EVEN IF    雖然

Old Chinese Criteria
1. Suī 雖 makes hypothetical conditional clauses "it may be the case that, but....". 2. Zòng 縱 makes presuppositional conditional clauses "although it is admittedly the case that...".
Modern Chinese Criteria
即使 即若 即令 即或 即便 就算 就是 就讓 盡管 哪怕 不怕 縱使 縱令 縱然 縱 饒 即 就 便 雖 不論 "regardless" focusses on the lack of attention paid to what does not affect the main statement. 無論 "regardless" is a somewhat literary version of 不論. 不管 "regardless" is a very informal version of 不論. NOTE THAT IN GENERAL WE ARE LEAVING THE EMPTY WORDS UNTIL LATER, TO BE DONE TOGETHER WITH MA ZHEN AND LU JIANMING rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /
  • IF RELATION between sentences S1 and S2 such that it is NOT TRUE that S1 AND NOT S2. (anc: 6/0, child: 4)
  • CONDITION SITUATION which is NECESSARY for something to be ABLE to HAPPEN. (anc: 5/0, child: 2)
  • () p.

  • Historisches Woerterbuch der Philosophie ( RITTER 1971-2007) p. 12.539


  • Using Chinese Synonyms ( GRACE ZHANG 2010) p. 44

  • Using Chinese Synonyms ( GRACE ZHANG 2010) p. 239

  • Chinese Synonyms Usage Dictionary ( TENG SHOU-HSIN 1996) p. 72

  • Words (12 items)

      suī OC: sqlul MC: si 121 Attributions

    Suī 雖 makes hypothetical conditional clauses "it may be the case that, but....".

      Syntactic words
    • padNPab{S}.adSeven if; even supposing that
    • padV1.adV2even if; even supposing that (as opposed to "although"
    • vadS1.érS2雖... 而 although S1 nonetheless S2CH
    • vadV.postN{SUBJ}:adSeven if; even supposing that
    • vadV.postN{SUBJ}:adSV=factivealthough in fact the contextually determinate subject V-ed, S
    • vadV1.adV2:postNeven if
    • vt0oS1.adS2even if
      zòng OC: tsoŋs MC: tsi̯oŋ
      zòng OC: dzoŋs MC: dzi̯oŋ 15 Attributions

    Zòng 縱 makes presuppositional conditional clauses "although it is admittedly the case that ...".

      Syntactic words
    • padV.postN{SUBJ}although in fact
    • vt0oS1.adS2although in fact
    • vt[0]+V[0].adSalthough
    雖然  suī rán OC: sqlul njen MC: si ȵiɛn 7 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPadS1.adS2although, even if
    直饒  zhí ráo OC: dɯɡ nɢjew MC: ɖɨk ȵiɛu 5 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • PPadS1.adS2concessivealthough (直饒。。。猶/亦。。。 although this is (might be) the case...still (nevertheless)...)
      yǐ OC: k-lɯʔ MC: jɨ 5 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vt0oN.adSe.g. 以孔子之聖 "even with Confucius' sagacity": even with, even given
      jì OC: kɯds MC: kɨi 3 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vadV.postN{SUBJ}:adSalthough
    • vadV1.adV2althoughCH
    雖則  suī zé OC: sqlul skɯɯɡ MC: si tsək 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • PPadS1.adS2even if, although
    雖復  suī fù OC: sqlul buɡs MC: si bɨu 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • PPadS1.adS2Although
    正使  zhèng shǐ OC: tjeŋs srɯʔ MC: tɕiɛŋ ʂɨ 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPt0oS1.adS2Although
      jí OC: tsɯɡ MC: tsɨk 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • padS1.adS2even though
    • padV1.adV2althoughLZ
    不辭  bù cí OC: pɯʔ zɯ MC: pi̯ut zɨ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPt0oS1.adS2not reject > even if, although
      zhī MC: tsyi OC: kljɯ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • npropostadN.-Vfactualeven supposing/given that N V-s; even if one assumes that N V-sCH