Taxonomy of meanings for 界:  

  • 界 jiè (OC: kreeds MC: kɯæi) 古拜切 去 廣韻:【境也垂也 】
      • nthe (typically marked) border; sometimes by synecdoche the reference is to "area enclosed by the border", and these cases are not easy to separate out.
      • nabdeverbal: dividing or limiting function of the state borders
      • vtoNZGC: have a state boundary with, have a common boundary with
    • =介ARMOUR
      • =介RELY ON
        • =介BETWEEN
          • =介CLASSIFIERS
            • =屆ARRIVE

              Additional information about 界


              • BOUNDARY



                1. Jiè 界 is perhaps the most general word for any border or boundary of any kind, current especially from Han times onwards, but the border thus designated is typically demarkated by some signs or symbols.


                2. Jìng 境 is the technical general term for a border or borderline between states.

                [LINE], [SPECIFIC]

                3. Fēng 封 is an ancient word referring prototypically to a demarkated border betweem territories marked by raised mounds planted with trees, and with a prototypical link to borders established by feudal enfeofment..

                [LINE], [SPECIFIC]

                4. Biān 邊 refers to a border area as viewed from the angle of what is within this border. See BORDER AREA


                5. LŸè 略 is sometimes used to refer to the borders between territories or states in ZUO.

                [ARCHAIC], [LINE]; [[RARE]]

                6. Fēng jiāng 封疆 refers in an abstract or bureaucratic way to all manner of boundaries.

                7. Xiàn 限 is an elevated very rare term for a delimitation regarded as something set deliberately rather than naturally or historically given. Compare also LIMIT

                [ELEVATED], [+FIG]; [[RARE]]

                Word relations