Taxonomy of meanings for 暴:  

  • 暴 bào (OC: boowɡs MC: bɑu) 薄報切 去 廣韻:【侵暴猝也急也又晞也案説文作曓疾有所趣也又作暴晞也今通作暴亦姓漢有繡衣使者暴勝之薄報切九 】
      • nnonreferentialcrude bully, the violent
      • nabactviolence; violent behaviour
      • nabdispositionrecklessness; cruel violence
      • vadNreckless, cruel and violent
      • vibe reckless; be violent and cruel
      • viinchoativebecome ruthless and violent
      • vtoNdeal violently with, show violence towards
      • v[adN]N=humviolent persons
      • vadVimpetuously, violently (sometimes with suffix 而)CH
      • oxocentric>STORM
        • psychological>CRUEL
          • nabtyranny; despotismDS
          • vtoNbe cruel towards; violateCH
          • vtoNreflexive.自be cruel to oneselfCH
        • exocentric>VILLAIN
            • action>HARM
                • political>OPPRESS
                  • vtoNoppress cruelly, oppress by violent means
                  • vtoNpsychbe cruel to or oppress (oneself)
            • physical>STRONG
              • vadNstrong, violent (rain, wind)
              • exercise of>FIGHT
                • exercise of for speed>HURRY
                    • resulting feature>QUICK
                      • vadNquick, fast
                      • vadVrapidly; LH 1: at reasonably quick speed
                      • grammaticalised: unexpected>SUDDENLY
                          • grammaticalised: degree>INTENSELY
                            • vadVone a furiously intense scale, on a reckless scale
                  • LAND MEASURES
              • 暴 pù (OC: booɡ MC: buk) 蒲木切 入 廣韻:【日乾也蒲木切十二 】
                • SHINE
                  • vtoNMENG: blaze on (as the sun blazing on the earth)
                  • vtoNcausativeexpose to the sun
                  • vt[oN]reflexivecause oneself to be shone upon> expose oneself to the sunCH
                  • causative>PARCH
                    • vadNbleached, parched (skeletons etc)
                    • vtoNbleach, parch
                  • SILK PRODUCTION
                    • vtoNMENG: expose silk to the sun
                  • resultative>SHOW
                    • vtoNexpose (a body at the market place); manifest
              • 暴 bo2《集韻》北角切,入覺幫。藥部。

                Additional information about 暴


                • SHOW

                  1. The most general word for making anything visible is shì 示 (ant. hán 含 "keep to oneself").

                  2. Xiàn 見 / 現 (ant. bì 蔽 "make invisible to others,") refers to making visible what is there.

                  3. Xiǎn 顯 (ant. yǐn 隱 "hide from sight") is to make something prominently visible to wider audience.

                  4. Yáng 揚 (ant. yì 抑 "suppress and keep from general knowledge") is to make something universally visible to the general public.

                  5. Zhù 著 (ant. bì 蔽 "block from sight") is to show something up as deserving great attention.

                  6. Chén 陳 (ant. cáng 藏 "hide") is to lay out something so as to make it accessible to inspection.

                  7. Zhāo 昭 (yōu 幽 "keep in obscurity") is to cast light over something so as to make it accessible to wide appreciation.

                  8. Zhāng 彰 (ant. yì 抑 is to give proper illustrious public status to something that is held to clearly deserve such recognition.

                  9. Zhú 燭 (ant. yǐn 隱 "keep in the dark") is to cast enought light on something dark in order to make it visible.

                  10. Pù 暴 is to make accessible to view what is covered and therefore inaccessible to inspection.

                • DECENT

                  1. The current word in general use is jié 節 (ant. yín 淫 "unrestrained") which refers primarily to decency in behaviour.

                  2. Liáng 良 (ant.* bào 暴 "recklessness") is decency of attitude as well as decency in action.

                  3. Jiǎn 儉 (ant. chǐ 侈 "excessiveness") is the important virtue of decent restraint in Confucian moral spirituality and it is something cultivated by a moral effort.

                  4. Shú 淑 refers in a poetic way to the proper unassuming modesty of a person, especially of attractive women in ancient Chinese society.

                  5. Ràng 讓 (ant. màn 慢 "be impolite to") is marginal in this group and refers to polite deference in interaction with others. See YIELD

                • CRUEL

                  1. The current general word for psychological cruelty is rěn 忍 (ant. cí 慈 "show kind loving concern"), and the current general word for cruelty in action is cán 殘 (ant. rén 仁 "kind-heartedness").

                  2. NŸè 虐 (ant. fǔ 撫 "take good care of, show proper concern for subordinates or subjects") refers to wanton cruelty in the exercise of political authority.

                  3. Lì 戾 typically refers to deliberate cruelty for its own sake, typically by those in political authority, viewed as a political mistake. See SEVERE

                  4. Bào 暴 refers to a propensity towards public violence by those in authority, viewed as a character defect. See VIOLENT

                • PARCH

                  1. Pù 暴/曝 is the current word for the parching or bleaching something through excessive exposure to the sun.

                • VIOLENT

                  1. The current general word for violence in action and in disposition is měng 猛 (ant. nuò 懦 "weakish, pusillanimous") which refers quite generally to a disposition for incisive action and violent reaction without strong positive or negative overtones.

                  2. Bào 暴 (ant. rén 仁 "humane") refers to negatively valued violence of disposition and action.

                  3. Xiōng 凶 (ant. wēn 溫 "mild and bland") refers to violence as a psychological disposition and does not normally describe concrete pieces of behaviour.

                  4. Hèng 橫 (ant. róu 柔 "considerate, non-provocative") emphasises the arbitrariness of violent response or violent disposition.

                • SHINE

                  1. The most current general word for throwing light on something is zhào 照.

                  2. Míng 明 is typically used in a transferred sense of making something visible and clear.

                  3. Pù 曝 / 暴 is a dramatic physical word referring to the exposing of something blazing or scorching light.

                  4. Yào 耀 is a dramatic word referring to shining a dazzling light on something.

                • OPPRESS

                  1. The most common general word for oppression is probably nŸè 虐 (ant. cí 慈 "show loving care for").

                  2. Bào 暴 (ant. fǔ 撫 "care well for") emphasises the aspect of violence.

                  3. Líng 陵 (ant. yù 育 "take loving care of", and the rare jí 藉, and chéng 乘 emphasise the abuse of supremacy of social or political position.

                  Word relations
                • Ant: (VIOLENT)明/INTELLIGENT Míng 明 (ant. àn 闇 "obfuscated in one's mind"), taking its analogy from sharpness of vision, typically refers to clarity of insight at all levels.
                • Epithet: (CRUEL)君/RULER Jūn 君 (ant. chén 臣 "minister") refers specifically to someone who is politically or administratively in charge of others as a ruler.
                • Contrast: (QUICK)猝 / 卒/SUDDENLY Cù 卒/猝 refers to the sudden onset of something before it was expected to occur.
                • Contrast: (CRUEL)殘/CRUEL The current general word for psychological cruelty is rěn 忍 (ant. cí 慈 "show kind loving concern"), and the current general word for cruelty in action is cán 殘 (ant. rén 仁 "kind-heartedness").
                • Assoc: (VIOLENT)虐/CRUEL Nyè 虐 (ant. fǔ 撫 "take good care of, show proper concern for subordinates or subjects") refers to wanton cruelty in the exercise of political authority.
                • Assoc: (VIOLENT)亂/REVOLT Luàn 亂 (ant. zhì 治 "regularly political government") refers to a major political upheaval designed to topple the reigning government.
                • Assoc: (VIOLENT)彊/STRONG
                • Oppos: (VIOLENT)善/GOOD The general term for positive appraisal of any kind in Chinese is shàn 善 (ant. è 惡 "bad").