SOUL  靈魂

MIND:mental/psychological ORGAN OF THE HUMAN.
    See also
            Old Chinese Criteria
            1. Shén 神 is primarily a subtle physical substance which gives man his spiritual dimension (ant. xíng 形 "body")) and the body xíngtǐ 形體 is the abode shè 舍 of the soul..

            2. Líng 靈 (ant. qū 軀 "body") is a spiritual part of man which links him to the higher religious realm of the spirits.

            3. Jīng 精 "spiritual subtle substance" is the seminal supremely subtle material substance that gives man his spiritual energies.

            4. Hún 魂 "male soul which returns to Heaven at death" and pò 魄 "female soul which returns to Earth at death" (all ant. xíng 形 "body") inhabit man in the general mode of spiritual possession.

            HUANG JINGUI 2006

            SACRIFICE 21. 人的精神、靈魂。





            Modern Chinese Criteria





            rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

            • A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages ( BUCK 1988) p. 16.11

            • Vocabulaire européen des philosophies. Dictionnaire des intraduisibles ( CASSIN 2004) p. 281

            • Vocabulaire européen des philosophies. Dictionnaire des intraduisibles ( CASSIN 2004) p. 65


              Readable survey, especially of antiquity.

            • De differentiis ( DIFFERENTIAE I) p. 370

              37. Etymolog. lib. XI, cap. 1.

              -- Praeterea... Etymolog. lib. X, littera A: Animosus quod sit animis, et viribus plenus.

              Ibid. Ms. vat., affectu immutatur. In Ms. Barthii, ista semper in essendo; corrigit Barthius, ista semper in esse uno. Elegantem vocat hujus differentiae observationem. [AREV.]


              37. Inter Animum et animam hoc interest, quod animus consilii est, anima vitae. Ista semper eadem est, ille pro affectu mutatur. Item mentem antiqui ab animo separaverunt: mentem, ut sciat, animum vero, ut velit, aut possit discere. Praeterea nonnunquam, [col. 14C] et animus pro viribus ponitur.

            • Lateinische Synonyme und Etymologien ( DOEDERLEIN 1840) p.


              anima refers to the principle of animal life, in men and in animals, which is conceived of as ceasing with thbreath.

              animus refers to the principle of morla personality which is connected with the will, Greek thumos.

              mens refers to that part of the animus which is constituted by the deliberative faculty, the intellect or the understanding.

            • Traite elementaire des synonymes grecques ( DUFOUR 1910) p. 9

            • Anthologia sive Florilegium rerum et materiarum selectarum ( LANGIUS 1631) p.

              ANIMUS, ANIMA

            • 論衡同義詞研究 ( LUNHENG TONGYI 2004) p. 83

            • Dictionnaire culturel en langue francaise ( REY 2005) p. 1.261

            • Historisches Woerterbuch der Philosophie ( RITTER 1971-2007) p. 9.1


            • "Sachwoerterbuch zum Alten China" ( UNGER SACH) p.


            • Encyclopedia of Religion ( JONES 2005) p.

            • Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages ( DE VAAN 2008) p.

              animus 'mind, spirit' [m. o] (P1.+)

              Derivatives: anima 'breath' (Naev.+); animal, -alis 'animal' (Varro+), animalis

              [adj.] 'living, animate' (Pac.+), animulus 'heart, soul' (PI.), exanimis [adj.] 'dead'

              (Lucr.+), exanimare 'to prostrate, kill' (P1.+), exanimabilis 'as one who is dead'

              (Naev.), exanimalis 'dead, deadly' (PI.).

              Pit. *anamo- 'breath, spirit'. It. cognates:

            • Handbook of Greek Synonymes, from the French of M. Alex. Pillon, Librarian of the Bibliothèque Royale , at Paris, and one of the editors of the new edition of Plaché's Dictionnaire Grec-Français, edited, with notes, by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A. Rector of Lyndon, and late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ( PILLON 1850) p. no.398

            • Divisiones quae vulgo dicuntur Aristoteleae ( DIVISIONES 1906) p. no. 12

            • 觀念的對比分析 ( YANG MINGTIAN 2009) p. 291

              DUSHA, SERDCE

            • Encyclopedia of Comparative Iconography ( ROBERTS 1998) p. 199

              DAMNED SOULS

            Attributions by syntactic funtion

            • nab : 39
            • nab(post-N) : 16
            • nm : 10
            • NP : 9
            • n : 7
            • NPab : 3
            • nab : 2
            • : 2
            • : 1
            • NP(post-N.)adV : 1
            • nab[.post-N] : 1

            Attributions by text

            • 文子 : 17
            • 莊子 : 14
            • 淮南子 : 13
            • 韓非子 : 12
            • 楚辭 : 6
            • 阮籍集四卷 : 5
            • 陸機集十一卷 : 4
            • 論衡 : 4
            • 春秋左傳 : 2
            • 法句經 : 2
            • 呂氏春秋 : 2
            • 黃帝內經 : 2
            • 古列女傳 : 2
            • 說苑 : 1
            • 搜神記 : 1
            • 荀子 : 1
            • 太平經 : 1
            • 合陰陽釋文 : 1
            • 韓詩外傳 : 1


            精神  jīng shén OC: tseŋ ɢljin MC: tsiɛŋ ʑin 30 AttributionsWD

              Word relations
            • Contrast: 魂魄/SOUL
            • Oppos: 身/BODY Shēn 身 (which also means "person") specifically refers to the main trunk of the body excluding head, arms and legs.
            • Oppos: 體/BODY Tǐ 體 refers to body as constituted by its various parts, in particular the limbs, and when it refers to the body as a whole the reference is to the posture and carriage of the body.
            • Oppos: 形體/BODY Xíng tǐ 形體 is the standard current binome for the physical body of both men and animals, including the body after death, among other things as the container of vital energy qì 氣.

            • Pulse Diagnosis in Early Chinese Medicine ( HSU 2010) p. 395

              Syntactic words
            • nabsubtle spirit; subtle spirits [occasionally: essential sprits; vital forces][CA]; soul as seat of thought
              shén OC: ɢljin MC: ʑin 29 AttributionsWD

            Shén 神 is primarily a subtle physical substance which gives man his spiritual dimension (ant. xíng 形 "body")), and the body xíngtǐ 形體 is the abode shè 舍 of the soul.

              Word relations
            • Ant: 形/BODY The general word for the body versus the heart and soul is xíng 形(ant. xīn 心).
            • Ant: 氣/ENERGY The most general current word for material vital cosmic energies of any kind is qì 氣.
            • Object: 費/WASTE Fèi 費 (ant. jié 節 "be economical in the use of resources") refers specifically to single acts of wastefulness.
            • Epithet: 氣/ENERGY The most general current word for material vital cosmic energies of any kind is qì 氣.
            • Contrast: 精/SOUL Jīng 精 "spiritual subtle substance" is the seminal supremely subtle material substance that gives man his spiritual energies.
            • Assoc: 精/SOUL Jīng 精 "spiritual subtle substance" is the seminal supremely subtle material substance that gives man his spiritual energies.
            • Oppos: 氣/ENERGY The most general current word for material vital cosmic energies of any kind is qì 氣.
            • Oppos: 目/EYE The general word for the eye, including the area around the eye is mù 目(thus when one shāng mù 傷目 what is injured is not necessarily the eyeball itself). (This is a very flexible word which also has verbal uses. For which see SEE.)
            • Oppos: 身/BODY Shēn 身 (which also means "person") specifically refers to the main trunk of the body excluding head, arms and legs.
            • Oppos: 形體/BODY Xíng tǐ 形體 is the standard current binome for the physical body of both men and animals, including the body after death, among other things as the container of vital energy qì 氣.

              Syntactic words
            • nab(post-N)spirit soul; the spirits (as distinct from the mind 心 and opposed to the body 形)
            • nab(post-N)psych(the agent's own) soul
            •'s soulDS
            • nab[.post-N]one's bodyCH
            • nmspirit; spiritual soul
              hún OC: ɢuun MC: ɦuo̝n 9 AttributionsWD

            Hún 魂 "male soul which returns to Heaven at death" and pò 魄 "female soul which returns to Earth at death" (all ant. xíng 形 "body") inhabit man in the general mode of spiritual possession.

              Word relations
            • Synon: 精/SOUL Jīng 精 "spiritual subtle substance" is the seminal supremely subtle material substance that gives man his spiritual energies.
            • Oppos: 身/BODY Shēn 身 (which also means "person") specifically refers to the main trunk of the body excluding head, arms and legs.
            • Oppos: 魄/SOUL Hún 魂 "male soul which returns to Heaven at death" and pò 魄 "female soul which returns to Earth at death" (all ant. xíng 形 "body") inhabit man in the general mode of spiritual possession.

              Syntactic words
            •'s soulDS
            • nabmetaphysicalmale soul which returns to heaven;
            • nabpsychsoul
              jīng OC: tseŋ MC: tsiɛŋ 6 AttributionsWD

            Jīng 精 "spiritual subtle substance" is the seminal supremely subtle material substance that gives man his spiritual energies.

              Word relations
            • Object: 竭/EXHAUST Jié 竭 (ant. yíng 盈 "leave plenty of something") typically refers to the using up of what one has in one, or what one owns.
            • Contrast: 神/SOUL Shén 神 is primarily a subtle physical substance which gives man his spiritual dimension (ant. xíng 形 "body")), and the body xíngtǐ 形體 is the abode shè 舍 of the soul.
            • Assoc: 神/SOUL Shén 神 is primarily a subtle physical substance which gives man his spiritual dimension (ant. xíng 形 "body")), and the body xíngtǐ 形體 is the abode shè 舍 of the soul.
            • Synon: 魂/SOUL Hún 魂 "male soul which returns to Heaven at death" and pò 魄 "female soul which returns to Earth at death" (all ant. xíng 形 "body") inhabit man in the general mode of spiritual possession.
            • Oppos: 形/BODY The general word for the body versus the heart and soul is xíng 形(ant. xīn 心).

              Syntactic words
            • nsubtle substance that makes up the soul; subtle essences; occasionally: spirit of a deceased person
            • nabpsychspirits> intellectual attentionCH
            神明  shén míng OC: ɢljin mraŋ MC: ʑin mɣaŋ 5 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • NPthe mind, the intellectual faculties
            魂魄  hún pò OC: ɢuun phraaɡ MC: ɦuo̝n phɣɛk 3 AttributionsWD

              Word relations
            • Contrast: 精神/SOUL
            • Oppos: 身/BODY Shēn 身 (which also means "person") specifically refers to the main trunk of the body excluding head, arms and legs.

              Syntactic words
            • NPpluralmale and female souls; soul
              pò OC: phraaɡ MC: phɣɛk 2 AttributionsWD

            Hún 魂 "male soul which returns to Heaven at death" and pò 魄 "female soul which returns to Earth at death" (all ant. xíng 形 "body") inhabit man in the general mode of spiritual possession.

              Word relations
            • Oppos: 魂/SOUL Hún 魂 "male soul which returns to Heaven at death" and pò 魄 "female soul which returns to Earth at death" (all ant. xíng 形 "body") inhabit man in the general mode of spiritual possession.

              Syntactic words
            • nfemale soul
            • nabdispositionwits
              líng OC: reeŋ MC: leŋ 1 AttributionWD

            Líng 靈 (ant. qū 軀 "body") is a spiritual part of man which links him to the higher religious realm of the spirits.

              Syntactic words
            • nspirit
            靈魂  líng hún OC: reeŋ ɢuun MC: leŋ ɦuo̝n 1 AttributionWD
              Syntactic words
            • NPsingularsould
            魂神  hún shén OC: ɢuun ɢljin MC: ɦuo̝n ʑin 1 AttributionWD
              Syntactic words
            • NPabpsychspirit souls; the (immortal) soul
            營魂  yíng hún MC: yweng -- OC: ɢʷleŋ --CH 1 AttributionWD
              Syntactic words
            • NPabpsychsoulCH
            精爽  jīng shuǎng MC: tsjeng -- OC: tseŋ --CH 1 AttributionWD
              Syntactic words
            • NPabpsychsubtle fresh psychic energiesCH
            神者  shén zhě MC: zyin tsyaeX OC: ɢljin kljaʔCH 1 AttributionWD
              Syntactic words
            • NP(post-N.)adVwith one's spirit soulCH
            神氣  shén qì MC: zyin khj+jH OC: ɢljin khɯdsCH 1 AttributionWD
              Syntactic words
            • NPabspiritual vital energiesCH
            魂氣  hún qì OC: ɢuun khɯds MC: ɦuo̝n khɨi 0 AttributionsWD

              Word relations
            • Oppos: 形體/BODY Xíng tǐ 形體 is the standard current binome for the physical body of both men and animals, including the body after death, among other things as the container of vital energy qì 氣.

              Syntactic words
            • NPmsoul as metaphysical substance
              Click here to add pinyin MC:  OC: CH 0 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • NPabpsychsoulCH
              Click here to add pinyin MC:  OC: CH 0 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • NPabpsychsubtle psychic energiesCH

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