Taxonomy of meanings for 加:  

  • 加 jiā (OC: kraal MC: kɯa) 古牙切 平 廣韻:【増也上也陵也 】
    • ADD
      • {vtt...}mathematical termCHEMLA 2003:
      • vadNadditional (plates); added (presents, beyond those ritually required)
      • vtoNadd; put on in addition; put over
      • vtoNpassivebe added to
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2add (something N1) to (something N2) 加焉
      • more of the same> INCREASE
        • vadNadded, special, increasing
        • vadVsign of comparative: increasingly, to a higher degree
        • vichangeincrease; become more
        • vt+V[0]figurativeincrease the intensity of V-ing
        • vtoNincreaseTWH
        • grammaticalised> MORE
          • vadVbe the more V for it
          • vt+prep+Nbe more than (加於); add to
      • add to what is owned> GIVE
        • vtt(oN1.)+N2give N2 to the contextually determinate N1
        • vttoN1.+N2give (someone N1) in addition (a present of N2)
        • vttoN1.+prep+N2give N1 to N2
        • vttoN1(.+N2)passivebe given
        • vtt(oN1.) N2figurativeattribute the contextually determinate N1 to N2CH
        • generalised> PUT
          • vttoN1.+N2put (something N1) in (a place N2)
          • vttoN1.+prep+N2put (an object N1) in (a place N2)
          • vttoN1(.+prep+N2)omput (something N1) onto something contextually determinate N2
          • vt+prep+Nmiddle voicebe applied to, be brought to bear onCH
          • vttoN1.+N2N2=objectput there (N1) something (N2)DS
          • in archery> SHOOT
            • "put to use"> USE
              • vtt.+prep+N1:postN2{OBJ}preposed objectapply N2 to N1 賞不加於無功
              • vtt(oN1.)+N2use something contextually determinate N1 on or against (N2)
              • vttoN1.+N2apply (a method, course of action etc N1) (to an object N2) 加之兵
              • vttoN1.+prep+N2use (something N1) on (a goal N2) 加兵於齊 HN: 不能將加誅於子
              • vt+prep+Nbe brought to bear on, be put to use onCH
              • vtoNpassivebe used; be set into action (cf: 兵之所加 – Whenever an army is used)DS
              • object action> ACT
                • vtoNobject=rankact as; hold the position of
                • vtt(oN1.)+N2cause the effect N2 on the contextually determinate N1
                • vtt(oN1.)+prep+N2omdo the determinate thing N1 to (a person N2)
                • vttoN1.+prep+N2do (something N1) to (someone N2) 吾亦欲無加諸人
                • vttoN1(.+N2)apply N1 to a contextually determinate N2
              • apply designation> NAME
                • vt+prep+Npassivebe attributed to N
                • vttoN1.+N2attribute (guilt etc N1) to (someone N2)
                • in communication> ADDRESS
                  • vt prep Npassivebe addressed toCH
              • on body> WEAR
              • object violently> STRIKE
                •己strike oneself with N2
      • jiāINSULT
        • vttoN1. prep N2inflict the insult N1 on N2; offend N2 with (the action) N1CH

      Additional information about 加

      說文解字: 【加】,語相增加也。从力、从口。 〔小徐本「口」上無「从」。〕 【古牙切】

      • USE

        1. The current general word is yòng 用 (ant. fèi 廢 "give up the use of, not use").

        2. Yǐ 以 refers to the use of things as instruments for a given purpose and rarely involves the using up of resources.

        3. Shǐ 使 refers to the deployment of what one controls with no special emphasis on the purpose.

        4. Jiā 加 refers to the deployment or application of something in the course of some action.

      • INCREASE

        1. The most current and most general word for increase, both abstract and concrete is yì 益 (ant. sǔn 損 "decrease"). See MORE which overlaps considerably with this group.

        2. Zī 滋 is an archaic but not uncommon word referring to an overall natural increase or growth in quantity of something, but the most current use of the word is adverbial in the sense "increasing naturally".

        3. Zé1ng 增 (ant. shǎo 少 "beocme less") typically refers to concrete or material increase of something.

        4. Jiā 加 (ant. jiǎn 減 "decrease by taking away") typically focusses on the action of adding something which brings about the increase.

      • MONK

        1. Sēngjiā 僧加 is the general term referring indifferently to monks of any religion.

        2. The general Buddhist word for a monk is sēng 僧, and this word can occasionally refer abstractly to monkhood both of monks and nuns.

        3. Héshàng 和尚 is a term of respect which is typically also used as a respectful second person pronoun.

        4. Bǐqiū 比丘 is a loan-word from the Sanskrit, and must count as a technical term for a mendicant monk.

      • MORE

        1. The most current and general word expressing the idea of something becoming more rather than less is yì 益 (ant. sǔn 損 "less and less").

        2. Mí 彌 focusses a difference in degree or number rather than on a process of increase.

        3. Yù 愈 (NB: shǎo 少 does not function as an antonym "less and less".) typically refers to a continuous or continuing dynamic increase or process.

        4. Gèng 更 and the rarer words fù 復 and yòu 又 "even more" indicate that the increase is from a level that is already high.

        5. Jiā 加 typically refers to an increase not in the intensity of something, but in the quantity or number.

        6. Yóu 尤 "particularly" singles out an item as instantiating something with particular intensity, more than most other comparable things.

        NB: 愈 may precede non-comparative verbs. Thus yù qǐ 愈起 "tend even more to occur" GUAN 47 could not have yì qǐ 益起. HF 19 has yù wáng 愈亡 "will tend ever more to fail". 愈至 "tend even more to arrive".

      • ACT
















        1. The current general word for any deliberate behaviour one may be held morally and/or administratively responsible for is xíng 行 (ant. zhǐ 止 "decide not to take action"), and this conduct is typically one engaged in on someone else's behalf.


        2. Wéi 為 (ant. wú wéi 無為 "not engage in purposeful and result-orientated self-assertive action") focusses not on the act itself but primarily on the results achieved or aimed for.


        3. Jū 居, when used in this meaning, focusses not on the results of one's actions, or on the effect of one's actions on others, but on the moral character of one's behaviour as such.


        4. Shì 事 (ant.* xián 閒 "take it easy") primarily focusses on action as part of the fulfilment of a duty imposed by one's station in life or a task one has set oneself.


        5. Gōng 躬 (ant.* shǐ rén 使人 "get others to...") focusses on a person of considerable social status engaging personally in a (typically public) action. See SELF.


        6. Wěi 偽 (ant. tiān 天 "natural") refers to artificial or faked human action. See PRETEND.


        7. Dòng 動 (ant. jìng 靜 "decide to remain inactive") typically refers to spontaneous purposeful action and focusses almost philosophically on the autonomous decision of the agent to act.


        8. Zuò 作 (ant. xí 息 "fail to take the initiative, fail to become active") refers to the taking of an initiative for an action which would not have occurred without such a deliberate initiative, and the word is naturally associated with the notion of creativity.


        9. Jǔ 舉 refers specifically to the undertaking of a well-considered major act, particularly as part of a political strategy.


        NB: Fēng 風 refers rather generally and abstractly to a person's or a group's way or pattern of behaviour, and the word is usually used as a noun. See CUSTOM

        10. Jiā 加 typically refers to action insofar as it affects others.

        11. Xí 習 refers to the habitual repeated practice of something in order to achieve proficiency in the kind of action concerned.

      • ANSWER




        1. The dominant general word for responding to something that has been addressed to one is duì 對 (converse wèi 謂 "address"), but that word usually refers to a reply directed at a superior who has put a question or occasionally a response to a statement by a superior.


        2. Dá 答 (ant. jīn 吟 ( 口字旁加金字 ) 而不答 "not answer") refers to an immediate unpremeditated reply.

        [ASCENDING], [FAST]

        3. Yìng 應 (ant. 喑 "keep quiet") is to come up with an immediate reaction of which the linguistic reply is a central part.

        [FAST]; [[RARE]]

        4. Chóu 酬 can occasionally refer to a polite formal reply.

        [FORMAL], [POLITE]; [[RARE]]

      • ADD



        1. The current general word for adding something onto something else, both abstractly and concretely, is jiā 加 (ant. sǔn 損 "detract from").


        2. Fù 附 and refer to a concrete act of adding or fixing something onto something else.


        3. Fù 傅 (ant. jué 攫 "take away") is rare and seems to refer to the spatial fixing or adding of something to something else.


        Word relations
      • Ant: (INCREASE)減/REDUCE Jiǎn 減 (ant. zēng 增 "increase") typically refers to a reduction in the intensitity or in the number of something.
      • Contrast: (GIVE)施/DISTRIBUTE Shī 施 is to give away to a general group of recipients, and as an act of generosity.
      • Assoc: (ADD)增 / 曾/INCREASE Zēng 增 (ant. shǎo 少 "beocme less") typically refers to concrete or material increase of something.
      • Synon: (ACT)行/ACT The current general word for any deliberate action one may be held morally and/or administratively responsible for is xíng 行 (ant. zhǐ 止 "decide not to take action"). The nominal entries have the old reading xìng. [COMMENDATORY!], [GENERAL], [HABITUAL], [RESPONSIBLE]
      • Synon: (GIVE)賜/GIVE Cì 賜 can refer to an act of charity or to any giving of anything, typically from a person in authority to inferiors.