Taxonomy of meanings for 斥:  

  • 斥 chì (OC: ŋhjaaɡs MC: tɕʰiɛk) 昌石切 入 廣韻:【逐也逺也又㡿候説文曰郤行也从广屰屰音逆 】
  • 斥 chì (OC: khljaɡ MC: tɕʰiɛk) 昌石切 入 廣韻:【同㡿 】
    • BIG
      • vtoNexpand; spread
    • BLAME
      • vtoNblame rudely and publicly
      • vtoNdismiss and banish from the centre of administration
      • vtoNspy out (ZUO) [examine][CA]
    • FEND OFF
      • vtoNrebuff, repel, keep at bay; avoid and keep away
      • vtoNpassivebe fended off
    • MEAN
      • vtoNpoint to, indicate (GU) ??
    • PLANTS
      • nChinese mustard (Brassica juncea)
    • REFUSE
      • vtoNrefuse; repulse (a demand)
    • SOIL
      • nmsaline earth (SHU)
      • REFER TO
        • PUSH
          • NEAR
            • MANY
              • BROAD
                • RELEASE
                  • SALT
                    • SHORE
                    • 斥 chè (OC: ŋhjaaɡs MC: tɕʰia) 充夜切 去 廣韻:【山名爾雅曰東方之美者有斥山之文皮焉又音尺 】

                      Additional information about 斥


                      • SOIL

                        1. The current general word for soil of any kind, including dirt, is tǔ 土.

                        2. Rǎng 壤 refers to the kind of fertile soil that is useful for agriculture.

                        3. Xī 隰 refers to low-lying wet ground

                        4. Chì 斥 and lǔ 鹵 refers to saline ground.

                        5. Qì 磧 refers to sandy ground.

                        6. Kuài 塊 refers to a clod of earth.

                        7. Yū 淤 refers to sludge in a river or in the sea. See MUD

                      • DISMISS

                        1. The standard bureaucratic general term for dismissal from office is miǎn 免.

                        2. Yǐ 已 is a polite periphrastic word for dismissal.

                        3. Fèi 廢 refers informally to dismissal from office.

                        4. Bà 罷 is a Han dynasty administrative term for dismissal.

                        5. Chì 斥 refers to dismissal followed by banishment. See BANISH

                      • REFUSE

                        1. The current general word for refusal to do what one is asked to do or invited to do is què 卻 (ant. yǔn 允 "agree gracefully", but only for the case when què 卻 has a subject of high status), verbalised refusal to do what one is invited to do is currently cí 辭 (ant. cóng 從 "follow, do as one is told").

                        2. Jù 拒 (ant. chéng 承 "accept (a task)") refers to emphatic refusal, a decision to have nothing to do with something.

                        3. Shì 釋 (ant. shòu 受 "accept (a task)") refers to an insistance not to do what one might be expected to undertake.

                        4. Fú 弗 (ant. yù 欲 "be willing to") regularly refers to what the agent "will not do" or "refuses to do", as an emphatic negation.

                        5. Chì 斥 (ant. fèng 奉 "accept (a task)") is occasionally used to refer to a refusal to accede to a request or demand.

                      • CHOOSE

                        1. The general word for making a deliberate and in principle free choice is qǔ 取 "to choose or opt for (the preferred alternative), to prefer" (ant 捨 "reject"), and what is thus chosen or preferred may be concrete or abstract.

                        2. Zé 擇 is "to choose between, make a free choice among (alternative objects presenting themselves)" and the word applies to all sorts of choices, formal or informal.

                        3. Xuǎn 選 and the rarer bá 拔 (ant. chì 斥 "set aside") is an administrative term referring to the choice of incumbents for a position to be filled according to given criteria of choice.

                        4. Cǎi 采 is close in meaning to qǔ 取 but does not naturally correspond to any antonym like shě 捨 "reject".

                        5. Qū 趨 (ant. bì 避 "shy away from and avoid") and the rarer xiàng 嚮 (ant. bèi 背 "turn one's back on") refer to a tendency to exercise a certain preference.

                        6. Níng 寧 "would rather, prefer to" expresses a free moral or intellectual or practical choice. See PREFER