Taxonomy of meanings for 則:  

  • zé (OC: skɯɯɡ MC: tsək) 子德切 入 廣韻:【法則子德切三 】
  • zé (OC: ʔsɯɯɡ MC: tsək) 子德切 入 廣韻:【則籀文 】
  • zé (OC: ʔsɯɯɡ MC: tsək) 子德切 入 廣韻:【則古文 】
    • abstract>RULE
      • nabnatural rule as conceived as something things follow; model to follow as a guideline
      • vtoNfollow as a guideline
      • act according to>CONFORM
        • vtoNconform to, model oneself on
        • by identification>IMITATE
          • vtoNfollow as a guideline
          • vt(oN)follow as a guidelineLZ
          • object: what one acts in accordance with>MODEL
            • nsubjectperson who is a model
            • nabmethodmodel
            • n(post-N)the model for the contextually determinate NCH
            • nabmodel for others to model themselves afterCH
            • concrete object that illustrates>EXAMPLE
          • grammaticalised:conforming logically to>THEN
            • padN{PRED}.post-Sthen that is NP
            • padS.postN{TOP}S=subordinatethen at that time
            • padV{PRED}.postN{SUBJ}.post-Safter the subject of the apodosisthen
            •, narrativethen, at that time specified in the preceding (often minor) sentence
            • paragraphIf so, then
            • vadV.postStemporal, generalthen (after S)
            •, generalisingthen, as a rule [examples here need to be cleaned up!!!]CH
            • generalthen, in every caseCH
            • one finds out, then it turns out thatLZ
            •, non-generalisingand thus then (given this situation described in S2)CH
            • surely!
            • necessitythen, as a logical consequence of S2 [move to necessity?]CH
            • when it comes to N, then>TOPIC MARKER
              • padS.postN{TOP}contrastiveWhen it comes to N, then on the other hand
              • padV.postN{SUBJ}it is the subject that V-s
              • particle after an adverb (e.g. 上則 ... 下則 ...)LZ
              • padV.postN{SUBJ}contrastivecontrastive particle after subject: 我則不德"it was our party that was less than virtuous"
              • padV.postN{SUBJ}intensitiveintensifying particle after subject: "is indeed" [DS]
              • vt+Ncopulabe, refer to, be the same as, be an equivalent of (as copula often expressing identity)
              • padV.postN{SUBJ}:adSalthough, even if (< SUBJ may well V, yet still S)LZ
              • padS.postN{TOP}non-contrastive, topic=timeat the time NCH
              • contrastive topic>BUT
                • then
                • focussing on new object>OBJECT
                  • ncpost-V{NUM}.+Nclassifierclassifier for abstract items
            • in a new sentence>THEREFORE
              •, so that; and so
        • abstract>LAW OF NATURE
          • nabmetaphysicallaw of nature
      • in proper names>RULERS OF QIN
        • NPprhumanSTANDARD NAME: King Zhāo of Qín (reigned 306 - 251)ALTERNATIVE NAMES: Qín Zhāoxiāng wáng 秦昭襄王, Jì 稷, Cè 側, Zé 則 PARENTS: Son of >Qín Huìwén wáng 秦惠文王 WIVES: ?CHILDREN: Father of >Qín Xiàowén wáng 秦孝文王
      • padV.postN{SUBJ}as unexpected; nonethelessDS
      • padVand yetDS
      • padS1.postS2and yetDS

    Additional information about 則

    說文解字: 【則】,等畫物也。从刀、从貝。 〔小徐本「貝」上無「从」。〕 貝,古之物貨也。 【子德切】 【𠟻】,古文則。 【𠞋】,亦古文則。 【𠟭】,籒文則从鼎。 〔小徐本作「 【𠟭】,籒文則从鼎。 【𠞋】,亦古文則。」〕

    • THEN

      1. The standard word introducing the apodosis of a conditional, typically logical, but sometimes also temporal, is zé 則.

    • MODEL

      1. The current standard word for a concrete or an abstract model to model oneself after is fǎ 法.

      2. Zé 則 refers to the following of an abstract standard or ruler rather than a concrete model.


      1. guānhuà 官話 "Mandarin" is obsolete, and its traditional antonym was xiāngyǔ 鄉語 "local speech".

      From Míng Dynasty times, this was a current word for the common vernacular language used by administrative staff of any kind throughout China.

      DC: 明何良俊《四友齋叢說 ‧ 史十一》: " 雅宜不喜作鄉語,每發口必官話。 "

      2. báihuà 白話 "plain speech, vernacular" (as opposed to wényán 文言 )

      This is a modern word referring to an easily accessible written version of the Chinese language. In classical contexts or early vernacular contexts the expression always seems to refer to "empty talk" rather than the vernacular language.

      3. guóyǔ 國語 "national language" (ant. wàiyǔ 外語 ) (pre-1950ies and Taiwan)

      A word that continues to be in increasing common use even in Mainland China today, and which is standard in places like Malaysia or Singapore, as well as in Taiwan.

      4. zhōngguóyǔ 中國語 "language of China" (ant. wàiguóyǔ 外國語 )

      Current Japanese way of writing the Japanese word for the Chinese language, but the expression has a long history in China, the first attested use being in Yáng Xióng's Model Sayings of the first century BC.

      5. pǔtōnghuà 普通話 "common language" (Mainland China) (ant. dìfāngyǔ 地方語, fāngyán 方言 "dialect (not in the ancient meaning)")

      This is a very common modern expression which corresponds to Greek koinē, and the word is always used in counterdistinction to (often mutually incomprehensible) dialects. The word has a rather political flair.

      6. Hànyǔ 漢語 "language of the Hàn people" (should include all dialects, but is often used otherwise)

      This is the most current word for the Chinese language as opposed to other 族語 "national languages". The word is very current in the Buddhist Tripitaka, but it is also attested elsewhere 庾信《奉和法筵應詔》: " 佛影胡人記,經文漢語翻。 ". The term is also attested in 世說新語.

      7. Zhōngguóhuà 中國話 "Chinese speech" (includes all dialects)

      This word is always used in counterdistinction to foreign languages. It has become current in international contexts in nineteenth century novels.

      8. Zhōngwén 中文 "Chinese (typically written) language" (ant. wàiwén 外文, often icludes speech: 會說中文 )

      This word is already attested in the medieval 搜神記, where it refers to the written language. In Modern Standard Chinese this is a very common way of referring to Chinese as opposed to foreign languages, and as a subject in school curricula.

      9. Huáyǔ 華語 "Chinese talk" (used mainly in Singapore, Hong Kong etc.)

      This word has a long history in Buddhist texts, and it is also already attested in 劉知幾《史通 ‧ 言語》: "... 必諱彼夷音,變成華語.

      10. Hànyīn 漢音 "Han-Chinese sounds" refers to the Chinese language in a poetic style. Sanskrit is currently referred to as 梵音.

      HD sub verbo 漢文: 2. 漢語;漢字。南朝梁僧祐《梵漢譯經音義同异記》: " 或善梵義而不了漢音,或明漢文而不曉梵意。 "

      HD: 2. 指漢語。南朝宋朱廣之《咨顧道士<夷夏論>》: " 想茲漢音,流入彼國。 "


      新修科分六學僧傳 R133_p0714a04(02)║


      11. Hàn yán 漢言 "Hàn language, language of the Hàn Dynasty> Chinese" (ant. 胡言 or 胡語 ) is a historico-ethnographic term.

      This remained a very common way of referring to the Chinese language long after the Hàn Dynasty, as is clear from the Buddhist Tripitaka. (424 occurrences in CBETA.)






      佛者。 Buddha

      漢言覺也。 is "the enlightened" in Hàn language"

      將以覺悟群生也。 He will bring enlightenment to the sentient beings.

      12. Wényán 文言 "literary Chinese" (ant. báihuà 白話 "plain vernacular") today refers to a modernised version of traditional classical Chinese, as used for example in letters. But in the Buddhist Tripitaka, for example, the phrase regularly refers to ornate Chinese, ornate formulations. Neither traditionally nor in modern times is 文言 used in counterdistinction to foreign languages: the contrast is with other varieties of Chinese.

      DC: 4. 別於白話的古漢語書面語。蔡元培《在國語傳習所的演說》: " 文言上還有例句,如 ' 爾無我詐,我無爾虞 ' 等。 "

      13. wényánwén 文言文 "literary Chinese writing" (ant. báihuàwén 白話文 ) refers to classical Chinese as it continues to be used in the introductions to books and in formal letter-writing.

      This is a twentieth century word, as far as I can see.

      14. báihuà-wén 白話文 "plain talk writing" (ant. wényánwén 文言文 ) is a term with a strong stylistic nuance.

      This is a twentieth century word.

      15. tōngyòngyǔ 通用語 "general use language".

      This is a twentieth century neologism designed to replace 普通話. The term has never achieved broad use.

      16. dàzhòngyǔ 大眾語 "mass language" is obsolete today.

      This is a politicised ideological concept stressing the universal use and popularity of the Chinese language as advocated by language politicians. It is a twentieth century political neologism.

      17. guówén 國文 "state writing" refers in a formal way to written Chinese.

      This is a twentieth century term mainly used in connection with educational politics.

      HD: 許地山《東野先生》: “ 這不是國文教科書底一課麼? ”

      18. Hàn wén 漢文 (obsolete, current in Buddhist texts) "Hàn (typically written) language"

      HD: 2. 漢語;漢字。南朝梁僧祐《梵漢譯經音義同异記》: " 或善梵義而不了漢音,或明漢文而不曉梵意。 "

      19. Zhōngguó wénzì 中國文字 "the Chinese (written) language"







      20. Huá yán 華言 is an obsolete traditional term for Chinese that comes over 1200 times in Taisho Tripitaka.

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      21. dōngtǔ Huáxiàyán 東土華夏言 "Chinese language in the eastern regions" is an ad hoc periphrastic expression which one might insist was never lexicalised, but it is perhaps worth recording just as well, if only in order to






      22. Hàn'ér yányǔ 漢兒言語 "Hàn language" is a term that is current in Korean textbooks of colloquial Chinese, like the famous 老乞大 : “ 你是高麗人,卻怎麼漢兒言語說的好。 ” See also the article in 太田辰夫《漢語史通考 · 關於漢兒言語》

      23. Jìn wén 晉文 (obsolete, current in Buddhist texts) "Jìn (typically written) language" is fairly rare, but clear examples are easily found:





      24. Jìn yán 晉言 (obsolete, current in Buddhist texts) "Language of the Jìn" is common indeed, but many examples can be read technically as "in Jìn this translates as". Not however in this example:





      斯經似安世高譯。為晉言也。 (punctuation probably wrong!)

      25. Jìn yǔ 晉語 (obsolete, current in Buddhist texts) "Speech of the Jìn"






      26. Jìn yīn 晉音 "Jìn Dynasty speech"








      27. Qín yán 秦言 "Qín language> Chinese" is the standard way of providing Chinese translations for Sanskrit words in the Buddhist Tripitaka. (No less than 1132 examples in CBETA, but mostly formulaic, as in the following examples.)

      答曰。摩訶秦言大。 "maha is "big"in Chinese"



      28. Qín yǔ 秦語 "Speech of the Qín > Chinese"

      In the Buddhist Tripitaka, this is a very formal term for Chinese, not very common. (Only 22 occurrences in CBETA)


      梵本十五千七十二首盧 ( 四十八萬二千五百四言 ) 。








      胡本十五千七十二首盧 ( 四十八萬二千三百四言 ) 秦語十九萬五千二百五十言





      29. Táng wén 唐文 (obsolete, current in Buddhist texts) "Táng (typically written) language"

      This is the standard way of referring to the written Chinese language in Buddhist texts of the Táng dynasty.













      30. Táng yán 唐言 (obsolete, current in Buddhist texts) "Language of the Táng".

      1523 occurrences in CBETA. Occasionally, one wonders whether this does refer to Táng time Chinese whereas Hànyīn 漢音 does not:



      31. Táng yǔ 唐語 (obsolete, current in Buddhist texts) "Speech of the Táng"

      A fairly rare way of referring to the Chinese language in Táng Buddhist texts. (Only 18 occurrences in CBETA)








      32. Táng yīn 唐音 "Táng speech" is a regular expression for Táng Dynasty Chinese in the Buddhist Tripitaka.






      33. Tánghuà 唐話 "Táng talk" is a current Cantonese term for Chinese, and the famous intellectual 許地山 writes: 他說的雖是唐話,但是語格和腔調全是不對的。 But in this phrase, I am instructed by my teacher and friend Jiǎng Shàoyú, Táng refers not to the dynasty but to 唐山.

      34. Dà Táng yǔ 大唐語 "Speech of the Great Táng Dynasty" is rarely attested, but the word does exist:


      若僧雖是新羅人。却會大唐語。 Monk Ruò was a person from Xīnluó, but he spoke the language of the Great Táng Dynasty.

      35. Hàn 漢 is an abbreviation for Hànyǔ 漢語 currently used in Buddhist translation theory, but the word is not in itself a term for the Chinese language outside such technical contexts.


      翻梵為漢 Translate the Sanskrit into Chinese.







      翻譯之家自有規准。 The specialists in translation have their own standards.

      若名梵漢共有。 If a term exists both in Sanskrit and in Chinese

      則敵對而翻。 than they just match the terms up in translation.

      36. Táng 唐 "language of the Táng Dynsasty.






      梵唐對譯阿彌陀經一卷 ( 仁 )

      This is the same as 梵唐語:









      37. Jìn 晉 "the language of the Jìn Dynasty.

      The term is rarely used to refer directly to the language, unlike the common Táng 唐. But examples do exist:



      38. nèidìhuà 內地話 refers to the language spoken on the Mainland, and the word is mostly used on Taiwan. This term represents an outsider's view on the Chinese language. (2.9 million hits in Google! This important word was brought to my attention by Jens Østergaard Petersen.)

      39. shénzhōu yǔ 神州語 "the language of our divine land" is quaint, nationalistically sentimental, and a rare way of referring to the Chinese language.á1221463.html:


      40. zúyǔ 族語 "the national language (of the Chinese) is a borderline case because the term refers to national languages in general, and only by extension to Chinese in particular.

      42. Hàn dì zhī yán 漢地之言 "language of the Ha4n territory" is a marginal periphrastic expression which one should probably not regard as a lexicalised item. One could study such periphrastic expressions separately from the lexicalised vocabulary.



      [43. jīngpiànzi 京片子 "Chinese as spoken in Peking" is a borderline case because it does refer to Peking speech, but not insofar as it is the standard for the whole of China. Colloquial examples of this sort could be multiplied...]


      1. Lǐ 理 refers to inherent structuring patterns of things.

      2. Zé 則 refers to a rule or pattern to be followed.

      3. Fǎ 法 (often: "model, method, procedure, law" can refer to a man-made rule pattern or rule, never a "law of nature" and rarely a pattern set by nature.

      4. Zhì 制 refers to a humanly instituted system of principles and rules.

      5. Yào 要 refers to the single underlying most important principle that governs something.

      6. Jīng 經 refers to a basic guideline that one might prefer to follow.

    • COPULA

      1. Classical Chinese had several common copulas at an early stage: wéi 維 / 唯 / 惟 (ant. fēi 非 "is not") was common in SHI and SHU, but discontinued later.

      2. The final particle yě 也 is interpreted by some as a sentence-final copula, but it is properly regarded as a sentential particle marking non-narrative modes of predication.

      3. The standard copula in Warring States Chinese is wéi 為, which tends to have human subjects and is by no means as common in Chinese as the copula is in Western languages.

      4. Yuē 曰 is current as a copula in listings of items and the like.

      5. Yún 云 is a rare archaising copula in ZUO.

      6. Zé 則 is copula-like after contrastive subjects.

      7. Nǎi 乃 is copula-like and contrastive and stresses that the subject is none other than the predicate.

      8. Dāng 當 "act as, fulfill the function of" is copula-like, but there is only a slight degree of grammaticalisation in the direction of a copula.

      9. Wèi 謂 "be counted as, count as" sometimes moves in the direction of copula-like uses.

      10. Shì 是 is a resumptive demonstrative pronoun which on very rare occasions can come to function very much as a copula.

      11. Zhòng 中 has some copula-like uses in GUAN, when the word means "amount to, cost" and sometimes even stands before ordinary nominal predicates.

      12. Yǐ 以 "as a SUBJECT" functions quite regularly as a subordinate copula in classical Chinese.


      There is no commonly used general concept for the weather in pre-Buddhist Chinese. The closest we come is perhaps qì 氣 as in ZUO 天有六氣, but consider the whole passage:

      天有六氣, (In the same way) there are six heavenly influences,

      降生五味, which descend and produce the five tastes,

      發為五色, go forth in the five colours,

      徵為五聲。 and are verified in the five notes;

      淫生六疾。 but when they are in excess, they produce the six diseases.

      六氣曰陰、陽、風、雨、晦、明也, Those six influences are denominated the yin, the yang, wind, rain, obscurity, and brightness.

      分為四時, In their separation, they form the four seasons;

      序為五節, in their order, they form the five (elementary) terms.

      過則為菑: When any of them is in excess, there ensues calamity.

      陰淫寒疾, An excess of the yin leads to diseases of the cold;

      陽淫熱疾, of the yang, to diseases of heat;

      風淫末疾, of wind, to diseases of the extremities;

      雨淫腹疾, of rain, to diseases of the belly;

      晦淫惑疾, of obscurity, to diseases of delusion;

      明淫心疾。 of brightness to diseases of the mind.

    • FOLLOW

      1. The dominant current word for moving along behind someone or something else, both in concrete and in abstract senses, is cóng 從 (ant. bèi 背 "be in opposition against").

      2. Suí 隨 is to move along literally behind someone, by a deliberate act of volition.

      3. Zūn 遵 refers primarily to the kind of deliberate following of a path, behaviour that is motivated by respect for what one follows, but sometimes the word is also used in a more generalised way referring to a person following a certain physical guideline without any suggestion of respect for this guideline, as in MENG 遵海而南 "head south along the shore of the sea".

      4. Xún 循 is to follow certain guidelines or a certain prescribed path, as a matter of prudential strategy, and typically in a rather mechanical or habitual manner.

      5. Yǎn 沿 is to follow a physical guideline (like a river bank) in a mechanical way.

      6. Hòu 後 and zhǒng 踵 is to follow literally in the footsteps of someone.

      7. Tīng 聽 refers to the abstract notion of following advice given to one as a superior. See OBEY

      8. Yì 役 and xùn 徇 are fairly rare when used as words referring to the deliberate act of becoming someone's follower or employee.

      9. Xí 襲 refers to a mechanical course of action in conformity with some pattern.

      10. Zé 則 refers to the following of a certain abstract principle or model person to which due attention is paid. See CONFORM

    • EGO

      1. The umarked current first person pronoun most current by Warring States times is wú 吾, and the word is never emphatic in constructions like 吾實 "It was I who...". (Not in OBI. Note the Jinwen variant graphs for the same word 𫊣 and 䱷.) This word does not normally occur in object position and is highly idiomatic in a possessive pre-nominal position. Significantly, this pronoun can never be used emphatically or contrastively. (NB: The word also serves as an impersonal pronoun meaning "we" in the sense close to "one", German man, French on.) 我亦 "I too", versus 予亦 "I shall moreover V".

      2. Wǒ 我 (which can be used in the emphatic construction 我實 "It was I who...") is contrastive and emphatic by Warring States times, as in wǒ zé 我則 "I on the other hand...". (In OBI 我 was not yet in opposition to wú 吾 and was the standard unmarked pronoun during earlier stages of the language). The word freely occurs in subject, modifying, and object position and often has an idiomatic meaning like "I for my part" and the formal slightly depersonalised "our party". NB: The word also serves as a derived impersonal pronoun meaning "one", German "man", French "on". 我亦 "I too", versus 予亦 "I shall moreover V".

      3. Yú 予/余 is personal and often autobiographical, speaking of the author in the past. It it a preferred pronoun used by poets.

      4. Zhèn 朕 is an ordinary southern dialect first person pronoun in CC, but by decree the word came to be limited to use by the emperor alone after the unification of the Chinese Empire in 221 BC.

      NB 1: Many official titles - but by no means all - function as quasi pronouns. For example, no king could call himself wáng 王 "king", but all ministers will normally refer to themselves as chén 臣 in the presence of their king, and not by the more assertive pronoun wǒ 我. Thus most quasi-pronouns serve a self-deprecatory function and are not usable in contexts where no self-deprecation is called for. A fascinating exception is fūzǐ 夫子 "the master" which is apparently used in self-reference meaning "I, your master" by Confucius.

      For the internal complexity of the notion of the EGO in German see C. Harbsmeier, "Ueber den inneren Schweinehund, das bessere Ich und die rausgelassene Sau" [On lack of will-power and one's better Self???]

    • OR

      1. There is no word for "or" linking declarative sentences. The current paraphrase is fēi 非...zé 則 "if not..., then".

      2. The current general word between alternative questions is yì 抑.

      3. Qí 其 "or should one" is idiomatic in deliberating questions.

      4. Between NPs ruò 若 and yǔ 與 are very occasionally used to mean "or".

      NB: Jiāng 將 "or else, otherwise" is marginal in this group because it does not involve the logical connective "or".


      1. 故 is by far the most general Chinese word for THEREFORE, and in the interpretation of the word it is always important to find the semantic scope of the word, i.e. the "reason" or "cause" the particle refers back to. [It is important to distinguish between the pregnant use of 故 THEREFORE from the "bleached" use of 故 THUS "along these lines". 

      2. 是故 is the most common compound word in this synonym group (for which 故 alone may be regarded to be a short form). But 是故 rarely has "bleached" uses and must generally refer to either subjective motivation or objective causation.

      3. 是以 "because of this" almost as common, and seems to me more common as indicating a subjective cause than a concrete causal relation.

      4. 然則 "given this, then" is argumentative and limited to abstract discussion contexts.2. 是以 is also frequent but the word seems to refer to subjective motivations and purposes in especially many important cases.

      5.以此觀之 and 由是觀之 "viewed against this background" are explicitly theoretical in an almost didactic mode.

      6. 故曰 "therefore it is said" typically refers to a helpful relevant and explanatory quotation, often independently known, but it can also refer to the author's expressed opinion elsewhere in the context, and to an emphatic conclusion drawn in an argument.


      1. The current general word for imitation is xiào 效.

      2. Xué 學 refers to a systematic attempt to imitate an admired model, often as a method of self-cultivation.

      3. Fǎ 法 refers to modelling oneself on distant ideals, typical abstract, or historically placed in the distant mythical past.

      4. Zé 則 refers to taking something abstract and authoritative as one's fixed obligatory guideline.

      5. Xiàng 象 refers to an abstract, almost metaphysical making oneself into a living icon of a higher authoritative model, typically of an abstract or cosmological kind.

      6. Nǐ 擬 and fǎng 倣 / 仿 refer to an attempt to produce a true copy or a true representation of another representation.

      7. Xiě 寫 refers primarily to the production of a true pictorial representation of another representation. See COPY

      Word relations
    • Assoc: (RULE)法/METHOD Fǎ 法 is a regular rule-governed procedure governing the proper exercise of a skill.
    • Synon: (IMITATE)順/CONFORM Perhaps the most general and the most current word describing conformity to a norm is shùn 順 (ant. nì 逆 "go against").
    • Synon: (THEN)即/THEN