Taxonomy of meanings for 設:  

  • 設 shè (OC: qhjed MC: ɕiɛt) 識列切 入 廣韻:【置也陳也合也識列切二 】
        • be properly arranged>FIT
          • generalised>PUT
            • vtoNput on public display; hoist; put in place
            • vtoNmathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
            • vtoNput N in its proper placeLZ
            • vttoN1.+prep+N2N2=placeput N1 in the place N2CH
            • vt+prep+Npassive, middle voicebe placed at N; be fixed at NDS
            • abstract>INSIST
              • vt+V[0]insist on (doing something)
              • grammaticalised: hypothetically, contrary to fact>COUNTERFACTUAL
                • vt0oS1.adS2conditionalassuming that, contrary to fact
                • generalised>IF
                  • vt0oS1.adS2to suppose hypothetically, let us suppose hypothetically(sometimes correlating with 亦 in S2)
                  • vt0oS1.adS2mathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
          • arrange for possibility of>ALLOW
            • psychologically: arrange for possibility of future action>PLAN
                • concrete>BUILD
                  • nfigurativewhat is built up as a figment of the imagination: inventions
                  • vtoNbuild (a house)
                  • vtoNpassivebe built; be arrangedDS
                  • feature>STRONG
                    • social>ESTABLISH
                      • vt+prep+Nfigurativemake arrangements for the conduct of N
                      • vtoNset up, establish administratively; arrange for, make preparations for
                      • vtoNfigurativemake arrangements for, make (an oath or efforts etc)
                      • vtoNpassivebe formally established
                      • vttoN1.+prep+N2reflexive.自establish (oneself) in a place N2
                      • vimiddle voicebe formally establishedCH
                      • vtoNobject=humantry to establish in good conditions; provide forCH
                      • vt+V[0]to set out to VVK
                      • vtoNpassive.figurativebe well-established; be properly arrangedDS
                      • enact in practice>ACT
                  • object: festive food>MEAL
                    • grammaticalised: arrange fully>COMPLETE
                      • trap>CATCH

                      Additional information about 設

                      說文解字: 【設】,施陳也。从言、从殳,殳,使人也。 〔小徐本無「从殳」二字。〕 【識列切】

                      • COUNTERFACTUAL

                        1. The most current particle indicating counterfactual or occasionally remotely hypothetical conditional clauses is shǐ 使.

                        2. Shè 設 is remotely hypothetical in its primary use, and only occasionally used to make counterfactual conditionals.

                        3. Jiǎ 假 is used to make counterfactual conditionals or remotely hypothetical conditionals indifferently.

                      • PUT

                        1. The most general word for placing something in a certain location, either abstract (like a political position) or concrete spatial, is zhì 置.

                        2. Zhì 寘 is limited to the concrete placing of a physical object in a place.

                        3. Shè 設 refers to the setting up of something (typically something large or substantial) permanent(ly) in a location.

                        4. Jì 寄 refers to putting something in a certain place for a certain time only.

                        5. Zhuó 著, rare in pre-Buddhist texts, refers to the placing of an object permanently or temporarily in a certain position.

                      • ESTABLISH

                        1. The current general word for setting up anything abstract or concrete is lì 立 and the almost equally common shè 設.

                        2. Jiàn 建 refers to bringing something into existence through a comprehensive concerted effort.

                        3. Jù 具 refers to establishing or setting up what is necessary in a certain context.

                        4. Zhì 制 refers to set up institutionally a system.

                        5. Cuò 錯 / 措 and zhì 置 (ant. feì 廢 "remove from its proper place") refer to putting something solidly and firmly in its proper place.

                        6. Shù 樹 refers to planting or establishing something firmly where one intends it to remain.

                        Word relations
                      • Assoc: (ESTABLISH)具 / 俱/PROVIDE Jù 具 refers to providing something or assuring supplies of something without much emphasis on what these things are to be used for in concrete terms.
                      • Oppos: (ESTABLISH)用/ACT