Taxonomy of meanings for 營:  

  • 營 yíng (OC: ɢʷleŋ MC: jʷiɛŋ) 余傾切 平 廣 韻:【造也度也説文曰市居也亦州名舜分靑州爲營州爾雅曰齊曰營州今靑州也又姓風俗通云周成王卿士營伯之後漢有京兆尹營郃余傾切六 】
    • CAMP
      • ncamp, temporary dwelling; military camp SHIJI 為營"construct a camp"
      • dominated by the camp>AREA
        • associated activity>SURROUND
          • vtoNto surround (GONG)
        • associated activity>STOP
          • associated activity>PLAN
            • vt+prep+Naim for, plan for; be preoccupied by
            • vt+V[0]go about V-ing in a planned deliberate manner
            • vtoNplan, make plans for
            • psychological>WORRY
              • vadNagitated; restless (see also: CONFUSED)
              • vireduplicatedbe agitated; restless (often reduplicated)
              • vtoNcausativegive worries to, make worried, trouble, give trouble to; tire out
            • psychological>SEEK
              • associated activity>ASSESS
                • vtoNmeasure, assess precisely LSCQ
              • associated activity>DEFEND
                • vtoNdefend, protect (prototypically by surrounding and forming a defensive ring)
            • associated activity>BUILD
              • nabmethodplan (typically for a building)
              • vadNbuilt; constructed; excavated
              • vtoNto plan and lay out; to build
              • vtoNfigurativebuild up (good relations etc)
              • generalised>WORK
                • viactengage in work, busy oneself
                • vtoNwork at; work with
                • vt+prep+Nwork at; work withTWH
              • result>BUILDING
                • nguardhouse (near a gate)
              • generalised>LEAD
                • vtoNlead
                • generalised>CONTROL
                  • vtoNto manage; to control; to regulate; to direct
                  • subject congtrolling person>SOUL
            • DIRECTIONS
            • =CONFUSED
            • PLACES
            • SURNAMES
            • yíngCONFUSED
              • viread yíng: loanword for : be confused
              • vtoNcausativeread yíng: confuse, make confused
              • vadNperplexed, confused

            Additional information about 營


            • CAMP

              1. The current general word for a temporary army camp is jūn 軍, and for an army to encamp is to jùn 軍.

              2. Yíng 營 refers to a more permanent military camp with defenses.

              3. Tún 屯 refers to a defended military settlement of a permanent or semi-permanent kind, a garrison, often on the borders.

            • BUILD

              1. The general current word for erecting or rebuilding a permanent structure of any kind is zhú 築.

              2. Lì 立 "to erect" focuses on the resulting uprightness of the structure, but the word.

              3. Xiū 脩 focusses on the careful finishing work of construction, and the word also applies to reconstruction with careful attention paid to the finish. [See REPAIR]

              4. Gòu 構 "make a structure" focusses on the fitting together of different parts, Lothar Ledderose's modules, to make a structured whole.

              5. Qǐ 起 "raise (a building)" is an administrative neutral term that can refer to the building of any larger structure, and the word become current in this meaning in Han times.

              6. Wéi 為 is currently used to refer specifically to the building of houses or capitals. See PRODUCE

              7. Zuò 作 "take the initiative to build" a very general word to use which can refer to all sorts of making of things. See PRODUCE.

              8. Jiàn 建 "to establish" is mostly used abstractly and not for concrete physical structures. See ESTABLISH

              9. Jīng 經 and yíng 營 are archaic and poetic words focussing on a concerted large-scale public effort.

              Word relations
            • Assoc: (CONFUSED)亂/CONFUSED Luàn 亂 refers to a chaotic state of mind.
            • Assoc: (CONFUSED)惑/CONFUSED The standard general word for any kind of confusion is huò 惑 (ant. qīng 清 "be unconfused and clear").
            • Assoc: (DEFEND)衛/DEFEND The standard general word for defending a community is wèi 衛(ant. gōng 攻 "attack").