PLAN  計謀

        • CHANGEEVENT involving two MOMENTS t1 and t2, such that a THING at the MOMENT t1 is DIFFERENT FROM that THING at the MOMENT t2....
See also
          Old Chinese Criteria
          1. The current general word for a planning process involving consultation among several people, and taking into account all aspects of a long term strategy for an individual or a state is móu 謀.

          2. Lu �慮 refers to a careful personal planning effort based on serious reflection.

          3. Tú 圖 suggests that the person who plans has the formal authority to take a decision.

          4. Jì 計 refers to planning involving calculations of relative advantages and disadvantages, and the planning typically or primarily concerns the actions of an individual.

          5. Guī 規 suggests that the planning is in order to ensure an orderly progress of things.

          6. Huà 畫 refers to an elaborated strategy that is fairly well-defined.

          7. Xīn 心 refers to a secret motivation or ultimate design, an aim in planning. See INTENTION

          Modern Chinese Criteria
































          下策 refers specifically to an ill-conceived plan or strategy.

          rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

          • 韓非子同義詞研究 ( HANFEI TONGYI 2004) p. 228/9

          • 論衡同義詞研究 ( LUNHENG TONGYI 2004) p. 91

          • 王力古漢語字典 ( WANG LI 2000) p. 1288


          • 王力古漢語字典 ( WANG LI 2000) p. 698


            1. These are interchangeable only when they mean "plan, scheme", or when they mean "method".?????

          • Using Chinese Synonyms ( GRACE ZHANG 2010) p. 201

          • Chinese Synonyms Usage Dictionary ( TENG SHOU-HSIN 1996) p. 97

          • Chinese Synonyms Usage Dictionary ( TENG SHOU-HSIN 1996) p. 159

          • Divisiones quae vulgo dicuntur Aristoteleae ( DIVISIONES 1906) p. 29

          • A New Dictionary of Classical Greek Synonyms ( T.W.HARBSMEIER 2004) p. NO.131

          • Bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprachinhaltsforschung. Teil II. Systematischer Teil. B. Ordnung nach Sinnbezirken (mit einem alphabetischen Begriffsschluessel): Der Mensch und seine Welt im Spiegel der Sprachforschung ( FRANKE 1989) p. 55A

          Attributions by syntactic funtion

          • vtoN : 94
          • nab : 76
          • NPab : 37
          • vt[oN] : 34
          •{NUM} : 24
          • vt+V[0] : 17
          • n : 7
          • vi : 4
          • vt+prep+N : 4
          • nab.t : 3
          • VPi : 3
          • vtpost-.VtoN : 3
          • NPab : 2
          • vtoNab{S} : 2
          • NPab{nab1=nab2} : 2
          • vttoN1.+prep+N2 : 1
          • vt[oN] : 1
          • nab[post-N] : 1
          • vadV : 1
          • nab(.post-N) : 1
          • vt+V(0) : 1
          • VPt+V[0] : 1
          • VPtoN : 1

          Attributions by text

          • 韓非子 : 88
          • 春秋左傳 : 52
          • 太平經 : 26
          • 戰國策 : 20
          • 管子 : 19
          • 淮南子 : 11
          • 呂氏春秋 : 11
          • 荀子 : 10
          • 說苑 : 9
          • 莊子 : 8
          • 論語 : 7
          • 百喻經 : 5
          • 孟子 : 5
          • 祖堂集 : 5
          • 陸機集十一卷 : 4
          • 漢書 : 4
          • 阮籍集四卷 : 4
          • 賢愚經 : 4
          • 史記 : 4
          • 楚辭 : 4
          • 韓詩外傳 : 3
          • 法句經 : 3
          • 禮記 : 2
          • 孫子 : 2
          • 文選 : 1
          • 墨子 : 1
          • 笑林一卷 : 1
          • 尚書 : 1
          • 論衡 : 1
          • 鹽鐵論 : 1
          • 春秋穀梁傳 : 1
          • 毛詩 : 1
          • 商君書 : 1
          • 古列女傳 : 1


            jì OC: kiis MC: kei 73 AttributionsWD

          Jì 計 refers to planning involving calculations of relative advantages and disadvantages, and the planning typically or primarily concerns the actions of an individual.

            Word relations
          • Contrast: 行/ACT The current general word for any deliberate action one may be held morally and/or administratively responsible for is xíng 行 (ant. zhǐ 止 "decide not to take action"). The nominal entries have the old reading xìng. [COMMENDATORY!], [GENERAL], [HABITUAL], [RESPONSIBLE]
          • Assoc: 度/PLAN
          • Assoc: 畫/PLAN Huà 畫 refers to an elaborated strategy that is fairly well-defined.
          • Assoc: 畫/PLAN Huà 畫 refers to an elaborated strategy that is fairly well-defined.

            Syntactic words
          •{NUM}objectiveobjective aimed at 得計 "achieve one's aims"
          •{NUM}psychconcrete calculated plan; ulterior purpose, ulterior calculated motivation; strategy
          • nab.tactplan (to do Sn)
          • nabactstrategic thinking; precise strategic planning; planning based on calculations of profit and loss as well as likelihood of success
          • nabactunmarked nominalisation: the planningCH
          • nabpsychologicaleffective stategy, sound planCH
          • vt+prep+Nplan for, make plans for
          • vt[oN]make calculated plans
          • vtoNplan for; count on; consider plans about, calculate the advantages and disadvantages of (alternative future actions)
            móu OC: mɯ MC: mɨu 63 AttributionsWD

          The current general word for a planning process involving consultation among several people, and taking into account all aspects of a long term strategy for an individual or a state is móu 謀.

            Word relations
          • Contrast: 策/PLAN
          • Assoc: 慮/PLAN Lǜ 慮 refers to a careful personal planning effort based on serious reflection.
          • Relat: 成/ACHIEVE The current general word for successful action on one's own behalf or on someone else's behalf is chéng 成 (ant. bài 敗 "fail to achieve; botch up"). [GENERAL], [LARGE-SCALE]; [VERB]

            Syntactic words
          • nab[post-N]one's plansDS
          • nabactplanning; plan
          • vadVby strategic planningDS
          • viactmake plans; deliberate; consult with each other (and say...)
          • vt(oN)consult about the contextually determinate matter
          • vt(oN)N=consulteeconsult with
          • vt+prep+Nto discuss matters with (somebody), consult with; discuss plans for (somebody);
          • vt+V[0]plan to V; make plans to V
          • vt[oN]make plans; make effective plans (sometimes also with negative connotations: to scheme, See PLOT)
          • vtoNab{S}make clans about S; make plans lest S
          • vtoNN=aimbe strategically concerned about, plan for; seek through careful planning
          • vtoNN=hummake plans for N, enter into consultations for N
          • vtoNN=subjectconcert plans on; make plans on
          • vtoNpassivebe planned for, be consulted about
          • vtpost-.VtoNconsult and plan with someone 與之謀
            tú OC: daa MC: duo̝ 36 AttributionsWD

          Tú 圖 suggests that the person who plans has the formal authority to take a decision.

            Word relations
          • Epithet: 熟/DILIGENT
          • Assoc: 察/INVESTIGATE The most general words for investigating something are chá 察 "sort out clearly" and shen 審 "investigate carefully".
          • Synon: 慮/PLAN Lǜ 慮 refers to a careful personal planning effort based on serious reflection.

            Syntactic words
          • nabactplan; planning activity
          • nabresultplansCH
          • vt+V[0]have plans to V, plan to V
          • vt[oN]make plans
          • vtoNmake plans against, plot against (e.g. the state)
          • vtoNimperativemake plans for N!
          • vtoNpassivebe plotted against; have plans made against one
          • vtoNpassivebe planned forCH
          • vtoNpositiveconsider carefully one's plans concerning (some action); reconsider one's plans concerning; consider concrete future action in detail, make concrete plans and arrangements as well as decisions about; make a considered decision;
          • vtoNreflexive.自make plans for (oneself), plan in (one's own) interest
          • vtoNreflexive.身make plans for (oneself)
            lǜ OC: b-ras MC: li̯ɤ 36 AttributionsWD

          Lǜ 慮 refers to a careful personal planning effort based on serious reflection.

            Word relations
          • Contrast: 討/DISCUSS Tǎo 討 is to engage in a deep and thorough discussion and investigation of something.
          • Assoc: 思/THINK The most current general word for thought or reflection of any kind is perhaps sī 思 (ant. hū 忽 "fail to pay detailed attention to"), but this word tends to refer specifically to reflection.
          • Assoc: 智 / 知/WISE The current general word for wisdom is zhì 智 (ant. yú 愚 "devoid of wisdom") and this may refer to any superior intellectual ability beyond the realm of memorisation or mundane knowledge, the quality which enables one to móu 謀 give good advice..
          • Assoc: 謀/PLAN The current general word for a planning process involving consultation among several people, and taking into account all aspects of a long term strategy for an individual or a state is móu 謀.
          • Synon: 圖/PLAN Tú 圖 suggests that the person who plans has the formal authority to take a decision.
          • Oppos: 樂 / 樂/ENJOY The current general word for active enjoyment and delighting in something is lè 樂 (ant. bēi 悲 "be saddened by"), as in 與民同樂 "share one's enjoyings/enjoyments with the people". In the transitive usage the reading yào is suggested by WGZ.

            Syntactic words
          • nab(.post-N)one's strategic thinking, someone's strategic thinkingCH
          • nab.tactplans for N, tactics for N
          • nabactthoughts about the future, tactics BUDDH: negatively: the engaging in (inappropriate or unnecessary, or in any case nonrecommended) deliberate mental activities and inappropriate emotional responses (see WORRY)
          • vt+V[0]plan to
          • vt[oN]think about the future; make plans
          • vtoNplot; plan for; engage in deliberations (about something forthcoming)
          天意  tiān yī MC: then -- OC: lʰiin --CH 29 AttributionsWD

            Word relations
          • Object: 知/UNDERSTAND The standard current and word for understanding something and knowing how to do something is zhī 知 (ant. mèi 昧 "not have the foggiest idea")
          • Object: 思/THINK The most current general word for thought or reflection of any kind is perhaps sī 思 (ant. hū 忽 "fail to pay detailed attention to"), but this word tends to refer specifically to reflection.
          • Object: 得/OBTAIN The current general and highly abstract verb for obtaining any form of possession of anything abstract or concrete is dé 得 (ant. shī 失 "lose inadvertently").
          • Object: 隨/FOLLOW Suí 隨 is to move along literally behind someone, by a deliberate act of volition.
          • Object: 如/CONFORM
          • Object: 承/CONTINUE Chéng 承 refers to the continuation of an abstract tradition.
          • Object: 中/CONFORM
          • Object: 逆/OFFEND The current most general word for offending against what one is obliged to act in accordance with or going against a current is probably nì 逆 (ant. shùn 順 "follow and obey"), which refers to any action which goes against something.
          • Object: 背/OFFEND
          • Object: 非/OFFEND Wéi 違 (ant. xún 循 "follow") and the rarer lí 離 as well as fēi 非 are neutral terms referring to a failure to comply with something.
          • Epithet: 誠/GENUINE
          • Epithet: 無咎/CORRECT
          • Contrast: 天心/ATTITUDE
          • Oppos: 人心/MIND
          • Oppos: 人意/PLAN
          • Oppos: 民意/ATTITUDE

            Syntactic words
          • NPabplans of (personalised) Heaven; ideas of HeavenCH
          • NPabpersonifiedplans/ideas of heaven construed as having desires etc.CH
            gòu OC: koos MC: ku 11 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNplot against; make plans for (trouble)
          • vtoNcausativecause to plot against each other
          • vttoN1.+prep+N2causativecause N1 to plot against N2, sow discord between N1 and N2
            yíng OC: ɢʷleŋ MC: jiɛŋ 8 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vt+prep+Naim for, plan for; be preoccupied by
          • vt+V[0]go about V-ing in a planned deliberate manner
          • vtoNplan, make plans for
            jī OC: kɯl MC: kɨi 6 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • nabtactics; strategic undertakings; tactical purpose, tactical point
            jīng OC: keeŋ MC: keŋ 6 AttributionsWD

          Jīng 經 and yíng 營 focus on the the planning effort required in large-scale construction work.

            Syntactic words
          • vt+V[0]plan to V
          • vtoNplan systematically; plan (and build)
            duó MC: dak OC: ɡ-laaɡ 5 AttributionsWD

            Word relations
          • Assoc: 計/PLAN Jì 計 refers to planning involving calculations of relative advantages and disadvantages, and the planning typically or primarily concerns the actions of an individual.

            Syntactic words
          • nabpsychplan
          • vt+prep+Nmake precise plans concerning
          • vt+V(0)plan to V
          • vt[oN]make precise plans; assess the situation
            xīn OC: slɯm MC: sim 5 AttributionsWD

          Xīn 心 refers to a secret motivation or ultimate design, an aim in planning. See INTENTION

            Syntactic words
          • nsecret design, intentions; secret ambitions
            nǐ OC: ŋɡɯʔ MC: ŋɨ 4 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vt+V[0]make plans to V; be ready to V
          • vtoNderivedset out to plan for and writeCH
            lüè OC: ɡ-raɡ MC: li̯ɐk 4 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • nabpsychstrategy; plan
          • vtoNhave plans for
            guī OC: kʷe MC: kiɛ 4 AttributionsWD

          Guī 規 suggests that the planning is in order to ensure an orderly progress of things.

            Syntactic words
          • vt[oN]suggest plans, make plans; offer admonitions
          • vtoNplan, make plans for
          權謀  quán móu MC: gjwen mjuw OC: ɡron mɯDS 4 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • NPabactnegative: intriguesCH
          • NPabgeneral(the art of) strategic planning in accordance with circumstances; plans of all kindsDS
          • VPito plotLZ
            jī OC: kii MC: kei 3 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • ncalculation in planning one's action; concrete plan to be pursued
          • viactbe thoughtful, be self-aware; calculate; plan
          • vt[oN]make deliberate plans about thingsCH
            quán OC: ɡron MC: giɛn 2 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • nabstrategic plansDS
          • viactweigh and assess strategic plans
            yóu OC: k-lu MC: jɨu 2 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • nabplan, scheme
          • viSHI: plan, scheme
            huà OC: ɢʷreeɡs MC: ɦɣɛ 2 AttributionsWD

          Huà 畫 refers to an elaborated strategy that is fairly well-defined.

            Word relations
          • Assoc: 計/PLAN Jì 計 refers to planning involving calculations of relative advantages and disadvantages, and the planning typically or primarily concerns the actions of an individual.
          • Assoc: 計/PLAN Jì 計 refers to planning involving calculations of relative advantages and disadvantages, and the planning typically or primarily concerns the actions of an individual.

            Syntactic words
          • nabmentalplan
          • vtoNmake (a plan)
            cè OC: skhreeɡ MC: ʈʂhɣɛk 2 AttributionsWD

            Word relations
          • Contrast: 謀/PLAN The current general word for a planning process involving consultation among several people, and taking into account all aspects of a long term strategy for an individual or a state is móu 謀.

            Syntactic words
          • nabpsychplan, strategy
            mó OC: maa MC: muo̝ 2 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • nrare: plans, sheme
          • vtoNmake shemes over; make plans about
          計會  jì kuài OC: kiis kloobs MC: kei kɑi 2 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • NPab{nab1=nab2}planning, strategic thinking
          終始  zhōng shǐ MC: tsyuwng syiX OC: tjuŋ lʰɯʔCH 2 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • NPaboverall plan covering the beginning and end of an undertaking, overall strategyCH
            rú OC: nja MC: ȵi̯ɤ 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • vt[oN]plan; calculate; estimate; deliberate
          察圖  chá tú OC: skhreed daa MC: ʈʂhɣɛt duo̝ 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • VPtoNmake carefully researched plans concerning (something)
          度計  duó jì OC: ɡ-laaɡ kiis MC: dɑk kei 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • VPiactmake plans, consult in planning
          規欲  guī yù OC: kʷe k-loɡ MC: kiɛ ji̯ok 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • VPt+V[0]plan to
          計策  jì cè OC: kiis skhreeɡ MC: kei ʈʂhɣɛk 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • NPabpsychstrategy
          設計  shè jì OC: qhjed kiis MC: ɕiɛt kei 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • NPabactplans
          • VPiactmake plans
          • VPt+V[0]lay plans to V
          遠慮  yuǎn lǜ OC: ɢʷanʔ b-ras MC: ɦi̯ɐn li̯ɤ 1 AttributionWD

          plans about what is distant/far in the future

            Syntactic words
          • NPabactlong-term plan
          杼軸  shù zhóu MC: -- drjuwk OC: ɢljaʔ rliwɡCH 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • NPabfigurativepoetic: literary design, aesthetic planCH
          人意  rén yī MC: nyin -- OC: njin --CH 1 AttributionWD

            Syntactic words
          • NPabhuman plans/ideasCH
            gé OC: kraaɡ MC: kɣɛk 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNmake plans for, make arrangements for
            yóu OC: k-lu MC: jɨu 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • viplan, scheme (sometimes written 猷)
            Click here to add pinyin MC:  OC: CH 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • NPabfigurativepoetic: literary design, aesthetic planCH

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