ANSWER    回答對/答

Old Chinese Criteria
[ASCENDING/HORIZONTAL/DESCENDING] [COMMON/RARE] [FAST/SLOW] 1. The dominant general word for responding to something that has been addressed to one is duì 對 (converse wèi 謂 "address"), but that word usually refers to a reply directed at a superior who has put a question or occasionally a response to a statement by a superior. [ASCENDING], [GENERAL] 2. Dá 答 (ant. jīn 吟 ( 口字旁加金字 ) 而不答 "not answer") refers to an immediate unpremeditated reply. [ASCENDING], [FAST] 3. Yìng 應 (ant. 喑 "keep quiet") is to come up with an immediate reaction of which the linguistic reply is a central part. [FAST]; [[RARE]] 4. Chóu 酬 can occasionally refer to a polite formal reply. [FORMAL], [POLITE]; [[RARE]]
Modern Chinese Criteria
回答 is the most general word referring to an anwer. 回覆 is a more formal word referring to a response of a written or a spoken kind. 對答 refers more dramatically to an oral respons. 答應 refers to a typically spontanous quick response. 答腔 (lit) refers to raising one's voice to make an answer in public. 應答 refers to a typically spontanous quick response. 答覆 refers (mostly nominally) to a formal response. 答話 refers to the content of an oral response. 回話 refers to the content of an oral response. 答對 refers in a formal way to what typically is an administrative response. 應對 refers in a formal way to what typically is a fairly quick??? administrative response. 酬對 refers in a literary way to an elevated response of some sort. 酬答 refers in a literary way to an elevated typically oral response. Literary style monosyllabic words include: 酬 對 應 回 答 報 rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /
  • WRITE PRODUCE a DOCUMENT. (anc: 13/0, child: 4)
  • PRODUCE ACT so as to DELIBERATELY CAUSE something to BEGIN to EXIST. (anc: 12/0, child: 17)
Other Hypernyms
  • ADDRESSnew-b2b104ff-6112-4947-b104-ff611229470d SPEAK OR WRITE INTENDING ANOTHER TO HEAR OR READ AND TO REACT to IT.  (anc: 13/0, child: 23)
  • SPEAK ACT so as to USE WORDS FOR SHOWING MEANING.*Speech by speaker X, directed towards audience Y, in order to communicate message Z. (anc: 12/0, child: 32)
  • ACT MOVE OR NOT MOVE CONFORMING to one's SELF:own DECIDE:decision. (anc: 11/0, child: 24)
  • Traite elementaire des synonymes grecques ( DUFOUR 1910) p. 136

  • 韓非子同義詞研究 ( HANFEI TONGYI 2004) p. 214



  • Bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprachinhaltsforschung. Teil II. Systematischer Teil. B. Ordnung nach Sinnbezirken (mit einem alphabetischen Begriffsschluessel): Der Mensch und seine Welt im Spiegel der Sprachforschung ( FRANKE 1989) p. 76B

  • Words (25 items)

      duì OC: k-luubs MC: tuo̝i 64 Attributions

    The dominant general word for responding to something that has been addressed to one is duì 對(converse wèi 謂 "address"), but that word usually refers to a reply directed at a superior who has put a question or occasionally a response to a statement by a superior. [ASCENDING], [GENERAL]

      Word relations
    • Conv: 詢/ASK Xún 詢 typically refers to questions addressed to inferiors. [DESCENDING], [OFFICIAL]
    • Epithet: 曰/SPEAK The most colourless and general way of referring to any act of saying attributed to any subject, no matter whether animate or inanimate, something is yuē 曰, and the verb introduces direct speech.
    • Contrast: 應/ANSWER Yìng 應 (ant. 喑 "keep quiet") is to come up with an immediate reaction of which the linguistic reply is a central part. [FAST]; [[RARE]]
    • Synon: 應/ANSWER Yìng 應 (ant. 喑 "keep quiet") is to come up with an immediate reaction of which the linguistic reply is a central part. [FAST]; [[RARE]]

      Syntactic words
    • DELETEreply (with sentential object)
    • nabacta reply; something to say in reply
    • vt(oN)reply (politely), make a polite reply to a contextually determinate person; give a required reply (not necessarily to a superior)
    • vt(oN.)+Vrespond politely to what has been said; reply politely (typically to a superior)
    • vt(oN.)+Vamong equalsanswer to an equal!!!
    • vt(oN.)+VS=commentcomment politely towards a contextually determinate person on (something that has been said)
    • vtoNrespond to N
    • vtoN Vrespond politely to somebody sayingDS
    • vtoNpositiveanswer
    • vttoN1.+N2answer using the utterance N2 in reply to N1 對三公一言
    對曰  duì yuē OC: k-luubs ɢʷad MC: tuo̝i ɦi̯ɐt 29 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoSquotationrespond (courteously, to a superior), reply politely 對道 versus 回答 in modern Chinese.
      dá OC: k-luub MC: təp
      dá OC: k-loob MC: təp 24 Attributions

    Dá 答 (ant. jīn 吟 (口字旁加金字)而不答 "not answer") refers to an immediate unpremeditated reply. [ASCENDING], [FAST]

      Word relations

      Syntactic words
    • vadVin immediate response to a similar action 答拜 "bow in response to a bow"
    • vt(oN)give an immediate (typically frank) reply to (in speech or in writing to what has just been asked); respond spontaneously to
    • vt(oN)+VtoSanswer the contextually determinate N sayingDS
    • vt(oN.)+Vreplying immediately to this (said...); replied as follows
    • vtoN.+Vanswer N saying...
    • vtoNobject=questionreply to (a question)
    • vtoSanswer: "....
    • vttoN.+Sanswer N (saying) S
      yìng OC: qɯŋs MC: ʔɨŋ 23 Attributions

    Yìng 應 (ant. 喑 "keep quiet") is to come up with an immediate reaction of which the linguistic reply is a central part. [FAST]; [[RARE]]

      Word relations
    • Contrast: 對/ANSWER The dominant general word for responding to something that has been addressed to one is duì 對(converse wèi 謂 "address"), but that word usually refers to a reply directed at a superior who has put a question or occasionally a response to a statement by a superior. [ASCENDING], [GENERAL]
    • Synon: 對/ANSWER The dominant general word for responding to something that has been addressed to one is duì 對(converse wèi 謂 "address"), but that word usually refers to a reply directed at a superior who has put a question or occasionally a response to a statement by a superior. [ASCENDING], [GENERAL]

      Syntactic words
    • vt(oN)respond (immediately) to the contextually determinate person N
    • vt(oN)+VtoSanswer to the contextually determinate person, saying:DS
    • vtoNrespond immediately (in speech) to ; respond intellectually (to something challenging that has been said)
    • vtoN. VtoSanswer (saying...) 應之曰
    • vtoSrespond: S; respond that SCH
    答言  dá yán OC: k-luub ŋan MC: təp ŋi̯ɐn 14 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPabactreply
    • VPtt(oN.)+Sanswer the contextually determinate N: "S" (short for 答之言)
      yuē MC: hjwot OC: ɢʷad 8 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtt[oN]+Srespond to what has been asked as followsCH
    答曰  dá yuē OC: k-luub ɢʷad MC: təp ɦi̯ɐt 5 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoSquotationanswer
    祗對  zhī duì OC: tjil k-luubs MC: tɕi tuo̝i 4 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPiactto answer, give an answer
    • VPt(oN)omanswer (a contextually determinate N)
      chóu OC: ɡju MC: dʑɨu 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNanswer
    祇對  qí duì OC: ɡe k-luubs MC: giɛ tuo̝i 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPt(oN)answer, reply to (somebody contextually determinate)
    • VPtoNanswer, reply to
    應對  yìng duì OC: qɯŋs k-luubs MC: ʔɨŋ tuo̝i 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPabactrepartee
    • VPimake an immediate answer, answer quickly
    報言  bào yán OC: puuɡs ŋan MC: pɑu ŋi̯ɐn 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoSquotationanswer: S
      bào OC: puuɡs MC: pɑu 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNreply
    • vtoN.+VtoSanswer N, saying...
    復報  fù bào OC: buɡs puuɡs MC: bɨu pɑu 2 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPt(oN.)+VtoSreply to the contextually determinate audience saying
    • VPtoN.+VtoSreply to N (saying)
      chóu OC: ɡju MC: dʑɨu 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNrare: reply to
    報曰  bào yuē OC: puuɡs ɢʷad MC: pɑu ɦi̯ɐt 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoSquotationanswer (one might insist that there is always an understood audience present)
    復語  fù yù OC: buɡs ŋas MC: bɨu ŋi̯ɤ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPt(+N.)adVanswer
    應和  yìng hé OC: qɯŋs ɡool MC: ʔɨŋ ɦʷɑ 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • VPt(oN)give an answer to the contextually determinate N
      fǎn OC: panʔ MC: pi̯ɐn 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • vt(oN)COME BACK> reply
      gào MC: kawH OC: kuuɡs 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • vtoN.-Vt{以} Nanswer in terms ofCH
      fù OC: buɡ MC: buk 1 Attribution
      Syntactic words
    • vtoNmake a reply to
    專對  zhuān duì OC: tjon k-luubs MC: tɕiɛn tuo̝i 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • NPabactanswering independently; answering on the basis of one's own independent insight 《漢書‧王吉傳》:“光祿勳 匡衡 亦舉 駿 有專對材。”
    • NPadNof responding on the basis of one's own insight LY
      cí OC: zɯ MC: zɨ 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • nabtextwritten reply
      chóu OC: ɡju MC: dʑɨu 0 Attributions

    Chóu 酬 can occasionally refer to a polite formal reply in the form of a little speech. [FORMAL], [POLITE]; [[RARE]]

      Syntactic words
    • vtoNoccasionally in derived meaning: respond formally (as to a toast)
    對言  duì yán OC: k-luubs ŋan MC: tuo̝i ŋi̯ɐn 0 Attributions
      Syntactic words
    • VPtoSquotationanswer