Taxonomy of meanings for 思:  

  • sī (OC: snɯ MC: sɨ) 息兹切 平 廣韻:【思念也息兹切又息吏切十五 】
    • THINK
      • nabobjectmajor concerns, main considerations
      • nab.adVin one's reflection, in one's imagination
      • nabactthought; ability to think
      • viactengage in reflection
      • viimperativethink!
      • vtoNbe preoccupied by; linger in thought on; reflect on, be mindful of, think about
      • vtoNcausativecause one to think of> commemorate
      • vtoNPab{S}reflect on (with nominalised sentential object)
      • vtoSreflect on the fact that S
      • vt+V[0]have as one's main concern; have as a natural concern
      • vt(oN)think of the contextually determinate N
      • vtoN.adVmindful of N to VCH
      • nabpsychreflexive: concerned reflection, aesthetic meditationCH
      • nab[.post-N]one's thoughtsCH
      • vtoNpositivethink fondly ofCH
      • vt[oN]think with affection of thingsCH
      • morally thoughtful> GOOD
        • vibe morally thoughtful, be morally perfect
      • longingly> YEARN
        • vibe wistful; be homesick??
        • vt(oN)yearn for N
        • vt+V[0]yearn to; think intensely of V-ing; be all concerned to V
        • vtoNactthink (longingly) of; think of as desirable; think of as admirable
        • nabpassivebeing thought affectionately of; being missedTWH
        • nabpsychologicalyearnings, unfulfilled desiresCH
        • negative emotion> SAD
          • vimournful
    • late: stative, emotional> MOOD
      • nabpsych
    • grammaticalised:in poetry> PARTICLE
      • padSsentence-initial euphonic particle in SHI
      • ppostN. Vsentence-internal euphonic particle in SHILZ
      • ppostadSsentence-final euphonic particle in SHILZ

    Additional information about 思


    • OLIVE

      000 左思 mentions the olive tree.

    • THINK

      1. The most current general word for thought or reflection of any kind is perhaps sī 思 (ant. hū 忽 "fail to pay detailed attention to"), but this word tends to refer specifically to reflection.

      2. Huái 懷 (ant. wàng 忘 "forget all about") refers to emotionally loaded thinking about a absent person or an important subject.

      3. Móu 謀 refers to any act of planning by a private or public personality.

      4. Tú 圖 refer to deliberative strategic thinking about the future by a person in authority to decide on a future course of action.

      5. Xiǎng 想 is occasionally used to refer to fond thinking about absent persons, and in later times the word comes to refer to unrealistic imaginings in thought, and wàng xiǎng 妄想 "wild imaginings" is a symptomatic current phrase..

      6. Niàn 念 refers to intense intellectual effort and strenuous attention, and zhèng niàn 正念 refers to correct intellectual efforts in Buddhist Chinese.

      7. Zhēn zhuó 斟酌 refers to careful deliberation on the truth of a proposition or the moral quality of something.

      8. Jì 計 refers to subjecting something to rational often quantified consideration and judgment.

      9. Gù 顧 is inchoative and refers to the turning of one's attention to something one has not focussed on before.

      10. Lu �慮 refers to thoughtful long-term strategic (often personal) planning.


      1. The most general word for the native ability to understand or to do things is zhī 知 "knowing", but a problem with this word is that it ranges freely and often imperceptibly in meaning from spiritual wisdom to technical competence.

      2. Míng 明 (ant. àn 闇 "obfuscated in one's mind"), taking its analogy from sharpness of vision, typically refers to clarity of insight at all levels.

      3. Cōng 聰 (ant. kuì 聵 "hard of understanding"), taking its analogy from sharpness of hearing, typically refers to well-informed sharpness of judgment.

      4. Shān 顫 is a very rare word referring to the acute sense of smell, and thus to narine intelligence.

      5. Chá 察 refers to discriminating investigative intelligence.

      6. Ruì 睿 perspicacious in reflection.

      SHU, HONGFAN: 視曰明,聽曰聰,思曰睿。

    • SHAME

      1. The most current word referring to private feelings of shame is xiū 羞 "feel intensely morally ashamed of oneself",

      2. The most current word for public shame or disgrace with regard to an action, the core of which is public opinion, is chǐ 恥, proper respect for which is also called chǐ 恥 "sense for what is publicly disgraceful".

      3. Rǔ 辱 refers to public humiliation and public disgrace typically caused by overt actions or reactions of others.

      4. Kuì 愧 expresses a mixture of shame and embarrassment, and the word is the only shame-word to be used as a reflexive verb meaning "be ashamed of and embarrassed about oneself".

      5. Cán 慚 "feel embarrassed and ill at ease about something" is often close to a feeling of 不好意思, and it may naturally apply to things one has said rather than done. Note the current 心慚 "feel inwardly ashamed".

      6. Zuò 怍 refers to being or becoming (typically, but not always, visibly on one's face) upset, typically by feelings of shame.


      7. Nǎn 赧 refers to the external manifestation of feelings of shame through blushing, but the term is not common in pre-Buddhist literature and is marginal in the group.

    • DREAM

      1. The current standard word for a dream is mèng 夢.

      2. Xiōng mèng 凶夢 refers to a nightmare.

      ZHOULI 3 占夢:掌其歲時,觀天地之會,辨陰陽之氣。以日月星辰占六夢之吉凶,一曰正夢,二曰噩夢,三曰思夢,四曰寤夢,五曰喜夢,六曰懼夢。季冬,聘王夢,獻吉夢于王,王拜而受之。乃舍萌于四方,以贈惡夢,遂令始難驅疫。

    • YEARN

      1. The current general word for yearning for something is sī 思 (ant. wàng 忘 "forget all about").

      2. Niàn 念 is intensitive and refers to an inability to stop thinking about something.

      3. Huái 懷 is highly emotional and refers to pondering something intensely and emotionally or thinking with intense concern about somebody in one's heart.

      4. Xiǎng 想 is rare in pre-Buddhist Chinese and tends to refer to thinking of someone not only with affection but also with anticipation and hope for future contact.

      5. Yì 憶 is neutral and refers to thinking of someone with mild affection.

      Word relations
    • Ant: (THINK)學/STUDY The dominant word is xué 學 (ant. jiào 教 "train teach")which refers primarily to studying or training under another person, and secondarily to the learning by heart texts. Very often, the word retains a tinge of immitation.
    • Object: (THINK)天意/PLAN
    • Contrast: (THINK)學/STUDY The dominant word is xué 學 (ant. jiào 教 "train teach")which refers primarily to studying or training under another person, and secondarily to the learning by heart texts. Very often, the word retains a tinge of immitation.
    • Assoc: (THINK)慮/PLAN Lǜ 慮 refers to a careful personal planning effort based on serious reflection.
    • Assoc: (YEARN)慕/LOVE Mù 慕 prototypically refers to loving devotion of a distant kind, but the word is also used in a more generalised way to refer to affection.
    • Relat: (THINK)行/ACT The current general word for any deliberate action one may be held morally and/or administratively responsible for is xíng 行 (ant. zhǐ 止 "decide not to take action"). The nominal entries have the old reading xìng. [COMMENDATORY!], [GENERAL], [HABITUAL], [RESPONSIBLE]