliberate reliance on some external condition for the furthering of one's own plans.

      8. Jiè 藉 / 借 and jiǎ 假 refer to availing oneself of conveniently available outside things for one's own purposes.

      9. Jì 寄 and tuō 託 refer to entrusting oneself to others and thus relying on them.

      10. Shì 恃 and the rare hù 怙 refer to reliance on a typically hidden basic resource or factor.


      1. The most common word referring to a team of horses pulling one carriage is sì 駟.

      2. Shèng 乘 is an archaic word for a team of four horses.

      3. Fú 服 refers to the two horses immediately next to the carriage pole yuán 轅 at the centre of the team.

      4. Cān 驂 can refer to a team of three horses, but the word can also refer to the outer two horses in a four-horse team.

      5. Pián 胼 refers to a team of two horses.


      1. The most common general word for oppression is probably nŸè 虐 (ant. cí 慈 "show loving care for").

      2. Bào 暴 (ant. fǔ 撫 "care well for") emphasises the aspect of violence.

      3. Líng 陵 (ant. yù 育 "take loving care of", and the rare jí 藉, and chéng 乘 emphasise the abuse of supremacy of social or political position.

      Word relations
    • Object: (RIDE)桴/RAFT
    • Object: (RIDE)輿/VEHICLE Yú 輿 refers originally to the compartment xiāng 箱 of the carriage, but came to be used as a general term for a carriage used for transporting people. See CARRIAGE
    • Contrast: (DRIVE)駕/DRIVE Jià 駕 is to get the horses and/or a conveyance ready for driving, or to order this to be done, and then by extension the going to a place by a conveyance.