Taxonomy of meanings for 效:  

  • 效 xiào (OC: ɡreews MC: ɦɯau) 胡教切 去 廣韻:【俗效 】
  • 效 xiào (OC: ɡreews MC: ɦɯau) 胡教切 去 廣韻:【具也學也象也又效力效驗也胡教切八 】
      • vadVby way of imitation or emulation; acting according to
      • vt(oN)imitate the contextually determinate things
      • vtoN.adVby imitating (something) to V
      • vtoNHF 8.1.15: emulate (the sage); imitate; live up to; act according to
      • nobjectsomething to imitate; object for emulation; model
      • vtoNabimitate the Nab-ingCH
    • HAND UP
      • viacthand up things; make one's contribution
      • vtoNoffer up; deliver; hand up and give away, surrender, hand over (to the opponent or to an authority); deliver (results, in service of a ruler)
      • vtoNpassiveget handed up
      • vttoN1:postvtoN2hand (something N1) up to (someone N2)
    • OBEY
      • vt(oN)obey and conform to a honourable request or command from a superior
      • vtoNact in accordance with
      • vtoNstativebe appropriate for
      • vichangeemerge clearly
    • SHOW
      • vtoNcausativeHF 7.3.8: show up clearly (one's real thoughts); show through action, show in action; deploy in action; make a show of
    • PROVE
      • nabfactualmanifest proof, manifest evidence; a fact that can serve as evidence; symptom, indication; visible sign; proof in practice; proof
      • vadNproviding decisive proof (one ex. in LH, which has got lost)
      • vtoNprove, give proof of; prove the truth of (words); also: give proof of an ability one has 何以效之 ?
      • vtoNpassivebe proven
      • vtoNstativebe a symptom for, indicate strongly
      • vtoSprove that S
      • vtt(oN.)+V[0]prove that the contextually determinate subject is PREDICATING
    • EFFORT
      • ACHIEVE
        • nabactachievements; results achieved; effects
        • vtoNachieve (public and visible success) in the service of someone or something; realise; put into practice through commendable effort in some service
        • vibe efficientCH
      • MERIT
        • CHECK
          • nabacttest
          • vtoNfind satisfactory evidence on; check out; test carefully; get to the bottom of (a person or a matter)
          • vtoNconativetry to get to the bottom ofLZ
        • EXPLAIN
          • vtoNdemonstrate something about (something) 以人效天
        • UNDERSTAND
          • RISK
            • vtoN效死: to risk one's death; be prepared to die (for something, handing up one's death in service)
          • ACCUSE
            • =校INVESTIGATE
              • =校FENCE
                • =較HEALTHY
                  • RHYME CATEGORY
                  • NUMBER
                      (in telegrams)
                  • xiàoEQUAL
                    • vtoNstativebe equal to, to be equated withCS

                  Additional information about 效


                  • HAND UP

                    1. The current general word for handing something up to superiors is xiàn 獻 (ant. cì 賜 "present to inferior").

                    2. Jìn 進 is a very common bureaucratic word for submitting something to a superior.

                    3. Fèng 奉 is a rather dramatic word depicting a person handing something up with both hands (possibly with the intention of making a formal gift of it, xiàn 獻.

                    4. Nà 納 is a cold strictly bureaucratic term referring to the handing some upwards in the hierarchy.

                    5. Gòng 貢 refers to the formal and ritual handing up or pledging of something to high authorities (typically tribute) in the course of one's ritual or political duties (the two being not held apart in ancient Chinese society). This tribute may even consist of lands or populations.

                    6. Bǐng 稟 refers to handing up something to high authority (typically reports) with a show of extreme but customary deferential politeness.

                    7. Xiào 效 typically refers to the offering up of abstract things such as effort on behalf of high authority.

                    8. Zòu 奏 refers to the formal submission of a text to the highest authorities, and typically to the emperor.

                    9. Shàng 上 is a neutral word referring to the submission of anything to someone higher up in the official hierarchy.

                    10. Gōng 供/共 refers to the provision of what is necessary to the higher authorities.

                    11. Nà 納 is to hand in formally to the authorities.

                  • VISIBLE

                    1. The current general word for visibility is xiàn 見 / 現 (ant. yǐn 隱 "remain hidden").

                    2. Xíng 形 (ant. cáng 藏 "be hidden") refers to taking shape or taking proper shape.

                    3. Xiào 效 (ant. huái 懷 "keep hidden within oneself") refers to somethings abstract becoming clearly manifest.

                    4. Xiǎn 顯 (ant. yōu 幽 "be in the dark and inaccessible to clear inspection") refers to something becoming prominently visible to all.

                    5. Zhāng 彰 (ant. yì 抑 "suppress wide knowledge of") refers to something becoming prominently visible to everyone in all its splendour or importance.

                  • REVOLT

                    1. The current general word for staging a revolt against authorities is pàn 叛 (ant. shùn 順 "remain loyal").

                    2. Luàn 亂 (ant. zhì 治 "regularly political government") refers to a major political upheaval designed to topple the reigning government.

                    3. Biàn 變 (ant. cóng 從 "remain politically obedient") refers rather abstractly and neutrally to large scale or comprehensive political unrest of an unspecified character without the negative evaluation of such action which is inherent in luàn 亂.

                    4. Fǎn 反 (ant. zhōng 忠 "show proper loyalty") refers to a political revolt on a lesser scale than luàn 亂, and this word always has negative overtones.

                    5. Bèi 背 and bèi 倍 (ant. shùn 順 "remain loyal") refer to a defiant act of disobedience and turning against one's superiors without a necessary intention to topple these authorities.

                    6. Nàn 難 (ant. xiào 效 "loyal positive effort") refers rather abstractly to political unrest of an unspecified character and focusses on this as being a threat to the ruler's authority and position.

                    7. Nì 逆 (ant. shùn 順 "remain loyal") refers to political disobedience and revolt in a disapproving way.

                  • CRIME

                    1. The current general word for a serious legal transgression is zuì 罪 (ant. gōng 功 "merit"), and the current general word for a minor legal transgression is guò 過 (ant. xiào 效 "positive contribution").

                    2. Yóu 尤 refers generally to morally disreputable behaviour.

                    3. Jiù 咎 (ant. láo 勞 "obtain merits") refers to an action for which one deserves blame.

                    4. Dào 盜 (ant.* dé 德 "virtue") refers to morally and legally outrageous behaviour.

                    5. Yuè 越 can come to refer to a failure to keep within the boundaries set by one's social status or office.

                    6. Gū 辜 (ant. xún 勛 "significant contribution") is an archaising word referring to serious crimes at an early stage, but later commonly used (mostly in negated form) to refer to any crime.

                    7. Tè 忒, qiān 愆, and shěng 眚 refer to a minor but culpable error.

                    8. Qiān 愆 refers to a minor mistake in procedure.

                  • IMITATE

                    1. The current general word for imitation is xiào 效.

                    2. Xué 學 refers to a systematic attempt to imitate an admired model, often as a method of self-cultivation.

                    3. Fǎ 法 refers to modelling oneself on distant ideals, typical abstract, or historically placed in the distant mythical past.

                    4. Zé 則 refers to taking something abstract and authoritative as one's fixed obligatory guideline.

                    5. Xiàng 象 refers to an abstract, almost metaphysical making oneself into a living icon of a higher authoritative model, typically of an abstract or cosmological kind.

                    6. Nǐ 擬 and fǎng 倣 / 仿 refer to an attempt to produce a true copy or a true representation of another representation.

                    7. Xiě 寫 refers primarily to the production of a true pictorial representation of another representation. See COPY

                    Word relations
                  • Object: (RISK)死/DIE The dominant general word is sǐ 死 (ant. shēng 生"be alive"), and this can refer to the death of plants as well as animals or men.
                  • Assoc: (IMITATE)仿 / 仿放/IMITATE
                  • Assoc: (ACHIEVE)功/ACHIEVE Gōng 功 refers to the achievement of something regarded as important to others. See MERIT. [ALTRUISTIC], [IMPORTANT]; [NOUN]
                  • Assoc: (ACHIEVE)功/ACHIEVE Gōng 功 refers to the achievement of something regarded as important to others. See MERIT. [ALTRUISTIC], [IMPORTANT]; [NOUN]
                  • Assoc: (PROVE)驗/PROVE The current general word for, often decisive, proof or evidence is yàn 驗, but the word does not refer to a discursive elabarate logical proof as one might expect to find in the Platonic-Aristotelian tradition.
                  • Synon: (CHECK)考 / 考/INVESTIGATE Kǎo 考 and jī 稽 refer to an objective investigation into something on the basis of the best available evidence.
                  • Synon: (PROVE)驗/PROVE The current general word for, often decisive, proof or evidence is yàn 驗, but the word does not refer to a discursive elabarate logical proof as one might expect to find in the Platonic-Aristotelian tradition.
                  • Synon: (PROVE)驗/PROVE The current general word for, often decisive, proof or evidence is yàn 驗, but the word does not refer to a discursive elabarate logical proof as one might expect to find in the Platonic-Aristotelian tradition.