Taxonomy of meanings for 侵:  

  • 侵 qīn (OC: skhim MC: tsʰim) 七林切 平 廣韻:【漸進也説文作㑴又姓三輔決録有侵恭七林切七 】
    • ATTACK
      • nabactinfringement
      • vadNinvading
      • vt(oN)attack the contextually determinate person
      • vtoNinvade, make an incursion into; invasion, incursion; sometimes generally: attack (place or persons, eg 侵我 "attacked us"
      • vtoNpassive侵於敵"get attacked by enemies": be attacked , suffer an attack from 
      • vtoNfigurativeattack intellectually, violateCH
      • vadNpassiveinvaded; occupiedDS
      • vt[oN]attack othersLZ
      • vtoNmiddle voiceget attackedCH
      • feature>QUICK
          • grammaticalised> INTENSIVELY
        • resultative>ATTACK
          • nabactinfringement
          • vadNinvading
          • vt(oN)attack the contextually determinate person
          • vtoNinvade, make an incursion into; invasion, incursion; sometimes generally: attack (place or persons, eg 侵我 "attacked us"
          • vtoNpassive侵於敵"get attacked by enemies": be attacked , suffer an attack from 
          • vtoNfigurativeattack intellectually, violateCH
          • vadNpassiveinvaded; occupiedDS
          • vt[oN]attack othersLZ
          • vtoNmiddle voiceget attackedCH
          • generalised>ENTER
              • grammaticalised: when/until it comes to>ARRIVE
                • ADVANCE
                  • resultative>ARROGATE
                    • viactencroach upon superior's privileges; infringe on the rights of others
                    • vtoNencroach upon, trespass against, infringe on the rights and responsibilities of (a ruler etc)
                    • vtoNpassivesuffer insult; be encroached upon; be infringed
              • generalised>DAMAGE
                  • concrete>>>FAMINE
                    • resultative>SCATTER
                      • abstract>OFFEND
                        • vtoNinfringe on
                        • vt[oN]continuativeinfringe on othersCH
                        • vtoNmiddle voicebe infringed upon, be offended againstCH
                        • vt prep Nfigurativespecific: infringe semantically/artistically/aesthetically on the independence ofCH
                        • psychological>HUMILIATE
                          • offend limitations>EXCESSIVE
                            • vtoNbe excessive with respect to
                    • GRADUALLY
                      • SHINE
                      • 侵 qin3《字彙》七稔切。

                        Additional information about 侵


                        • ATTACK







                          1. The general word for any attack is gōng 攻 (ant. shǒu 守 "defend"; success kè 克 ) which can be used in a general sense referring to all kinds of attack, although that word does also have the specific meaning of a pointed campaign against a certain locality. (Note 戰必勝,攻必克。 )


                          2. Fá 伐 refers to a large-scale typically destructive formal attack by one state on another, typically formally announced, and with much beating of drums.

                          [DESCENDING], [MILITARY!], [LARGE-SCALE!], [OVERT]

                          3. Qīn 侵 refers to a less formal attack, typically unannounced beforehand, and typically aimed at taking the enemy's territory.

                          [COVERT!], [DEROGATORY], [MILITARY], [SPECIFIC]

                          4. Xí 襲 refers to a surreptitious attack, on the sly, without any self-righteous pomp.

                          [COVERT+], [MILITARY], [SPECIFIC]

                          5. Zhēng 征 refers to a typically punitive campain of some size against a state, construed as being of lower status.

                          [COMMENDATORY], [DESCENDING], [MILITARY], [LARGE-SCALE], [OVERT]

                          6. Tǎo 討 refers to a an extended explicitly punitive campaign by someone who construes himself as being in moral authority and entitled to uphold rectitude and morality through warfare. (Also figurative as in 天討有罪 "Heaven punishes those who are guilty". See PUNISH)

                          [COMMENDATORY], [DESCENDING+], [MILITARY], [OVERT]

                          7. Wéi 圍 refers specifically to military attack by surrouding the enemy.

                          [MILITARY], [OVERT], [SPECIFIC]

                          8. Kòu 寇 refers derogatorily to a wanton enemy attack.

                          [DEROGATORY+], [MILITARY]

                        • ARROGATE





                          1. The current general word for arrogation of power is jiàn 僭.

                          [OCCASIONAL], [HIGH-DEGREE]

                          2. Nǐ 擬 refers to fraudulent and presumptuous assumption of the powers of a ruler.

                          [OCCASIONAL]; [RARE]

                          3. Shàn 擅 refers to unlicenced wilful assumption of powers of decision which do not belong to one.

                          [HABITUAL], [LOW-DEGREE]

                          4. Qīn 侵 refers to an often violent infringement of other's rights (and territories, see ATTACK).

                          [OCCASIONAL], [HIGH-DEGREE]

                          5. Líng 陵 refers to serious encroachment of others' rights or authority.

                          [HABITUAL], [SERIOUS]

                          6. Yú 踰, and yuè 越 refer to presumptuous or arrogant infringement of others' rights or authority.

                          [OCCASIONAL], [LOW-DEGREE]; [RARE]

                          7. Zhuān 專 (ant. fēn 分 "distribute properly") refers to the typically illegal monopolisation of power. For examples see MONOLOPOLISE

                          [LOW-DEGREE], [HABITUAL], [SPECIALISED]

                          Word relations
                        • Result: (ATTACK)削/CUT Xiāo 削 typically refers to cutting something off so as to reduce its size.
                        • Contrast: (ATTACK)伐/ATTACK Fá 伐 refers to a large-scale typically destructive formal attack by one state on another, typically formally announced, and with much beating of drums. [DESCENDING], [MILITARY], [LARGE-SCALE!], [OVERT]
                        • Assoc: (ARROGATE)逼 / 逼/THREATEN Bī 逼/偪 refers to a mild form of often emotionally based more indirect pressure, and the word is commonly an active transitive verb with a direct object.
                        • Assoc: (ATTACK)漁/ROB
                        • Assoc: (ATTACK)辱/DISGRACE Rǔ 辱 refers to public humiliation and public disgrace typically caused by overt actions or reactions of others.
                        • Assoc: (OFFEND)僭/OFFEND