Taxonomy of meanings for 免:  

  • 免 miǎn (OC: mronʔ MC: mɯiɛn) 亡辨切 上 廣韻:【止也黜也脫也去也亦姓左傳衛大夫免餘亡辨切八 】
    • FLEE
      • vt(oN)escape from the contextually determinate N; get away; manage to get away
      • vt(oN)imperativeflee!; escape!
      • vt+prep+Nfigurativeescape from (difficulties etc)CH
      • abstract>AVOID
        • vt(oN)escape from the contextually determinate thing
        • vt[oN]avoid the worst; go free of punishment, go scot free; go free of misfortune; escape menial labour; escape (from trouble)
        • vt[oN]stativebe evasive, take evasive actions so as to avoid harmful consequences
        • vt+prep+Navoid; escape from (something); keep away from (somebody)
        • vt+prep+Nabto avoid doing something or undergoing something 不免於殺
        • vt+V[0]avoid to V
        • vtoNavoid (something); try to keep away from; keep away from
        • vtoNcausativecause/allow to escape
        • vtoNcausativecause (oneself) to avoid trouble/escape trouble
        • vtoNcausativecause (oneself) to avoid disaster/death
        • vtoNperfectiveescape from
        • vtoNpermissiveallow (oneself) to escape
        • vtoSavoid that
        • vttoN1.+prep+N2causativemake (somebody N1) avoid (something N2) 免國於患
        • vttoN1.+prep+N2causativecause (oneself) to avoid N2 (or: deliberately avoid!!!)
        • vttoN1.+prep+N2causativecause N1 to avoid N2CH
      • survive>LIVE
        • viprocessavoid disastrous premature death; survive; get to survive;
      • cause to survive>RESCUE
        • vtoNcausativecause to escape, rescue
      • get away>FLEE
        • vt(oN)escape from the contextually determinate N; get away; manage to get away
        • vt(oN)imperativeflee!; escape!
        • vt+prep+Nfigurativeescape from (difficulties etc)CH
      • linguistic declaration>REFUSE
        • generalised>LEAVE
          • vt+prep+Nget away from, leave
          • office>RETIRE
              • iussive: order to retire>DISMISS
                • vadNdismissed
                • vtoNdismiss from one's presence; dismiss from a job; get rid of (somebody)
                • vtoNcausativehave (oneself) dismissed
                • vtoNpassivebe dismissed
                • vttoN1.+N2dismiss (somebody N1) as (a kind of person N2)
            • permissive: allow to leave>RELEASE
              • vtoNcausativedecide not to prosecute (someone who has committed a crime); decide not to pursue
              • legal>PARDON
                • vtoNlet off
                • vtoNpassivebe acquitted, be set free
                • vtt(oN1.)+N2pardon N1 for the crime N2
                • vttoN1.+N2pardon the culprit N1 for the crimes N2
                • moral/psychological>FORGIVE
                  • vtoNN=offencepardon an offence N, forgive someone for an offence N
            • causative: cause to leave the scene>DISCARD
              • of hats etc.,cause to leave one's head>TAKE OFF
                • vishow mourner's hairstyle
                • vtoNdoff, take off (helmet)
          • HAIR
            • nmourner's hairstyle
            • =勉
            • =俛(俯)
            • =娩
          • 免 wen4《廣韻》亡運切,去問微。元部。
            • =絻 (mourning)GARMENT
                • realted headdress>HAIR
                  • nmourner's hairstyle
            • 免 wan3《集韻》武遠切,上阮微。

              Additional information about 免


              • REVENGE

                1. The standard word for revenge is bào 報 (ant.* shè 赦 "let off").

                2. Fù 復 (ant. miǎn 免 "let off") is occasionally used to refer to revenge in limited idiomatic contexts like fù chóu 復仇.

              • AVOID







                1. The general word is miǎn 免 (ant. zāo 遭 "encounter"), and this refers to any voluntary or involuntary process leading to one's escape from what otherwise might occur, especially one's being spared a negative experience.

                [CONCRETE], [GENERAL]

                2. Bì 避 (ant. mào 冒 "expose oneself to"), unlike miǎn 免, is always deliberate and describes a strategy of action which successfully avoids an undesirable impending danger.


                3. Yuàn 遠 (ant. jìn 近 "move close to") is a specific strategy of avoidance which is well within one's control and consists in keeping what is undesirable at a long distance from one.

                [DELIBERATE], [HIGH-DEGREE]

                4. Lí 離 differs from yuàn 遠 in the fact that no great distance, concrete or abstract, is implied in the word.

                [DELIBERATE]; [[DERIVED]]

                5. Chú 除 refers to the avoidance or removal of something that is perceived as posing a powerful threat. See REMOVE

                [CAUSATIVE], [DELIBERATE]; [[DERIVED]]

                6. Qù 去 (ant. lí 罹 "get exposed to") is avoidance through getting rid of what is threatening.

                [CAUSATIVE], [DELIBERATE]; [[DERIVED]]

                7. Jué 絕 refers to avoidance through getting rid completely and definitively of what is threatening.


                8. Tuì 退 refers to avoidance by withdrawing from what exposes one to what is threatening.

                [DELIBERATE], [SPECIFIC]

                9. Wù 勿 is a negation referring to an instruction to avoid doing something, and the word often has an object pronoun understood. See NOT.


              • PROMOTE

                1. The specific general term for bureaucratic promotion is the not very common zhuó 擢 (ant. chù 黜 "demote").

                2. The most current general-use words for raising the status of someone are jǔ 舉 (ant. jiàng 降 "lower the rank of") and jìn 進 (ant. tuì 退 "demote").

                3. Bá 拔 (ant. miǎn 免 "dismiss without necessarily removing from the hierarchy altogether") and qiān 遷 (ant. chū 出 "remove and transfer to a lower position") are standard bureaucratic terms for promotion in office.

                4. Chāo 超 refers specifically to raising someone by more than one level at the time, and this bureaucratic term became current in Han times.

              • DISMISS

                1. The standard bureaucratic general term for dismissal from office is miǎn 免.

                2. Yǐ 已 is a polite periphrastic word for dismissal.

                3. Fèi 廢 refers informally to dismissal from office.

                4. Bà 罷 is a Han dynasty administrative term for dismissal.

                5. Chì 斥 refers to dismissal followed by banishment. See BANISH

              • TAKE OFF

                1. The current word for taking off clothes is jiě 解 (ant. pī 被 "put on").

                2. Shì 釋 (ant.* yì 衣 "put on (clothes)" refers to the taking off of any part of one's clothes and typically suggests that no further use is to made of them by the person who is thus taking them off.

                3. Tǎn 袒 refers to the baring of one's chest and upper arms.

                4. Xī 裼 refers to the baring of the whole upper part of one's body.

                5. Wèn 免 refers to the taking off of head-gear.

                6. Tuō 脫 typically refers to the taking off of footwear.

                7. Luǒ 裸 refers to taking off clothes so as to show parts of one's bare body.

                8. Chú 除 refers to the removal of any part of one's clothing.

              • CERTAIN

                1. The current word for certainty of any kind is bì 必, but the word can also refer to logical necessity.

                2. Bù miǎn 不免 (ant. wèi bì 未必 "not necessarily") refers to factual inevitabity or invariability rather than logical necessity.

                3. Yì 亦 and bù yì 不亦 are both very different from bì 必 in that they do not assert necessity but only indubitable factual truth.

              • RELEASE

                1. The most current general word for setting an animal or a person free is shì 釋 (ant. shōu 收 "hold prisoner").

                2. Zòng 縱 (ant. yuē 約 "restrain") is to give free reins to someone or something that is under constraint with the expectation that this feedom will be used freely and enthusiastically.

                3. Sì 肆 (ant. jié 節 "restrain, moderate") refers to giving free rein to psychological tendencies and the like, thus going beyond what are natural societal expectations.

                4. Chū 出 (ant. liú 留 "keep in retention") is a colourless term referring to letting someone out of an enclosure, typically prison.

                5. Miǎn 免 (ant. jiū 究 "hold definitely responsible for crimes") refers specifically to an act of mercy involving a decision to set someone free who is available for criminal prosecution for a crime assumed committed.

                6. Fàng 放 (ant. liǎn 斂 "exert a moderating influence on") refers to a removal of constraints on animals or persons, causing these to follow their natural instincts.

                Word relations
              • Ant: (RELEASE)拘/ARREST Jū 拘 is occasionally used as a bureaucratic term for holding someone legal detention. [CIVIL], [LASTING], [OFFICIAL]
              • Object: (PARDON)罪/CRIME The current general word for a serious legal transgression is zuì 罪 (ant. gōng 功 "merit"), and the current general word for a minor legal transgression is guò 過 (ant. xiào 效 "positive contribution").