      • CHANGEEVENT involving two MOMENTS t1 and t2, such that a THING at the MOMENT t1 is DIFFERENT FROM that THING at the MOMENT t2.
        • EVENTREALITY that ARISES in TIME....
See also
        • KICK STRIKE USING one's FEET.
          Old Chinese Criteria
          1. The current general word for striking against anything is jī 擊. Compare the late dǎ 打 which remains exceedingly rare in pre-Buddhist times.

          2. Bó 搏, ōu 毆 refer to boxing someone or beating him up.

          3. Tà 撻 and zhuā 撾 refer to beating someone with sticks or whips.

          4. Chī 笞, chuí 捶 refer specifically to beating someone with a stick. See PUNISH

          5. Pū 扑 is to cane someone, often in a domestic context, and this is currently mentioned together with biān 鞭 "flaying".

          6. Qiāo 敲, chuāng 撞, and pī 批 refer to beating against a physical object of any kind. See KNOCK

          7. Pì 擗 refers specifically to beating one's breast.

          8. Biān 鞭 refers specifically to striking someone with a leather whip, typically by way of an official non-domestic punishment. See FLAY for other words with related meanings.

          Modern Chinese Criteria







          rough draft to BEGIN TO identify synonym group members for analysis, based on CL etc. 18.11.2003. CH /

          • Novyj objasnitel'nyj Slovar' Sinonimov Russkogo Jazyka ( APRESJAN 2004) p. 817

          • A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages ( BUCK 1988) p. 9.21

          • Lateinische Synonyme und Etymologien ( DOEDERLEIN 1840) p.


            verberare refers to striking in general, by throwing, hitting or pushing.

            caedere is to strike with a weapon that cuts wounds, a hatched, sword, whip, rod or strap.

            pulsare is to strike any object with a hard object.

            mulcare refers to striking with fists or clubs aiming principlally at physical pain.

          • Traite elementaire des synonymes grecques ( DUFOUR 1910) p. 94

          • 韓非子同義詞研究 ( HANFEI TONGYI 2004) p. 241

          • Lateinische Synonymik ( MENGE) p. 102

          • 東漢﹣隨常用詞演變研究 ( WANG WEIHUI 2000) p. 197

          • Handbook of Greek Synonymes, from the French of M. Alex. Pillon, Librarian of the Bibliothèque Royale , at Paris, and one of the editors of the new edition of Plaché's Dictionnaire Grec-Français, edited, with notes, by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A. Rector of Lyndon, and late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ( PILLON 1850) p. no.385

          Attributions by syntactic funtion

          • vtoN : 99
          • VPtoN : 22
          • vt(oN) : 19
          • nab : 11
          • VPt(oN) : 4
          • ncpost-V1{NUM}:postadV2 : 4
          • vi : 2
          • vtoN.+V{RESULT} : 2
          • : 1

          Attributions by text

          • 臨濟錄 : 21
          • 史記 : 16
          • 春秋左傳 : 13
          • 說苑 : 11
          • 祖堂集 : 11
          • 論衡 : 11
          • 韓非子 : 11
          • 百喻經 : 10
          • 孟子 : 5
          • 莊子 : 5
          • 呂氏春秋 : 5
          • 賢愚經 : 5
          • 荀子 : 4
          • 列子 : 4
          • 尚書 : 4
          • 韓詩外傳 : 4
          • 管子 : 3
          • 妙法蓮華經 : 3
          • 新論-漢-桓譚 : 3
          • 墨子 : 2
          • 禮記 : 2
          • 搜神記 : 1
          • 劉義慶世說新語 : 1
          • 論語 : 1
          • 鹽鐵論 : 1
          • 春秋穀梁傳 : 1
          • : 1
          • 淮南子 : 1
          • 法言 : 1
          • 法集要頌經 : 1
          • 楚辭 : 1
          • 六祖壇經 : 1


            dǎ OC: rtaaŋʔ MC: tɣaŋ 25 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • nabacta beating; German: eine Tracht Pruegel
          • vt(oN)strike the contextually determinate N
          • vtoNpost-Han: strike, beat, hit
          • vtoN.+V{RESULT}strike so as to V
          • vtoNpassivebe hit, be beaten
          • vtoNreflexive.自beat oneself
            jī OC: keeɡ MC: kek 24 AttributionsWD

          The current general word for striking against anything is jī 擊. Compare the late dǎ 打which remains exceedingly rare in pre-Buddhist times.

            Syntactic words
          • viactstrike (as part of an attack on someone)
          • vtoNstrike, beat (e.g. a dog, a horse, one's breast, or indeed a bell)
          • vtoNfigurativestrike (water etc)
          • vtoNpassivebe struck/whipped up
          • vtoNpassive.figurativebe whipped up
          擊殺  jī shā OC: keeɡ sreed MC: kek ʂɣɛt 17 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • VPt(oN)strike the contextually determinate N
          • VPtoNresultativestrike dead
            chī OC: rlʰɯ MC: ʈhɨ 16 AttributionsWD

          Chī 笞, chuí 捶 refer specifically to beating someone with a stick.

            Syntactic words
          • nabacta flogging or whipping
          • nobjectsomeone who has been whipped
          • viactmete out the punishment of flogging
          • vt(oN)flog a contextually determinate person
          • vtoNto flog, to whip; to cane
          • vtoNpassivebe whipped, receive a flogging
            chì OC: rlʰiɡ MC: ʈhit 10 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNbeat; flog
            pū OC: phooɡ MC: phuk 7 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNstrike, beat (a dog etc); box
          • vtoNpassivebe beaten, be struck
          • vtoNreflexive.自strike oneself
            tà OC: thaad MC: thɑt 7 AttributionsWD

          Tà 撻 and zhuā 撾 refer to beating someone with sticks or whips. See STRIKE.

            Syntactic words
          • nabactflogging
          • vt(oN)flog the determinate object
          • vtoNflog, whip, beat
          • vtoNpassivebe beaten
            bàng OC: brooŋʔ MC: bɣɔŋ 6 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • nabacthitting with the stick
          • ncpost-V1{NUM}:postadV2classifierverbal classifier: blows with the stick
            chuáng OC: rdooŋ MC: ɖɣɔŋ 5 AttributionsWD

          Qiāo 敲, chuāng 撞, and pī 批 refer to beating against a physical object of any kind.

            Syntactic words
          • vtoNstrike at, launch a pointed attack against
            zhǎng OC: tjaŋʔ MC: tɕi̯ɐŋ 4 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • nabactslap (with the hand)
          • vt(oN)hit a contextually determinate N with the palm of one's hand; slap somebody
            chuí OC: tjolʔ MC: tɕiɛ
          捶棰  Click here to add pinyin OC:  MC: 4 AttributionsWD

          Chī 笞, chuí 捶 refer specifically to beating someone with a bamboo stick, typically as a punitive measure.

            Syntactic words
          • nabactbeating
          • vtoNbeat with a stick (e.g. meat to make it tender)
          • vtoNfigurativestrike out at
            pū OC: phooɡ MC: phuk 3 AttributionsWD

          Pū 扑 is to cane someone, often in a domestic context, and this is currently mentioned together with biān 鞭 "flaying".

            Syntactic words
          • nabpunishment by beating with a rodCH
          • nabactstrike, beat with a cane or whip
          • vt(oN)strike the contextually determinate objectDS
            bó OC: paaɡ MC: pɑk 3 AttributionsWD

          Bó 搏, ōu 毆 refer to boxing someone or beating him up.

            Syntactic words
          • vt(oN)strike, lash at the contextually determinate NCH
          • vtoNstrike down; strike at
            pī OC: phii MC: phei 2 AttributionsWD

          Qiāo 敲, chuāng 撞, and pī 批 refer to beating against a physical object of any kind.

            Syntactic words
          • vtoNto hit; to beat; to slap; to strike into
            Click here to add pinyin OC:  MC: 2 AttributionsWD

          Tà 撻 and zhuā 撾 refer to beating someone with sticks or whips.

            Syntactic words
          • vtoNbeat, flog
            qiào OC: khroows MC: khɣɛu 2 AttributionsWD

          Qiāo 敲, chuāng 撞, and pī 批 refer to beating against a physical object of any kind.

            Syntactic words
          • vtoNstrike
            ōu OC: qooʔ MC: ʔu 2 AttributionsWD

          Bó 搏, ōu 毆 refer to boxing someone or beating him up.

            Syntactic words
          • vtoNbeat with one's fists; pound; beat and drive off
          打撲  dǎ pū OC: rtaaŋʔ phooɡ MC: tɣaŋ phuk 2 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • VPt(oN)strike the contextually determinate person
          • VPtoNhit, strike
            jiā OC: kraal MC: kɣɛ 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          •己strike oneself with N2
            qiāng OC: khrooŋ MC: khɣɔŋ 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNstrike
            zhèn OC: krlums MC: ʈim 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNstrike
            dā OC: k-loob MC: təp 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNpassivebe struck, be hit
            sà OC: saad MC: sɑt 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNhit; strike with the side of the hand; to slap
            guó OC: kʷrɯɯɡ MC: kɣɛk 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • vt(oN)omstrike, slap a contextually determinate person
            qiào MC: -- OC: -- 1 AttributionWD


            Syntactic words
          • vtoNclap on the side
            chōng OC: qjoŋ MC: ɕi̯oŋ 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNstrike at
            jué OC: kʷaɡ MC: ki̯ɐk 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNto hit (with a hoe), to hoe (the ground)
          捶打  chuí dǎ OC: tjolʔ rtaaŋʔ MC: tɕiɛ tɣaŋ 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • VPt(oN)beat up the contextually determinate N
          撲抶  pū chì OC: phooɡ rlʰiɡ MC: phuk ʈhit 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • VPtoNstrike
            chī OC: rlʰɯ MC: ʈhɨ 1 AttributionWD

          zhuā chī

            Syntactic words
          • vtoNstrike
          擊傷  jī shāng OC: keeɡ lʰaŋ MC: kek ɕi̯ɐŋ 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • VPtoNresultativestrike so as to injure
          笞擊  chī jī OC: rlʰɯ keeɡ MC: ʈhɨ kek 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • VPtoNbeat up with bamboo sticks
            chī OC: rlʰɯ MC: ʈhɨ 1 AttributionWD


            Syntactic words
          • vtoNfigurativestrike and vanquish (a state etc)
          批而殺  pī ér shā OC: phii njɯ sreed MC: phei ȵɨ ʂɣɛt 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • VPtoNresultativestrike dead, slap so that N dies
            zhù OC: tuɡ MC: ʈuk 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNcolloquialbuild > place a punch
            chī 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNmiddlevoicebe floggedCH
            tán MC: dan OC: daanLZ 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNto strike N with one's hand, e.g. in order to remove dust from itLZ
            qiào MC: -- OC: --CH 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • vt(oN)pat on one sideCH
          笞捶  chī chuí MC: trhi tsyweX OC: rlʰɯ tjolʔLZ 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • VPtoNstrike and vanquishLZ
            zuó MC: dzwot OC: sɡuudLZ 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNstrike, attackLZ
          拷掠  kǎo liàng MC: khawX ljangH OC: khuuʔ ɡ-raŋsDS 1 AttributionWD
            Syntactic words
          • VPt(oN)strike the contextually determinate N in order to get his/her confessionDS
            kǎo OC: khuuʔ MC: khɑu
            kǎo OC: khuuʔ MC: khɑu 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNbeat (a bell) [the addition of the hand radical is late]
            ǎi OC: qrɯɯʔ MC: ʔɣɛi 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNbeat (LIE)
            liàng OC: ɡ-raŋs MC: li̯ɐŋ
            lüè OC: ɡ-raɡ MC: li̯ɐk 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • viactbeat, flog
            pǒu OC: pɯʔ MC: pu 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNbeat; hit; smash
            què OC: khroowɡ MC: khɣɔk 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNattack by beating
            chuí OC: ɡrlul MC: ɖi 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNhammer against; beat against
            péng OC: braaŋ MC: bɣaŋ 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNstrike (with an oar-like large stick?)
            biān OC: pen MC: piɛn 0 AttributionsWD

          Biān 鞭 refers specifically to striking someone with a leather whip, typically by way of an official non-domestic punishment. See FLAY.

            Syntactic words
            jī OC: keeɡ MC: kek 0 AttributionsWD

          jī zhuā

            Syntactic words
          • vtoNstrike, beat
          杖撻  zhàng tà OC: daŋʔ thaad MC: ɖi̯ɐŋ thɑt 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • VPtoNpassivebe thoroughly beaten up (with a stick)
            zhàng OC: daŋʔ MC: ɖi̯ɐŋ 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • VPtoNhit with a stick
            chǔ OC: skhraʔ MC: ʈʂhi̯ɤ 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNstrike with a stick or whip
            jué MC: -- OC: --CH 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoN=撅 strike, hitCH
            jī 0 AttributionsWD
            Syntactic words
          • vtoNmiddlevoicederived: get whipped up (of water)CH

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