Taxonomy of meanings for 尚:  

  • shàng (OC: djaŋs MC: dʑiɐŋ) 時亮切 去 廣韻:【庶幾亦髙尚又飾也曾也加也佐也韻略云凡主天子之物皆曰尚尚醫尚食等是也又姓後漢髙士尚子平又漢複姓有尚方氏時亮切四 】
    • vt(oN)admire the contextually determinate N
    • vtoNgive high priority to; prize highly; give highest priority to; admire more than other things; show admiration for
    • vtoNmiddle voicebe esteemed; enjoy high status
    • active> SUPPORT
      • vtoNgive preferential support to; support from above
      • concrete> LIFT
        • vtoNfigurativeuplift, raise to higher levels
    • aesthetic> APPRECIATE
      • vtoNset great store by, value highly; publicly appreciateCH
      • vt[0]oNsuperlativeexhortatory: one apprecistes; one should value most highlyCH
      • argumentative:deem and treat as important> IMPORTANT
        • comparative> PREFER
          • vtoNtreasure most; give priority to; treat as the best of alternatives 
          • object:future event> HOPE
              • subjunctive:it would be excellent> UTINAM
                • padSwould that
            • as spouse> MARRY
              • vtoNmarry a lady of high status SHIJI: 尚秦公主 "married a Qín princess"
        • admired for quality> EXCELLENT
          • vadNthe best 尚宰人 "the best cook"
          • vibe admirable; be supreme; be best; excel; be of special importance
          • vt+prep+Nstativebe superior to N
          • declarative, reflexive> BOAST
            • vtoNbrag about
          • feature:status> NOBLE
            • vibe of high social status.
            • comparative> SUPERIOR
              • nsubjectsuperior
              • generalised> SURPASS
                • vtoNsurpass, excel
                • competitive> WIN
                  • vt+prep+Ngradedbe more supreme than
                  • vtoNsurpass, win against; dominate (somebody); overcome (somebody);
                  • vtoNpassivebe surpassed
                  • grammaticalised> APPROXIMATELY
                    • vadValmost; nearly;
              • be officially in charge of> GOVERN
                • vtoNbe administratively and bureaucratically in charge of (by imperial authority) 尚書"official in charge of documents"
          • the (admired) bygone time> PAST
            • nabhigh antiquity LSCQ 樂所由來者尚也 "the origin of music is in high antiquity"
            • nadVtimein ancient times; going back to ancient times
            • vibe long past
            • as in the past> STILL
              • padVpresentstill
              • logical, adversative> NONETHELESS
                • padVlogicstill; in spite of everything
                • shàng EVEN
                  • under conditions S
                  • padV.postN{SUBJ}:postSeven (an N)
                  • padVeven
      • cháng (OC: djaŋ MC: dʑiɐŋ) 市羊切 平 廣韻:【尚書官名又時仗切 】

        Additional information about 尚


        • MONK

          1. Sēngjiā 僧加 is the general term referring indifferently to monks of any religion.

          2. The general Buddhist word for a monk is sēng 僧, and this word can occasionally refer abstractly to monkhood both of monks and nuns.

          3. Héshàng 和尚 is a term of respect which is typically also used as a respectful second person pronoun.

          4. Bǐqiū 比丘 is a loan-word from the Sanskrit, and must count as a technical term for a mendicant monk.

        • NOBLE








          1. Zūn 尊 (ant. bēi 卑 "lowly, vulgar") is the current word for publicly recognised objective nobility and high status, and the word refers to objective social status in society.


          2. Guì 貴 (ant. jiàn 賤 "of low character") adds to the notion of high social status that of subjectively appreciated nobility of character.


          3. Gāo 高 (ant. xià 下 "of lowly status") refers to objective high position in a hierarchy.


          4. Shàng 尚 (ant. bǐ 鄙 "of vulgar status") adds to the notion of objective high position in a hierarchy the subjectively appreciated feature of admirability


          5. Shàng 上 (ant. xià 下 "of lower status") refers occasionally to (comparative) seniority in a hierarchy.


          6. Yòu 右 (ant. zuǒ 左 "be of relatively lower status") can occasionally refer to relative seniority within the bureaucracy.


        • ABOVE



          1. The standard word referring to what is above or on top is shàng 上.


          2. Shàng 尚 is used verbally in an a figurative abstract way referring to higher status.

          Tóu 頭 is occasionally used to the upper side of things.

          NB: Shàng 尚 is used in various abstract ways and is not normally purely spatial in meaning. See SURPASS.

        • ADMIRE











          1. The standard general word for admiration is mù 慕 (ant. bǐ 鄙 "hold in low esteem"), and this word often connotes emulation.


          2. Wàng 望 refers to an intense distant admiration of some heroic or in any way especially elevated figure.


          3. Yǎng 仰 (ant.* yì 易 "have no special respect for") refers to a distant veneration of some heroic or in any way especially elevated figure.


          4. Shàng 尚 (ant. qīng 輕 "have no special respect for") refers to giving high practical priority to something or someone out of a sense of admiration or appreciation.


          5. Shàng 上 (ant. xià 下 "despise, have no special respect for") refer to giving high practical priority to something out of a sense of admiration or appreciation.


          6. Yòu 右 (ant. qīng 輕 "have no special respect for") refer to giving high practical priority to something or someone out of a sense of admiration or appreciation.


          7. Měi 美 (ant. è 惡 "find despicable an dislikable") refers to an intense expressly subjective aesthetic or moral appreciation for something as admirable.


          8. Duō 多 (ant. shǎo 少 "feel no respect for") refers to an objective assessment of something as worthy of admiration.


          9. Xiàn 羨 refers to rather personal and private admiration for something, and this admiration is sometimes mixed with envy.