Taxonomy of meanings for 猶:  

  • yóu (OC: k-lu MC: jiu) 以周切 平 廣韻:【同猷又尚也似也 】
    • vtoN古猶今也“The present is like the past": copula-like verb: be just like
    • vtoNPab{S}copulabe just like S (which may have an omitted but understood subject)
    • vt0oN.postadVcopula利猶干將"be sharp like the Ganjiang sword": (to V) just like (something or somebody else)
    • vtoNPab{V[0]}copula是猶使蚊負山"this is like ordering a mosquito to bear a mountain on its back": be like V-ing; be as if V-ing
    • vtoNmathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
    • vtoN1.postvt(oN2)to verb the understood object N2 like an N1CH
    • vtoNfigurativemay be (usefully) compared toCH
    • vtoV/Nabbe like V-ingCH
    • vtoS(it) is like the SUBJECT VERB-ingCH
    • completely> SAME
      • vtoNab{S}be (structually) the same as Nab{S}CH
      • act> CONFORM
        • vtoNact事猶自然"affairs conform to what is natural": conform to
        • counterfactua> AS IF
          • vtoV[0].postadV猶一也"as if it was united": be as if V-ingCH
          • vt[0]oN1.postadVt(oN2)object N1 compared with object N2驚猶鬼神"be scared of them as of ghosts or spirits":(to V) as if the understood subject was an NCH
          • vt+V1.postV2(The SUBJECT V2-s) as if it V1-ed
    • grammaticalised> ALSO
      • vadVlogicstill, along the same lines
      • in spite of difference in time> STILL
        • vadVfuturereferring to something that will or may happen in the future
        • vadVlogiclogically: still (in spite of coming close etc)
        • vadVpresentwithout change from the past: still
        • despite appearances> NONETHELESS
          •; nonetheless; in spite of everything (said in S and not said in S)
          • all the same, still; nonetheless, in spite of everything said
          • grammaticalised> EVEN
            • padV.postN{SUBJ}even N
            • padV.postN{SUBJ}:adVeven also; even (猶。。。何況)
            • padV.postN{TOP}V even with regard to TOPLZ
  • =由> FROM
    • vtoN.adVloan for 由: from
  • =搖> SHAKE
    • viactto shake; to sway (with the music); loan for: 搖 (HYDZD, p.1360)
  • =猷> PLAN
    • viplan, scheme (sometimes written 猷)
  • =? > HESITATE
    • vibe hestiating (as if suspicious)
  • =尤> BLAME
    • personal names> RULERS OF CHU
      • NPprStandard Name: King Aī of Chǔ. Unger no. 19 (Floruit 228)Personal Name: Hǎo 郝 or Yóu 猶
    • jiù (OC: klus MC: kiu) 居祐切 去 廣韻:【爾雅云猶如麂善登木又音由音柚 】
    • yòu (OC: k-lus MC: jiu) 余救切 去 廣韻:【獸似麂善登木 】

      Additional information about 猶


      • BELIEVE









        1. Yǐ wéi 以為 and occasionally also yǐ 以 alone refer to a belief that is typically held to be less than reliable.


        2. Yǐ 以 alone sometimes refers to a belief that is typically held to be less than reliable, and seems simply short for yǐ wéi 以為.

        3. Wèi 謂 typically refers to a mistaken belief.


        4. Yì 意 refers to guesswork, anticipation and the like. See GUESS


        5. Xìn 信 is sometimes used to refer to conviction, to someone trusting something to be the case or being confident that something is the case.


        6. Shì yóu 視猶 "look upon as" is occasionally used to refer to a belief attached to an attitude.


        7. Mín xīn 民心 is public opinion.


        8. Jiàn 見 "view" is very occasionally used figuratively to refer to an opinion.

        [IMPLICIT], [MARGINAL], [NOUN]; [[RARE]]

      • ALSO



        1. Yòu 又 which focusses on the predicate "(THE SUBJECT) moreover also (PREDICATES)".


        2. Yì 亦 which focusses on the subject "also (THE SUBJECT) likewise (PREDICATES)".


        3. Qiě 且 focusses on the whole sentence or the whole predicate and indicates that "also (SENTENCE2) (IN ADDITION TO SENTENCE 1) is/was true" or that "also VERB PHRASE 2 IN ADDITON TO VERB PHRASE 1 applies".


        4. Yóu 猶/由 "still, also" typically has an adversative nuance.


      • EVEN

        1. The current word to make explicitly concessive nominals is suī 雖.

        2. E@r 而 is restricted to subordinate clauses, and the word stresses the subjective incongruousness, thus coming close to being a counterfactual "even".

        3. Yóu 猶 stresses the objective unlikeliness of the subject being characterised by the predicate.

        NB: Lián 連 is post-Buddhist (MING)

      • HESITATE

        1. The current general word for psychological hesitation happens to be bisyllabic: yóuyù 猶豫 (compare the rare but synonymous yíyóu 夷猶 ) (ant. guǒ 果 "resolute"), but the word primarily refers to the mental state which brings about hesitation in action, but the diffident behaviour is also included in the meaning of the word.

        2. Chóu chú 躊躇 refers to the physical result of an attitude of hesitation, the lingering in one place, and the indecisiveness of movement, and these forms of action are clearly construed as expressive of the psychological hesitation.

        3. Pái huái 徘徊, pánghuáng 彷徨, zhízhú 躑躅, refers primarily to the action of going back and forth, as if in doubt, but the words can occasionally be used, by extension, to refer to the doubt or hesitation itself.

        4. Yí 疑 and the much rarer chǐ huí 祗迴 refers primarily to the intellectual aspect of hesitation.

        5. Xū 需 refers to hesitation as a permanent characteristic of a person.

        6. Rèn 訒 (ant. nìng 佞 "quick-witted eloquence") refers to reticent hesitation in the articulation of what is on one's mind.

      • RESEMBLE

        1. The general, almost copula-like word for resemblance of any kind is yóu 猶 (ant.* yì 異 "be different"), and this word can refer specifically to one item being "no better than" another.

        2. Rú 如 is often asymmetrical "be as good>match>resemble essentially>resemble in appearance only" often adds to the notion of resemblance that of equipollence. [ 不如 always: "be not as good as"]

        3. Ruò 若 typically expresses a symmetrical relation of things that are similar to each other. By analogy with rú 如 bù ruò 不若 is often "be not as good as" but sometimes also "not resemble".]

        4. Sì 似 and the later and rarer colloquial xiàng 像 are often ungrammaticalised full verbs meaning typically "to resemble in appearance only".

        5. Lèi 類 (ant. yì 異 "be different in kind") is originally and prototypically "be of the same kind or category>resemble", but comes to mean more generally "be similar".

        Word relations
      • Conv: (NONETHELESS)雖/EVEN IF Suī 雖 makes hypothetical conditional clauses "it may be the case that, but....".
      • Assoc: (RESEMBLE)譬/RESEMBLE
      • Synon: (RESEMBLE)如/RESEMBLE Rú 如 is often asymmetrical "be as good as> resemble" often adds to the notion of resemblance that of equipollence. [不如 always: "be not as good as"]