Old Chinese Criteria
Modern Chinese Criteria
Words (12 items)
雖 suī OC: sqlul MC: si 121 Attributions
Suī 雖 makes hypothetical conditional clauses "it may be the case that, but....".
- Word relations
- Syntactic words
- padNPab{S}.adSeven if; even supposing that
- padV1.adV2even if; even supposing that (as opposed to "although"
- vadS1.érS2雖... 而 although S1 nonetheless S2CH
- vadV.postN{SUBJ}:adSeven if; even supposing that
- vadV.postN{SUBJ}:adSV=factivealthough in fact the contextually determinate subject V-ed, S
- vadV1.adV2:postNeven if
- vt0oS1.adS2even if
縱 zòng OC: tsoŋs MC: tsi̯oŋ
從 zòng OC: dzoŋs MC: dzi̯oŋ 15 Attributions
Zòng 縱 makes presuppositional conditional clauses "although it is admittedly the case that ...".
- Syntactic words
- padV.postN{SUBJ}although in fact
- vt0oS1.adS2although in fact
- vt[0]+V[0].adSalthough
雖然 suī rán OC: sqlul njen MC: si ȵiɛn 7 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPadS1.adS2although, even if
直饒 zhí ráo OC: dɯɡ nɢjew MC: ɖɨk ȵiɛu 5 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- PPadS1.adS2concessivealthough (直饒。。。猶/亦。。。 although this is (might be) the case...still (nevertheless)...)
以 yǐ OC: k-lɯʔ MC: jɨ 5 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vt0oN.adSe.g. 以孔子之聖 "even with Confucius' sagacity": even with, even given
既 jì OC: kɯds MC: kɨi 3 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- vadV.postN{SUBJ}:adSalthough
- vadV1.adV2althoughCH
雖則 suī zé OC: sqlul skɯɯɡ MC: si tsək 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- PPadS1.adS2even if, although
雖復 suī fù OC: sqlul buɡs MC: si bɨu 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- PPadS1.adS2Although
正使 zhèng shǐ OC: tjeŋs srɯʔ MC: tɕiɛŋ ʂɨ 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- VPt0oS1.adS2Although
即 jí OC: tsɯɡ MC: tsɨk 2 Attributions
- Syntactic words
- padS1.adS2even though
- padV1.adV2althoughLZ
不辭 bù cí OC: pɯʔ zɯ MC: pi̯ut zɨ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- VPt0oS1.adS2not reject > even if, although
之 zhī MC: tsyi OC: kljɯ 1 Attribution
- Syntactic words
- npropostadN.-Vfactualeven supposing/given that N V-s; even if one assumes that N V-sCH