Taxonomy of meanings for 射:
射 shè (OC: ɢljaɡs MC: ʑia) 神夜切 去 廣韻:【射弓也周禮有五射白匀參逺剡注讓尺井儀又姓三輔決録云漢末大鴻臚射咸本姓謝名服天子以爲將軍出征姓謝名服不祥改之爲射氏名咸神夜切又音石又音夜僕射也四 】 - 韻典網:[射弓也周禮有五/白矢參連剡注襄尺井儀]射白勻參遠剡注讓尺井儀又姓三輔決録云漢末[-/有]大鴻臚射咸本姓謝名服天子以爲將軍出征姓謝名服不祥改之爲射氏名咸神夜切又音石又音夜僕射也四
- 上古音系:_聲符_射_韻部_暮_韻部細分_0_對應廣韻小韻_射_擬音_ɢljaːɡs
- figurative> ESTIMATE
- resultative> KILL
- generalised> SHOOT
射 yì (OC: laɡ MC: jiɛk) 羊益切 入 廣韻:【無射九月律 】 -
射 yè (OC: laɡs MC: jia) 羊謝切 去 廣韻:【僕射 】 -
射 shí (OC: ɢljaɡ MC: ʑiɛk) 食亦切 入 廣韻:【丗本曰逢蒙作射又姓呉有中書郎射慈又神柘切又羊謝羊益二切 】
- nabart ofart of archery
- v[adN]OBI 3: archer, practioner of the art of archery
- viactengage in archery
- vtoNN=arrowshoot in archery contest (arrow); shoot off (an arrow)
- vtoNobject=targetshoot at (target)
- v[adN]N=humarcher
- nabactthe ritual art of archeryCH
- vtoNHS 65.4 guess at
- shèKILL
- vtoNkill with an arrow
- shèSHOOT
- viactengage in archery; shoot arrows
- vt(oN)shoot at a contextually determinate object; shoot at something
- vtoNaim arrows at, aim arrow at (without necessarily shooting it off); shoot at with arrows
Additional information about 射
說文解字: 【䠶】,弓弩發於身而中於遠也。 〔小徐本無「也」。〕 从矢、身。 【食夜切】 【射】,篆文从寸。寸,法度也,亦手也。
- Criteria
1. The general word for making an approximate extimate or guess is chuǎi 揣.
2. Cè 測 can be a well-founded assessment in some contexts, but the word has a well-established lexicalised function where it means generally "to guess".
3. Yì 意 is the subjective and arbitrary formation of an opinion, and the word has a somewhat "philosophical" flavour.
4. Shè 射 is guessing as part of a game of guessing and cannot be used for "to guess" in any other contexts.
5. Cǔn 忖 is a poetic word for assessing or estimating something that is not verifiable.
6. Duó 度 refers to a subjective assessment or estimation of something.
7. Kuí 揆 emphasises the conjectural element in guessing or estimating something.
8. Zhòng 中 and zhǔn 准 refer to getting things right when estimating or guessing.
1. The dominant general term is shè 射 and this word refers to all kinds of shooting with a bow, particularly ritualised archery, and the word refers to all parts of the process of shooting.
2. Yì 弋 refers to (often ritualised) shooting for pleasure at birds with a short arrow with strings attached.
3. Fā 發 refers specifically to letting off an arrow as the final act of the shooting process. See SHOOT
1. Shè 射 is the current general term for the whole process of shooting.
2. Zhòng 中 refers to hitting the mark by shooting.
3. Fā 發 is to let off a shot.
4. Tán 彈 refers to shooting off a bullet.
- Word relations
- Result: (SHOOT)中/SHOOT
Zhòng 中 refers to hitting the mark by shooting. - Object: (ARCHERY)學/STUDY
The dominant word is xué 學 (ant. jiào 教 "train teach")which refers primarily to studying or training under another person, and secondarily to the learning by heart texts. Very often, the word retains a tinge of immitation. - Oppos: (ARCHERY)御 / 馭/DRIVE
Yù 御 refers to the driving and steering of a carriage.