      • OBJECT[NO HYPERNYM.] WHAT one CAN NAME:refer to.
See also
      Old Chinese Criteria
      1. The most general current word for material vital cosmic energies of any kind is qì 氣.

      2. Yīn 陰 "dark female energies" and yáng 陽 "bright male energies" are the two main categories of vital cosmic energies increasingly introduced from late Warring States times onwards.

      3. Jīng 精 "subtle vital essence" refers to the crucial subtle variety of the material vital cosmic energies.

      4. Shén 神 refers to the ultimately refined quintessential subtle variety of the material vital cosmic energies, and the degree of subtlety is superior to that of the jīng 精 "subtle vital essence".

      5. Líng 靈 refers to the almost disembodied supernatural subtle variety of the vital cosmic energies that define life on earth.

      6. Jīn 祲 is a rare archaic word which refers primarily to inauspicious cosmic energies manifesting themselves as evil omens, but the word is occasionally used generally in a neutral sense.

      7. Fēn 氛 is a rare word which refers primarily to inauspicious or auspicious cosmic energies, but the word is occasionally used specifically in the negative sense.

      Modern Chinese Criteria




      元氣 refers to vital energies and vigour.


      rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

      • Concepts of Force ( JAMMER 1999) p.

      • Woerterbuch der Philosophie. Neue Beitraege zu einer Kritik der Sprache ( MAUTHNER WP 1924) p. I.406

      • Dictionnaire culturel en langue francaise ( REY 2005) p. 2.477

      • Historisches Woerterbuch der Philosophie ( RITTER 1971-2007) p. 2.494


      • Key Concepts in Chinese Philosophy ( ZHANG DAINIAN 2002) p. 45

      • The Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( BORCHERT 2005) p.



      • Bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprachinhaltsforschung. Teil II. Systematischer Teil. B. Ordnung nach Sinnbezirken (mit einem alphabetischen Begriffsschluessel): Der Mensch und seine Welt im Spiegel der Sprachforschung ( FRANKE 1989) p. 58B

      Attributions by syntactic funtion

      • NPab : 42
      • nab : 41
      • nm : 40
      • NPm : 21
      • nab.adV : 5
      • : 2
      • nab[post-N] : 1
      • vt[oN] : 1
      • nadV : 1
      • vv-P.adV : 1
      • vi : 1

      Attributions by text

      • 文子 : 20
      • 春秋左傳 : 18
      • 淮南子 : 16
      • 孟子 : 14
      • 荀子 : 11
      • 論語 : 10
      • 論衡 : 10
      • 莊子 : 8
      • 韓非子 : 8
      • 阮籍集四卷 : 7
      • 韓詩外傳 : 6
      • 太平經 : 4
      • 呂氏春秋 : 4
      • 文選 : 3
      • 祖堂集 : 3
      • 尚書 : 2
      • 賢愚經 : 2
      • 法言 : 2
      • 楚辭 : 2
      • 史記 : 1
      • 晏子春秋 : 1
      • 法句經 : 1
      • 禮記 : 1
      • 戰國策 : 1
      • 古列女傳 : 1


        qì OC: khɯds MC: khɨi 56 AttributionsWD

      The most general current word for material vital cosmic energies of any kind is qì 氣.

        Word relations
      • Ant: 神/SOUL Shén 神 is primarily a subtle physical substance which gives man his spiritual dimension (ant. xíng 形 "body")), and the body xíngtǐ 形體 is the abode shè 舍 of the soul.
      • Object: 治/CONTROL Zhì 治 refers to the orderly and principled long-term control of something.
      • Epithet: 精/TENUOUS
      • Epithet: 心/MIND The general word for the mental sphere of man is xīn 心 "HEART> mind" (ant. xíng 形 "physical shape, body", tǐ 體 "limbs, body").
      • Epithet: 和/HARMONY The general word for bringing something into a state where it is well in tune or keeping in tune with something is hé 和.
      • Epithet: 元/BASIS
      • Epithet: 體/BODY Tǐ 體 refers to body as constituted by its various parts, in particular the limbs, and when it refers to the body as a whole the reference is to the posture and carriage of the body.
      • Epithet: 人/HUMAN The dominant term is rén 人 which refers to any human.
      • Epithet: 天/HEAVEN
      • Epithet: 神/SOUL Shén 神 is primarily a subtle physical substance which gives man his spiritual dimension (ant. xíng 形 "body")), and the body xíngtǐ 形體 is the abode shè 舍 of the soul.
      • Contrast: 心/MIND The general word for the mental sphere of man is xīn 心 "HEART> mind" (ant. xíng 形 "physical shape, body", tǐ 體 "limbs, body").
      • Assoc: 血/BLOOD
      • Assoc: 志/MIND Zhì 志 (ant. shēn 身 "body") never refers to the faculty of the will, but is the agency through which man has his highest aspirations in life.
      • Oppos: 神/SOUL Shén 神 is primarily a subtle physical substance which gives man his spiritual dimension (ant. xíng 形 "body")), and the body xíngtǐ 形體 is the abode shè 舍 of the soul.

        Syntactic words
      • vital spirits, the dynamic active spirits of NCH
      • nab[post-N]philosophicalone's authentic essential vital energyCH
      • nabliteraryliterary verve and specific vital force[See Pollard on qi in literature.]CH
      • nabmetaphysicalof persons: *vital inner force; powerful temper; inner energy; (of words) powerful tone.
      • nabof things.metaphysicaldynamic force in and of things: dynamics,dynamic impact
      • nmcosmic vital force or energyCH
      • nmmentalinner vital mental energies of a person
      • nmphysicalvital physical force or energy (of a person)
      • vt[oN]N=humanenergise
      精神  jīng shén OC: tseŋ ɢljin MC: tsiɛŋ ʑin 26 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPabmetaphysicalsubtle mental or spiritual energies; quintessential spirits
        lì OC: ɡ-rɯɡ MC: lɨk 17 AttributionsWD

        Word relations
      • Object: 盡/EXHAUST The current general word for using up anything material or immaterial is jìn 盡.

        Syntactic words
      • nab.adVwith all one's energy, with all one's might
      • nabpsychnon-physical strength, functional potential (of eyes or the mind); personal energy
      血氣  xuè qì OC: qhʷiiɡ khɯds MC: het khɨi 13 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPmblood energy> blood, physical energies; vital forces; vital spirits
        jīng OC: tseŋ MC: tsiɛŋ 9 AttributionsWD

      Jīng 精 "subtle vital essence" refers to the crucial subtle variety of the material vital cosmic energies.

        Syntactic words
      • nabmetaphysicalsubtle cosmic energy
      • nabpsychologicalsubtle psycho-somatic energies
      志氣  zhì qì OC: kljɯs khɯds MC: tɕɨ khɨi 6 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPabmetaphysicalvital energies; aspiring energies
        xīn OC: slɯm MC: sim 5 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • nabpsychmental energies; personal energy; fighting spirit
      氣力  qì lì OC: khɯds ɡ-rɯɡ MC: khɨi lɨk 5 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPmstrength, energy
      五行  wǔ xíng OC: ŋaaʔ ɢraaŋs MC: ŋuo̝ ɦɣaŋ 4 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPabmetaphysicalthe five cosmic material agents 木、火、土、金、水 which determine five agents where they alternately dominate (these agents define phases but are cosmic agents and not themselves phases)
        líng OC: reeŋ MC: leŋ 2 AttributionsWD

      Líng 靈 refers to the almost disembodied supernatural subtle variety of the vital cosmic energies that define life on earth.

        Syntactic words
      • nabmetaphysicalsupernatural energies; supernatural influence
      • vibe full of vital and metaphysical energy
      意氣  yì qì OC: qɯɡs khɯds MC: ʔɨ khɨi 2 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPabpsychintellectual/conscious vital energy
      精氣  jīng qì OC: tseŋ khɯds MC: tsiɛŋ khɨi 2 AttributionsWD

        Word relations
      • Oppos: 形體/BODY Xíng tǐ 形體 is the standard current binome for the physical body of both men and animals, including the body after death, among other things as the container of vital energy qì 氣.

        Syntactic words
      • NPmmetaphysicalsubtle essences and energies
      • NPmsexualsubtle sexual urgesCH
        fēn OC: phɯn MC: phi̯un 1 AttributionWD

      Fēn 氛 is a rare word which refers primarily to inauspicious or auspicious cosmic energies, but the word is occasionally used specifically in the negative sense.

        Syntactic words
      • nabmetaphysicalwicked or inauspicious cosmic energies; SHUOWEN: auspicious or inauspicious cosmic energies
        shén OC: ɢljin MC: ʑin 1 AttributionWD

      Shén 神 refers to the ultimately refined quintessential subtle variety of the material vital cosmic energies, and the degree of subtlety is superior to that of the jīng 精 "subtle vital essence".

        Syntactic words
      • nab(post-N)psychpsychological energies of the contextually determinate N
      • nabmetaphysicalmental energy, mental energies
      氣意  qì yì OC: khɯds qɯɡs MC: khɨi ʔɨ 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPabpsychmental energies; energetic orientation, spirits
      沖氣  chōng qì OC: ɡrluŋ khɯds MC: ɖuŋ khɨi 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPmactivated energies; "splurging energies"
      奕奕  yì yì MC: yek yek  OC: k-laɡ k-laɡ CH 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vv-P.adVvigorously, energeticallyCH
      五氣  wǔ qì MC: nguX khj+jH OC: ŋaaʔ khɯdsCH 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPab= Five Agents 五行:metal, wood, water, fire earthCH
      齊氣  qí qì MC: dzej khj+jH OC: dziil khɯdsCH 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPablanguid literary force or energy [qi is unexplained here, the gloss is based just on Wenxuan commentary which provides no argument. But the meaning persists later]CH
        hú MC: hwot OC: ɡʷɯɯdCH 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • nadVenergetically; with gusto; enthusiasticallyCH
      天氣  tiān qì MC: then khj+jH OC: lʰiin khɯdsCH 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPabvital energies from HeavenCH
        jīn OC: skim MC: tsim 0 AttributionsWD

      Jīn 祲 is a rare archaic word which refers primarily to inauspicious cosmic energies manifesting themselves as evil omens, but the word is occasionally used generally in a neutral sense.

        Syntactic words
      • nabmetaphysicalwicked or inauspicious cosmic energies
        xíng OC: ɢraaŋ MC: ɦɣaŋ 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • nabmetaphysicalperiodically dominant cosmic energy type; phase 五行
        yīn OC: qrɯm MC: ʔim 0 AttributionsWD

      Yīn 陰 "dark female energies" and yáng 陽 "bright male energies" are the two main categories of vital cosmic energies increasingly introduced from late Warring States times onwards.

        Syntactic words
      • nabmetaphysicalYang, dark female energies
        yáng OC: k-laŋ MC: ji̯ɐŋ 0 AttributionsWD

      Yīn 陰 "dark female energies" and yáng 陽 "bright male energies" are the two main categories of vital cosmic energies increasingly introduced from late Warring States times onwards.

        Syntactic words
      • nabmetaphysicalYang, bright male energies
      智力  zhì lì OC: tes ɡ-rɯɡ MC: ʈiɛ lɨk 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPenergies, intellectual and physical
      氤氳  yīn yūn OC: qin qun MC: ʔin ʔi̯un 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • nabprocessfermentation of the vital forces that create the universe
      • viprocessferment cosmically
        Click here to add pinyin MC:  OC: CH 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPab= Five Agents 五行:metal, wood, water, fire earthCH
      元氣  yuán qì MC: ngjwon khj+jH OC: ŋɡon khɯdsCH 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words

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