Taxonomy of meanings for 就:  

  • 就 jiù (OC: dzuɡs MC: dziu) 疾僦切 去 廣韻:【成也迎也即也説文曰就髙也从京尤尤異於凡也又姓後漢書菟賴氏改爲就氏疾僦切四 】
    • GO TO
      • vt(oN.)(-V)go to a contextually determinate place to do a contextually determinate thing
      • vt[oN.]-V[0]to go (to a contextually determinate place) in order to V
      • vtoNmove towards; go to take up (one's place); go to (to cultivate the acquaintance of)
      • abstract, stative: through one's features> RESEMBLE
        • vtpost-.VtoNbe close to in essence
        • action: cause oneself to resemble> CONFORM
          • vtoN.adVbasing oneself on, being in accordance with GUAN
          • vtoNbase oneself on, conform to SHI
          • conform to one's original position: REMAIN
        • figurative> go to the overall aim> COMPLETE
          • vtoNbring to the point of completion
          • vtoNmiddle voicebe completed
        • psychologically active> SEEK
          • vtoNtend to move in the direction of; tend towards, tend to strive for; go for
          • emotionally intensitive> DESIRE
            • nabdispositiontendency towards ant. 避 "avoid" ZUO 避就
            • vtoNtend naturally towards, go for, seek
        • object person> APPROACH
          • vt(oN)approach (to a contextually determinate object)
          • vtoN.+Vcoverb: approach somebody and V (ask, request, seek) > V (seek, request) (something) from N
          • vtoN.adVcoverbtowards
          • vtoNmove close to
          • vtoNfigurativemove close to (a fate one suffers) 就戮
          • vt(oN.)-Vapproach to the contextually determinate N in order to VDS
          • causative> PUT
            • vtoNcausativeabstract: cause to approach/go to> put in the place NCH
            • put into possession> GIVE
              • vtt(oN1.)+N2:-V[0]omconsign to, turn (someone contextually determinate N1) over to (someone N2) for V-ing
          • meet> ENCOUNTER
            • vtoNbump into, run into; be faced withCH
      • grammaticalised> ALTHOUGH
        • 韻典網:成也迎也即也說文曰就髙也从京尢尤異於凡也又姓後[漢/魏]書菟賴氏[-/後]改爲就氏疾僦切四
        • jiùCOPULATE
          • vtoNapproach as to have intercourse with NDS

        Additional information about 就

        說文解字: 【就】,就高也。从京、从尤。 〔小徐本作「從尤、京。」〕 尤,異於凡也。 【疾僦切】 【𡰜】,籒文就。

        • COMPLETE

          1. The standard word for finishing a task one has undertaken is chéng 成.

          2. Jiù 就 refers to completing a process of production of something.

          3. Jù 具 refers to the completion of a certain course of action.

          4. Wán 完 emphasises the state of completeness not necessarily achieved through a deliberate strategy of action.

        • APPROACH






          1. The most current general word for approaching or getting close to anything is jìn 近 (ant. yuàn 遠 "remove oneself far from").

          [GENERAL], [LITERAL!]

          2. Jí 即 and jiù 就 (all ant. lí 離 "leave, move away from") refer neutrally to moving close to a certain place.


          3. Bó 薄 and pò 迫 refers somewhat dramatically to moving (often precariously) close to something.

          [DRAMATIC], [LITERAL]

          4. Fù 附 is to move very close up indeed to something, often getting attached to it.

          [HIGH-DEGREE], [LITERAL]

          5. Qīn 親 (NB: shū 疏 is not used as an antonym for this meaning.) refers primarily to moving intimately close to something.


          6. Lín 臨 is often used in ways characteristic of the dignified court style, but the word also commonly refers to getting close to a place or time in a natural course of events.

          [ELEVATED!], [GENERAL]

        • GO TO

          1. Zhī 之 is to go to a place, typically taking the most direct route, by any conveyance as a result of a decision and typically with the purpose of staying there for a while or conducting some business.

          2. Cào/zào 造 and rú 如 refer to aiming for a destination, and the movement may be by foot or by any conveyance.

          3. Wǎng 往 (ant. jū 居 "remain at home") refers to setting out for a destination by any means of transport or by foot, and the destination is not very often made explicit by an ordinary noun as object. Moreover wǎng 往 does not necessarily imply going somewhere by the most direct route.

          4. Fù 赴 refers to hastening to a (typically dangerous) destination (such as an abyss or fire), or to a place where one is to perform a public duty.

          5. Qū 趨 refers to hurrying politely to a destination.

          6. Shì 適 refers to moving in a certain direction, or heading for a certain place, and the word is also used for arrival at the destination.

          7. Jiù 就 (ant. qù 去 "leave") and the somewhat rarer jí 即 (ant. lí 離 "leave") refer to approaching a certain destination by any means of transport.

          8. Yì 詣 refers to going somewhere to pay a formal visit. See VISIT.

          Word relations
        • Ant: (APPROACH)去/LEAVE The general word for leaving one place for another is qù 去 (ant. liú 留"remain").
        • Ant: (CONFORM)去/REMOVE The most general term for removing anything is qù 去.
        • Ant: (CONFORM)捨 / 舍/DISREGARD
        • Ant: (CONFORM)棄/DISREGARD Qì 棄 is to reject as unworthy of one's attention and often to disregard defiantly.
        • Ant: (CONFORM)除/REMOVE Chú 除 refers specifically to getting rid of something undesirable.
        • Ant: (SEEK)去/REMOVE The most general term for removing anything is qù 去.
        • Contrast: (CONFORM)遂/CONFORM
        • Assoc: (COMPLETE)成/ACHIEVE The current general word for successful action on one's own behalf or on someone else's behalf is chéng 成 (ant. bài 敗 "fail to achieve; botch up"). [GENERAL], [LARGE-SCALE]; [VERB]
        • Synon: (CONFORM)因/CONFORM Yīn 因 refers to conformity construed as a matter of adapting to pre-existing models or rules.
        • Synon: (GO TO)至/ARRIVE The general current word is zhì 至, and the word refers to the process of going somewhere with the final result (sometimes achieved with difficulty) of getting there. [GENERAL]; [COMMON]
        • Synon: (SEEK)趨/CHOOSE Qū 趨 (ant. bì 避 "shy away from and avoid") and the rarer xiàng 嚮 (ant. bèi 背 "turn one's back on") refer to a tendency to exercise a certain preference.